
## 在乎的人不在乎我句子,59句

1. 你的不在乎,刺痛了我的真心。

2. 你不在意,我却难以释怀。

3. 我所有的热情,换不来你的一丝留恋。

4. 你不在乎我,我却无法停止爱你。

5. 我的心碎了一地,而你却无动于衷。

6. 我像个小丑,在你面前不停地表演,却换不来你的欣赏。

7. 你对我的漠不关心,让我心寒。

8. 我努力靠近你,却发现你离我越来越远。

9. 你不在乎我的感受,我却依然爱你。

10. 我以为你爱我,原来只是一场误会。

11. 你不在意我的存在,我却一直在你身边默默守护。

12. 你就像风,来去无踪,我却对你念念不忘。

13. 你不在乎我的付出,我却依然为你付出一切。

14. 我以为我们会永远在一起,没想到你却选择了离开。

15. 我爱你,你却看不到我的真心。

16. 我像一颗尘埃,在你眼中微不足道。

17. 你不在乎我的喜怒哀乐,我却把你放在心尖上。

18. 我对你付出了全部,你却视若无睹。

19. 我以为你是我的唯一,没想到你只是我生命中的过客。

20. 你不在乎我的悲伤,我却为你流下了所有眼泪。

21. 我像一只无家可归的流浪狗,在你身边徘徊,却始终无法进入你的世界。

22. 你不在乎我的感受,我却依然为你牵肠挂肚。

23. 我以为你懂我的心,原来我只是自作多情。

24. 你不在意我的未来,我却为你规划了所有梦想。

25. 我对你倾心相待,你却对我冷眼相待。

26. 你不在乎我的存在,我却依然把你放在心上。

27. 我爱你,你却视而不见。

28. 我像一只风筝,被你放飞,却无法回到你的身边。

29. 你不在乎我的苦衷,我却依然为你默默承受一切。

30. 我以为我们会永远在一起,没想到你却选择了放手。

31. 你不在乎我的真心,我却依然为你付出一切。

32. 我爱你,你却视我为无物。

33. 我像一颗流星,划过你的天空,却无法留住你的目光。

34. 你不在乎我的悲伤,我却依然为你微笑。

35. 我对你一往情深,你却无动于衷。

36. 你不在乎我的付出,我却依然为你奉献所有。

37. 我爱你,你却视我为路人。

38. 我像一只断了线的风筝,在你的世界里飘零。

39. 你不在乎我的存在,我却依然把你放在心上。

40. 我以为你会懂我,原来我错了。

41. 你不在乎我的感受,我却依然为你心碎。

42. 我爱你,你却从未爱过我。

43. 我像一只孤鸟,在你的世界里寻找温暖,却始终找不到归宿。

44. 你不在乎我的幸福,我却依然为你祈祷。

45. 我以为我们会永远在一起,没想到你却选择了背叛。

46. 你不在乎我的付出,我却依然为你默默守护。

47. 我爱你,你却视我为空气。

48. 我像一粒沙子,被你遗忘在沙漠里,无人问津。

49. 你不在乎我的感受,我却依然为你而活。

50. 我以为我们会永远在一起,没想到你却选择了沉默。

51. 你不在乎我的未来,我却依然为你付出所有。

52. 我爱你,你却视我为陌生人。

53. 我像一朵花,在你的世界里枯萎。

54. 你不在乎我的感受,我却依然为你倾尽所有。

55. 我以为我们会永远在一起,没想到你却选择了离开。

56. 你不在乎我的真心,我却依然为你付出一切。

57. 我爱你,你却视我为玩物。

58. 我像一只被关在笼子里的鸟,渴望自由,却无法飞翔。

59. 你不在乎我的存在,我却依然爱你。

## 英文翻译

1. Your indifference pierced my true heart.

2. You don't care, but I can't let go.

3. All my passion can't exchange for your slightest lingering.

4. You don't care about me, but I can't stop loving you.

5. My heart is broken into pieces, but you are indifferent.

6. I'm like a clown, constantly performing in front of you, but I can't win your appreciation.

7. Your indifference chills my heart.

8. I try to get closer to you, but I find you are getting further and further away from me.

9. You don't care about my feelings, but I still love you.

10. I thought you loved me, but it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

11. You don't care about my existence, but I'm still by your side silently guarding you.

12. You are like the wind, coming and going without a trace, but I can't forget you.

13. You don't care about my efforts, but I still give everything for you.

14. I thought we would be together forever, but you chose to leave.

15. I love you, but you can't see my true heart.

16. I'm like a dust particle, insignificant in your eyes.

17. You don't care about my joys and sorrows, but I put you in my heart.

18. I gave you everything, but you turned a blind eye.

19. I thought you were my only one, but you turned out to be just a passerby in my life.

20. You don't care about my sadness, but I cried all my tears for you.

21. I'm like a homeless stray dog, wandering around you, but I can never enter your world.

22. You don't care about my feelings, but I still worry about you.

23. I thought you understood my heart, but I was just being delusional.

24. You don't care about my future, but I've planned all my dreams for you.

25. I treat you with sincerity, but you give me a cold shoulder.

26. You don't care about my existence, but I still keep you in my heart.

27. I love you, but you turn a blind eye.

28. I'm like a kite, released by you, but I can't return to your side.

29. You don't care about my difficulties, but I still silently bear everything for you.

30. I thought we would be together forever, but you chose to let go.

31. You don't care about my true heart, but I still give everything for you.

32. I love you, but you treat me as nothing.

33. I'm like a meteor, passing through your sky, but I can't hold your gaze.

34. You don't care about my sadness, but I still smile for you.

35. I have a deep affection for you, but you are indifferent.

36. You don't care about my efforts, but I still dedicate everything to you.

37. I love you, but you treat me as a stranger.

38. I'm like a kite with a broken string, drifting in your world.

39. You don't care about my existence, but I still keep you in my heart.

40. I thought you would understand me, but I was wrong.

41. You don't care about my feelings, but I still feel heartbroken for you.

42. I love you, but you have never loved me.

43. I'm like a lonely bird, looking for warmth in your world, but I can never find a home.

44. You don't care about my happiness, but I still pray for you.

45. I thought we would be together forever, but you chose to betray me.

46. You don't care about my efforts, but I still silently guard you.

47. I love you, but you treat me as air.

48. I'm like a grain of sand, forgotten by you in the desert, ignored.

49. You don't care about my feelings, but I still live for you.

50. I thought we would be together forever, but you chose to remain silent.

51. You don't care about my future, but I still give everything for you.

52. I love you, but you treat me as a stranger.

53. I'm like a flower, wilting in your world.

54. You don't care about my feelings, but I still give you everything.

55. I thought we would be together forever, but you chose to leave.

56. You don't care about my true heart, but I still give everything for you.

57. I love you, but you treat me as a toy.

58. I'm like a bird caged, longing for freedom, but I can't fly.

59. You don't care about my existence, but I still love you.

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