
## 玩得起收得住的句子 (67句)


1. 人生就像一场游戏,玩得起才能赢。

Life is like a game, you can only win if you can play it.

2. 敢于尝试,敢于冒险,这就是玩得起的态度。

Be willing to try, be willing to take risks, that's the attitude of being able to play.

3. 不畏挑战,勇于拼搏,才是玩得起的人生。

Facing challenges without fear and fighting bravely, that's a life worth playing.

4. 输赢都是风景,重要的是享受过程。

Both winning and losing are part of the scenery, what matters is enjoying the process.

5. 活出精彩,活出个性,玩得起的人生才更精彩。

Live a brilliant life, live with your own personality, a life that can play is more brilliant.

6. 人生苦短,及时行乐,玩得起才是真英雄。

Life is short, live it up, those who can play are the real heroes.

7. 有梦就去追,玩得起才不后悔。

If you have a dream, go chase it, you won't regret it if you can play.

8. 不要害怕失败,跌倒了爬起来继续玩。

Don't be afraid of failure, get up and keep playing when you fall.

9. 玩得起,才能收获更多,人生更精彩。

Being able to play, you can harvest more, life will be more exciting.

10. 人生是一场游戏,只有玩得起的人才能笑到最后。

Life is a game, only those who can play can laugh last.


11. 得意不忘形,失意不失态,方为收得住。

Don't get carried away when you're successful, don't lose your composure when you fail, that's how you can hold yourself.

12. 不骄不躁,不卑不亢,方能收得住。

Neither arrogant nor complacent, neither humble nor overbearing, this is how you can hold yourself.

13. 稳重自持,不乱于心,方可收得住。

Be steady and self-restrained, don't be disturbed, this is how you can hold yourself.

14. 懂得进退,不贪不婪,方能收得住。

Know when to advance and retreat, not greedy, this is how you can hold yourself.

15. 心存敬畏,不妄自尊大,方可收得住。

Have awe in your heart, don't be arrogant, this is how you can hold yourself.

16. 懂得感恩,不恃宠而骄,方能收得住。

Be grateful, don't take advantage of your advantages, this is how you can hold yourself.

17. 守得住初心,不迷失自我,方能收得住。

Be able to keep your original intention, don't lose yourself, this is how you can hold yourself.

18. 懂得珍惜,不挥霍无度,方能收得住。

Know how to cherish, don't spend recklessly, this is how you can hold yourself.

19. 克己复礼,不逾矩越界,方能收得住。

Control yourself and follow etiquette, don't cross boundaries, this is how you can hold yourself.

20. 淡泊名利,不计较得失,方能收得住。

Be indifferent to fame and fortune, don't care about gains and losses, this is how you can hold yourself.


21. 玩得起,才能收得住,人生才能更精彩。

Only by being able to play can you hold yourself, and life can be more exciting.

22. 收得住,才能玩得起,人生才能更稳健。

Only by being able to hold yourself can you play, and life can be more stable.

23. 玩得起是勇气,收得住是智慧。

Being able to play is courage, being able to hold yourself is wisdom.

24. 玩得起是魄力,收得住是定力。

Being able to play is decisiveness, being able to hold yourself is determination.

25. 玩得起是洒脱,收得住是沉稳。

Being able to play is easygoing, being able to hold yourself is composure.

26. 玩得起是激情,收得住是理性。

Being able to play is passion, being able to hold yourself is rationality.

27. 玩得起是乐观,收得住是冷静。

Being able to play is optimism, being able to hold yourself is calmness.

28. 玩得起是积极,收得住是稳重。

Being able to play is positive, being able to hold yourself is steadiness.

29. 玩得起是敢于尝试,收得住是懂得放弃。

Being able to play is being willing to try, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to give up.

30. 玩得起是把握机会,收得住是懂得止损。

Being able to play is seizing opportunities, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to cut losses.

31. 玩得起是勇于冒险,收得住是懂得退让。

Being able to play is being willing to take risks, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to compromise.

32. 玩得起是享受过程,收得住是看重结果。

Being able to play is enjoying the process, being able to hold yourself is valuing the outcome.

33. 玩得起是敢于挑战,收得住是懂得反省。

Being able to play is being willing to challenge, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to reflect.

34. 玩得起是拼搏进取,收得住是沉淀积累。

Being able to play is striving for progress, being able to hold yourself is settling and accumulating.

