
## 玩笑话里的真心话句子 (71句)

**1. 我这个人吧,就是喜欢没事找事,然后给自己找麻烦。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to look for trouble when there is none, and then make things harder for myself.

**2. 我真希望我能像别人一样,过着正常人的生活,而不是每天都在胡思乱想。**

I really wish I could be like other people and live a normal life, instead of constantly overthinking everything.

**3. 我太喜欢钱了,所以我决定放弃它。**

I love money so much that I decided to give it up.

**4. 我是一个非常有原则的人,比如:今天想吃什么就吃什么,想睡到几点就睡到几点。**

I am a very principled person, like, I eat whatever I want today, and I sleep until whenever I want to.

**5. 我的梦想就是成为一个百万富翁,然后每天睡到自然醒,然后再做梦。**

My dream is to become a millionaire, wake up naturally every day, and then keep dreaming.

**6. 我是一个非常独立的人,除了吃饭、睡觉、玩手机,我什么都不依赖。**

I am a very independent person. I don't rely on anything except eating, sleeping, and playing with my phone.

**7. 我是一个非常乐观的人,我相信明天会更糟糕。**

I am a very optimistic person, I believe tomorrow will be worse.

**8. 我的人生信条就是:今天的事今天不做,明天就更不想做了。**

My life motto is: If you don't do it today, you will be even less motivated to do it tomorrow.

**9. 我是一个非常有毅力的人,比如:我要减肥,我要从明天开始。**

I am a very determined person, for example: I want to lose weight, I will start tomorrow.

**10. 我这个人啊,就是喜欢用最笨的方法做最难的事。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to use the most foolish method to do the hardest things.

**11. 我是一个非常有魅力的人,比如:我有一张特别能说服自己的脸。**

I am a very charming person, for example, I have a face that can especially convince myself.

**12. 我的座右铭是:不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友。**

My motto is: I am not afraid of god-like opponents, I am afraid of teammates like pigs.

**13. 我的人生目标就是:活得像个普通人一样,然后在不经意间惊艳所有人。**

My life goal is to live like an ordinary person, and then surprise everyone unexpectedly.

**14. 我是一个非常有计划的人,比如:我计划明天要睡到自然醒,然后什么都不做。**

I am a very organized person, for example: I plan to wake up naturally tomorrow and then do nothing.

**15. 我的人生格言是:人生苦短,及时行乐,当然,前提是能行乐。**

My life motto is: Life is short, have fun while you can, of course, the premise is that you can have fun.

**16. 我这个人吧,就是喜欢用最简单的方法解决最复杂的问题,比如:我决定放弃。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to solve the most complex problems with the simplest methods, for example: I decided to give up.

**17. 我是一个非常热爱生活的人,比如:我特别喜欢吃,尤其是别人做的饭。**

I am a person who loves life very much, for example, I especially like to eat, especially food made by others.

**18. 我是一个非常有爱心的人,比如:我会把我的零食分享给别人,只要别人不要。**

I am a very loving person, for example, I will share my snacks with others, as long as they don't want them.

**19. 我的人生信条就是:没有困难创造困难也要上。**

My life motto is: If there are no difficulties, create them and go for it.

**20. 我是一个非常有梦想的人,比如:我梦想着有一天能成为一个无忧无虑的普通人。**

I am a very ambitious person, for example, I dream that one day I can become a carefree ordinary person.

**21. 我是一个非常有责任感的人,比如:我对自己负责,绝不强迫自己做不喜欢的事。**

I am a very responsible person, for example, I am responsible for myself, and I will never force myself to do something I don't like.

**22. 我是一个非常有毅力的人,比如:我决定要减肥,从明天开始,然后就明天再说。**

I am a very determined person, for example, I decided to lose weight, starting tomorrow, and then we'll talk about it tomorrow.

**23. 我的梦想就是成为一个大人物,然后在公众场合说一些不着边际的话。**

My dream is to become a big shot, and then say things that don't make sense in public.

**24. 我是一个非常有目标的人,比如:我的人生目标就是努力成为一个不努力的人。**

I am a very goal-oriented person, for example: My life goal is to strive to become a person who doesn't strive.

**25. 我这个人啊,就是喜欢用最简单的方法解决最复杂的问题,比如:我决定装作不知道。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to solve the most complex problems with the simplest methods, for example: I decided to pretend I don't know.

