
## 88 句关于在对的时间遇到错的人的句子,并翻译成英文


1. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场盛大的烟火,绚丽无比,却转瞬即逝。
2. 对的人,或许会迟到,但错的人,总是来得太早。
3. 错的时间遇见对的人,是一场美丽的错误;对的时间遇见错的人,是一场刻骨铭心的遗憾。
4. 命运的安排总是如此奇妙,让我们在对的时间遇见错的人,然后在错的时间遇见对的人。
5. 我在最需要你的时候遇见了你,却不是你最需要我的时候。
6. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一杯苦涩的咖啡,回味无穷,却苦不堪言。
7. 我以为你是我的命中注定,却没想到你只是我生命中的过客。
8. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场梦,梦醒了,人走了,留下的只有无尽的伤痛。
9. 我一直在等,等那个对的人出现,却没想到等来的只是错的人。
10. 我宁愿错过了对的时间,也不愿错过对的人。
11. 我以为爱情会像童话故事一样,王子和公主最终会走到一起,但我却在对的时间遇到了错的人。
12. 对的人,就像是一盏明灯,指引着我前行的方向;错的人,就像是一根稻草,让我越陷越深。
13. 在对的时间遇到错的人,是命运的玩笑,也是爱情的悲剧。
14. 我以为我可以抓住你,却没想到你只是个过客。
15. 对的人,或许会迟到,但错的人,总是来得太早,而且来得猝不及防。
16. 我一直在寻找你,却没想到你一直都在,只是我们相遇的时间不对。
17. 我以为我可以和你一起走完余生,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
18. 对的时间,错的人,终究是一场悲剧,一场注定无法圆满的结局。
19. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心动的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
20. 我在对的时间遇见了你,却不是你想要的那个人。
21. 对的时间,错的人,就像是一首歌,唱到一半就戛然而止。
22. 我以为我可以和你一起创造未来,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个插曲。
23. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场梦,一场注定无法实现的梦。
24. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心碎的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
25. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一朵美丽的鲜花,却注定无法结果。
26. 我以为我可以和你一起走过风风雨雨,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
27. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场游戏,一场注定无法赢的比赛。
28. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心甘情愿付出一切的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
29. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一片美丽的风景,却注定无法永远留住。
30. 我以为我可以和你一起创造幸福,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
31. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场遗憾,一场注定无法弥补的遗憾。
32. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生温暖的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
33. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一杯美酒,却注定无法醉人。
34. 我以为我可以和你一起走过漫漫人生路,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
35. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场梦,一场注定无法醒来的梦。
36. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生敬畏的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
37. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一首美妙的歌曲,却注定无法完整地唱完。
38. 我以为我可以和你一起创造永恒,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
39. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场伤痛,一场注定无法愈合的伤痛。
40. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生感动的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
41. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的邂逅,却注定无法长久。
42. 我以为我可以和你一起创造幸福,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
43. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场遗憾,一场注定无法弥补的遗憾。
44. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生希望的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
45. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的梦,却注定无法实现。
46. 我以为我可以和你一起创造未来,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
47. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场错觉,一场注定无法醒来的错觉。
48. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生怜悯的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
49. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的烟花,却注定无法永远绽放。
50. 我以为我可以和你一起创造永恒,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
51. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场虚幻,一场注定无法触摸的虚幻。
52. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生向往的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
53. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的相遇,却注定无法持久。
54. 我以为我可以和你一起创造幸福,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
55. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场悲剧,一场注定无法圆满的结局。
56. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生眷恋的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
57. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的爱情,却注定无法开花结果。
58. 我以为我可以和你一起创造永恒,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
59. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场梦,一场注定无法实现的梦。
60. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生牵挂的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
61. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的旅程,却注定无法到达终点。
62. 我以为我可以和你一起创造未来,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
63. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场遗憾,一场注定无法弥补的遗憾。
64. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生温暖的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
65. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一杯美酒,却注定无法醉人。
66. 我以为我可以和你一起走过漫漫人生路,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
67. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场梦,一场注定无法醒来的梦。
68. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生敬畏的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
69. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一首美妙的歌曲,却注定无法完整地唱完。
70. 我以为我可以和你一起创造永恒,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
71. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场伤痛,一场注定无法愈合的伤痛。
72. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生感动的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
73. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的邂逅,却注定无法长久。
74. 我以为我可以和你一起创造幸福,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
75. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场遗憾,一场注定无法弥补的遗憾。
76. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生希望的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
77. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的梦,却注定无法实现。
78. 我以为我可以和你一起创造未来,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
79. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场错觉,一场注定无法醒来的错觉。
80. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生怜悯的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
81. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的烟花,却注定无法永远绽放。
82. 我以为我可以和你一起创造永恒,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
83. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场虚幻,一场注定无法触摸的虚幻。
84. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生向往的人,即使那个人不是对的人。
85. 在对的时间遇到错的人,就像是一场美丽的相遇,却注定无法持久。
86. 我以为我可以和你一起创造幸福,却没想到你只是我生命中的一个过客。
87. 对的时间,错的人,终究只是一场悲剧,一场注定无法圆满的结局。
88. 我宁愿错过对的时间,也不愿错过那个让我心生眷恋的人,即使那个人不是对的人。



Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a grand firework show, dazzling and fleeting.


