
## 越想得到的东西越得不到 句子

1. 越想得到的东西,往往越难以得到,就像是一只飞鸟,越是想要抓紧它,它就越是会飞得更远。

2. 渴望得到的东西,总是显得遥不可及,就像是一颗星辰,越是想要靠近它,它就越是显得更加耀眼,更加令人难以企及。

3. 想要拥有的一切,往往都会成为一种负担,就像是一件沉重的盔甲,越是想要得到它,就越是会束缚住自己的脚步。

4. 执着于追求的目标,最终可能会失去自我,就像是一条河流,越是想要奔向大海,就越是会忘记自己的源头。

5. 追求完美,最终可能会陷入困境,就像是一座高塔,越是想要建造得更加高耸,就越是会更加摇摇欲坠。

6. 执着于拥有,最终可能会失去自由,就像是一只笼中的金丝雀,越是想要得到它的歌声,就越是会失去它的自由飞翔。

7. 想要得到爱,就必须先学会付出,就像是一颗种子,越是想要得到阳光雨露,就越是需要扎根于土壤。

8. 想要得到幸福,就必须学会珍惜,就像是一杯清泉,越是想要品尝它的甘甜,就越是需要珍惜它的珍贵。

9. 想要得到成功,就必须学会坚持,就像是一座高山,越是想要登上它的顶峰,就越是需要克服无数的困难。

10. 想要得到尊重,就必须学会尊重他人,就像是一面镜子,越是想要看到美好的影像,就越是需要保持自身的干净明亮。

11. 想要得到理解,就必须学会理解他人,就像是一首歌,越是想要听到它的旋律,就越是需要用心去感受它的意境。

12. 想要得到宽容,就必须学会宽容他人,就像是一片天空,越是想要包容所有的云朵,就越是需要拥有更加广阔的胸怀。

13. 想要得到友谊,就必须学会真诚,就像是一颗种子,越是想要结出丰硕的果实,就越是需要用心去呵护它的成长。

14. 想要得到信任,就必须学会守信,就像是一张白纸,越是想要留下一段美好的记忆,就越是需要保持它的干净整洁。

15. 想要得到快乐,就必须学会享受生活,就像是一杯茶,越是想要品尝它的香醇,就越是需要用心去感受它带来的温暖。

16. 越是想要得到的东西,越是显得弥足珍贵,就像是一件古董,越是想要收藏它,就越是会更加珍惜它的历史价值。

17. 越是想要得到的东西,越是显得遥不可及,就像是一座高山,越是想要攀登它的顶峰,就越是会更加感受到它的雄伟壮观。

18. 越是想要得到的东西,越是显得更加美好,就像是一颗星星,越是想要靠近它,就越是会更加感受到它的璀璨光芒。

19. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的渴望,就像是一杯清酒,越是想要品尝它的醇香,就越是会更加感受到它的诱惑力。

20. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的焦虑,就像是一场考试,越是想要取得好成绩,就越是会更加感受到时间的紧迫。

21. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一场失恋,越是想要挽回失去的爱,就越是会更加感受到内心的煎熬。

22. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一条岔路口,越是想要找到正确的方向,就越是会更加感受到选择的艰难。

23. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的疲惫,就像是一场长途旅行,越是想要到达目的地,就越是会更加感受到身体的劳累。

24. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的失望,就像是一场空欢喜,越是想要得到幸福,就越是会更加感受到现实的残酷。

25. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一颗孤星,越是想要得到温暖,就越是会更加感受到自身的渺小。

26. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷恋,就像是一瓶毒药,越是想要品尝它的滋味,就越是会更加感受到它的致命诱惑。

27. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一只猛虎,越是想要制服它,就越是会更加感受到它的凶猛残暴。

28. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的无奈,就像是一场梦境,越是想要抓住它,就越是会更加感受到它的虚幻缥缈。

29. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的悲伤,就像是一场告别,越是想要留住美好的回忆,就越是会更加感受到离别的痛苦。

30. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的愤怒,就像是一场欺骗,越是想要得到公平,就越是会更加感受到内心的愤懑。

31. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场灾难,越是想要逃离它,就越是会更加感受到自身的无力。

32. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的虚荣,就像是一件名牌服饰,越是想要拥有它,就越是会更加感受到自身的虚荣心。

33. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的贪婪,就像是一座金山,越是想要拥有它,就越是会更加感受到自身的贪欲。

34. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的嫉妒,就像是一份荣誉,越是想要拥有它,就越是会更加感受到自身的嫉妒心。

35. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的矛盾,就像是一份爱情,越是想要得到它,就越是会更加感受到自身的矛盾心理。

36. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一根刺,越是想要拔掉它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的疼痛。

37. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一座孤岛,越是想要找到出口,就越是会更加感受到自身的孤独感。

38. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一片迷雾,越是想要找到方向,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失。

39. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一只幽灵,越是想要抓住它,就越是会更加感受到它的恐怖气息。

40. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一座牢笼,越是想要逃离它,就越是会更加感受到自身的无力感。

41. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一场噩梦,越是想要摆脱它,就越是会更加感受到它的真实性。

42. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的悲伤,就像是一场离别,越是想要留住它,就越是会更加感受到它的不可逆转性。

43. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一颗孤星,越是想要找到它的归宿,就越是会更加感受到它的无助感。

44. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一条迷宫,越是想要找到出口,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失感。

45. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一只野兽,越是想要驯服它,就越是会更加感受到它的危险性。

46. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场灾难,越是想要躲避它,就越是会更加感受到自身的无力感。

47. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一根荆棘,越是想要触碰它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的伤害。

48. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一片沙漠,越是想要找到绿洲,就越是会更加感受到自身的孤独感。

49. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一团迷雾,越是想要拨开它,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失感。

50. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一只猛兽,越是想要靠近它,就越是会更加感受到它的威慑力。

51. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场战争,越是想要取得胜利,就越是会更加感受到自身的无力感。

52. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一场背叛,越是想要挽回它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的伤害。

53. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一只迷途的羔羊,越是想要找到它的羊群,就越是会更加感受到自身的无助感。

54. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一片海洋,越是想要找到彼岸,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失感。

55. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一只毒蛇,越是想要抓住它,就越是会更加感受到它的危险性。

56. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场梦境,越是想要抓住它,就越是会更加感受到它的虚幻性。

57. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一场离别,越是想要留住它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的伤害。

58. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一颗孤星,越是想要找到它的伴侣,就越是会更加感受到自身的孤寂感。

59. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一条河流,越是想要找到它的源头,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失感。

60. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一座火山,越是想要靠近它,就越是会更加感受到它的危险性。

61. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场瘟疫,越是想要逃离它,就越是会更加感受到自身的无力感。

62. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一根毒刺,越是想要拔掉它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的伤害。

63. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一只被遗弃的玩具,越是想要找到它的主人,就越是会更加感受到自身的孤独感。

64. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一片森林,越是想要找到出口,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失感。

65. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一只幽灵,越是想要抓住它,就越是会更加感受到它的恐怖气息。

66. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场噩梦,越是想要摆脱它,就越是会更加感受到它的真实性。

67. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一场背叛,越是想要挽回它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的伤害。

68. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一片海洋,越是想要找到彼岸,就越是会更加感受到自身的孤独感。

69. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一条迷宫,越是想要找到出口,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失感。

70. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一只猛兽,越是想要制服它,就越是会更加感受到它的危险性。

71. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场战争,越是想要取得胜利,就越是会更加感受到自身的无力感。

72. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一根荆棘,越是想要触碰它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的伤害。

73. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一片沙漠,越是想要找到绿洲,就越是会更加感受到自身的孤独感。

74. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一团迷雾,越是想要拨开它,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失感。

75. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一只野兽,越是想要靠近它,就越是会更加感受到它的威慑力。

76. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场灾难,越是想要躲避它,就越是会更加感受到自身的无力感。

77. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一场离别,越是想要留住它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的伤害。

78. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一颗孤星,越是想要找到它的伴侣,就越是会更加感受到自身的孤寂感。

79. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的迷茫,就像是一条河流,越是想要找到它的源头,就越是会更加感受到自身的迷失感。

80. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的恐惧,就像是一座火山,越是想要靠近它,就越是会更加感受到它的危险性。

81. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的绝望,就像是一场瘟疫,越是想要逃离它,就越是会更加感受到自身的无力感。

82. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的痛苦,就像是一根毒刺,越是想要拔掉它,就越是会更加感受到它带来的伤害。

83. 越是想要得到的东西,越是会让人感到更加的孤独,就像是一只被遗弃的玩具,越是想要找到它的主人,就越是会更加感受到自身的孤独感。

## 英文翻译

1. The things we desire most are often the most difficult to obtain, like a bird in flight. The more we try to grasp it, the further it flies away.

