
## 车轮碾过铁轨的句子,89句,中英文对照

1. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出有节奏的铿锵声,像是奏响了一曲古老而雄壮的交响乐。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a rhythmic clang, like an ancient and majestic symphony.

2. 火车飞速奔驰,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当、哐当”的响声,仿佛在诉说着它的速度与力量。

The train sped along, the wheels grinding against the rails, making a"clanging, clanging" sound, as if telling of its speed and power.

3. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出清脆的“咔哒”声,像是时间流逝的刻度,又像是生命的节拍。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a crisp"click" sound, like the marks of time passing, or the rhythm of life.

4. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出沉闷的“隆隆”声,仿佛在宣告着它所承载的重量和使命。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a dull"rumble," as if announcing the weight and mission it carried.

5. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出轻微的“沙沙”声,像是耳语,又像是诗歌。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a slight"rustling" sound, like a whisper, or a poem.

6. 火车缓缓驶过,车轮碾过铁轨,发出舒缓的“咯噔”声,像是古老的摇篮曲。

The train slowly passed by, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a soothing"clunk," like an ancient lullaby.

7. 铁轨在车轮的碾压下发出阵阵轰鸣,仿佛在诉说着时间的流逝和历史的厚重。

The rails roared under the pressure of the wheels, as if telling of the passage of time and the weight of history.

8. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当、哐当”的响声,像是远古的战鼓在敲击着时代的节拍。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging, clanging" sound, like ancient war drums beating the rhythm of the times.

9. 火车奔驰在广袤的草原上,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是草原的呼吸声。

The train galloped across the vast grassland, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the breath of the grassland.

10. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“咯吱、咯吱”的响声,像是古老的木质马车在颠簸的道路上行驶。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"creaking, creaking" sound, like an ancient wooden cart travelling on a bumpy road.

11. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出清脆的“叮叮”声,像是风铃在微风中摇曳。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a crisp"ding, ding" sound, like wind chimes swaying in a gentle breeze.

12. 火车飞速奔驰,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“嗖嗖”的响声,像是离弦的箭,飞向远方。

The train sped along, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"whooshing" sound, like an arrow released from a bow, flying towards the distance.

13. 火车在山间蜿蜒前行,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当、哐当”的响声,像是山间的回声。

The train meandered through the mountains, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging, clanging" sound, like echoes in the mountains.

14. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“咯噔、咯噔”的响声,像是时间的钟摆在不停地摆动。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clunk, clunk" sound, like the pendulum of time constantly swinging.

15. 火车驶过桥梁,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当、哐当”的响声,像是桥梁在歌唱。

The train crossed the bridge, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging, clanging" sound, as if the bridge was singing.

16. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“叮叮当当”的响声,像是圣诞节的铃声在欢快地演奏。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"jingle, jingle" sound, like Christmas bells playing merrily.

17. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当、哐当”的响声,像是古老的钟声在敲响时间的节奏。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging, clanging" sound, like ancient bells striking the rhythm of time.

18. 火车在夜色中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当、哐当”的响声,像是夜莺在歌唱。

The train travelled in the darkness, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging, clanging" sound, like nightingales singing.

19. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“隆隆”的响声,像是雷声在远方滚滚而来。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"rumbling" sound, like thunder rolling in from afar.

20. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“咯吱”的响声,像是木板在摩擦着地面。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"creaking" sound, like wood rubbing against the ground.

21. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是敲击着心扉,唤醒沉睡的记忆。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, as if knocking on the heartstrings, awakening sleeping memories.

22. 火车在铁轨上飞速行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间在流逝,未来在召唤。

The train raced along the rails, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, as if time was passing, and the future was calling.

23. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“咯噔”的响声,像是脚步声在回荡,又像是命运在召唤。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clunk" sound, like footsteps echoing, or fate calling.

24. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是巨人的脚步声,在震动着大地。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of a giant, shaking the earth.

