
## 在不该的年纪承受的句子 (77句)

**P1.** 在不该的年纪,承受了不该承受的压力,却在不该的年纪,选择了承受。

At an age we shouldn't have to, we bear burdens we shouldn't have to bear, but at this age, we choose to accept them.

**P2.** 年少轻狂,却总要承担着不属于这个年纪的责任。

We are young and reckless, but we always have to bear responsibilities that don't belong to this age.

**P3.** 懂事得太早,成熟得太快,却失去了本该属于童年的快乐。

We mature too early and become too mature, but we lose the joy that should belong to our childhood.

**P4.** 不知道为什么,总要比同龄人更早地面对人生的困境。

I don't know why, but we always face the difficulties of life earlier than our peers.

**P5.** 笑着说无所谓,却在深夜独自哭泣。

We smile and say it doesn't matter, but we cry alone in the dead of night.

**P6.** 以为自己很坚强,却在一次次跌倒后,才发现自己脆弱不堪。

We think we're strong, but we realize how fragile we are after each fall.

**P7.** 曾经以为只要努力,就能得到想要的一切,却发现现实往往事与愿违。

We used to think that if we worked hard enough, we could get everything we wanted, but we realized that reality often goes against our wishes.

**P8.** 不想长大,却不得不面对成长的烦恼。

We don't want to grow up, but we have to face the worries of growing up.

**P9.** 以为爱情是永恒的,却发现它只是一瞬间的美丽。

We thought love was eternal, but we found out it's just a fleeting beauty.

**P10.** 曾经的梦想,随着时间的流逝,逐渐变得遥不可及。

Our dreams from the past, with the passage of time, gradually become unattainable.

**P11.** 看着身边的人,都在努力追逐自己的梦想,却发现自己已经迷失了方向。

Watching others around us pursuing their dreams, we realize that we have lost our way.

**P12.** 以为时间可以冲淡一切,却发现有些伤痛,永远无法抹去。

We think time can wash away everything, but we find that some pain can never be erased.

**P13.** 不想被世界抛弃,却又害怕被世界看见。

We don't want to be abandoned by the world, yet we fear being seen by the world.

**P14.** 以为自己可以独自面对一切,却在无人问津的时候,才发现自己需要依靠。

We thought we could face everything alone, but we realized we needed support when no one asked about us.

**P15.** 不知道该往哪里去,却只能不断地向前走。

We don't know where to go, but we can only keep moving forward.

**P16.** 想要放手,却始终放不下。

We want to let go, but we can't let go.

**P17.** 以为自己很成熟,却在某些时刻,依然会流露出孩子气。

We think we're mature, but we still show childishness at times.

**P18.** 想要得到别人的认可,却发现自己无法满足所有人的期望。

We want to be recognized by others, but we find that we cannot meet everyone's expectations.

**P19.** 不知道该怎么去爱,却总是忍不住付出真心。

We don't know how to love, but we always can't help but give our hearts.

**P20.** 以为自己很勇敢,却在面对真正的困难时,才发现自己胆怯。

We think we're brave, but we realize how cowardly we are when facing real difficulties.

**P21.** 不知道自己想要什么,却总是在不停地寻找。

We don't know what we want, but we always keep searching.

**P22.** 想要逃离现实,却始终无法摆脱现实的束缚。

We want to escape reality, but we can't escape the shackles of reality.

**P23.** 以为自己很强大,却在一次次打击中,才发现自己不堪一击。

We thought we were strong, but we realized how vulnerable we were after each blow.

**P24.** 不知道如何去面对未来,却只能勇敢地向前走。

We don't know how to face the future, but we can only move forward bravely.

**P25.** 想要拥有属于自己的幸福,却发现幸福总是离自己很远。

We want to have our own happiness, but we find that happiness is always far away from us.

**P26.** 以为自己很孤独,却发现身边有许多人默默地关心着自己。

We think we are lonely, but we find that there are many people around us who silently care about us.

