
## 土地伯公伯婆句子 (84句)

**1. 祈求土地伯公伯婆保佑,平安順遂,事事順心。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for peace, smoothness, and everything going well.

**2. 拜土地公伯婆,祈求家宅平安,闔家安康。**

Paying respects to the Earth God and Earth Goddess, praying for peace in our home, and good health for the whole family.

**3. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活順利,事業有成。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to have a smooth life and achieve success in our careers.

**4. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們身體健康,財運亨通。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and prosperity in our finances.

**5. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們子女聰明伶俐,平安健康。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our children to be intelligent and quick-witted, safe and healthy.

**6. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們事業順利,財源廣進。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and abundant wealth.

**7. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家庭和睦,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for harmony and happiness in our family.

**8. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們生活無憂,事業順心。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a carefree life and smooth sailing in our careers.

**9. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們婚姻美滿,白頭偕老。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a fulfilling marriage and a lifetime together.

**10. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們身體健康,長命百歲。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and a long life.

**11. 拜土地公伯婆,祈求一切順利,心想事成。**

Paying respects to the Earth God and Earth Goddess, praying for everything to go smoothly and for our wishes to come true.

**12. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活平安,無災無難。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to live peacefully without any disasters or troubles.

**13. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們財源滾滾,富貴安康。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for wealth flowing in and for a prosperous and healthy life.

**14. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們事業蒸蒸日上,財運亨通。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our careers to flourish and for prosperity in our finances.

**15. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們愛情甜蜜,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a sweet and fulfilling love life.

**16. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們孩子聰明伶俐,前途無量。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our children to be intelligent and quick-witted, with a bright future.

**17. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們一家人身體健康,平平安安。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our whole family to be healthy and safe.

**18. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活順心,無憂無慮。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to live a comfortable and carefree life.

**19. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們事業順利,財源廣進。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and abundant wealth.

**20. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家庭和睦,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for harmony and happiness in our family.

**21. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們事業順利,財運亨通。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and prosperity in our finances.

**22. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們生活無憂,事事順心。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a carefree life and everything going well.

**23. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們婚姻美滿,白頭偕老。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a fulfilling marriage and a lifetime together.

**24. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們身體健康,長命百歲。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and a long life.

**25. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們平安順遂,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for peace, smoothness, and happiness.

**26. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家宅平安,闔家安康。**

Paying respects to the Earth God and Earth Goddess, praying for peace in our home, and good health for the whole family.

**27. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活順利,事業有成。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to have a smooth life and achieve success in our careers.

**28. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們身體健康,財運亨通。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and prosperity in our finances.

**29. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們子女聰明伶俐,平安健康。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our children to be intelligent and quick-witted, safe and healthy.

**30. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們事業順利,財源廣進。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and abundant wealth.

**31. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家庭和睦,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for harmony and happiness in our family.

**32. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們生活無憂,事業順心。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a carefree life and smooth sailing in our careers.

**33. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們婚姻美滿,白頭偕老。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a fulfilling marriage and a lifetime together.

**34. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們身體健康,長命百歲。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and a long life.

**35. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們一切順利,心想事成。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for everything to go smoothly and for our wishes to come true.

**36. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活平安,無災無難。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to live peacefully without any disasters or troubles.

**37. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們財源滾滾,富貴安康。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for wealth flowing in and for a prosperous and healthy life.

**38. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們事業蒸蒸日上,財運亨通。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our careers to flourish and for prosperity in our finances.

**39. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們愛情甜蜜,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a sweet and fulfilling love life.

**40. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們孩子聰明伶俐,前途無量。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our children to be intelligent and quick-witted, with a bright future.

**41. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們一家人身體健康,平平安安。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our whole family to be healthy and safe.

**42. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活順心,無憂無慮。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to live a comfortable and carefree life.

**43. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們事業順利,財源廣進。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and abundant wealth.

**44. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家庭和睦,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for harmony and happiness in our family.

**45. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們事業順利,財運亨通。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and prosperity in our finances.

**46. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們生活無憂,事事順心。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a carefree life and everything going well.

**47. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們婚姻美滿,白頭偕老。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a fulfilling marriage and a lifetime together.

**48. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們身體健康,長命百歲。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and a long life.

**49. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們平安順遂,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for peace, smoothness, and happiness.

**50. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家宅平安,闔家安康。**

Paying respects to the Earth God and Earth Goddess, praying for peace in our home, and good health for the whole family.

**51. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活順利,事業有成。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to have a smooth life and achieve success in our careers.

**52. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們身體健康,財運亨通。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and prosperity in our finances.

**53. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們子女聰明伶俐,平安健康。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our children to be intelligent and quick-witted, safe and healthy.

**54. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們事業順利,財源廣進。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and abundant wealth.

**55. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家庭和睦,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for harmony and happiness in our family.

**56. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們生活無憂,事業順心。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a carefree life and smooth sailing in our careers.

**57. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們婚姻美滿,白頭偕老。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a fulfilling marriage and a lifetime together.

**58. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們身體健康,長命百歲。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and a long life.

**59. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們一切順利,心想事成。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for everything to go smoothly and for our wishes to come true.

**60. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活平安,無災無難。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to live peacefully without any disasters or troubles.

**61. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們財源滾滾,富貴安康。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for wealth flowing in and for a prosperous and healthy life.

**62. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們事業蒸蒸日上,財運亨通。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our careers to flourish and for prosperity in our finances.

**63. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們愛情甜蜜,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a sweet and fulfilling love life.

**64. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們孩子聰明伶俐,前途無量。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our children to be intelligent and quick-witted, with a bright future.

**65. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們一家人身體健康,平平安安。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our whole family to be healthy and safe.

**66. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活順心,無憂無慮。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to live a comfortable and carefree life.

**67. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們事業順利,財源廣進。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and abundant wealth.

**68. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家庭和睦,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for harmony and happiness in our family.

**69. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們事業順利,財運亨通。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and prosperity in our finances.

**70. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們生活無憂,事事順心。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a carefree life and everything going well.

**71. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們婚姻美滿,白頭偕老。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a fulfilling marriage and a lifetime together.

**72. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們身體健康,長命百歲。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and a long life.

**73. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們平安順遂,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for peace, smoothness, and happiness.

**74. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家宅平安,闔家安康。**

Paying respects to the Earth God and Earth Goddess, praying for peace in our home, and good health for the whole family.

**75. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活順利,事業有成。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to have a smooth life and achieve success in our careers.

**76. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們身體健康,財運亨通。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and prosperity in our finances.

**77. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們子女聰明伶俐,平安健康。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for our children to be intelligent and quick-witted, safe and healthy.

**78. 祈求土地公伯婆賜福,讓我們事業順利,財源廣進。**

Praying for blessings from the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for smooth sailing in our careers and abundant wealth.

**79. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們家庭和睦,幸福美滿。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for harmony and happiness in our family.

**80. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們生活無憂,事業順心。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a carefree life and smooth sailing in our careers.

**81. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們婚姻美滿,白頭偕老。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for a fulfilling marriage and a lifetime together.

**82. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們身體健康,長命百歲。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for good health and a long life.

**83. 祈求土地公伯婆保佑,讓我們一切順利,心想事成。**

Praying for the protection of the Earth God and Earth Goddess, for everything to go smoothly and for our wishes to come true.

**84. 感謝土地公伯婆庇佑,讓我們生活平安,無災無難。**

Thanking the Earth God and Earth Goddess for their protection, allowing us to live peacefully without any disasters or troubles.

以上就是关于土地伯公伯婆句子84句(土地伯公伯婆句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
