
## 车里救人笑话句子,57句

**1. 为什么救护车要开得这么快?**

Why does an ambulance drive so fast?

Because the person inside is about to die!

**2. 救护车司机为什么总是在红灯的时候停车?**

Why do ambulance drivers always stop at red lights?

Because they don't want to make the patient wait too long.

**3. 警察和救护车同时到达事故现场,谁先救人?**

A police car and an ambulance arrive at an accident scene at the same time. Who saves the person first?

The police officer saves the person first, because he needs to write a ticket!

**4. 为什么医生总是带着口罩?**

Why do doctors always wear masks?

Because they are afraid that the patients will recognize them and then refuse to pay for the medical expenses!

**5. 医生和病人一起玩游戏,谁赢了?**

A doctor and a patient play a game together, who wins?

Of course the doctor wins, because he has medicine in his hands!

**6. 为什么药店总是开在医院旁边?**

Why are pharmacies always located next to hospitals?

Because patients forget to bring medicine after taking it.

**7. 为什么受伤的人总是去医院?**

Why do injured people always go to the hospital?

Because they don't have medical equipment at home!

**8. 为什么医院里的床都是白色的?**

Why are the beds in the hospital all white?

Because doctors don't like patients to see blood!

**9. 为什么医生总是喜欢穿白大褂?**

Why do doctors always like to wear white coats?

Because they are afraid that patients will see their clothes dirty!

**10. 为什么针头总是那么尖?**

Why are needles always so sharp?

Because they are afraid that patients will lose them!

**11. 为什么医生总是在听诊器里听声音?**

Why do doctors always listen to sounds through stethoscopes?

Because they are listening to see if the patient is lying!

**12. 为什么救护车总是有红灯和蓝灯?**

Why do ambulances always have red and blue lights?

Because they need to remind pedestrians that they are going to drive fast!

**13. 为什么医院总是有很多病人?**

Why are there always so many patients in the hospital?

Because they all like to come here to enjoy the free air conditioning!

**14. 为什么医生总是在问病人:"你最近感觉怎么样?"**

Why do doctors always ask patients,"How are you feeling lately?"

Because they want to know if the patient has paid the medical expenses!

**15. 为什么护士总是喜欢穿白衣服?**

Why do nurses always like to wear white clothes?

Because they want patients to think they are clean!

**16. 为什么受伤的人总是会感到疼痛?**

Why do injured people always feel pain?

Because they don't want the doctor to know they are faking it!

**17. 为什么药总是那么苦?**

Why is medicine always so bitter?

Because doctors want patients to remember their medicine!

**18. 为什么医院总是有很多门?**

Why do hospitals always have so many doors?

Because doctors like to make patients get lost!

**19. 为什么医生总是喜欢看病历?**

Why do doctors always like to look at medical records?

Because they want to see if the patient is lying!

**20. 为什么护士总是喜欢打针?**

Why do nurses always like to give injections?

Because they like to see patients scared!

**21. 为什么医院总是有很多电梯?**

Why do hospitals always have so many elevators?

Because doctors don't want patients to climb stairs!

**22. 为什么医生总是喜欢用听诊器听心脏?**

Why do doctors always like to use stethoscopes to listen to the heart?

Because they want to know if the patient is still beating!

**23. 为什么护士总是喜欢量体温?**

Why do nurses always like to take temperatures?

Because they want to see if the patient has a fever!

**24. 为什么受伤的人总是会流血?**

Why do injured people always bleed?

Because they want the doctor to know they are injured!

**25. 为什么药总是那么小?**

Why is medicine always so small?

Because doctors are afraid that patients will eat too much!

**26. 为什么医院总是有很多窗户?**

Why do hospitals always have so many windows?

Because doctors want patients to see the scenery outside and make them feel better!

**27. 为什么医生总是喜欢用X光检查?**

Why do doctors always like to use X-rays to check?

Because they want to see if the patient is really sick!

**28. 为什么护士总是喜欢打针?**

Why do nurses always like to give injections?

Because they want patients to know they are powerful!

**29. 为什么受伤的人总是会哭?**

Why do injured people always cry?