35. 玩得起是张扬个性,收得住是懂得包容。

Being able to play is expressing your personality, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to tolerate.

36. 玩得起是敢于突破,收得住是懂得坚持。

Being able to play is being willing to break through, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to persevere.

37. 玩得起是释放自我,收得住是约束行为。

Being able to play is letting yourself go, being able to hold yourself is controlling your behavior.

38. 玩得起是充满希望,收得住是脚踏实地。

Being able to play is being full of hope, being able to hold yourself is being down-to-earth.

39. 玩得起是追求梦想,收得住是面对现实。

Being able to play is pursuing dreams, being able to hold yourself is facing reality.

40. 玩得起是把握当下,收得住是规划未来。

Being able to play is seizing the moment, being able to hold yourself is planning for the future.

41. 玩得起是不断尝试,收得住是总结经验。

Being able to play is constantly trying, being able to hold yourself is summing up experience.

42. 玩得起是充满活力,收得住是保持冷静。

Being able to play is full of vitality, being able to hold yourself is staying calm.

43. 玩得起是享受乐趣,收得住是承担责任。

Being able to play is enjoying fun, being able to hold yourself is taking responsibility.

44. 玩得起是追求卓越,收得住是保持低调。

Being able to play is pursuing excellence, being able to hold yourself is keeping a low profile.

45. 玩得起是不断进步,收得住是保持初心。

Being able to play is continuously improving, being able to hold yourself is keeping your original intention.

46. 玩得起是勇于创新,收得住是懂得传承。

Being able to play is being willing to innovate, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to inherit.

47. 玩得起是追求自由,收得住是遵守规则。

Being able to play is pursuing freedom, being able to hold yourself is following the rules.

48. 玩得起是探索未知,收得住是尊重传统。

Being able to play is exploring the unknown, being able to hold yourself is respecting traditions.

49. 玩得起是挑战极限,收得住是懂得适可而止。

Being able to play is challenging limits, being able to hold yourself is knowing when to stop.

50. 玩得起是开拓视野,收得住是保持理智。

Being able to play is broadening your horizons, being able to hold yourself is keeping your reason.

51. 玩得起是释放压力,收得住是控制情绪。

Being able to play is releasing pressure, being able to hold yourself is controlling your emotions.

52. 玩得起是享受人生,收得住是追求幸福。

Being able to play is enjoying life, being able to hold yourself is pursuing happiness.

53. 玩得起是活出自我,收得住是懂得珍惜。

Being able to play is living your own life, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to cherish.

54. 玩得起是敢于冒险,收得住是懂得退守。

Being able to play is being willing to take risks, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to retreat.

55. 玩得起是追求梦想,收得住是面对现实。

Being able to play is pursuing dreams, being able to hold yourself is facing reality.

56. 玩得起是充满激情,收得住是保持冷静。

Being able to play is full of passion, being able to hold yourself is staying calm.

57. 玩得起是不断突破,收得住是保持稳定。

Being able to play is continuously breaking through, being able to hold yourself is staying stable.

58. 玩得起是享受乐趣,收得住是承担责任。

Being able to play is enjoying fun, being able to hold yourself is taking responsibility.

59. 玩得起是追求卓越,收得住是保持低调。

Being able to play is pursuing excellence, being able to hold yourself is keeping a low profile.

60. 玩得起是不断进步,收得住是保持初心。

Being able to play is continuously improving, being able to hold yourself is keeping your original intention.

61. 玩得起是勇于创新,收得住是懂得传承。

Being able to play is being willing to innovate, being able to hold yourself is knowing how to inherit.

62. 玩得起是追求自由,收得住是遵守规则。

Being able to play is pursuing freedom, being able to hold yourself is following the rules.

63. 玩得起是探索未知,收得住是尊重传统。

Being able to play is exploring the unknown, being able to hold yourself is respecting traditions.

64. 玩得起是挑战极限,收得住是懂得适可而止。

Being able to play is challenging limits, being able to hold yourself is knowing when to stop.

65. 玩得起是开拓视野,收得住是保持理智。

Being able to play is broadening your horizons, being able to hold yourself is keeping your reason.

66. 玩得起是释放压力,收得住是控制情绪。

Being able to play is releasing pressure, being able to hold yourself is controlling your emotions.

67. 玩得起是享受人生,收得住是追求幸福。

Being able to play is enjoying life, being able to hold yourself is pursuing happiness.

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