2. What we long for always seems out of reach, like a star. The more we want to get close to it, the brighter and more unattainable it seems.

3. Everything we want to possess often becomes a burden, like a heavy armor. The more we want to get it, the more it will restrain our steps.

4. Obsessively pursuing a goal can ultimately lead to losing ourselves, like a river. The more we want to reach the sea, the more we forget our source.

5. The pursuit of perfection can ultimately lead to a predicament, like a tall tower. The more we want to build it higher, the more it will become precarious.

6. Obsessively wanting to possess things can ultimately lead to losing freedom, like a caged goldfinch. The more we want to hear its song, the more we lose its freedom to fly.

7. If we want to receive love, we must first learn to give. Like a seed, the more we want to get sunshine and rain, the more we need to take root in the soil.

8. If we want to find happiness, we must learn to cherish. Like a spring of clear water, the more we want to taste its sweetness, the more we need to cherish its preciousness.

9. If we want to achieve success, we must learn to persevere. Like a mountain, the more we want to reach its peak, the more we need to overcome countless difficulties.

10. If we want to be respected, we must learn to respect others. Like a mirror, the more we want to see beautiful images, the more we need to keep ourselves clean and bright.

11. If we want to be understood, we must learn to understand others. Like a song, the more we want to hear its melody, the more we need to feel its meaning.

12. If we want to receive forgiveness, we must learn to forgive others. Like the sky, the more we want to embrace all the clouds, the more we need to have a broader mind.

13. If we want to have friendship, we must learn to be sincere. Like a seed, the more we want to bear fruitful results, the more we need to nurture its growth.

14. If we want to gain trust, we must learn to keep our promises. Like a piece of white paper, the more we want to leave a beautiful memory, the more we need to keep it clean and tidy.

15. If we want to be happy, we must learn to enjoy life. Like a cup of tea, the more we want to taste its rich aroma, the more we need to feel its warmth.

16. The more we want to get something, the more precious it seems, like an antique. The more we want to collect it, the more we will cherish its historical value.

17. The more we want to get something, the more unattainable it seems, like a mountain. The more we want to climb its peak, the more we will feel its grandeur.

18. The more we want to get something, the more beautiful it seems, like a star. The more we want to get close to it, the more we will feel its dazzling light.

19. The more we want to get something, the more we will crave it, like a glass of fine wine. The more we want to taste its mellow aroma, the more we will feel its temptation.

20. The more we want to get something, the more anxious we will feel, like an exam. The more we want to get a good grade, the more we will feel the pressure of time.

21. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a broken heart. The more we want to regain lost love, the more we will feel the torment in our hearts.

22. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a fork in the road. The more we want to find the right direction, the more we will feel the difficulty of choice.

23. The more we want to get something, the more tired we will feel, like a long journey. The more we want to reach our destination, the more we will feel the weariness of our bodies.

24. The more we want to get something, the more disappointed we will feel, like a false hope. The more we want to find happiness, the more we will feel the cruelty of reality.

25. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a lonely star. The more we want to find warmth, the more we will feel our own insignificance.

26. The more we want to get something, the more addicted we will feel, like a bottle of poison. The more we want to taste its flavor, the more we will feel its fatal temptation.

27. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a tiger. The more we want to subdue it, the more we will feel its ferocity.

28. The more we want to get something, the more helpless we will feel, like a dream. The more we want to catch it, the more we will feel its unreality.

29. The more we want to get something, the more sad we will feel, like a farewell. The more we want to keep the good memories, the more we will feel the pain of separation.

30. The more we want to get something, the more angry we will feel, like a deception. The more we want to get fairness, the more we will feel the resentment in our hearts.

31. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a disaster. The more we want to escape it, the more we will feel our own powerlessness.

32. The more we want to get something, the more vain we will feel, like a designer garment. The more we want to own it, the more we will feel our own vanity.