25. 火车在夕阳下缓缓驶过,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是告别声,又像是承诺声。

The train slowly passed by in the sunset, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a farewell, or a promise.

26. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的旋律,在不停地演奏。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the melody of life, constantly playing.

27. 火车在风雨中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是风雨的交响曲。

The train travelled in the wind and rain, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a symphony of wind and rain.

28. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the markings of time, recording the trajectory of history.

29. 火车在深夜里行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是梦境中的声音。

The train travelled in the dead of night, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a sound from a dream.

30. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of youth, chasing dreams.

31. 火车在山间穿行,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是山间的呼唤。

The train traversed the mountains, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the call of the mountains.

32. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是希望的种子,在心中播撒。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like seeds of hope, being sown in the heart.

33. 火车在平原上飞速行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是自由的飞翔。

The train sped along the plains, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the freedom of flight.

34. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the bell of time, striking the cycle of years.

35. 火车在海边行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是海浪的拍打声。

The train travelled by the sea, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the waves crashing against the shore.

36. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的节拍,在跳动着生命的旋律。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the beat of life, playing the melody of life.

37. 火车在沙漠中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是沙漠的回声。

The train travelled through the desert, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the echo of the desert.

38. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是梦想的翅膀,在振翅飞翔。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the wings of dreams, flapping in flight.

39. 火车在雨中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是雨滴的旋律。

The train travelled in the rain, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the melody of raindrops.

40. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是岁月的流逝,在刻画着历史的年轮。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the passage of time, carving the annual rings of history.

41. 火车在雪中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是雪花的舞蹈。

The train travelled in the snow, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the dance of snowflakes.

42. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的乐章,在演奏着生命的华章。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the symphony of life, playing the grand chapter of life.

43. 火车在夜色中飞速行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是夜空中划过的流星。

The train raced along in the darkness, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a meteor streaking across the night sky.

44. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间的脚步声,在追赶着梦想的步伐。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of time, chasing after the pace of dreams.

45. 火车在山间盘旋,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是山间的小溪,在欢快地歌唱。

The train wound its way through the mountains, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a mountain stream singing merrily.

46. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是希望的灯塔,在指引着前进的方向。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a lighthouse of hope, guiding the direction of progress.

47. 火车在田野中飞速行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是田野的呼吸声。

The train sped along the fields, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the breath of the fields.

48. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的节奏,在跳动着生命的旋律。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the beat of life, playing the melody of life.

49. 火车在夕阳下缓缓驶过,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是岁月的叹息声。

The train slowly passed by in the sunset, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the sigh of time.

50. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the echoes of history, telling of the past glory.

51. 火车在夜色中飞速行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是夜空中的繁星,在闪烁着光芒。

The train raced along in the darkness, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the stars twinkling in the night sky.

52. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是希望的种子,在心中播撒,又像是梦想的翅膀,在振翅飞翔。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like seeds of hope being sown in the heart, or the wings of dreams flapping in flight.

53. 火车在雨中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是雨滴的旋律,又像是生命的节拍。

The train travelled in the rain, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the melody of raindrops, or the beat of life.

54. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间的脚步声,在追赶着梦想的步伐,又像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of time chasing after the pace of dreams, or the echoes of history telling of the past glory.

55. 火车在雪中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是雪花的舞蹈,又像是岁月的流逝。

The train travelled in the snow, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the dance of snowflakes, or the passage of time.

56. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的乐章,在演奏着生命的华章,又像是希望的灯塔,在指引着前进的方向。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the symphony of life playing the grand chapter of life, or a lighthouse of hope guiding the direction of progress.

57. 火车在田野中飞速行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是田野的呼吸声,又像是自由的飞翔。

The train sped along the fields, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the breath of the fields, or the freedom of flight.

58. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回,又像是生命的节奏,在跳动着生命的旋律。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the bell of time striking the cycle of years, or the beat of life playing the melody of life.

