
## 大学生活英语句子 (80 句)

1. I'm so excited to start my university life! - 我很兴奋要开始我的大学生活!

2. I'm a little nervous about starting university, but I'm also really looking forward to it. - 我有点紧张要开始大学生活,但我也很期待。

3. I'm going to miss my family and friends, but I know I'll make new ones at university. - 我会想念我的家人和朋友,但我知道我会在大学交到新朋友。

4. I'm going to study [专业] at university. - 我将在大学学习[专业]。

5. I'm hoping to join some clubs and societies at university. - 我希望加入大学的一些社团。

6. I'm looking forward to living in a dorm and meeting new people. - 我很期待住在宿舍,认识新朋友。

7. I'm going to have to learn how to manage my time better at university. - 我要在大学学会更好地管理时间。

8. I'm going to have to learn how to cook for myself at university. - 我要在大学学会自己做饭。

9. I'm going to have to learn how to do my own laundry at university. - 我要在大学学会自己洗衣服。

10. I'm going to have to learn how to budget my money at university. - 我要在大学学会预算我的钱。

11. I'm going to have to learn how to study effectively at university. - 我要在大学学会有效地学习。

12. I'm going to have to learn how to write essays at university. - 我要在大学学会写论文。

13. I'm going to have to learn how to give presentations at university. - 我要在大学学会做演讲。

14. I'm going to have to learn how to take exams at university. - 我要在大学学会参加考试。

15. I'm going to have to learn how to be more independent at university. - 我要在大学学会更加独立。

16. I'm going to have to learn how to deal with stress at university. - 我要在大学学会如何应对压力。

17. I'm going to have to learn how to balance my studies with my social life at university. - 我要在大学学会如何平衡学习和社交生活。

18. I'm going to have to learn how to be responsible for my own actions at university. - 我要在大学学会对自己行为负责。

19. I'm going to have to learn how to be respectful of others at university. - 我要在大学学会尊重他人。

20. I'm going to have to learn how to be honest and ethical at university. - 我要在大学学会诚实和道德。

21. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good communicator at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的沟通者。

22. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good listener at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的倾听者。

23. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good team player at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的团队成员。

24. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good leader at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的领导者。

25. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good problem solver at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的问题解决者。

26. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good critical thinker at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的批判性思考者。

27. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good learner at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的学习者。

28. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good writer at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的作家。

29. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good speaker at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的演讲者。

30. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good researcher at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好的研究者。

31. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good student at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好学生。

32. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good person at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好人。

33. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good citizen at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好公民。

34. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good friend at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好朋友。

35. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good roommate at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好室友。

36. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good neighbor at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好邻居。

37. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good member of the community at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好社区成员。

38. I'm going to have to learn how to be a good person in the world at university. - 我要在大学学会做一个好人,为世界做出贡献。

39. I'm excited to meet new people at university. - 我很期待在大学认识新朋友。

40. I'm looking forward to exploring the city and learning about its history. - 我很期待探索这座城市,了解它的历史。

41. I'm hoping to find a part-time job to help with expenses. - 我希望找到一份兼职工作来帮助支付费用。

42. I'm looking forward to taking classes that interest me. - 我很期待学习那些令我感兴趣的课程。

43. I'm excited to see what the future holds for me at university. - 我很期待看到大学生活会带给我什么样的未来。

44. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, but I'm sure I'll adjust. - 我感觉有点不知所措,但我相信我会适应的。

45. I'm trying to stay organized and on top of my assignments. - 我正在努力保持井井有条,并按时完成作业。

46. I'm starting to feel more comfortable on campus. - 我开始在校园里感觉更自在。

47. I'm really enjoying my classes and learning a lot. - 我真的很享受我的课程,学到了很多东西。

48. I'm making some good friends and having a lot of fun. - 我交了一些好朋友,玩得很开心。

49. I'm feeling more confident in myself and my abilities. - 我对自己和自己的能力更有信心了。

50. I'm starting to feel like I belong here. - 我开始觉得自己属于这里。

51. I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here. - 我很感谢能来到这里学习的机会。

52. I'm trying to make the most of my time here. - 我正在努力充分利用我在大学的时间。

53. I'm looking forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead. - 我期待着未来的挑战和机会。

54. I'm proud to be a university student. - 我很自豪成为一名大学生。

55. I'm ready to take on the world! - 我已经准备好迎接挑战了!

56. I'm feeling lost and confused. - 我感觉迷茫和困惑。

57. I'm struggling to keep up with my studies. - 我在努力跟上学习进度。

58. I'm feeling homesick and lonely. - 我感到想家和孤独。

59. I'm having trouble making friends. - 我在交朋友方面遇到了一些困难。

60. I'm feeling stressed and overwhelmed. - 我感到压力很大,不知所措。

61. I'm not sure if I'm in the right program. - 我不确定我是否选择了正确的专业。

62. I'm feeling like I'm not good enough. - 我感觉自己不够好。

63. I'm feeling like a failure. - 我感觉自己很失败。

64. I'm not sure what to do with my life. - 我不知道自己将来要做什么。

65. I'm feeling scared and anxious about the future. - 我对未来感到恐惧和焦虑。

66. I'm feeling lost and alone. - 我感到迷茫和孤独。

67. I'm feeling like I'm going to break down. - 我感觉自己快要崩溃了。

68. I'm not sure if I can do this. - 我不确定我是否能做到。

69. I'm feeling hopeless. - 我感到绝望。

70. I'm feeling like I'm letting everyone down. - 我感觉自己让所有人都失望了。

71. I need to talk to someone. - 我需要找人倾诉。

72. I need help. - 我需要帮助。

73. I need to take a break. - 我需要休息一下。

74. I need to get organized. - 我需要整理一下。

75. I need to focus on my goals. - 我需要专注于我的目标。

76. I need to believe in myself. - 我需要相信自己。

77. I need to be patient. - 我需要耐心。

78. I need to keep trying. - 我需要继续努力。

79. I will get through this. - 我会克服困难的。

80. I am not alone. - 我并不孤单。

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