
## 大雪节气句子 (85句)


1. 大雪纷飞,银装素裹,天地一片洁白。

The heavy snow is falling, covering the land in a pristine white, a scene of pure beauty.

2. 雪花漫天飞舞,如轻盈的羽毛,飘飘洒洒,美不胜收。

The snowflakes dance and swirl in the sky, like light feathers, drifting down gracefully, a breathtaking sight.

3. 雪后初晴,阳光明媚,冰雪晶莹剔透,宛如水晶世界。

After the snow, the sun shines bright, illuminating the clear and sparkling ice and snow, creating a world of crystal.

4. 积雪覆盖山川河流,远望如银蛇舞动,壮丽无比。

The snow blankets the mountains and rivers, their silver curves resembling dancing serpents, a magnificent sight.

5. 雪花落在树枝上,像洁白的玉雕,晶莹剔透,美不胜收。

The snowflakes settle on the branches, like delicate white sculptures, clear and sparkling, a beautiful sight to behold.

6. 雪地里留下一串串脚印,仿佛诉说着冬日的童话。

The footprints in the snow tell a winter fairytale, a story of footsteps in the white canvas.

7. 大雪过后,万物沉睡,世界一片宁静祥和。

After the heavy snow, all things slumber, the world a serene and peaceful place.

8. 雪花飘落,像轻柔的音符,弹奏着冬天的旋律。

The snowflakes fall, like gentle notes, playing the melody of winter.

9. 大雪纷飞,世界仿佛被蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。

The snow falls heavily, shrouding the world in a veil of mystery.

10. 雪后初晴,天空湛蓝,白雪更加耀眼,美不胜收。

After the snow, the sky is a brilliant blue, making the white snow even more dazzling, a breathtaking sight.


11. 大雪节气,寒风凛冽,但心中却充满了温暖。

The Great Snow season brings a chilling wind, but warmth fills our hearts.

12. 望着漫天飞舞的雪花,心中涌起一种莫名的喜悦。

Gazing at the swirling snowflakes, a strange joy fills my heart.

13. 雪花轻轻地落在脸上,带来阵阵凉意,却也带来一份宁静。

The snowflakes gently touch my face, bringing a touch of coolness, but also a sense of peace.

14. 大雪节气,是冬日里最美的风景,也是最温暖的时刻。

The Great Snow season is the most beautiful scenery of winter, and also the warmest time.

15. 在大雪纷飞的日子里,更能感受到家的温暖。

On days of heavy snow, we feel the warmth of home even more.

16. 大雪节气,是思念亲人的时刻,也是期盼团聚的时刻。

The Great Snow season is a time to miss our loved ones, and a time to look forward to reunion.

17. 大雪节气,是冬眠的季节,也是积蓄力量的季节。

The Great Snow season is a time for hibernation, and a time to build up strength.

18. 大雪节气,让我们更加珍惜眼前人,珍惜温暖的时光。

The Great Snow season makes us cherish our loved ones even more, and value every moment of warmth.

19. 大雪节气,是冬日里最浪漫的时刻,也是最诗意的时刻。

The Great Snow season is the most romantic time of winter, and also the most poetic time.

20. 大雪节气,让我们更加懂得生命的坚韧,更加珍惜美好的生活。

The Great Snow season teaches us to appreciate the resilience of life, and to cherish the beauty of living.


21. 大雪节气,是农历二十四节气中的第21个节气,标志着冬季的正式开始。

The Great Snow season is the 21st of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunisolar calendar, marking the official start of winter.

22. 大雪节气,一般在每年的12月7日或8日。

The Great Snow season usually falls on December 7th or 8th each year.

23. 大雪节气,意味着降雪量将明显增多,气温也会进一步下降。

The Great Snow season signifies a significant increase in snowfall and a further drop in temperature.

24. 大雪节气,民间有许多习俗,例如吃饺子、喝腊八粥等等。

Many customs are associated with the Great Snow season, such as eating dumplings and drinking Laba porridge.

25. 大雪节气,也意味着人们需要做好防寒保暖的准备。

The Great Snow season also means people need to prepare for the cold weather and stay warm.

26. 大雪节气,是农作物休眠的季节,也是人们养精蓄锐的季节。

The Great Snow season is a time for crops to hibernate, and for people to recuperate and gather strength.

27. 大雪节气,是一个充满着希望的节气,预示着新的一年的到来。

The Great Snow season is a season filled with hope, heralding the arrival of a new year.

