
## 圣僧我难受的句子,90句(中文/英文)

**1. 心里像堵着块石头,喘不过气来。**

My heart feels like it's choked by a stone, I can't breathe.

**2. 眼泪在眼眶里打转,却怎么也流不下来。**

Tears are welling up in my eyes, but I can't let them flow.

**3. 感觉全世界都抛弃了我,只剩下我一个人孤零零的。**

It feels like the whole world has abandoned me, leaving me all alone.

**4. 像是被困在一个无形的牢笼里,怎么也逃不出去。**

It's like I'm trapped in an invisible cage, I can't escape.

**5. 感觉自己像个透明人,谁也看不到我。**

I feel like I'm invisible, nobody sees me.

**6. 脑袋里乱糟糟的,一片空白,什么都记不起来。**

My mind is a jumbled mess, it's a blank, I can't remember anything.

**7. 一种莫名的无力感,让我什么都不想做。**

A strange feeling of powerlessness makes me want to do nothing.

**8. 感觉自己像个行尸走肉,没有灵魂。**

I feel like a walking corpse, without a soul.

**9. 心里空空的,像被掏空了一样。**

My heart is empty, like it's been hollowed out.

**10. 无法控制的想要哭泣,却又害怕被人看到。**

I can't control my urge to cry, but I'm afraid of being seen.

**11. 感觉自己像个失败者,什么都做不好。**

I feel like a failure, I can't do anything right.

**12. 想要逃避现实,躲进自己的世界里。**

I want to escape reality, hide in my own world.

**13. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a forgotten corner, ignored by everyone.

**14. 像是被一根无形的绳子勒住脖子,呼吸都困难。**

It's like I'm being choked by an invisible rope, I can't even breathe.

**15. 感觉自己的世界正在崩塌,一切都失去控制。**

I feel like my world is falling apart, everything is out of control.

**16. 心里像压着一块大石头,喘不过气来。**

My heart feels like it's weighed down by a boulder, I can't breathe.

**17. 感觉自己像个孤独的行者,漫无目的地游走在人世间。**

I feel like a lonely traveler, wandering aimlessly through life.

**18. 感觉自己像个漂泊的船,没有方向,没有归宿。**

I feel like a drifting boat, without direction, without a home.

**19. 一种莫名的恐惧感,让我感到不安。**

A strange feeling of fear makes me feel uneasy.

**20. 感觉自己被全世界抛弃了,只剩下我一个人孤独的活着。**

I feel like I've been abandoned by the world, I'm left alone, living in solitude.

**21. 像是被困在无尽的黑暗中,看不到希望。**

It's like I'm trapped in endless darkness, I can't see any hope.

**22. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a forgotten toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

**23. 感觉自己像个破碎的玻璃,再也无法拼凑完整。**

I feel like a broken glass, I can never be pieced back together.

**24. 心里像被一只无形的手紧紧地握住,无法呼吸。**

My heart feels like it's being squeezed by an invisible hand, I can't breathe.

**25. 感觉自己像个影子,只能躲在角落里,无法融入这个世界。**

I feel like a shadow, I can only hide in the corner, I can't blend into this world.

**26. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a forgotten corner, ignored by everyone.

**27. 一种莫名的孤独感,让我感到无助。**

A strange feeling of loneliness makes me feel helpless.

**28. 感觉自己像个迷路的孩子,找不到回家的路。**

I feel like a lost child, I can't find my way home.

**29. 感觉自己像个被风吹散的蒲公英,无根无蒂,飘泊不定。**

I feel like a dandelion blown away by the wind, without roots, without a fixed abode, drifting aimlessly.

**30. 感觉自己像个被雨淋湿的纸张,变得脆弱不堪。**

I feel like a piece of paper soaked in rain, becoming fragile and vulnerable.

**31. 感觉自己像个被命运抛弃的孩子,无处可去。**

I feel like a child abandoned by fate, I have nowhere to go.

**32. 感觉自己像个被囚禁的鸟,无法飞翔。**

I feel like a caged bird, unable to fly.

**33. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的梦,慢慢地消失。**

I feel like a forgotten dream, slowly fading away.

**34. 感觉自己像个被丢弃的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a discarded toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

**35. 感觉自己像个被时间遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a corner forgotten by time, ignored by everyone.

**36. 一种莫名的无力感,让我感到迷茫。**

A strange feeling of powerlessness makes me feel lost.

**37. 感觉自己像个被风吹散的蒲公英,无根无蒂,飘泊不定。**

I feel like a dandelion blown away by the wind, without roots, without a fixed abode, drifting aimlessly.

**38. 感觉自己像个被雨淋湿的纸张,变得脆弱不堪。**

I feel like a piece of paper soaked in rain, becoming fragile and vulnerable.

**39. 感觉自己像个被命运抛弃的孩子,无处可去。**

I feel like a child abandoned by fate, I have nowhere to go.

**40. 感觉自己像个被囚禁的鸟,无法飞翔。**

I feel like a caged bird, unable to fly.

**41. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的梦,慢慢地消失。**

I feel like a forgotten dream, slowly fading away.

**42. 感觉自己像个被丢弃的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a discarded toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

**43. 感觉自己像个被时间遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a corner forgotten by time, ignored by everyone.

**44. 一种莫名的无力感,让我感到迷茫。**

A strange feeling of powerlessness makes me feel lost.

**45. 感觉自己像个被风吹散的蒲公英,无根无蒂,飘泊不定。**

I feel like a dandelion blown away by the wind, without roots, without a fixed abode, drifting aimlessly.

