
## 剑网三霸刀句子 (65句)

**1. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为破碎.**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is shattered.

**2. 铁血丹心,义薄云天,这是霸刀的信条.**

Iron blood and loyal heart, chivalry that reaches the heavens - this is the creed of the Ba Dao.

**3. 刀光如虹,一往无前,霸刀之魂,永不磨灭!**

Blade light like a rainbow, unstoppable forward, the spirit of the Ba Dao, forever unyielding!

**4. 挥刀断情,斩断世间一切烦恼.**

Swing the blade and sever all emotions, cut through all the troubles of the world.

**5. 我,霸刀,生来就注定要守护这片土地!**

I, the Ba Dao, was born to protect this land!

**6. 霸刀,刀锋所向,无坚不摧!**

Ba Dao, where the blade goes, nothing can withstand it!

**7. 挥刀斩断,斩断世间一切虚妄.**

Swing the blade and sever, cut through all the illusions of the world.

**8. 我手中的刀,并非为了杀戮,而是为了守护!**

The blade in my hand is not for killing, but for protection!

**9. 霸刀,以血铸魂,以魂凝刀!**

Ba Dao, forged with blood, solidified with spirit!

**10. 刀锋所指,皆为我的疆域!**

Where the blade points, that is my territory!

**11. 我是霸刀,我将用我的刀,守护这天下!**

I am the Ba Dao, and with my blade, I will protect this world!

**12. 一刀破万法,万法皆虚妄!**

One blade shatters all laws, all laws are illusory!

**13. 我,霸刀,守护的不仅仅是土地,更是人心!**

I, the Ba Dao, protect not only land, but also the hearts of people!

**14. 霸刀之气,浩然正气!**

The aura of the Ba Dao, righteous and noble!

**15. 刀光闪烁,照亮黑暗,指引迷途!**

The blade flashes, illuminating the darkness, guiding the lost.

**16. 我,霸刀,用刀斩断所有阻碍!**

I, the Ba Dao, will use my blade to cut down all obstacles!

**17. 霸刀,刀锋所向,唯我独尊!**

Ba Dao, where the blade goes, I stand alone!

**18. 一刀在手,天下我有!**

With a blade in hand, I possess the world!

**19. 我,霸刀,守护着这片土地,守护着我的家园!**

I, the Ba Dao, protect this land, I protect my home!

**20. 霸刀之威,震慑四方!**

The power of the Ba Dao, it strikes fear in all directions!

**21. 刀锋所向,皆为破碎,但破碎之后,必将迎来新生!**

Where the blade points, all is shattered, but after the shattering, there will be rebirth!

**22. 我,霸刀,以刀为道,以道为尊!**

I, the Ba Dao, follow the blade as my way, and the way as my respect!

**23. 霸刀,刀锋无情,却也充满着侠义之心!**

Ba Dao, the blade is merciless, yet it is filled with the heart of a chivalrous knight!

**24. 一刀斩尽世间恶,护佑天下太平!**

One blade cuts through all the evil in the world, protecting the peace of the world!

**25. 我手中的刀,不是杀人的工具,而是守护的象征!**

The blade in my hand is not a tool for killing, but a symbol of protection!

**26. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为正义!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is justice!

**27. 我,霸刀,以刀为剑,以剑为魂!**

I, the Ba Dao, use the blade as a sword, the sword as my spirit!

**28. 霸刀,刀锋所向,皆为希望!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is hope!

**29. 一刀斩破黑暗,照亮前路!**

One blade cuts through the darkness, illuminating the path ahead!

**30. 我,霸刀,用刀守护着我的信念!**

I, the Ba Dao, protect my beliefs with my blade!

**31. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为未来!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is the future!

**32. 一刀破万法,万法皆为虚!**

One blade shatters all laws, all laws are but an illusion!

**33. 我,霸刀,以刀为笔,写下我的故事!**

I, the Ba Dao, use the blade as my pen, to write my story!

**34. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为自由!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is freedom!

**35. 一刀斩断束缚,迎来新生!**

One blade severs the chains, bringing forth rebirth!

**36. 我,霸刀,以刀为道,以道为行!**

I, the Ba Dao, follow the blade as my way, and walk the way!

**37. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为守护!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is protection!

**38. 一刀斩破迷茫,指引方向!**

One blade cuts through confusion, guiding the way!

**39. 我,霸刀,以刀为剑,以剑为心!**

I, the Ba Dao, use the blade as my sword, my sword as my heart!

**40. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为永恒!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is eternal!

**41. 一刀斩断犹豫,坚定信念!**

One blade cuts through hesitation, solidifying beliefs!

**42. 我,霸刀,以刀为魂,以魂为刀!**

I, the Ba Dao, use the blade as my spirit, and my spirit as the blade!

**43. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为希望!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is hope!

**44. 一刀斩断恐惧,勇敢前行!**

One blade cuts through fear, marching forward bravely!

**45. 我,霸刀,以刀为道,以道为生!**

I, the Ba Dao, follow the blade as my way, and live by the way!

**46. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为真谛!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is the truth!

**47. 一刀斩断虚妄,回归本质!**

One blade cuts through illusion, returning to the essence!

**48. 我,霸刀,以刀为剑,以剑为路!**

I, the Ba Dao, use the blade as my sword, the sword as my path!

**49. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为力量!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is power!

**50. 一刀斩断枷锁,奔向自由!**

One blade cuts through chains, running towards freedom!

**51. 我,霸刀,以刀为魂,以魂为道!**

I, the Ba Dao, use the blade as my spirit, my spirit as my way!

**52. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为未来!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is the future!

**53. 一刀斩断过去,迎接未来!**

One blade cuts through the past, welcoming the future!

**54. 我,霸刀,以刀为剑,以剑为尊!**

I, the Ba Dao, use the blade as my sword, the sword as my respect!

**55. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为正义!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is justice!

**56. 一刀斩断黑暗,照亮世界!**

One blade cuts through darkness, illuminating the world!

**57. 我,霸刀,以刀为道,以道为行!**

I, the Ba Dao, follow the blade as my way, and walk the way!

**58. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为希望!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is hope!

**59. 一刀斩断犹豫,坚定步伐!**

One blade cuts through hesitation, solidifying footsteps!

**60. 我,霸刀,以刀为魂,以魂为刀!**

I, the Ba Dao, use the blade as my spirit, and my spirit as the blade!

**61. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为力量!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is power!

**62. 一刀斩断束缚,迎接自由!**

One blade cuts through chains, welcoming freedom!

**63. 我,霸刀,以刀为道,以道为生!**

I, the Ba Dao, follow the blade as my way, and live by the way!

**64. 霸刀,刀锋所指,皆为真谛!**

Ba Dao, where the blade points, all is the truth!

**65. 一刀斩断虚妄,回归本心!**

One blade cuts through illusion, returning to the true heart!

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