
## 释迦牟尼醒悟的句子 (98句)

1. 一切众生皆有佛性。

All beings have the Buddha nature.

2. 诸行无常,诸法无我,涅槃寂静。

All conditioned things are impermanent, all phenomena are without self, Nirvana is peaceful and silent.

3. 苦海无边,回头是岸。

The sea of suffering has no bounds, turning back is the shore.

4. 慈悲喜舍,四无量心。

Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the four immeasurable minds.

5. 贪嗔痴慢疑,五毒俱缠。

Greed, hatred, delusion, pride, and doubt are the five poisons that bind us.

6. 色即是空,空即是色。

Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.

7. 无为而治,无欲则刚。

Govern without action, be strong without desire.

8. 知足常乐,不贪不求。

Contentment leads to constant happiness, do not crave or seek.

9. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。

Do not consider good deeds too small to do, do not consider evil deeds too small to refrain from.

10. 积善之家,必有余庆;积不善之家,必有余殃。

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings, a family that accumulates evil deeds will surely have misfortune.

11. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

The net of heaven is vast and wide, sparse but not missing a single thing.

12. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

As you sow, so shall you reap.

13. 己所不欲,勿施于人。

Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.

14. 一念之间,决定成败。

A single thought can decide success or failure.

15. 自渡渡人,渡己渡人。

Save yourself and then save others.

16. 忍辱负重,方能成佛。

Only by enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens can one become a Buddha.

17. 佛法无边,心诚则灵。

The Dharma is boundless, if the heart is sincere, it will be effective.

18. 万法皆空,唯心所造。

All phenomena are empty, they are created by the mind.

19. 人间佛教,普渡众生。

Buddhism in the world, saves all beings.

20. 心若莲花,清净无染。

If the mind is like a lotus flower, it is pure and untainted.

21. 真理无处不在,只要你用心体会。

Truth is everywhere, as long as you experience it with your heart.

22. 佛陀之道,在于自觉觉他。

The way of the Buddha lies in awakening oneself and awakening others.

23. 烦恼即菩提,生死即涅槃。

Affliction is enlightenment, life and death are Nirvana.

24. 众生平等,皆有佛性。

All beings are equal, all have the Buddha nature.

25. 觉悟人生,悟道修心。

Awaken to life, cultivate the mind and seek the path.

26. 放下执着,才能获得自由。

Only by letting go of attachment can one gain freedom.

27. 善待他人,便是善待自己。

Treating others well is treating yourself well.

28. 慈悲为本,方便为门。

Compassion is the foundation, convenience is the door.

29. 不执着于过去,不恐惧未来,活在当下。

Do not cling to the past, do not fear the future, live in the present moment.

30. 戒、定、慧,三学并修。

Cultivate the three virtues of morality, meditation, and wisdom.

31. 心地善良,福报无量。

A kind heart leads to immeasurable blessings.

32. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

Do not consider evil deeds too small to do, do not consider good deeds too small to refrain from.

33. 无缘无故,不起心动念。

Without cause or reason, do not arise thoughts or intentions.

34. 一切皆空,唯心所造。

All phenomena are empty, they are created by the mind.

35. 知足者常乐,贪心者常苦。

Those who are content are always happy, those who are greedy are always suffering.

36. 修行之路,贵在坚持。

The path of cultivation is precious because of perseverance.

37. 佛陀之道,在于自觉觉他。

The way of the Buddha lies in awakening oneself and awakening others.

38. 慈悲喜舍,四无量心。

Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the four immeasurable minds.

39. 烦恼即菩提,生死即涅槃。

Affliction is enlightenment, life and death are Nirvana.

40. 众生平等,皆有佛性。

All beings are equal, all have the Buddha nature.

41. 觉悟人生,悟道修心。

Awaken to life, cultivate the mind and seek the path.

42. 放下执着,才能获得自由。

Only by letting go of attachment can one gain freedom.

43. 善待他人,便是善待自己。

Treating others well is treating yourself well.

44. 慈悲为本,方便为门。

Compassion is the foundation, convenience is the door.

45. 不执着于过去,不恐惧未来,活在当下。

Do not cling to the past, do not fear the future, live in the present moment.

46. 戒、定、慧,三学并修。

Cultivate the three virtues of morality, meditation, and wisdom.

47. 心地善良,福报无量。

A kind heart leads to immeasurable blessings.

48. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

Do not consider evil deeds too small to do, do not consider good deeds too small to refrain from.

49. 无缘无故,不起心动念。

Without cause or reason, do not arise thoughts or intentions.