The right person might be late, but the wrong person always comes too early.


Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a beautiful mistake; meeting the wrong person at the right time is a heart-wrenching regret.


Fate's arrangements are always so peculiar, making us meet the wrong person at the right time, and then the right person at the wrong time.


I met you when I needed you the most, but it wasn't when you needed me.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a bitter cup of coffee, leaving a lingering taste, yet painfully bitter.


I thought you were my soulmate, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a dream. When the dream fades, the person leaves, leaving behind only endless pain.


I've been waiting, waiting for the right person to appear, but all I got was the wrong person.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the right person.


I thought love would be like a fairy tale, with the prince and princess ending up together, but I met the wrong person at the right time.


The right person is like a beacon, guiding me in the right direction; the wrong person is like a straw, pulling me deeper into the abyss.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is fate's joke, a tragedy of love.


I thought I could hold onto you, but it turned out you were just a passerby.


The right person might be late, but the wrong person always comes too early, and unexpectedly.


I've been searching for you, but it turns out you were always there, we just met at the wrong time.


I thought I could spend the rest of my life with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a tragedy, a destined incomplete ending.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who makes my heart flutter, even if that person isn't the right one.


I met you at the right time, but you weren't the person I wanted.


The right time, wrong person, is like a song, abruptly ending halfway through.


I thought I could create a future with you, but it turned out you were just a fleeting episode in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a dream, a dream destined to remain unrealized.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who breaks my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful flower, destined to remain fruitless.


I thought I could weather storms with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a game, a competition destined to be lost.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person I'm willing to give everything for, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful scenery, destined to fade away.


I thought I could create happiness with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a regret, a regret destined to remain uncompensated.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who warms my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a fine wine, destined to remain undrunk.


I thought I could walk the path of life with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a dream, a dream destined to remain unsleeping.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who inspires awe in my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful song, destined to remain incomplete.


I thought I could create eternity with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a pain, a wound destined to remain unhealed.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who moves my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful encounter, destined to be short-lived.


I thought I could create happiness with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a regret, a regret destined to remain uncompensated.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who gives me hope, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful dream, destined to remain unrealized.


I thought I could create a future with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately an illusion, an illusion destined to remain unawakened.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who inspires compassion in my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful firework show, destined to fade away.


I thought I could create eternity with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a fantasy, a fantasy destined to remain untouchable.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who makes my heart yearn, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful encounter, destined to be short-lived.


I thought I could create happiness with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a tragedy, a destined incomplete ending.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who makes my heart long, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful love, destined to remain unfruitful.


I thought I could create eternity with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a dream, a dream destined to remain unrealized.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who makes my heart worry, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful journey, destined to remain unfinished.


I thought I could create a future with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a regret, a regret destined to remain uncompensated.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who warms my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a fine wine, destined to remain undrunk.


I thought I could walk the path of life with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a dream, a dream destined to remain unsleeping.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who inspires awe in my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful song, destined to remain incomplete.


I thought I could create eternity with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a pain, a wound destined to remain unhealed.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who moves my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful encounter, destined to be short-lived.


I thought I could create happiness with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a regret, a regret destined to remain uncompensated.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who gives me hope, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful dream, destined to remain unrealized.


I thought I could create a future with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately an illusion, an illusion destined to remain unawakened.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who inspires compassion in my heart, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful firework show, destined to fade away.


I thought I could create eternity with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a fantasy, a fantasy destined to remain untouchable.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who makes my heart yearn, even if that person isn't the right one.


Meeting the wrong person at the right time is like a beautiful encounter, destined to be short-lived.


I thought I could create happiness with you, but it turned out you were just a passerby in my life.


The right time, wrong person, ultimately a tragedy, a destined incomplete ending.


I'd rather miss the right time than miss the person who makes my heart long, even if that person isn't the right one.

以上就是关于在对的时间遇到错的人的句子88句(在对的时间遇到错的人的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
