
## 辜负父母的句子 (64句)


1. 我总是让你们失望,我深感抱歉。
2. 你们的付出,我却无法回报。
3. 我辜负了你们的期望,让我内心愧疚不已。
4. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我对不起你们。
5. 我无法理解你们的辛劳,却总是任性妄为。
6. 我让你们操心了太多,我真的没有用。
7. 我知道你们为我付出了很多,但我却不懂得珍惜。
8. 我辜负了你们的爱,让我感到无地自容。
9. 我总是在你们面前犯错,让你们伤心。
10. 我让你们失望了,我真的很抱歉。
11. 我无法回报你们的恩情,这让我感到十分痛苦。
12. 我辜负了你们的期待,我内心充满了悔恨。
13. 我没有成为你们期望的样子,我辜负了你们的爱。
14. 我让你们操心了太多,我真的很愧疚。
15. 我没有珍惜你们的付出,这让我感到十分内疚。
16. 我辜负了你们的期望,我真的很对不起你们。
17. 我让你们为我担心了太多,我真的没有用。
18. 我辜负了你们的爱,这让我感到很痛苦。
19. 我总是在你们面前犯错,我让你们失望了。
20. 我无法回报你们的恩情,我真的很惭愧。
21. 我辜负了你们的期待,我感到无地自容。
22. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我让你们失望了。
23. 我让你们操心了太多,我对不起你们。
24. 我没有珍惜你们的付出,我真的很抱歉。
25. 我辜负了你们的期望,我让你们伤心了。
26. 我无法回报你们的恩情,我感到很愧疚。
27. 我辜负了你们的爱,我让你们失望了。
28. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我真的很对不起你们。
29. 我让你们操心了太多,我无法弥补。
30. 我没有珍惜你们的付出,我愧疚不已。
31. 我辜负了你们的期望,我感到非常难过。
32. 我无法回报你们的恩情,我感到很痛苦。
33. 我辜负了你们的爱,我无法表达我的歉意。
34. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我感到很抱歉。
35. 我让你们操心了太多,我无法释怀。
36. 我没有珍惜你们的付出,我感到很自责。
37. 我辜负了你们的期望,我感到很失望。
38. 我无法回报你们的恩情,我感到很无奈。
39. 我辜负了你们的爱,我感到很心痛。
40. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我感到很失落。
41. 我让你们操心了太多,我感到很无力。
42. 我没有珍惜你们的付出,我感到很后悔。
43. 我辜负了你们的期望,我感到很愧疚。
44. 我无法回报你们的恩情,我感到很悲伤。
45. 我辜负了你们的爱,我感到很孤独。
46. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我感到很无助。
47. 我让你们操心了太多,我感到很绝望。
48. 我没有珍惜你们的付出,我感到很痛苦。
49. 我辜负了你们的期望,我感到很遗憾。
50. 我无法回报你们的恩情,我感到很无力。
51. 我辜负了你们的爱,我感到很内疚。
52. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我感到很惭愧。
53. 我让你们操心了太多,我感到很愧疚。
54. 我没有珍惜你们的付出,我感到很抱歉。
55. 我辜负了你们的期望,我感到很伤心。
56. 我无法回报你们的恩情,我感到很无奈。
57. 我辜负了你们的爱,我感到很失望。
58. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我感到很失落。
59. 我让你们操心了太多,我感到很痛苦。
60. 我没有珍惜你们的付出,我感到很自责。
61. 我辜负了你们的期望,我感到很后悔。
62. 我无法回报你们的恩情,我感到很悲伤。
63. 我辜负了你们的爱,我感到很孤独。
64. 我没有成为你们希望的样子,我感到很无助。


1. I am so sorry for always letting you down.

2. I cannot repay your efforts.

3. I have failed your expectations, and I feel guilty about it.

4. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I apologize to you.

5. I don't understand your hard work, but I always act recklessly.

6. I have caused you too much worry. I am really useless.

7. I know you have given me a lot, but I don't know how to cherish it.

8. I have let down your love, and I feel ashamed.

9. I always make mistakes in front of you, making you sad.

10. I have let you down, and I am truly sorry.

11. I cannot repay your kindness, which makes me feel very painful.

12. I have failed your expectations, and I am filled with remorse.

13. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I have let down your love.

14. I have caused you too much worry, and I am truly guilty.

15. I have not cherished your efforts, and I feel very guilty about it.

16. I have failed your expectations, and I am truly sorry.

17. I have made you worry too much, and I am really useless.

18. I have let down your love, and it makes me feel very painful.

19. I always make mistakes in front of you, and I have let you down.

20. I cannot repay your kindness, and I am really ashamed.

21. I have failed your expectations, and I feel ashamed.

22. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I have let you down.

23. I have caused you too much worry, and I apologize to you.

24. I have not cherished your efforts, and I am truly sorry.

25. I have failed your expectations, and I have made you sad.

26. I cannot repay your kindness, and I feel very guilty.

27. I have let down your love, and I have let you down.

28. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I am truly sorry.

29. I have caused you too much worry, and I cannot make up for it.

30. I have not cherished your efforts, and I am filled with guilt.

31. I have failed your expectations, and I feel very sad.

32. I cannot repay your kindness, and I feel very painful.

33. I have let down your love, and I cannot express my apology.

34. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I feel very sorry.

35. I have caused you too much worry, and I cannot let go.

36. I have not cherished your efforts, and I feel very self-blaming.

37. I have failed your expectations, and I feel very disappointed.

38. I cannot repay your kindness, and I feel very helpless.

39. I have let down your love, and I feel heartbroken.

40. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I feel very lost.

41. I have caused you too much worry, and I feel very powerless.

42. I have not cherished your efforts, and I feel very regretful.

43. I have failed your expectations, and I feel very guilty.

44. I cannot repay your kindness, and I feel very sad.

45. I have let down your love, and I feel very lonely.

46. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I feel very helpless.

47. I have caused you too much worry, and I feel very desperate.

48. I have not cherished your efforts, and I feel very painful.

49. I have failed your expectations, and I feel very regretful.

50. I cannot repay your kindness, and I feel very powerless.

51. I have let down your love, and I feel very guilty.

52. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I feel very ashamed.

53. I have caused you too much worry, and I feel very guilty.

54. I have not cherished your efforts, and I feel very sorry.

55. I have failed your expectations, and I feel very sad.

56. I cannot repay your kindness, and I feel very helpless.

57. I have let down your love, and I feel very disappointed.

58. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I feel very lost.

59. I have caused you too much worry, and I feel very painful.

60. I have not cherished your efforts, and I feel very self-blaming.

61. I have failed your expectations, and I feel very regretful.

62. I cannot repay your kindness, and I feel very sad.

63. I have let down your love, and I feel very lonely.

64. I have not become the person you hoped for, and I feel very helpless.

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