50. 一切皆空,唯心所造。

All phenomena are empty, they are created by the mind.

51. 知足者常乐,贪心者常苦。

Those who are content are always happy, those who are greedy are always suffering.

52. 修行之路,贵在坚持。

The path of cultivation is precious because of perseverance.

53. 佛陀之道,在于自觉觉他。

The way of the Buddha lies in awakening oneself and awakening others.

54. 慈悲喜舍,四无量心。

Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the four immeasurable minds.

55. 烦恼即菩提,生死即涅槃。

Affliction is enlightenment, life and death are Nirvana.

56. 众生平等,皆有佛性。

All beings are equal, all have the Buddha nature.

57. 觉悟人生,悟道修心。

Awaken to life, cultivate the mind and seek the path.

58. 放下执着,才能获得自由。

Only by letting go of attachment can one gain freedom.

59. 善待他人,便是善待自己。

Treating others well is treating yourself well.

60. 慈悲为本,方便为门。

Compassion is the foundation, convenience is the door.

61. 不执着于过去,不恐惧未来,活在当下。

Do not cling to the past, do not fear the future, live in the present moment.

62. 戒、定、慧,三学并修。

Cultivate the three virtues of morality, meditation, and wisdom.

63. 心地善良,福报无量。

A kind heart leads to immeasurable blessings.

64. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

Do not consider evil deeds too small to do, do not consider good deeds too small to refrain from.

65. 无缘无故,不起心动念。

Without cause or reason, do not arise thoughts or intentions.

66. 一切皆空,唯心所造。

All phenomena are empty, they are created by the mind.

67. 知足者常乐,贪心者常苦。

Those who are content are always happy, those who are greedy are always suffering.

68. 修行之路,贵在坚持。

The path of cultivation is precious because of perseverance.

69. 佛陀之道,在于自觉觉他。

The way of the Buddha lies in awakening oneself and awakening others.

70. 慈悲喜舍,四无量心。

Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the four immeasurable minds.

71. 烦恼即菩提,生死即涅槃。

Affliction is enlightenment, life and death are Nirvana.

72. 众生平等,皆有佛性。

All beings are equal, all have the Buddha nature.

73. 觉悟人生,悟道修心。

Awaken to life, cultivate the mind and seek the path.

74. 放下执着,才能获得自由。

Only by letting go of attachment can one gain freedom.

75. 善待他人,便是善待自己。

Treating others well is treating yourself well.

76. 慈悲为本,方便为门。

Compassion is the foundation, convenience is the door.

77. 不执着于过去,不恐惧未来,活在当下。

Do not cling to the past, do not fear the future, live in the present moment.

78. 戒、定、慧,三学并修。

Cultivate the three virtues of morality, meditation, and wisdom.

79. 心地善良,福报无量。

A kind heart leads to immeasurable blessings.

80. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

Do not consider evil deeds too small to do, do not consider good deeds too small to refrain from.

81. 无缘无故,不起心动念。

Without cause or reason, do not arise thoughts or intentions.

82. 一切皆空,唯心所造。

All phenomena are empty, they are created by the mind.

83. 知足者常乐,贪心者常苦。

Those who are content are always happy, those who are greedy are always suffering.

84. 修行之路,贵在坚持。

The path of cultivation is precious because of perseverance.

85. 佛陀之道,在于自觉觉他。

The way of the Buddha lies in awakening oneself and awakening others.

86. 慈悲喜舍,四无量心。

Love, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the four immeasurable minds.

87. 烦恼即菩提,生死即涅槃。

Affliction is enlightenment, life and death are Nirvana.

88. 众生平等,皆有佛性。

All beings are equal, all have the Buddha nature.

89. 觉悟人生,悟道修心。

Awaken to life, cultivate the mind and seek the path.

90. 放下执着,才能获得自由。

Only by letting go of attachment can one gain freedom.

91. 善待他人,便是善待自己。

Treating others well is treating yourself well.

92. 慈悲为本,方便为门。

Compassion is the foundation, convenience is the door.

93. 不执着于过去,不恐惧未来,活在当下。

Do not cling to the past, do not fear the future, live in the present moment.

94. 戒、定、慧,三学并修。

Cultivate the three virtues of morality, meditation, and wisdom.

95. 心地善良,福报无量。

A kind heart leads to immeasurable blessings.

96. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。

Do not consider evil deeds too small to do, do not consider good deeds too small to refrain from.

97. 无缘无故,不起心动念。

Without cause or reason, do not arise thoughts or intentions.

98. 一切皆空,唯心所造。

All phenomena are empty, they are created by the mind.

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