
## 艺伎回忆录句子及英文翻译

1. 我的名字叫千代,但大家都叫我小千代。 (My name is Chiyo, but everyone calls me Little Chiyo.)

2. 我来自一个贫穷的渔村,那里风景如画,却充满了艰辛。 (I came from a poor fishing village, where the scenery was beautiful but life was hard.)

3. 我记得我的母亲总是在缝制衣服,脸上总是带着忧愁。 (I remember my mother always sewing clothes, with a look of worry on her face.)

4. 我的妹妹,姐姐,我们都为了生存而挣扎。 (My sisters, my brother, we all struggled to survive.)

5. 一场暴风雪降临,改变了我们命运。 (A blizzard came and changed our fate.)

6. 我的妹妹和母亲被卖到了一家名为“花街”的妓院。 (My sister and mother were sold to a brothel called"Flower Street".)

7. 我被卖到了一家艺伎馆,开始了漫长的艺伎生涯。 (I was sold to a geisha house and began my long journey as a geisha.)

8. 艺伎馆里充满了华丽和优雅,但也充满了竞争和残酷。 (The geisha house was full of splendor and elegance, but also full of competition and cruelty.)

9. 我被教导如何跳舞、唱歌、演奏乐器,还要学习各种礼仪和社交技巧。 (I was taught how to dance, sing, play musical instruments, and learn various etiquette and social skills.)

10. 我的艺伎生涯充满了艰辛和挑战,但我从未放弃对美好生活的追求。 (My geisha career was full of hardships and challenges, but I never gave up my pursuit of a better life.)

11. 我遇到了一位名叫佐藤健一的男子,他是我生命中的光。 (I met a man named Kenichi Sato, who was the light of my life.)

12. 我们的爱情充满了浪漫和激情,但也充满了风险和隐患。 (Our love was full of romance and passion, but also full of risk and hidden dangers.)

13. 我们经历了分离和重逢,最终为了彼此选择了牺牲。 (We experienced separation and reunion, and ultimately made sacrifices for each other.)

14. 我的艺伎生涯带给我无尽的回忆,也塑造了我的人生观。 (My geisha career brought me countless memories and shaped my outlook on life.)

15. 我最终成为了艺伎界最著名的女艺人,被称为“小百合”。 (I eventually became the most famous geisha in the world, known as"Sayuri".)

16. 我的人生充满了起伏,但我始终保持着坚强和勇敢。 (My life was full of ups and downs, but I always remained strong and brave.)

17. 我的故事是关于成长、爱、牺牲和梦想的,它也是对日本传统文化的独特诠释。 (My story is about growth, love, sacrifice, and dreams, and it is also a unique interpretation of Japanese traditional culture.)

18. 我的人生,就像一幅精美的画卷,充满了色彩和韵律。 (My life, like a beautiful painting, is full of colors and rhythms.)

19. 我从不后悔成为艺伎,因为那是我的命运,也是我的选择。 (I never regret becoming a geisha, because it was my destiny and my choice.)

20. 在艺伎的生涯中,我学会了如何优雅地面对人生的各种挑战。 (In my geisha career, I learned how to face the challenges of life with grace.)

21. 我感谢我的命运,让我经历了如此奇妙的人生。 (I am grateful for my destiny, which allowed me to experience such a wonderful life.)

22. 我永远不会忘记那些曾经帮助过我的人,他们是我的天使,指引我走向光明。 (I will never forget those who helped me along the way, they are my angels, guiding me towards the light.)

23. 艺伎馆的灯光,照亮了我的人生道路。 (The lights of the geisha house illuminated my path in life.)

24. 我的人生就像一曲优美的旋律,充满了起伏和转折,但始终保持着和谐。 (My life is like a beautiful melody, full of ups and downs and twists and turns, but always harmonious.)

25. 我深深地爱着日本,爱着它的文化,爱着它的传统。 (I deeply love Japan, its culture, and its traditions.)

26. 我的人生故事,也许会激励那些正在追寻梦想的人。 (My life story may inspire those who are chasing their dreams.)

27. 在人生的舞台上,我们每个人都是演员,演绎着属于自己的角色。 (On the stage of life, we are all actors, playing our own roles.)

28. 我的人生故事,也是一部关于女性力量和独立的史诗。 (My life story is also an epic about female strength and independence.)

29. 我始终相信,只要有梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹。 (I always believe that as long as we have dreams, we can create our own miracles.)

30. 我的故事,也许会让更多人了解艺伎文化,以及日本女性的独特魅力。 (My story may help more people understand geisha culture and the unique charm of Japanese women.)