**P27.** 不知道该怎么去表达自己的感情,却总是在用行动默默地付出。

We don't know how to express our feelings, but we always give silently through our actions.

**P28.** 想要改变世界,却发现自己只是一个微不足道的小人物。

We want to change the world, but we find that we are just a tiny, insignificant person.

**P29.** 想要获得自由,却发现自己被各种各样的束缚所困。

We want to be free, but we find ourselves trapped by various constraints.

**P30.** 以为自己可以掌控一切,却发现命运总是喜欢捉弄人。

We think we can control everything, but we find that fate always likes to play tricks on us.

**P31.** 想要活出精彩,却发现自己总是陷入平淡的日常。

We want to live a wonderful life, but we find ourselves stuck in the mundane routine.

**P32.** 以为自己可以永远年轻,却发现时间总是无情地流逝。

We thought we could stay young forever, but we find that time always flows mercilessly.

**P33.** 想要得到爱,却发现自己总是被伤害。

We want to be loved, but we find that we are always hurt.

**P34.** 想要拥有完美的爱情,却发现爱情总是伴随着争吵和矛盾。

We want to have perfect love, but we find that love always comes with quarrels and conflicts.

**P35.** 想要拥有平静的生活,却发现生活总是充满着波折和挑战。

We want to have a peaceful life, but we find that life is always full of twists and challenges.

**P36.** 想要得到别人的理解,却发现别人总是无法理解自己的内心。

We want to be understood by others, but we find that others can't understand our hearts.

**P37.** 想要逃离痛苦,却发现痛苦总是追随着自己。

We want to escape pain, but we find that pain always follows us.

**P38.** 想要抓住幸福,却发现幸福总是转瞬即逝。

We want to hold onto happiness, but we find that happiness is fleeting.

**P39.** 想要找到自己的方向,却发现自己始终迷茫。

We want to find our direction, but we find ourselves lost.

**P40.** 想要活出自己的精彩,却发现自己总是被世俗的眼光所束缚。

We want to live our lives to the fullest, but we find ourselves bound by the eyes of the world.

**P41.** 想要得到别人的认可,却发现自己总是无法满足所有人的期望。

We want to be recognized by others, but we find that we cannot meet everyone's expectations.

**P42.** 想要得到真正的爱情,却发现自己总是爱上错误的人。

We want to find true love, but we find ourselves falling in love with the wrong people.

**P43.** 想要拥有完美的人生,却发现人生总是充满了遗憾和不完美。

We want to have a perfect life, but we find that life is always full of regrets and imperfections.

**P44.** 想要活出自己的价值,却发现自己总是被生活所束缚。

We want to live out our worth, but we find ourselves bound by life.

**P45.** 想要拥有属于自己的世界,却发现自己始终无法逃脱社会的规则。

We want to have our own world, but we find that we can't escape the rules of society.

**P46.** 想要得到自由,却发现自己始终无法摆脱命运的安排。

We want to be free, but we find that we can't escape the arrangement of fate.

**P47.** 想要活出自己的精彩,却发现自己总是被现实所困。

We want to live our lives to the fullest, but we find ourselves trapped by reality.

**P48.** 想要拥有完美的爱情,却发现爱情总是伴随着争吵和矛盾。

We want to have perfect love, but we find that love always comes with quarrels and conflicts.

**P49.** 想要拥有平静的生活,却发现生活总是充满着波折和挑战。

We want to have a peaceful life, but we find that life is always full of twists and challenges.

**P50.** 想要得到别人的理解,却发现别人总是无法理解自己的内心。

We want to be understood by others, but we find that others can't understand our hearts.

**P51.** 想要逃离痛苦,却发现痛苦总是追随着自己。

We want to escape pain, but we find that pain always follows us.

**P52.** 想要抓住幸福,却发现幸福总是转瞬即逝。

We want to hold onto happiness, but we find that happiness is fleeting.