**26. 我是一个非常有原则的人,比如:我绝不随波逐流,除非潮流方向是我喜欢的。**

I am a very principled person, for example: I will never follow the crowd, unless the direction of the tide is what I like.

**27. 我的人生信条就是:活在当下,及时行乐,当然,前提是我能行乐。**

My life motto is: Live in the moment, have fun while you can, of course, the premise is that I can have fun.

**28. 我是一个非常有魅力的人,比如:我有一张特别能说服自己的脸,因为我的脸皮很厚。**

I am a very charming person, for example, I have a face that can especially convince myself, because my face is very thick.

**29. 我的人生目标就是:努力成为一个不努力的人,然后过着不努力的生活。**

My life goal is to strive to become a person who doesn't strive, and then live a life without striving.

**30. 我这个人啊,就是喜欢用最笨的方法做最难的事,比如:我决定坚持到底。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to use the most foolish method to do the hardest things, for example: I decided to persevere.

**31. 我是一个非常热爱生活的人,比如:我特别喜欢吃,尤其是别人做的饭,因为我不会做。**

I am a person who loves life very much, for example, I especially like to eat, especially food made by others, because I can't cook.

**32. 我是一个非常有爱心的人,比如:我会把我的零食分享给别人,只要别人不要,因为我喜欢吃。**

I am a very loving person, for example, I will share my snacks with others, as long as they don't want them, because I love to eat.

**33. 我的人生信条就是:没有困难创造困难也要上,因为我闲着也是闲着。**

My life motto is: If there are no difficulties, create them and go for it, because I have nothing better to do.

**34. 我是一个非常有梦想的人,比如:我梦想着有一天能成为一个无忧无虑的普通人,然后继续做梦。**

I am a very ambitious person, for example, I dream that one day I can become a carefree ordinary person, and then continue dreaming.

**35. 我是一个非常有责任感的人,比如:我对自己负责,绝不强迫自己做不喜欢的事,除非有奖励。**

I am a very responsible person, for example, I am responsible for myself, and I will never force myself to do something I don't like, unless there is a reward.

**36. 我是一个非常有毅力的人,比如:我决定要减肥,从明天开始,然后就明天再说,因为今天吃太饱了。**

I am a very determined person, for example, I decided to lose weight, starting tomorrow, and then we'll talk about it tomorrow, because I ate too much today.

**37. 我的梦想就是成为一个大人物,然后在公众场合说一些不着边际的话,因为这样比较吸引人。**

My dream is to become a big shot, and then say things that don't make sense in public, because it's more appealing.

**38. 我是一个非常有目标的人,比如:我的人生目标就是努力成为一个不努力的人,然后过着不努力的生活,因为这样很轻松。**

I am a very goal-oriented person, for example: My life goal is to strive to become a person who doesn't strive, and then live a life without striving, because it's easy.

**39. 我这个人啊,就是喜欢用最简单的方法解决最复杂的问题,比如:我决定装作不知道,因为这样比较省事。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to solve the most complex problems with the simplest methods, for example: I decided to pretend I don't know, because it's less trouble.

**40. 我是一个非常有原则的人,比如:我绝不随波逐流,除非潮流方向是我喜欢的,因为我很有个性。**

I am a very principled person, for example: I will never follow the crowd, unless the direction of the tide is what I like, because I am very unique.

**41. 我的人生信条就是:活在当下,及时行乐,当然,前提是我能行乐,因为人生苦短。**

My life motto is: Live in the moment, have fun while you can, of course, the premise is that I can have fun, because life is short.

**42. 我是一个非常有魅力的人,比如:我有一张特别能说服自己的脸,因为我的脸皮很厚,而且我特别会讲道理。**

I am a very charming person, for example, I have a face that can especially convince myself, because my face is very thick, and I am very good at arguing.

**43. 我的人生目标就是:努力成为一个不努力的人,然后过着不努力的生活,因为这样很轻松,而且很舒服。**

My life goal is to strive to become a person who doesn't strive, and then live a life without striving, because it's easy and comfortable.

**44. 我这个人啊,就是喜欢用最笨的方法做最难的事,比如:我决定坚持到底,因为我非常固执。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to use the most foolish method to do the hardest things, for example: I decided to persevere, because I am very stubborn.

**45. 我是一个非常热爱生活的人,比如:我特别喜欢吃,尤其是别人做的饭,因为我不会做,而且我比较懒。**

I am a person who loves life very much, for example, I especially like to eat, especially food made by others, because I can't cook, and I am lazy.