31. 我的人生经历,告诉我们,无论遇到什么困难,都要坚持自己的梦想。 (My life experience tells us that no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must stick to our dreams.)

32. 我希望我的故事能给那些在人生旅途中迷茫的人带来希望和启迪。 (I hope my story can bring hope and inspiration to those who are lost on their journey through life.)

33. 我的故事,是一个关于美丽与残酷并存的奇妙旅程。 (My story is a wonderful journey about beauty and cruelty coexisting.)

34. 我的人生充满了挑战,但也充满了快乐和爱。 (My life was full of challenges, but also full of joy and love.)

35. 我始终相信,人生的意义在于不断的学习和成长。 (I always believe that the meaning of life is in constant learning and growth.)

36. 我感谢那些曾经伤害过我的人,因为他们让我变得更加坚强。 (I am grateful to those who have hurt me, because they made me stronger.)

37. 我的人生,就像一首充满希望的诗歌,充满了想象力和创造力。 (My life, like a poem full of hope, is full of imagination and creativity.)

38. 我的故事,是一个关于坚强和勇敢的传奇。 (My story is a legend about strength and courage.)

39. 我的人生,就像一幅充满色彩的画卷,充满了激情和梦想。 (My life, like a painting full of colors, is full of passion and dreams.)

40. 我感谢我的命运,让我有机会成为艺伎,体验了如此独特的人生。 (I am grateful to my destiny for giving me the opportunity to be a geisha and experience such a unique life.)

41. 我的人生,就像一段充满未知的旅程,充满了冒险和惊喜。 (My life, like a journey full of unknowns, is full of adventure and surprises.)

42. 我的人生故事,也是一部关于爱情和友谊的感人故事。 (My life story is also a touching story about love and friendship.)

43. 我始终相信,只要我们勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹。 (I always believe that as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we can create our own miracles.)

44. 我的故事,也是对日本艺伎文化的一种致敬。 (My story is also a tribute to Japanese geisha culture.)

45. 我的人生故事,充满了戏剧性和传奇色彩。 (My life story is full of drama and legend.)

46. 我感谢那些曾经帮助过我的人,他们让我的人生变得更加精彩。 (I am grateful to those who have helped me along the way, they made my life more wonderful.)

47. 我的人生故事,也许会激励更多人去追求自己的梦想。 (My life story may inspire more people to pursue their dreams.)

48. 我的人生,就像一部充满希望和奇迹的电影。 (My life, like a movie full of hope and miracles.)

49. 我的故事,是一个关于女性力量和独立的传奇。 (My story is a legend about female strength and independence.)

50. 我感谢我的命运,让我体验了如此精彩的人生。 (I am grateful to my destiny for giving me the chance to experience such a wonderful life.)

51. 我的人生故事,也许会让更多人了解日本文化和女性的独特魅力。 (My life story may help more people understand Japanese culture and the unique charm of women.)

52. 我的人生,就像一首充满希望的歌曲,充满了爱和梦想。 (My life, like a song full of hope, is full of love and dreams.)

53. 我感谢那些曾经伤害过我的人,因为他们让我变得更加强大。 (I am grateful to those who have hurt me, because they made me stronger.)

54. 我的人生故事,充满了传奇色彩,也充满了感人的细节。 (My life story is full of legend and touching details.)

55. 我的人生,就像一部充满起伏的电影,充满了戏剧性和浪漫色彩。 (My life, like a movie full of ups and downs, is full of drama and romance.)

56. 我始终相信,只要有梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹。 (I always believe that as long as we have dreams, we can create our own miracles.)

57. 我的人生,就像一幅充满色彩和韵律的画卷,充满了希望和梦想。 (My life, like a painting full of colors and rhythms, is full of hope and dreams.)

58. 我的人生故事,也许会激励更多人去追求自己的梦想,创造属于自己的奇迹。 (My life story may inspire more people to pursue their dreams and create their own miracles.)

59. 我感谢那些曾经帮助过我的人,他们让我的人生变得更加精彩和难忘。 (I am grateful to those who have helped me along the way, they made my life more wonderful and memorable.)

60. 我的人生,就像一场充满希望和奇迹的旅程,充满了冒险和惊喜。 (My life, like a journey full of hope and miracles, is full of adventure and surprises.)

61. 我的人生故事,充满了传奇色彩和感人的细节,也充满了对爱情和友谊的赞颂。 (My life story is full of legend and touching details, and also full of praise for love and friendship.)