**P53.** 想要找到自己的方向,却发现自己始终迷茫。

We want to find our direction, but we find ourselves lost.

**P54.** 想要活出自己的精彩,却发现自己总是被世俗的眼光所束缚。

We want to live our lives to the fullest, but we find ourselves bound by the eyes of the world.

**P55.** 想要得到别人的认可,却发现自己总是无法满足所有人的期望。

We want to be recognized by others, but we find that we cannot meet everyone's expectations.

**P56.** 想要得到真正的爱情,却发现自己总是爱上错误的人。

We want to find true love, but we find ourselves falling in love with the wrong people.

**P57.** 想要拥有完美的人生,却发现人生总是充满了遗憾和不完美。

We want to have a perfect life, but we find that life is always full of regrets and imperfections.

**P58.** 想要活出自己的价值,却发现自己总是被生活所束缚。

We want to live out our worth, but we find ourselves bound by life.

**P59.** 想要拥有属于自己的世界,却发现自己始终无法逃脱社会的规则。

We want to have our own world, but we find that we can't escape the rules of society.

**P60.** 想要得到自由,却发现自己始终无法摆脱命运的安排。

We want to be free, but we find that we can't escape the arrangement of fate.

**P61.** 想要活出自己的精彩,却发现自己总是被现实所困。

We want to live our lives to the fullest, but we find ourselves trapped by reality.

**P62.** 想要拥有完美的爱情,却发现爱情总是伴随着争吵和矛盾。

We want to have perfect love, but we find that love always comes with quarrels and conflicts.

**P63.** 想要拥有平静的生活,却发现生活总是充满着波折和挑战。

We want to have a peaceful life, but we find that life is always full of twists and challenges.

**P64.** 想要得到别人的理解,却发现别人总是无法理解自己的内心。

We want to be understood by others, but we find that others can't understand our hearts.

**P65.** 想要逃离痛苦,却发现痛苦总是追随着自己。

We want to escape pain, but we find that pain always follows us.

**P66.** 想要抓住幸福,却发现幸福总是转瞬即逝。

We want to hold onto happiness, but we find that happiness is fleeting.

**P67.** 想要找到自己的方向,却发现自己始终迷茫。

We want to find our direction, but we find ourselves lost.

**P68.** 想要活出自己的精彩,却发现自己总是被世俗的眼光所束缚。

We want to live our lives to the fullest, but we find ourselves bound by the eyes of the world.

**P69.** 想要得到别人的认可,却发现自己总是无法满足所有人的期望。

We want to be recognized by others, but we find that we cannot meet everyone's expectations.

**P70.** 想要得到真正的爱情,却发现自己总是爱上错误的人。

We want to find true love, but we find ourselves falling in love with the wrong people.

**P71.** 想要拥有完美的人生,却发现人生总是充满了遗憾和不完美。

We want to have a perfect life, but we find that life is always full of regrets and imperfections.

**P72.** 想要活出自己的价值,却发现自己总是被生活所束缚。

We want to live out our worth, but we find ourselves bound by life.

**P73.** 想要拥有属于自己的世界,却发现自己始终无法逃脱社会的规则。

We want to have our own world, but we find that we can't escape the rules of society.

**P74.** 想要得到自由,却发现自己始终无法摆脱命运的安排。

We want to be free, but we find that we can't escape the arrangement of fate.

**P75.** 想要活出自己的精彩,却发现自己总是被现实所困。

We want to live our lives to the fullest, but we find ourselves trapped by reality.

**P76.** 想要拥有完美的爱情,却发现爱情总是伴随着争吵和矛盾。

We want to have perfect love, but we find that love always comes with quarrels and conflicts.

**P77.** 想要拥有平静的生活,却发现生活总是充满着波折和挑战。

We want to have a peaceful life, but we find that life is always full of twists and challenges.

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