
## 83句玩笑归玩笑句子

1. 我今天早上出门的时候,发现我的车不见了。结果发现我走错了停车场,我的车一直都在那里。真是太笨了!

English: I went out this morning and found my car was gone. Turns out I was in the wrong parking lot, my car was there all along. I'm such a goofball!

2. 我最近一直在努力减肥,结果发现我减的都是我的智商。

English: I've been trying to lose weight recently, and I realized I've been losing my IQ instead.

3. 我决定要戒掉垃圾食品,然后我发现我根本就戒不掉。

English: I decided to quit junk food, then I realized I can't quit at all.

4. 我昨天晚上做了一个梦,梦见我在吃一大块巧克力蛋糕,然后我醒了,发现我是在梦里吃。

English: I had a dream last night that I was eating a big piece of chocolate cake, and then I woke up and realized I was eating it in my dream.

5. 我今天早上出门的时候,不小心把手机掉进了马桶里,结果发现手机还是可以用的,只是马桶坏了。

English: This morning when I went out, I accidentally dropped my phone into the toilet, and it turned out the phone still works, but the toilet is broken.

6. 我今天早上醒来,发现我的床头柜上有一只蟑螂,结果发现是我自己昨晚把蟑螂放上去的。

English: I woke up this morning and found a cockroach on my nightstand, and it turned out I put it there myself last night.

7. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的餐厅吃饭,结果发现这家餐厅的老板就是我隔壁邻居。

English: I went to a new restaurant last night, and it turned out the owner was my neighbor.

8. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的酒吧喝酒,结果发现酒吧里所有的酒都是免费的。

English: I went to a new bar last night, and it turned out all the drinks were free.

9. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的电影院看电影,结果发现电影院里只有我一个人。

English: I went to a new movie theater last night, and it turned out I was the only one there.

10. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的宠物店买宠物,结果发现宠物店里所有的宠物都是假的。

English: I went to a new pet store last night to buy a pet, and it turned out all the pets were fake.

11. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的书店买书,结果发现书店里的书都是空白的。

English: I went to a new bookstore last night to buy a book, and it turned out all the books were blank.

12. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的超市买菜,结果发现超市里的蔬菜都是塑料做的。

English: I went to a new supermarket last night to buy vegetables, and it turned out the vegetables were all made of plastic.

13. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的咖啡店喝咖啡,结果发现咖啡店里的咖啡都是冰的。

English: I went to a new coffee shop last night to have a cup of coffee, and it turned out the coffee was all iced.

14. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的理发店理发,结果发现理发店里的理发师都是机器人。

English: I went to a new barber shop last night to get a haircut, and it turned out the barbers were all robots.

15. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的服装店买衣服,结果发现服装店里的衣服都是反着穿的。

English: I went to a new clothing store last night to buy clothes, and it turned out the clothes in the store were all worn inside out.

16. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的银行存钱,结果发现银行里的柜员都是猴子。

English: I went to a new bank last night to deposit money, and it turned out the tellers were all monkeys.

17. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的医院看病,结果发现医院里的医生都是病人。

English: I went to a new hospital last night to see a doctor, and it turned out the doctors were all patients.

18. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的学校上学,结果发现学校里的老师都是学生。

English: I went to a new school last night to go to school, and it turned out the teachers were all students.

19. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的图书馆借书,结果发现图书馆里的书都是漫画。

English: I went to a new library last night to borrow a book, and it turned out the books in the library were all comics.

20. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的博物馆参观,结果发现博物馆里的展品都是假的。

English: I went to a new museum last night to visit, and it turned out the exhibits were all fake.

21. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的动物园看动物,结果发现动物园里的动物都是人类。

English: I went to a new zoo last night to see animals, and it turned out the animals were all humans.

22. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的游乐场玩,结果发现游乐场里的游乐设施都是静止的。

English: I went to a new amusement park last night to play, and it turned out the rides were all stationary.

23. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的商店买东西,结果发现商店里的商品都是免费的。

English: I went to a new store last night to buy something, and it turned out the goods in the store were all free.

24. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的餐厅吃饭,结果发现餐厅里的菜都是用石头做的。

English: I went to a new restaurant last night to eat, and it turned out the food in the restaurant was all made of stone.

25. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的酒吧喝酒,结果发现酒吧里的酒都是用牛奶做的。

English: I went to a new bar last night to drink, and it turned out the drinks in the bar were all made with milk.

26. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的电影院看电影,结果发现电影院里的电影都是无声电影。

English: I went to a new movie theater last night to watch a movie, and it turned out the movies in the theater were all silent movies.

27. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的宠物店买宠物,结果发现宠物店里的宠物都是玩具。

English: I went to a new pet store last night to buy a pet, and it turned out the pets in the store were all toys.

28. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的书店买书,结果发现书店里的书都是漫画。

English: I went to a new bookstore last night to buy a book, and it turned out the books in the bookstore were all comics.

29. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的超市买菜,结果发现超市里的蔬菜都是塑料做的。

English: I went to a new supermarket last night to buy vegetables, and it turned out the vegetables in the supermarket were all made of plastic.

30. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的咖啡店喝咖啡,结果发现咖啡店里的咖啡都是冰的。

English: I went to a new coffee shop last night to have a cup of coffee, and it turned out the coffee in the coffee shop was all iced.

31. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的理发店理发,结果发现理发店里的理发师都是机器人。

English: I went to a new barber shop last night to get a haircut, and it turned out the barbers in the barber shop were all robots.

32. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的服装店买衣服,结果发现服装店里的衣服都是反着穿的。

English: I went to a new clothing store last night to buy clothes, and it turned out the clothes in the clothing store were all worn inside out.

33. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的银行存钱,结果发现银行里的柜员都是猴子。

English: I went to a new bank last night to deposit money, and it turned out the tellers in the bank were all monkeys.

34. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的医院看病,结果发现医院里的医生都是病人。

English: I went to a new hospital last night to see a doctor, and it turned out the doctors in the hospital were all patients.

35. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的学校上学,结果发现学校里的老师都是学生。

English: I went to a new school last night to go to school, and it turned out the teachers in the school were all students.

36. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的图书馆借书,结果发现图书馆里的书都是漫画。

English: I went to a new library last night to borrow a book, and it turned out the books in the library were all comics.

37. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的博物馆参观,结果发现博物馆里的展品都是假的。

English: I went to a new museum last night to visit, and it turned out the exhibits in the museum were all fake.

38. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的动物园看动物,结果发现动物园里的动物都是人类。

English: I went to a new zoo last night to see animals, and it turned out the animals in the zoo were all humans.

39. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的游乐场玩,结果发现游乐场里的游乐设施都是静止的。

English: I went to a new amusement park last night to play, and it turned out the rides in the amusement park were all stationary.

40. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的商店买东西,结果发现商店里的商品都是免费的。

English: I went to a new store last night to buy something, and it turned out the goods in the store were all free.

41. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的餐厅吃饭,结果发现餐厅里的菜都是用石头做的。

English: I went to a new restaurant last night to eat, and it turned out the food in the restaurant was all made of stone.

42. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的酒吧喝酒,结果发现酒吧里的酒都是用牛奶做的。

English: I went to a new bar last night to drink, and it turned out the drinks in the bar were all made with milk.

43. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的电影院看电影,结果发现电影院里的电影都是无声电影。

English: I went to a new movie theater last night to watch a movie, and it turned out the movies in the theater were all silent movies.

44. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的宠物店买宠物,结果发现宠物店里的宠物都是玩具。

English: I went to a new pet store last night to buy a pet, and it turned out the pets in the pet store were all toys.

45. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的书店买书,结果发现书店里的书都是漫画。

English: I went to a new bookstore last night to buy a book, and it turned out the books in the bookstore were all comics.

46. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的超市买菜,结果发现超市里的蔬菜都是塑料做的。

English: I went to a new supermarket last night to buy vegetables, and it turned out the vegetables in the supermarket were all made of plastic.

47. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的咖啡店喝咖啡,结果发现咖啡店里的咖啡都是冰的。

English: I went to a new coffee shop last night to have a cup of coffee, and it turned out the coffee in the coffee shop was all iced.

48. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的理发店理发,结果发现理发店里的理发师都是机器人。

English: I went to a new barber shop last night to get a haircut, and it turned out the barbers in the barber shop were all robots.

49. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的服装店买衣服,结果发现服装店里的衣服都是反着穿的。

English: I went to a new clothing store last night to buy clothes, and it turned out the clothes in the clothing store were all worn inside out.

50. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的银行存钱,结果发现银行里的柜员都是猴子。

English: I went to a new bank last night to deposit money, and it turned out the tellers in the bank were all monkeys.

51. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的医院看病,结果发现医院里的医生都是病人。

English: I went to a new hospital last night to see a doctor, and it turned out the doctors in the hospital were all patients.

52. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的学校上学,结果发现学校里的老师都是学生。

English: I went to a new school last night to go to school, and it turned out the teachers in the school were all students.

53. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的图书馆借书,结果发现图书馆里的书都是漫画。

English: I went to a new library last night to borrow a book, and it turned out the books in the library were all comics.

54. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的博物馆参观,结果发现博物馆里的展品都是假的。

English: I went to a new museum last night to visit, and it turned out the exhibits in the museum were all fake.

55. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的动物园看动物,结果发现动物园里的动物都是人类。

English: I went to a new zoo last night to see animals, and it turned out the animals in the zoo were all humans.

56. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的游乐场玩,结果发现游乐场里的游乐设施都是静止的。

English: I went to a new amusement park last night to play, and it turned out the rides in the amusement park were all stationary.

57. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的商店买东西,结果发现商店里的商品都是免费的。

English: I went to a new store last night to buy something, and it turned out the goods in the store were all free.

58. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的餐厅吃饭,结果发现餐厅里的菜都是用石头做的。

English: I went to a new restaurant last night to eat, and it turned out the food in the restaurant was all made of stone.

59. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的酒吧喝酒,结果发现酒吧里的酒都是用牛奶做的。

English: I went to a new bar last night to drink, and it turned out the drinks in the bar were all made with milk.

60. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的电影院看电影,结果发现电影院里的电影都是无声电影。

English: I went to a new movie theater last night to watch a movie, and it turned out the movies in the theater were all silent movies.

61. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的宠物店买宠物,结果发现宠物店里的宠物都是玩具。

English: I went to a new pet store last night to buy a pet, and it turned out the pets in the pet store were all toys.

62. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的书店买书,结果发现书店里的书都是漫画。

English: I went to a new bookstore last night to buy a book, and it turned out the books in the bookstore were all comics.

63. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的超市买菜,结果发现超市里的蔬菜都是塑料做的。

English: I went to a new supermarket last night to buy vegetables, and it turned out the vegetables in the supermarket were all made of plastic.

64. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的咖啡店喝咖啡,结果发现咖啡店里的咖啡都是冰的。

English: I went to a new coffee shop last night to have a cup of coffee, and it turned out the coffee in the coffee shop was all iced.

65. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的理发店理发,结果发现理发店里的理发师都是机器人。

English: I went to a new barber shop last night to get a haircut, and it turned out the barbers in the barber shop were all robots.

66. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的服装店买衣服,结果发现服装店里的衣服都是反着穿的。

English: I went to a new clothing store last night to buy clothes, and it turned out the clothes in the clothing store were all worn inside out.

67. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的银行存钱,结果发现银行里的柜员都是猴子。

English: I went to a new bank last night to deposit money, and it turned out the tellers in the bank were all monkeys.

68. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的医院看病,结果发现医院里的医生都是病人。

English: I went to a new hospital last night to see a doctor, and it turned out the doctors in the hospital were all patients.

69. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的学校上学,结果发现学校里的老师都是学生。

English: I went to a new school last night to go to school, and it turned out the teachers in the school were all students.

70. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的图书馆借书,结果发现图书馆里的书都是漫画。

English: I went to a new library last night to borrow a book, and it turned out the books in the library were all comics.

71. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的博物馆参观,结果发现博物馆里的展品都是假的。

English: I went to a new museum last night to visit, and it turned out the exhibits in the museum were all fake.

72. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的动物园看动物,结果发现动物园里的动物都是人类。

English: I went to a new zoo last night to see animals, and it turned out the animals in the zoo were all humans.

73. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的游乐场玩,结果发现游乐场里的游乐设施都是静止的。

English: I went to a new amusement park last night to play, and it turned out the rides in the amusement park were all stationary.

74. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的商店买东西,结果发现商店里的商品都是免费的。

English: I went to a new store last night to buy something, and it turned out the goods in the store were all free.

75. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的餐厅吃饭,结果发现餐厅里的菜都是用石头做的。

English: I went to a new restaurant last night to eat, and it turned out the food in the restaurant was all made of stone.

76. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的酒吧喝酒,结果发现酒吧里的酒都是用牛奶做的。

English: I went to a new bar last night to drink, and it turned out the drinks in the bar were all made with milk.

77. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的电影院看电影,结果发现电影院里的电影都是无声电影。

English: I went to a new movie theater last night to watch a movie, and it turned out the movies in the theater were all silent movies.

78. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的宠物店买宠物,结果发现宠物店里的宠物都是玩具。

English: I went to a new pet store last night to buy a pet, and it turned out the pets in the pet store were all toys.

79. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的书店买书,结果发现书店里的书都是漫画。

English: I went to a new bookstore last night to buy a book, and it turned out the books in the bookstore were all comics.

80. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的超市买菜,结果发现超市里的蔬菜都是塑料做的。

English: I went to a new supermarket last night to buy vegetables, and it turned out the vegetables in the supermarket were all made of plastic.

81. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的咖啡店喝咖啡,结果发现咖啡店里的咖啡都是冰的。

English: I went to a new coffee shop last night to have a cup of coffee, and it turned out the coffee in the coffee shop was all iced.

82. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的理发店理发,结果发现理发店里的理发师都是机器人。

English: I went to a new barber shop last night to get a haircut, and it turned out the barbers in the barber shop were all robots.

83. 我昨天晚上去了一家新开的服装店买衣服,结果发现服装店里的衣服都是反着穿的。

English: I went to a new clothing store last night to buy clothes, and it turned out the clothes in the clothing store were all worn inside out.

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