Because they don't want the doctor to know they don't hurt!

**30. 为什么药总是那么苦?**

Why is medicine always so bitter?

Because doctors want patients to eat slower so that the medicine will have a better effect!

**31. 为什么医院总是有很多床?**

Why do hospitals always have so many beds?

Because doctors like to let patients rest so that they can earn more money!

**32. 为什么医生总是喜欢穿白大褂?**

Why do doctors always like to wear white coats?

Because they want patients to think they are clean, so that patients will trust them!

**33. 为什么护士总是喜欢戴帽子?**

Why do nurses always like to wear hats?

Because they want patients to think they are professional, so that patients will listen to them!

**34. 为什么受伤的人总是会感到疼痛?**

Why do injured people always feel pain?

Because they want the doctor to know they need help!

**35. 为什么药总是那么苦?**

Why is medicine always so bitter?

Because doctors want patients to remember the taste of the medicine so they don't forget to take it!

**36. 为什么医院总是有很多门?**

Why do hospitals always have so many doors?

Because doctors want patients to think they are powerful, so that patients will trust them!

**37. 为什么医生总是喜欢看病历?**

Why do doctors always like to look at medical records?

Because they want to see if the patient is lying, so they can treat the patient better!

**38. 为什么护士总是喜欢打针?**

Why do nurses always like to give injections?

Because they want patients to recover quickly!

**39. 为什么受伤的人总是会流血?**

Why do injured people always bleed?

Because they want the doctor to know they are injured so they can get treatment!

**40. 为什么药总是那么小?**

Why is medicine always so small?

Because doctors are afraid that patients will eat too much, which will be bad for their health!

**41. 为什么医院总是有很多窗户?**

Why do hospitals always have so many windows?

Because doctors want patients to feel better, so they can recover faster!

**42. 为什么医生总是喜欢用X光检查?**

Why do doctors always like to use X-rays to check?

Because they want to see if the patient's bones are broken, so they can treat the patient better!

**43. 为什么护士总是喜欢打针?**

Why do nurses always like to give injections?

Because they want patients to get better as soon as possible so they can go home!

**44. 为什么受伤的人总是会哭?**

Why do injured people always cry?

Because they are in pain, they need to express their pain!

**45. 为什么药总是那么苦?**

Why is medicine always so bitter?

Because doctors want patients to remember the taste of the medicine so they don't forget to take it!

**46. 为什么医院总是有很多门?**

Why do hospitals always have so many doors?

Because doctors want patients to think they are powerful, so that patients will trust them!

**47. 为什么医生总是喜欢看病历?**

Why do doctors always like to look at medical records?

Because they want to understand the patient's medical history so they can treat the patient better!

**48. 为什么护士总是喜欢打针?**

Why do nurses always like to give injections?

Because they want patients to get better as soon as possible so they can go home and reunite with their families!

**49. 为什么受伤的人总是会流血?**

Why do injured people always bleed?

Because they are injured, it's the body's natural reaction!

**50. 为什么药总是那么小?**

Why is medicine always so small?

Because doctors want patients to swallow it more easily, so they don't vomit!

**51. 为什么医院总是有很多窗户?**

Why do hospitals always have so many windows?

Because doctors want patients to see the sunlight, so they can recover faster!

**52. 为什么医生总是喜欢用X光检查?**

Why do doctors always like to use X-rays to check?

Because they want to see if there is something wrong inside the patient's body so they can treat the patient better!

**53. 为什么护士总是喜欢打针?**

Why do nurses always like to give injections?

Because they want patients to get better as soon as possible so they can return to normal life!

**54. 为什么受伤的人总是会哭?**

Why do injured people always cry?

Because they are in pain, they need to express their pain!

**55. 为什么药总是那么苦?**

Why is medicine always so bitter?

Because doctors want patients to remember the taste of the medicine so they don't forget to take it!

**56. 为什么医院总是有很多门?**

Why do hospitals always have so many doors?

Because doctors want patients to think they are powerful, so that patients will trust them!

**57. 为什么医生总是喜欢看病历?**

Why do doctors always like to look at medical records?

Because they want to understand the patient's medical history so they can treat the patient better!

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