28. 大雪节气,是冬日里最诗意的时刻,也是最温暖的时刻。

The Great Snow season is the most poetic and warmest time of winter.

29. 大雪节气,是人们放慢脚步,享受冬日宁静的时刻。

The Great Snow season is a time for people to slow down and enjoy the tranquility of winter.

30. 大雪节气,让我们更加懂得珍惜生命的意义,珍惜眼前人。

The Great Snow season makes us appreciate the meaning of life and cherish our loved ones even more.


31. 雪花轻盈飘落,如同天上的仙女散花。

The snowflakes drift down lightly, like fairies scattering flowers from the heavens.

32. 雪花洁白无暇,像精雕细琢的玉器,晶莹剔透。

The snowflakes are pure white, like delicately carved jade, clear and sparkling.

33. 雪花落在屋顶上,像铺上一层厚厚的棉被,温暖而舒适。

The snowflakes settle on the rooftops, like a thick blanket of warmth and comfort.

34. 雪花落在树枝上,像洁白的装饰,点缀着冬日的景色。

The snowflakes settle on the branches, like white decorations, embellishing the winter scenery.

35. 雪花落在田野里,像一片片银色的海洋,美丽而壮观。

The snowflakes fall on the fields, like a silver ocean, beautiful and grand.

36. 雪花落在河流上,像一层薄薄的冰面,静静地流淌。

The snowflakes fall on the rivers, like a thin layer of ice, flowing quietly.

37. 雪花落在城市里,像一片片白色的羽毛,轻轻地飘落。

The snowflakes fall on the city, like white feathers, drifting down gently.

38. 雪花落在山川上,像一片片银色的纱衣,覆盖着山川的雄姿。

The snowflakes fall on the mountains, like silver veils, covering their majestic forms.

39. 雪花落在人们的脸上,像一片片冰凉的触感,却也带来一份宁静。

The snowflakes fall on people's faces, bringing a cool sensation, yet also a sense of peace.

40. 雪花落在万物上,像一片片白色的祝福,祝福着世间万物平安吉祥。

The snowflakes fall on all things, like white blessings, wishing peace and good fortune upon all living beings.


41. 冬天,是万物沉睡的季节,也是积蓄力量的季节。

Winter is a time for all things to slumber, and a time to build up strength.

42. 冬天,是寒冷的季节,但也是温暖的季节,因为有家人的陪伴。

Winter is a cold season, but also a warm one, because we have our families.

43. 冬天,是思念亲人的季节,也是期盼团聚的季节。

Winter is a time to miss our loved ones, and a time to look forward to reunion.

44. 冬天,是放慢脚步,享受宁静的季节。

Winter is a time to slow down and enjoy the tranquility.

45. 冬天,是读书学习,提升自我的好时机。

Winter is a great time to read, learn, and improve ourselves.

46. 冬天,是养生保健的最佳季节。

Winter is the best time for health care and maintenance.

47. 冬天,是感受生命坚韧,珍惜美好生活的季节。

Winter is a time to appreciate the resilience of life, and to cherish the beauty of living.

48. 冬天,是充满希望的季节,预示着新的一年的到来。

Winter is a season filled with hope, heralding the arrival of a new year.

49. 冬天,是生命的轮回,是自然的规律。

Winter is the cycle of life, the law of nature.

50. 冬天,是万物沉寂,孕育希望的季节。

Winter is a time when all things are quiet, nurturing hope.


51. “忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。” (岑参)

“Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, a thousand trees, ten thousand trees blossom with pear flowers.” (Cen Can)

52. “燕山雪花大如席,片片吹落轩辕台。” (李白)

“The snowflakes on the Yanshan Mountains are as large as mats, each one falling on the Xuanyuan Terrace.” (Li Bai)

53. “柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。” (刘长卿)

“I hear dogs barking at the wood gate, a person returns home on a snowy night.” (Liu Changqing)

54. “窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。” (杜甫)

“The window holds the eternal snow of the Western Ridge, the door docks the boat that has traveled ten thousand miles from the Eastern Wu.” (Du Fu)

55. “孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。” (柳宗元)

“A solitary boat, a fisherman in a straw cloak, fishing alone in the cold river snow.” (Liu Zongyuan)

56. “千里冰封,万里雪飘。” (毛泽东)

“The ice is frozen for a thousand miles, the snow drifts for ten thousand miles.” (Mao Zedong)

57. “风雪夜归人,孤灯伴寒影。” (佚名)

“A person returns home on a snowy night, a solitary lamp accompanies the cold shadow.” (Anonymous)

