
## 努力也是徒劳的句子 (65句)


1. 命运的车轮,谁也无法阻挡。
2. 挣扎着,却只是徒劳。
3. 天命难违,逆天而行只会自取灭亡。
4. 就像逆水行舟,越努力越后退。
5. 无论怎样努力,结局都是一样。
6. 命运早已注定,我们只是其中的棋子。
7. 即使拼尽全力,也无法改变既定的轨迹。
8. 努力只是在延长痛苦的时间。
9. 所有的挣扎,都是徒劳无功。
10. 命运的洪流,谁也无法抵抗。
11. 就像飞蛾扑火,最终的结果都是一样的。
12. 所有的努力,都只是在徒劳地挣扎。
13. 命运的安排,我们无法抗拒。
14. 努力只是在增加失败的次数。
15. 就像螳臂当车,最终只能落得粉身碎骨。
16. 无论多么努力,都无法改变结局。
17. 所有的付出,都只是徒劳。
18. 就像沙滩上的城堡,最终都会被海水吞噬。
19. 努力只是在浪费时间和精力。
20. 命运的安排,我们无法改变。
21. 就像逆风而行,越努力越难前行。
22. 所有的挣扎,都是无意义的。
23. 命运的枷锁,谁也无法挣脱。
24. 就像一只被困在笼子里的鸟,永远无法飞翔。
25. 无论多么努力,都无法改变现实。
26. 所有的努力,都只是在徒劳地追寻。
27. 命运的安排,我们无法逃避。
28. 就像在沙漠中寻找水源,最终只会渴死。
29. 所有的付出,都只是白费力气。
30. 命运的安排,我们只能接受。
31. 就像在黑暗中寻找光明,最终只会迷失方向。
32. 所有的努力,都只是徒劳无功。
33. 命运的车轮,谁也无法改变方向。
34. 就像在荆棘丛中行走,最终只会遍体鳞伤。
35. 无论多么努力,都无法改变结果。
36. 所有的付出,都只是徒劳无益。
37. 命运的安排,我们无法反抗。
38. 就像在风浪中航行,最终只会沉没。
39. 所有的努力,都只是在徒劳地挣扎。
40. 命运的安排,我们只能顺其自然。
41. 就像在梦境中追寻,最终只会醒来。
42. 所有的努力,都只是徒劳无用。
43. 命运的车轮,谁也无法逆转。
44. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,最终只会越陷越深。
45. 无论多么努力,都无法改变命运。
46. 所有的付出,都只是白白浪费。
47. 命运的安排,我们无法改变。
48. 就像在迷宫中寻找出口,最终只会迷路。
49. 所有的努力,都只是徒劳无益。
50. 命运的车轮,谁也无法阻止。
51. 就像在沙漠中寻找绿洲,最终只会失望。
52. 无论多么努力,都无法改变现实。
53. 所有的付出,都只是徒劳。
54. 命运的安排,我们只能接受。
55. 就像在暴风雨中航行,最终只会沉没。
56. 所有的努力,都只是在徒劳地挣扎。
57. 命运的车轮,谁也无法扭转。
58. 就像在深海中寻找珍珠,最终只会迷失。
59. 无论多么努力,都无法改变结果。
60. 所有的付出,都只是徒劳无功。
61. 命运的安排,我们无法反抗。
62. 就像在黑暗中摸索,最终只会迷失方向。
63. 所有的努力,都只是徒劳无益。
64. 命运的车轮,谁也无法阻止。
65. 就像在泥潭中挣扎,最终只会越陷越深。


1. The wheel of fate, no one can stop it.

2. Struggling, but in vain.

3. Destiny cannot be violated, going against the heavens will only lead to self-destruction.

4. Like rowing against the current, the harder you try, the further back you go.

5. No matter how hard you try, the outcome is the same.

6. Fate has already been determined, we are just pawns in it.

7. Even if you try your best, you can't change the predetermined course.

8. Effort is only prolonging the pain.

9. All struggles are in vain.

10. The flood of fate, no one can resist.

11. Like moths to a flame, the end result is always the same.

12. All efforts are just futile struggles.

13. The arrangement of fate, we cannot resist.

14. Effort only increases the number of failures.

15. Like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, in the end, it can only end up broken to pieces.

16. No matter how hard you try, you can't change the outcome.

17. All your efforts are in vain.

18. Like castles on the beach, they will eventually be swallowed by the sea.

19. Effort is just a waste of time and energy.

20. The arrangement of fate, we cannot change.

21. Like sailing against the wind, the harder you try, the harder it is to move forward.

22. All struggles are meaningless.

23. The shackles of fate, no one can break free.

24. Like a bird trapped in a cage, it will never be able to fly.

25. No matter how hard you try, you can't change reality.

26. All efforts are just futile pursuit.

27. The arrangement of fate, we cannot escape.

28. Like searching for water in a desert, you will only end up dying of thirst.

29. All your efforts are in vain.

30. The arrangement of fate, we can only accept.

31. Like searching for light in the dark, you will only end up lost.

32. All efforts are in vain.

33. The wheel of fate, no one can change its direction.

34. Like walking through a thicket of thorns, you will only end up covered in wounds.

35. No matter how hard you try, you can't change the outcome.

36. All your efforts are in vain.

37. The arrangement of fate, we cannot resist.

38. Like sailing in a storm, you will only end up sinking.

39. All efforts are just futile struggles.

40. The arrangement of fate, we can only go with the flow.

41. Like chasing in a dream, you will only wake up.

42. All efforts are useless.

43. The wheel of fate, no one can reverse it.

44. Like struggling in a mud pit, you will only end up sinking deeper.

45. No matter how hard you try, you can't change your fate.

46. All your efforts are in vain.

47. The arrangement of fate, we cannot change.

48. Like searching for an exit in a maze, you will only end up lost.

49. All efforts are in vain.

50. The wheel of fate, no one can stop it.

51. Like searching for an oasis in a desert, you will only end up disappointed.

52. No matter how hard you try, you can't change reality.

53. All your efforts are in vain.

54. The arrangement of fate, we can only accept.

55. Like sailing in a storm, you will only end up sinking.

56. All efforts are just futile struggles.

57. The wheel of fate, no one can reverse it.

58. Like searching for pearls in the deep sea, you will only end up lost.

59. No matter how hard you try, you can't change the outcome.

60. All your efforts are in vain.

61. The arrangement of fate, we cannot resist.

62. Like groping in the dark, you will only end up lost.

63. All efforts are in vain.

64. The wheel of fate, no one can stop it.

65. Like struggling in a mud pit, you will only end up sinking deeper.

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