62. 我始终相信,只要我们勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇。 (I always believe that as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we can create our own miracles and achieve our own legends.)

63. 我的人生故事,也是对日本艺伎文化的一种致敬,也是对女性力量和独立的一种赞颂。 (My life story is also a tribute to Japanese geisha culture, and a tribute to female strength and independence.)

64. 我的人生,就像一部充满戏剧性和传奇色彩的电影,充满了希望、爱情和梦想。 (My life, like a movie full of drama and legend, is full of hope, love and dreams.)

65. 我感谢那些曾经帮助过我的人,他们让我的人生变得更加精彩,也让我的人生充满了希望和梦想。 (I am grateful to those who have helped me along the way, they made my life more wonderful, and also filled my life with hope and dreams.)

66. 我的人生故事,也许会激励更多人去追求自己的梦想,创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,并享受人生的美丽和快乐。 (My life story may inspire more people to pursue their dreams, create their own miracles, achieve their own legends, and enjoy the beauty and happiness of life.)

67. 我感谢我的命运,让我体验了如此精彩的人生,也让我的人生充满了希望、梦想和爱。 (I am grateful to my destiny for giving me the chance to experience such a wonderful life, and also for filling my life with hope, dreams and love.)

68. 我的人生,就像一幅充满色彩和韵律的画卷,充满了希望、梦想、爱情和友谊。 (My life, like a painting full of colors and rhythms, is full of hope, dreams, love and friendship.)

69. 我的人生故事,也许会让更多人了解日本文化和女性的独特魅力,并激励更多人去追求自己的梦想。 (My life story may help more people understand Japanese culture and the unique charm of women, and inspire more people to pursue their dreams.)

70. 我始终相信,只要我们勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,并享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖。 (I always believe that as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we can create our own miracles, achieve our own legends, and enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship.)

71. 我的人生,就像一部充满戏剧性和传奇色彩的电影,充满了希望、梦想、爱情、友谊,以及对人生的热爱。 (My life, like a movie full of drama and legend, is full of hope, dreams, love, friendship, and a love for life.)

72. 我感谢那些曾经帮助过我的人,他们让我的人生变得更加精彩,也让我的人生充满了希望、梦想、爱情、友谊,以及对生命的热爱。 (I am grateful to those who have helped me along the way, they made my life more wonderful, and also filled my life with hope, dreams, love, friendship, and a love for life.)

73. 我的人生故事,也许会激励更多人去追求自己的梦想,创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖,并热爱生命。 (My life story may inspire more people to pursue their dreams, create their own miracles, achieve their own legends, enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship, and love life.)

74. 我感谢我的命运,让我体验了如此精彩的人生,也让我的人生充满了希望、梦想、爱情、友谊,以及对生命的热爱,让我懂得人生的真谛。 (I am grateful to my destiny for giving me the chance to experience such a wonderful life, and also for filling my life with hope, dreams, love, friendship, and a love for life, making me understand the true meaning of life.)

75. 我的人生,就像一幅充满色彩和韵律的画卷,充满了希望、梦想、爱情、友谊,以及对生命的热爱,它记录了我的成长、我的爱、我的牺牲、我的梦想。 (My life, like a painting full of colors and rhythms, is full of hope, dreams, love, friendship, and a love for life, it records my growth, my love, my sacrifice, my dreams.)

76. 我的人生故事,也许会让更多人了解日本文化和女性的独特魅力,并激励更多人去追求自己的梦想,创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖,热爱生命,并懂得人生的真谛。 (My life story may help more people understand Japanese culture and the unique charm of women, and inspire more people to pursue their dreams, create their own miracles, achieve their own legends, enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship, love life, and understand the true meaning of life.)

77. 我始终相信,只要我们勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖,热爱生命,并懂得人生的真谛,这将是我永恒的信念。 (I always believe that as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we can create our own miracles, achieve our own legends, enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship, love life, and understand the true meaning of life, this will be my eternal belief.)

78. 我的人生,就像一部充满戏剧性和传奇色彩的电影,充满了希望、梦想、爱情、友谊,以及对生命的热爱,它记录了我的成长、我的爱、我的牺牲、我的梦想,以及我的人生真谛。 (My life, like a movie full of drama and legend, is full of hope, dreams, love, friendship, and a love for life, it records my growth, my love, my sacrifice, my dreams, and the true meaning of my life.)