59. 火车在海边行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是海浪的拍打声,又像是岁月的叹息声。

The train travelled by the sea, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the waves crashing against the shore, or the sigh of time.

60. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌,又像是希望的种子,在心中播撒。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the echoes of history telling of the past glory, or seeds of hope being sown in the heart.

61. 火车在沙漠中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是沙漠的回声,又像是梦想的翅膀,在振翅飞翔。

The train travelled through the desert, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the echo of the desert, or the wings of dreams flapping in flight.

62. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的节拍,在跳动着生命的旋律,又像是时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the beat of life playing the melody of life, or the markings of time recording the trajectory of history.

63. 火车在深夜里行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是梦境中的声音,又像是夜莺的歌唱。

The train travelled in the dead of night, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a sound from a dream, or nightingales singing.

64. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想,又像是巨人的脚步声,在震动着大地。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of youth chasing dreams, or the footsteps of a giant shaking the earth.

65. 火车在山间穿行,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是山间的呼唤,又像是希望的灯塔,在指引着前进的方向。

The train traversed the mountains, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the call of the mountains, or a lighthouse of hope guiding the direction of progress.

66. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回,又像是生命的节奏,在跳动着生命的旋律,还像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the bell of time striking the cycle of years, or the beat of life playing the melody of life, or the echoes of history telling of the past glory.

67. 火车在夕阳下缓缓驶过,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是告别声,又像是承诺声,还像是岁月的叹息声。

The train slowly passed by in the sunset, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a farewell, or a promise, or the sigh of time.

68. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想,又像是巨人的脚步声,在震动着大地,还像是希望的种子,在心中播撒。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of youth chasing dreams, or the footsteps of a giant shaking the earth, or seeds of hope being sown in the heart.

69. 火车在山间盘旋,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是山间的小溪,在欢快地歌唱,又像是时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹。

The train wound its way through the mountains, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a mountain stream singing merrily, or the markings of time recording the trajectory of history.

70. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的节拍,在跳动着生命的旋律,又像是时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回,还像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the beat of life playing the melody of life, or the bell of time striking the cycle of years, or the echoes of history telling of the past glory.

71. 火车在雨中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是雨滴的旋律,又像是生命的节拍,还像是青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想。

The train travelled in the rain, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the melody of raindrops, or the beat of life, or the footsteps of youth chasing dreams.

72. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间的脚步声,在追赶着梦想的步伐,又像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌,还像是希望的种子,在心中播撒。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of time chasing after the pace of dreams, or the echoes of history telling of the past glory, or seeds of hope being sown in the heart.

73. 火车在雪中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是雪花的舞蹈,又像是岁月的流逝,还像是巨人的脚步声,在震动着大地。

The train travelled in the snow, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the dance of snowflakes, or the passage of time, or the footsteps of a giant shaking the earth.

74. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的乐章,在演奏着生命的华章,又像是希望的灯塔,在指引着前进的方向,还像是田野的呼吸声。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the symphony of life playing the grand chapter of life, or a lighthouse of hope guiding the direction of progress, or the breath of the fields.

75. 火车在田野中飞速行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是田野的呼吸声,又像是自由的飞翔,还像是时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹。

The train sped along the fields, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the breath of the fields, or the freedom of flight, or the markings of time recording the trajectory of history.

76. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回,又像是生命的节奏,在跳动着生命的旋律,还像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌,以及希望的种子,在心中播撒。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the bell of time striking the cycle of years, or the beat of life playing the melody of life, or the echoes of history telling of the past glory, and seeds of hope being sown in the heart.

77. 火车在海边行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是海浪的拍打声,又像是岁月的叹息声,还像是梦想的翅膀,在振翅飞翔。

The train travelled by the sea, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the waves crashing against the shore, or the sigh of time, or the wings of dreams flapping in flight.

78. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌,又像是希望的种子,在心中播撒,还像是青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the echoes of history telling of the past glory, or seeds of hope being sown in the heart, or the footsteps of youth chasing dreams.