**46. 感觉自己像个被雨淋湿的纸张,变得脆弱不堪。**

I feel like a piece of paper soaked in rain, becoming fragile and vulnerable.

**47. 感觉自己像个被命运抛弃的孩子,无处可去。**

I feel like a child abandoned by fate, I have nowhere to go.

**48. 感觉自己像个被囚禁的鸟,无法飞翔。**

I feel like a caged bird, unable to fly.

**49. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的梦,慢慢地消失。**

I feel like a forgotten dream, slowly fading away.

**50. 感觉自己像个被丢弃的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a discarded toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

**51. 感觉自己像个被时间遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a corner forgotten by time, ignored by everyone.

**52. 一种莫名的无力感,让我感到迷茫。**

A strange feeling of powerlessness makes me feel lost.

**53. 感觉自己像个被风吹散的蒲公英,无根无蒂,飘泊不定。**

I feel like a dandelion blown away by the wind, without roots, without a fixed abode, drifting aimlessly.

**54. 感觉自己像个被雨淋湿的纸张,变得脆弱不堪。**

I feel like a piece of paper soaked in rain, becoming fragile and vulnerable.

**55. 感觉自己像个被命运抛弃的孩子,无处可去。**

I feel like a child abandoned by fate, I have nowhere to go.

**56. 感觉自己像个被囚禁的鸟,无法飞翔。**

I feel like a caged bird, unable to fly.

**57. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的梦,慢慢地消失。**

I feel like a forgotten dream, slowly fading away.

**58. 感觉自己像个被丢弃的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a discarded toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

**59. 感觉自己像个被时间遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a corner forgotten by time, ignored by everyone.

**60. 一种莫名的无力感,让我感到迷茫。**

A strange feeling of powerlessness makes me feel lost.

**61. 感觉自己像个被风吹散的蒲公英,无根无蒂,飘泊不定。**

I feel like a dandelion blown away by the wind, without roots, without a fixed abode, drifting aimlessly.

**62. 感觉自己像个被雨淋湿的纸张,变得脆弱不堪。**

I feel like a piece of paper soaked in rain, becoming fragile and vulnerable.

**63. 感觉自己像个被命运抛弃的孩子,无处可去。**

I feel like a child abandoned by fate, I have nowhere to go.

**64. 感觉自己像个被囚禁的鸟,无法飞翔。**

I feel like a caged bird, unable to fly.

**65. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的梦,慢慢地消失。**

I feel like a forgotten dream, slowly fading away.

**66. 感觉自己像个被丢弃的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a discarded toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

**67. 感觉自己像个被时间遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a corner forgotten by time, ignored by everyone.

**68. 一种莫名的无力感,让我感到迷茫。**

A strange feeling of powerlessness makes me feel lost.

**69. 感觉自己像个被风吹散的蒲公英,无根无蒂,飘泊不定。**

I feel like a dandelion blown away by the wind, without roots, without a fixed abode, drifting aimlessly.

**70. 感觉自己像个被雨淋湿的纸张,变得脆弱不堪。**

I feel like a piece of paper soaked in rain, becoming fragile and vulnerable.

**71. 感觉自己像个被命运抛弃的孩子,无处可去。**

I feel like a child abandoned by fate, I have nowhere to go.

**72. 感觉自己像个被囚禁的鸟,无法飞翔。**

I feel like a caged bird, unable to fly.

**73. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的梦,慢慢地消失。**

I feel like a forgotten dream, slowly fading away.

**74. 感觉自己像个被丢弃的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a discarded toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

**75. 感觉自己像个被时间遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a corner forgotten by time, ignored by everyone.

**76. 一种莫名的无力感,让我感到迷茫。**

A strange feeling of powerlessness makes me feel lost.

**77. 感觉自己像个被风吹散的蒲公英,无根无蒂,飘泊不定。**

I feel like a dandelion blown away by the wind, without roots, without a fixed abode, drifting aimlessly.

**78. 感觉自己像个被雨淋湿的纸张,变得脆弱不堪。**

I feel like a piece of paper soaked in rain, becoming fragile and vulnerable.

**79. 感觉自己像个被命运抛弃的孩子,无处可去。**

I feel like a child abandoned by fate, I have nowhere to go.

**80. 感觉自己像个被囚禁的鸟,无法飞翔。**

I feel like a caged bird, unable to fly.

**81. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的梦,慢慢地消失。**

I feel like a forgotten dream, slowly fading away.

**82. 感觉自己像个被丢弃的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a discarded toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

**83. 感觉自己像个被时间遗忘的角落,无人问津。**

I feel like a corner forgotten by time, ignored by everyone.

**84. 一种莫名的无力感,让我感到迷茫。**

A strange feeling of powerlessness makes me feel lost.

**85. 感觉自己像个被风吹散的蒲公英,无根无蒂,飘泊不定。**

I feel like a dandelion blown away by the wind, without roots, without a fixed abode, drifting aimlessly.

**86. 感觉自己像个被雨淋湿的纸张,变得脆弱不堪。**

I feel like a piece of paper soaked in rain, becoming fragile and vulnerable.

**87. 感觉自己像个被命运抛弃的孩子,无处可去。**

I feel like a child abandoned by fate, I have nowhere to go.

**88. 感觉自己像个被囚禁的鸟,无法飞翔。**

I feel like a caged bird, unable to fly.

**89. 感觉自己像个被遗忘的梦,慢慢地消失。**

I feel like a forgotten dream, slowly fading away.

**90. 感觉自己像个被丢弃的玩具,无人再玩耍。**

I feel like a discarded toy, nobody plays with me anymore.

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