
## 共圆强国梦句子 (70句)**1. 强国梦,中国梦,梦圆中华,振兴中华。**

The dream of a strong nation, the Chinese dream, realizing the dream of China, revitalizing China.

**2. 撸起袖子加油干,共圆强国梦!**

Roll up our sleeves and work hard, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation!

**3. 民族复兴,强国梦圆,吾辈自强。**

National revival, the dream of a strong nation is realized, we are self-reliant.

**4. 梦想指引方向,奋斗成就梦想,共圆强国梦。**

Dreams guide the direction, struggle achieves dreams, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**5. 强国梦,凝聚人心,汇聚力量。**

The dream of a strong nation, unites hearts and gathers strength.

**6. 伟大的复兴,离不开每个人的努力,共圆强国梦。**

The great revival depends on the efforts of every individual, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**7. 强国梦,是中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。**

The dream of a strong nation is the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**8. 胸怀大志,脚踏实地,为实现强国梦贡献力量。**

With great ambitions and down-to-earth efforts, we will contribute to the realization of the dream of a strong nation.

**9. 时代呼唤担当,民族需要复兴,共圆强国梦。**

The times call for responsibility, the nation needs revival, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**10. 强国梦,梦寐以求,奋斗不止,梦想成真。**

The dream of a strong nation, we long for it, we strive endlessly, and the dream will come true.

**11. 中国梦,强国梦,共同奋斗,梦想成真。**

The Chinese dream, the dream of a strong nation, we fight together, and the dream will come true.

**12. 坚持改革开放,深化市场经济,共圆强国梦。**

Adhering to reform and opening up, deepening the market economy, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**13. 弘扬爱国主义精神,凝聚中华民族伟大力量,共圆强国梦。**

Promoting patriotism, uniting the great strength of the Chinese nation, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**14. 坚持创新驱动发展,推动高质量发展,共圆强国梦。**

Adhering to innovation-driven development, promoting high-quality development, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**15. 坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,共享发展成果,共圆强国梦。**

Adhering to the people-centered development philosophy, sharing the fruits of development, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**16. 坚持全面深化改革,完善社会主义市场经济体制,共圆强国梦。**

Adhering to comprehensive deepening of reforms, improving the socialist market economy system, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**17. 坚持对外开放,积极参与全球治理,共圆强国梦。**

Adhering to opening up to the outside world, actively participating in global governance, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**18. 坚持依法治国,建设法治中国,共圆强国梦。**

Adhering to rule of law, building a law-based China, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**19. 坚持生态文明建设,打造美丽中国,共圆强国梦。**

Adhering to ecological civilization construction, building a beautiful China, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**20. 坚持军民融合发展,建设强大的国防力量,共圆强国梦。**

Adhering to military-civilian integration development, building a powerful national defense force, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**21. 强国梦,人人有责,人人参与,共圆强国梦。**

The dream of a strong nation, everyone has a responsibility, everyone participates, together we will realize the dream of a strong nation.

**22. 实现中华民族伟大复兴,是强国梦的本质。**

Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the essence of the dream of a strong nation.

**23. 强国梦,是中华民族的伟大梦想。**

The dream of a strong nation is the great dream of the Chinese nation.

**24. 强国梦,需要我们每个人共同努力。**

The dream of a strong nation requires the joint efforts of every one of us.

**25. 强国梦,是中华民族复兴的伟大征程。**

The dream of a strong nation is the great journey of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**26. 中国梦,强国梦,是我们的共同追求。**

The Chinese dream, the dream of a strong nation, is our common pursuit.

**27. 强国梦,是中华民族的伟大复兴之路。**

The dream of a strong nation is the great road to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**28. 强国梦,是时代赋予我们每个人的责任和使命。**

The dream of a strong nation is the responsibility and mission that the times have bestowed upon each of us.

**29. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都勇于担当。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be courageous and responsible.

**30. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都勤奋努力。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be diligent and hard-working.

**31. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都团结一心。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be united as one.

**32. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都奋发图强。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to strive for excellence.

**33. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都勇于创新。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be courageous in innovation.

**34. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都不断进取。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to constantly strive for progress.

**35. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都以身作则。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to set a good example.

**36. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都无私奉献。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be selfless in our contributions.

**37. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都心怀感恩。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be grateful.

**38. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都充满希望。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be full of hope.

**39. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都坚定信念。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to have unwavering faith.

**40. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都勇于拼搏。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be courageous and strive for success.

**41. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都坚持不懈。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to persevere.

**42. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都团结一致。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be united as one.

**43. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都同心同德。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to have the same mind and the same aspirations.

**44. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都爱国爱家。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to love our country and our home.

**45. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都热爱生活。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to love life.

**46. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都积极向上。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be positive and optimistic.

**47. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都充满正能量。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be full of positive energy.

**48. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都以梦为马。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to ride our dreams like a horse.

**49. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都奋力前行。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to move forward with great effort.

**50. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都永不放弃。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to never give up.

**51. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同创造。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to create it together.

**52. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同守护。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to protect it together.

**53. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同传承。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to pass it down together.

**54. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同实现。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to realize it together.

**55. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同见证。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to witness it together.

**56. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同分享。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to share it together.

**57. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同参与。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to participate together.

**58. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同奋斗。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to fight together.

**59. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同努力。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to work hard together.

**60. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都共同创造美好未来。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to work together to create a better future.

**61. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都勇于担当,敢于创新,勤奋敬业。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be courageous and responsible, dare to innovate, be diligent and dedicated.

**62. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都以实际行动为实现梦想贡献力量。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to contribute to the realization of this dream with concrete actions.

**63. 强国梦,是中华民族伟大复兴的必经之路。**

The dream of a strong nation is the inevitable path to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**64. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都树立远大理想,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,为实现梦想而努力奋斗。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to establish lofty ideals, be down-to-earth, take one step at a time, and work hard to realize this dream.

**65. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都发扬爱国主义精神,为实现中华民族伟大复兴贡献自己的力量。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to promote patriotism and contribute our own strength to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

**66. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都以主人翁的态度,积极参与国家建设,为实现强国梦贡献力量。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to actively participate in national construction with a sense of ownership and contribute to the realization of the dream of a strong nation.

**67. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都心怀感恩,珍惜来之不易的幸福生活,为实现强国梦而奋斗。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to be grateful, cherish the hard-won happiness in our lives, and work hard to realize the dream of a strong nation.

**68. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都树立正确的价值观,弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化,为实现强国梦而努力奋斗。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to establish the correct values, promote the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and work hard to realize the dream of a strong nation.

**69. 强国梦,需要我们每个人都坚持学习,不断提升自身素质,为实现强国梦而贡献力量。**

The dream of a strong nation requires each of us to persist in learning, continuously improve our own qualities, and contribute to the realization of the dream of a strong nation.

**70. 强国梦,是我们的共同梦想,让我们携手并肩,为实现强国梦而努力奋斗!**

The dream of a strong nation is our common dream. Let us join hands and work hard together to realize the dream of a strong nation!

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