**46. 我是一个非常有爱心的人,比如:我会把我的零食分享给别人,只要别人不要,因为我有很多,而且我舍不得吃。**

I am a very loving person, for example, I will share my snacks with others, as long as they don't want them, because I have a lot, and I am reluctant to eat them.

**47. 我的人生信条就是:没有困难创造困难也要上,因为我闲着也是闲着,而且我喜欢挑战。**

My life motto is: If there are no difficulties, create them and go for it, because I have nothing better to do, and I like challenges.

**48. 我是一个非常有梦想的人,比如:我梦想着有一天能成为一个无忧无虑的普通人,然后继续做梦,因为我太爱做梦了。**

I am a very ambitious person, for example, I dream that one day I can become a carefree ordinary person, and then continue dreaming, because I love dreaming too much.

**49. 我是一个非常有责任感的人,比如:我对自己负责,绝不强迫自己做不喜欢的事,除非有奖励,而且奖励要足够多。**

I am a very responsible person, for example, I am responsible for myself, and I will never force myself to do something I don't like, unless there is a reward, and the reward must be large enough.

**50. 我是一个非常有毅力的人,比如:我决定要减肥,从明天开始,然后就明天再说,因为今天吃太饱了,而且我明天还要继续吃。**

I am a very determined person, for example, I decided to lose weight, starting tomorrow, and then we'll talk about it tomorrow, because I ate too much today, and I'm going to continue eating tomorrow.

**51. 我的梦想就是成为一个大人物,然后在公众场合说一些不着边际的话,因为这样比较吸引人,而且比较有意思。**

My dream is to become a big shot, and then say things that don't make sense in public, because it's more appealing, and it's more interesting.

**52. 我是一个非常有目标的人,比如:我的人生目标就是努力成为一个不努力的人,然后过着不努力的生活,因为这样很轻松,而且很舒服,而且很适合我。**

I am a very goal-oriented person, for example: My life goal is to strive to become a person who doesn't strive, and then live a life without striving, because it's easy, comfortable, and suits me.

**53. 我这个人啊,就是喜欢用最笨的方法做最难的事,比如:我决定坚持到底,因为我非常固执,而且我比较笨。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to use the most foolish method to do the hardest things, for example: I decided to persevere, because I am very stubborn, and I am stupid.

**54. 我是一个非常热爱生活的人,比如:我特别喜欢吃,尤其是别人做的饭,因为我不会做,而且我比较懒,而且我比较挑剔。**

I am a person who loves life very much, for example, I especially like to eat, especially food made by others, because I can't cook, and I am lazy, and I am picky.

**55. 我是一个非常有爱心的人,比如:我会把我的零食分享给别人,只要别人不要,因为我有很多,而且我舍不得吃,而且我比较大方。**

I am a very loving person, for example, I will share my snacks with others, as long as they don't want them, because I have a lot, and I am reluctant to eat them, and I am generous.

**56. 我的人生信条就是:没有困难创造困难也要上,因为我闲着也是闲着,而且我喜欢挑战,而且我比较爱冒险。**

My life motto is: If there are no difficulties, create them and go for it, because I have nothing better to do, and I like challenges, and I am adventurous.

**57. 我是一个非常有梦想的人,比如:我梦想着有一天能成为一个无忧无虑的普通人,然后继续做梦,因为我太爱做梦了,而且我比较天真。**

I am a very ambitious person, for example, I dream that one day I can become a carefree ordinary person, and then continue dreaming, because I love dreaming too much, and I am naive.

**58. 我是一个非常有责任感的人,比如:我对自己负责,绝不强迫自己做不喜欢的事,除非有奖励,而且奖励要足够多,而且要符合我的标准。**

I am a very responsible person, for example, I am responsible for myself, and I will never force myself to do something I don't like, unless there is a reward, and the reward must be large enough, and it must meet my standards.

**59. 我是一个非常有毅力的人,比如:我决定要减肥,从明天开始,然后就明天再说,因为今天吃太饱了,而且我明天还要继续吃,而且我比较容易放弃。**

I am a very determined person, for example, I decided to lose weight, starting tomorrow, and then we'll talk about it tomorrow, because I ate too much today, and I'm going to continue eating tomorrow, and I am prone to giving up.

**60. 我的梦想就是成为一个大人物,然后在公众场合说一些不着边际的话,因为这样比较吸引人,而且比较有意思,而且比较容易引起关注。**

My dream is to become a big shot, and then say things that don't make sense in public, because it's more appealing, and it's more interesting, and it's easier to attract attention.