79. 我感谢那些曾经帮助过我的人,他们让我的人生变得更加精彩,也让我的人生充满了希望、梦想、爱情、友谊,以及对生命的热爱,让我懂得人生的真谛,并让我相信,只要我们勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐。 (I am grateful to those who have helped me along the way, they made my life more wonderful, and also filled my life with hope, dreams, love, friendship, and a love for life, making me understand the true meaning of life, and making me believe that as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we can create our own miracles, achieve our own legends, and enjoy the beauty and happiness of life.)

80. 我的人生故事,也许会让更多人了解日本文化和女性的独特魅力,并激励更多人去追求自己的梦想,创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖,热爱生命,并懂得人生的真谛,让我相信,人生的意义在于不断的学习和成长。 (My life story may help more people understand Japanese culture and the unique charm of women, and inspire more people to pursue their dreams, create their own miracles, achieve their own legends, enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship, love life, and understand the true meaning of life, making me believe that the meaning of life is in constant learning and growth.)

81. 我始终相信,只要我们勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖,热爱生命,并懂得人生的真谛,这将是我永恒的信念,它指引我的人生方向。 (I always believe that as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we can create our own miracles, achieve our own legends, enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship, love life, and understand the true meaning of life, this will be my eternal belief, it guides my direction in life.)

82. 我的人生,就像一部充满戏剧性和传奇色彩的电影,充满了希望、梦想、爱情、友谊,以及对生命的热爱,它记录了我的成长、我的爱、我的牺牲、我的梦想,以及我的人生真谛,它指引我的人生方向,让我懂得人生的意义在于不断的学习和成长。 (My life, like a movie full of drama and legend, is full of hope, dreams, love, friendship, and a love for life, it records my growth, my love, my sacrifice, my dreams, and the true meaning of my life, it guides my direction in life, making me understand that the meaning of life is in constant learning and growth.)

83. 我感谢那些曾经帮助过我的人,他们让我的人生变得更加精彩,也让我的人生充满了希望、梦想、爱情、友谊,以及对生命的热爱,让我懂得人生的真谛,并让我相信,只要我们勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖,这将是我永恒的信念,它指引我的人生方向,让我懂得人生的意义在于不断的学习和成长,这将是我一生追求的目标。 (I am grateful to those who have helped me along the way, they made my life more wonderful, and also filled my life with hope, dreams, love, friendship, and a love for life, making me understand the true meaning of life, and making me believe that as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we can create our own miracles, achieve our own legends, and enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship, this will be my eternal belief, it guides my direction in life, making me understand that the meaning of life is in constant learning and growth, this will be my lifelong pursuit.)

84. 我的人生故事,也许会让更多人了解日本文化和女性的独特魅力,并激励更多人去追求自己的梦想,创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖,热爱生命,并懂得人生的真谛,让我相信,人生的意义在于不断的学习和成长,这将是我一生追求的目标,我将继续勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐。 (My life story may help more people understand Japanese culture and the unique charm of women, and inspire more people to pursue their dreams, create their own miracles, achieve their own legends, enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship, love life, and understand the true meaning of life, making me believe that the meaning of life is in constant learning and growth, this will be my lifelong pursuit, I will continue to bravely pursue my dreams, create my own miracles, achieve my own legends, and enjoy the beauty and happiness of life.)

85. 我始终相信,只要我们勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,以及爱情和友谊的温暖,热爱生命,并懂得人生的真谛,这将是我永恒的信念,它指引我的人生方向,让我懂得人生的意义在于不断的学习和成长,这将是我一生追求的目标,我将继续勇敢地追寻自己的梦想,创造属于自己的奇迹,成就属于自己的传奇,享受人生的美丽和快乐,这将是我一生的追求,我将永远铭记我的艺伎生涯,它让我学会了如何优雅地面对人生的各种挑战,它让我懂得人生的真谛,它让我相信,只要有梦想,我们就能创造属于自己的奇迹。 (I always believe that as long as we bravely pursue our dreams, we can create our own miracles, achieve our own legends, enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, as well as the warmth of love and friendship, love life, and understand the true meaning of life, this will be my eternal belief, it guides my direction in life, making me understand that the meaning of life is in constant learning and growth, this will be my lifelong pursuit, I will continue to bravely pursue my dreams, create my own miracles, achieve my own legends, and enjoy the beauty and happiness of life, this will be my lifelong pursuit, I will always remember my geisha career, it taught me how to face the challenges of life with grace, it made me understand the true meaning of life, it made me believe that as long as we have dreams, we can create our own miracles.)

以上就是关于艺伎回忆录句子85句(艺伎回忆录句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