79. 火车在沙漠中行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是沙漠的回声,又像是梦想的翅膀,在振翅飞翔,还像是巨人的脚步声,在震动着大地。

The train travelled through the desert, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the echo of the desert, or the wings of dreams flapping in flight, or the footsteps of a giant shaking the earth.

80. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的节拍,在跳动着生命的旋律,又像是时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹,还像是希望的灯塔,在指引着前进的方向。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the beat of life playing the melody of life, or the markings of time recording the trajectory of history, or a lighthouse of hope guiding the direction of progress.

81. 火车在深夜里行驶,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是梦境中的声音,又像是夜莺的歌唱,还像是田野的呼吸声。

The train travelled in the dead of night, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a sound from a dream, or nightingales singing, or the breath of the fields.

82. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想,又像是巨人的脚步声,在震动着大地,还像是希望的种子,在心中播撒,以及时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of youth chasing dreams, or the footsteps of a giant shaking the earth, or seeds of hope being sown in the heart, and the markings of time recording the trajectory of history.

83. 火车在山间穿行,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是山间的呼唤,又像是希望的灯塔,在指引着前进的方向,还像是时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回。

The train traversed the mountains, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the call of the mountains, or a lighthouse of hope guiding the direction of progress, or the bell of time striking the cycle of years.

84. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的节奏,在跳动着生命的旋律,又像是时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回,还像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌,以及希望的种子,在心中播撒,和梦想的翅膀,在振翅飞翔。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the beat of life playing the melody of life, or the bell of time striking the cycle of years, or the echoes of history telling of the past glory, and seeds of hope being sown in the heart, and the wings of dreams flapping in flight.

85. 火车在夕阳下缓缓驶过,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是告别声,又像是承诺声,还像是岁月的叹息声,以及青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想。

The train slowly passed by in the sunset, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a farewell, or a promise, or the sigh of time, and the footsteps of youth chasing dreams.

86. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想,又像是巨人的脚步声,在震动着大地,还像是希望的种子,在心中播撒,以及时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹,和生命的节拍,在跳动着生命的旋律。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the footsteps of youth chasing dreams, or the footsteps of a giant shaking the earth, or seeds of hope being sown in the heart, and the markings of time recording the trajectory of history, and the beat of life playing the melody of life.

87. 火车在山间盘旋,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是山间的小溪,在欢快地歌唱,又像是时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹,还像是希望的灯塔,在指引着前进的方向,以及时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回。

The train wound its way through the mountains, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a mountain stream singing merrily, or the markings of time recording the trajectory of history, or a lighthouse of hope guiding the direction of progress, and the bell of time striking the cycle of years.

88. 车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是生命的节拍,在跳动着生命的旋律,又像是时间的钟声,在敲响着岁月的轮回,还像是历史的回声,在诉说着过去的辉煌,以及希望的种子,在心中播撒,和梦想的翅膀,在振翅飞翔,以及青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想。

The wheels rolled over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like the beat of life playing the melody of life, or the bell of time striking the cycle of years, or the echoes of history telling of the past glory, and seeds of hope being sown in the heart, and the wings of dreams flapping in flight, and the footsteps of youth chasing dreams.

89. 火车在夕阳下缓缓驶过,车轮碾过铁轨,发出“哐当”的响声,像是告别声,又像是承诺声,还像是岁月的叹息声,以及青春的脚步声,在追逐着梦想,还像是巨人的脚步声,在震动着大地,以及希望的种子,在心中播撒,和时间的刻度,在记录着历史的轨迹。

The train slowly passed by in the sunset, the wheels rolling over the rails, producing a"clanging" sound, like a farewell, or a promise, or the sigh of time, and the footsteps of youth chasing dreams, and the footsteps of a giant shaking the earth, and seeds of hope being sown in the heart, and the markings of time recording the trajectory of history.

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