**61. 我是一个非常有目标的人,比如:我的人生目标就是努力成为一个不努力的人,然后过着不努力的生活,因为这样很轻松,而且很舒服,而且很适合我,而且这是我的人生追求。**

I am a very goal-oriented person, for example: My life goal is to strive to become a person who doesn't strive, and then live a life without striving, because it's easy, comfortable, and suits me, and it's my life pursuit.

**62. 我这个人啊,就是喜欢用最笨的方法做最难的事,比如:我决定坚持到底,因为我非常固执,而且我比较笨,而且我比较喜欢挑战。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to use the most foolish method to do the hardest things, for example: I decided to persevere, because I am very stubborn, and I am stupid, and I like challenges.

**63. 我是一个非常热爱生活的人,比如:我特别喜欢吃,尤其是别人做的饭,因为我不会做,而且我比较懒,而且我比较挑剔,而且我比较爱吃。**

I am a person who loves life very much, for example, I especially like to eat, especially food made by others, because I can't cook, and I am lazy, and I am picky, and I love to eat.

**64. 我是一个非常有爱心的人,比如:我会把我的零食分享给别人,只要别人不要,因为我有很多,而且我舍不得吃,而且我比较大方,而且我比较乐于助人。**

I am a very loving person, for example, I will share my snacks with others, as long as they don't want them, because I have a lot, and I am reluctant to eat them, and I am generous, and I am helpful.

**65. 我的人生信条就是:没有困难创造困难也要上,因为我闲着也是闲着,而且我喜欢挑战,而且我比较爱冒险,而且我喜欢尝试新鲜事物。**

My life motto is: If there are no difficulties, create them and go for it, because I have nothing better to do, and I like challenges, and I am adventurous, and I like to try new things.

**66. 我是一个非常有梦想的人,比如:我梦想着有一天能成为一个无忧无虑的普通人,然后继续做梦,因为我太爱做梦了,而且我比较天真,而且我比较乐观。**

I am a very ambitious person, for example, I dream that one day I can become a carefree ordinary person, and then continue dreaming, because I love dreaming too much, and I am naive, and I am optimistic.

**67. 我是一个非常有责任感的人,比如:我对自己负责,绝不强迫自己做不喜欢的事,除非有奖励,而且奖励要足够多,而且要符合我的标准,而且要让我满意。**

I am a very responsible person, for example, I am responsible for myself, and I will never force myself to do something I don't like, unless there is a reward, and the reward must be large enough, and it must meet my standards, and it must satisfy me.

**68. 我是一个非常有毅力的人,比如:我决定要减肥,从明天开始,然后就明天再说,因为今天吃太饱了,而且我明天还要继续吃,而且我比较容易放弃,而且我比较容易被诱惑。**

I am a very determined person, for example, I decided to lose weight, starting tomorrow, and then we'll talk about it tomorrow, because I ate too much today, and I'm going to continue eating tomorrow, and I am prone to giving up, and I am easily tempted.

**69. 我的梦想就是成为一个大人物,然后在公众场合说一些不着边际的话,因为这样比较吸引人,而且比较有意思,而且比较容易引起关注,而且比较容易出名。**

My dream is to become a big shot, and then say things that don't make sense in public, because it's more appealing, and it's more interesting, and it's easier to attract attention, and it's easier to become famous.

**70. 我是一个非常有目标的人,比如:我的人生目标就是努力成为一个不努力的人,然后过着不努力的生活,因为这样很轻松,而且很舒服,而且很适合我,而且这是我的人生追求,而且这是我的梦想。**

I am a very goal-oriented person, for example: My life goal is to strive to become a person who doesn't strive, and then live a life without striving, because it's easy, comfortable, and suits me, and it's my life pursuit, and it's my dream.

**71. 我这个人啊,就是喜欢用最笨的方法做最难的事,比如:我决定坚持到底,因为我非常固执,而且我比较笨,而且我比较喜欢挑战,而且我比较喜欢尝试,而且我比较喜欢冒险。**

I'm the kind of person who likes to use the most foolish method to do the hardest things, for example: I decided to persevere, because I am very stubborn, and I am stupid, and I like challenges, and I like to try, and I like to take risks.

以上就是关于玩笑话里的真心话句子71句(玩笑话里的真心话句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