33. The more we want to get something, the more greedy we will feel, like a mountain of gold. The more we want to possess it, the more we will feel our own greed.

34. The more we want to get something, the more jealous we will feel, like an honor. The more we want to possess it, the more we will feel our own jealousy.

35. The more we want to get something, the more conflicted we will feel, like love. The more we want to obtain it, the more we will feel our own conflicting psychology.

36. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a thorn. The more we want to remove it, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

37. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like an island. The more we want to find a way out, the more we will feel our own loneliness.

38. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a mist. The more we want to find direction, the more we will feel our own loss.

39. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a ghost. The more we want to catch it, the more we will feel its terrifying atmosphere.

40. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a cage. The more we want to escape it, the more we will feel our own powerlessness.

41. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a nightmare. The more we want to get rid of it, the more we will feel its reality.

42. The more we want to get something, the more sad we will feel, like a farewell. The more we want to keep it, the more we will feel its irreversibility.

43. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a lonely star. The more we want to find its home, the more we will feel its helplessness.

44. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a maze. The more we want to find a way out, the more we will feel our own loss.

45. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a beast. The more we want to tame it, the more we will feel its danger.

46. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a disaster. The more we want to avoid it, the more we will feel our own powerlessness.

47. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a thorn. The more we want to touch it, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

48. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a desert. The more we want to find an oasis, the more we will feel our own loneliness.

49. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a mist. The more we want to clear it, the more we will feel our own loss.

50. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a beast. The more we want to get close to it, the more we will feel its intimidation.

51. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a war. The more we want to win, the more we will feel our own powerlessness.

52. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a betrayal. The more we want to make amends, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

53. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a lost lamb. The more we want to find its flock, the more we will feel its helplessness.

54. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like an ocean. The more we want to find the other shore, the more we will feel our own loss.

55. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a poisonous snake. The more we want to catch it, the more we will feel its danger.

56. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a dream. The more we want to catch it, the more we will feel its unreality.

57. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a farewell. The more we want to keep it, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

58. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a lonely star. The more we want to find its mate, the more we will feel its solitude.

59. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a river. The more we want to find its source, the more we will feel our own loss.

60. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a volcano. The more we want to get close to it, the more we will feel its danger.

61. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a plague. The more we want to escape it, the more we will feel our own powerlessness.

62. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a poisoned dart. The more we want to pull it out, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

63. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a discarded toy. The more we want to find its owner, the more we will feel our own loneliness.

64. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a forest. The more we want to find a way out, the more we will feel our own loss.

65. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a ghost. The more we want to catch it, the more we will feel its terrifying atmosphere.

66. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a nightmare. The more we want to get rid of it, the more we will feel its reality.

67. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a betrayal. The more we want to make amends, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

68. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like an ocean. The more we want to find the other shore, the more we will feel our own loneliness.

69. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a maze. The more we want to find a way out, the more we will feel our own loss.

70. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a beast. The more we want to subdue it, the more we will feel its danger.

71. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a war. The more we want to win, the more we will feel our own powerlessness.

72. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a thorn. The more we want to touch it, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

73. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a desert. The more we want to find an oasis, the more we will feel our own loneliness.

74. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a mist. The more we want to clear it, the more we will feel our own loss.

75. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a beast. The more we want to get close to it, the more we will feel its intimidation.

76. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a disaster. The more we want to avoid it, the more we will feel our own powerlessness.

77. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a farewell. The more we want to keep it, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

78. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a lonely star. The more we want to find its mate, the more we will feel its solitude.

79. The more we want to get something, the more confused we will feel, like a river. The more we want to find its source, the more we will feel our own loss.

80. The more we want to get something, the more fearful we will feel, like a volcano. The more we want to get close to it, the more we will feel its danger.

81. The more we want to get something, the more desperate we will feel, like a plague. The more we want to escape it, the more we will feel our own powerlessness.

82. The more we want to get something, the more painful we will feel, like a poisoned dart. The more we want to pull it out, the more we will feel the pain it brings.

83. The more we want to get something, the more lonely we will feel, like a discarded toy. The more we want to find its owner, the more we will feel our own loneliness.

以上就是关于越想得到的东西越得不到句子83句(越想得到的东西越得不到句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