58. “大雪压青松,青松挺且直。” (佚名)

“Heavy snow presses down on the green pine, the green pine stands tall and straight.” (Anonymous)

59. “雪拥蓝关马不前,雪阻长城人尽寒。” (佚名)

“The snow piles up at the Blue Pass, the horses cannot move forward, the snow blocks the Great Wall, all people are cold.” (Anonymous)

60. “白雪纷纷何所似,似我愁心一片白。” (佚名)

“The white snow falls, what is it like? It is like my sorrowful heart, all white.” (Anonymous)


61. 大雪节气,是冬日里最美丽的风景,也是最温暖的时刻。

The Great Snow season is the most beautiful scenery of winter, and also the warmest time.

62. 大雪纷飞,银装素裹,世界仿佛被蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。

The snow falls heavily, shrouding the world in a veil of mystery.

63. 大雪节气,是思念亲人的时刻,也是期盼团聚的时刻。

The Great Snow season is a time to miss our loved ones, and a time to look forward to reunion.

64. 大雪节气,让我们更加懂得生命的坚韧,更加珍惜美好的生活。

The Great Snow season teaches us to appreciate the resilience of life, and to cherish the beauty of living.

65. 大雪节气,是冬日里最浪漫的时刻,也是最诗意的时刻。

The Great Snow season is the most romantic time of winter, and also the most poetic time.

66. 大雪节气,是农作物休眠的季节,也是人们养精蓄锐的季节。

The Great Snow season is a time for crops to hibernate, and for people to recuperate and gather strength.

67. 大雪节气,是一个充满着希望的节气,预示着新的一年的到来。

The Great Snow season is a season filled with hope, heralding the arrival of a new year.

68. 大雪节气,是人们放慢脚步,享受冬日宁静的时刻。

The Great Snow season is a time for people to slow down and enjoy the tranquility of winter.

69. 大雪节气,让我们更加懂得珍惜生命的意义,珍惜眼前人。

The Great Snow season makes us appreciate the meaning of life and cherish our loved ones even more.

70. 雪花轻盈飘落,如同天上的仙女散花。

The snowflakes drift down lightly, like fairies scattering flowers from the heavens.

71. 雪花洁白无暇,像精雕细琢的玉器,晶莹剔透。

The snowflakes are pure white, like delicately carved jade, clear and sparkling.

72. 雪花落在屋顶上,像铺上一层厚厚的棉被,温暖而舒适。

The snowflakes settle on the rooftops, like a thick blanket of warmth and comfort.

73. 雪花落在树枝上,像洁白的装饰,点缀着冬日的景色。

The snowflakes settle on the branches, like white decorations, embellishing the winter scenery.

74. 雪花落在田野里,像一片片银色的海洋,美丽而壮观。

The snowflakes fall on the fields, like a silver ocean, beautiful and grand.

75. 雪花落在河流上,像一层薄薄的冰面,静静地流淌。

The snowflakes fall on the rivers, like a thin layer of ice, flowing quietly.

76. 雪花落在城市里,像一片片白色的羽毛,轻轻地飘落。

The snowflakes fall on the city, like white feathers, drifting down gently.

77. 雪花落在山川上,像一片片银色的纱衣,覆盖着山川的雄姿。

The snowflakes fall on the mountains, like silver veils, covering their majestic forms.

78. 雪花落在人们的脸上,像一片片冰凉的触感,却也带来一份宁静。

The snowflakes fall on people's faces, bringing a cool sensation, yet also a sense of peace.

79. 雪花落在万物上,像一片片白色的祝福,祝福着世间万物平安吉祥。

The snowflakes fall on all things, like white blessings, wishing peace and good fortune upon all living beings.

80. 冬天,是万物沉睡的季节,也是积蓄力量的季节。

Winter is a time for all things to slumber, and a time to build up strength.

81. 冬天,是寒冷的季节,但也是温暖的季节,因为有家人的陪伴。

Winter is a cold season, but also a warm one, because we have our families.

82. 冬天,是思念亲人的季节,也是期盼团聚的季节。

Winter is a time to miss our loved ones, and a time to look forward to reunion.

83. 冬天,是放慢脚步,享受宁静的季节。

Winter is a time to slow down and enjoy the tranquility.

84. 冬天,是读书学习,提升自我的好时机。

Winter is a great time to read, learn, and improve ourselves.

85. 冬天,是养生保健的最佳季节。

Winter is the best time for health care and maintenance.

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