
## 从瘦子变成胖子的句子 (97句)

1. 曾经的纸片人,如今成了肉包子。

2. 从一碰就倒的竹竿,变成了稳如泰山的胖子。

3. 一年前,我可以穿S号衣服,现在连L号都紧了。

4. 衣服越来越紧,体重越来越重,我好像被封印在肉里面了。

5. 我曾经以为自己会一直瘦下去,没想到却一路胖到停不下来。

6. 以前我总是被人说太瘦,现在我终于摆脱了“瘦”的称号。

7. 昔日的小鸟依人,如今变成了虎背熊腰。

8. 我的人生就像是被一只无形的手推着,越走越远,越吃越胖。

9. 曾经我以为胖子都是吃货,现在我终于理解了他们的痛苦。

10. 我现在每天都在和我的体重作斗争,但它却越来越强大。

11. 以前我可以在裤子上系一根绳子,现在只能用皮带勉强勒住。

12. 我曾经以为自己可以控制食欲,现在我终于知道,它才是我的主人。

13. 我的肚子越来越大,都快撑破我的衣服了。

14. 我以前可以轻松地穿进牛仔裤,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

15. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的战斗。

16. 我以前穿衣服好看,现在穿什么都像个肉球。

17. 我曾经以为减肥是一件很容易的事,现在我才知道,这是个持久战。

18. 我以前可以轻松地跑完五公里,现在走几步就喘不过气了。

19. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于知道,这是个漫长的旅程。

20. 我以前可以轻松地爬楼梯,现在只能一步一步地慢慢走。

21. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个不可能完成的任务。

22. 我以前可以轻松地穿进裙子,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

23. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

24. 我以前可以轻松地穿进T恤,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

25. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

26. 我以前可以轻松地穿进外套,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

27. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的煎熬。

28. 我以前可以轻松地穿进衬衫,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

29. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的变化。

30. 我以前可以轻松地穿进短裤,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

31. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

32. 我以前可以轻松地穿进运动服,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

33. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

34. 我以前可以轻松地穿进泳衣,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

35. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

36. 我以前可以轻松地穿进连衣裙,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

37. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的改变。

38. 我以前可以轻松地穿进高跟鞋,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

39. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

40. 我以前可以轻松地穿进平底鞋,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

41. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

42. 我以前可以轻松地穿进凉鞋,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

43. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

44. 我以前可以轻松地穿进拖鞋,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

45. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的改变。

46. 我以前可以轻松地穿进帽子,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

47. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

48. 我以前可以轻松地穿进眼镜,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

49. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

50. 我以前可以轻松地穿进手表,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

51. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

52. 我以前可以轻松地穿进项链,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

53. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的改变。

54. 我以前可以轻松地穿进耳环,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

55. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

56. 我以前可以轻松地穿进戒指,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

57. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

58. 我以前可以轻松地穿进手镯,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

59. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

60. 我以前可以轻松地穿进脚链,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

61. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的改变。

62. 我以前可以轻松地穿进丝袜,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

63. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

64. 我以前可以轻松地穿进内衣,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

65. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

66. 我以前可以轻松地穿进裤腰带,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

67. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

68. 我以前可以轻松地穿进鞋子,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

69. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的改变。

70. 我以前可以轻松地穿进袜子,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

71. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

72. 我以前可以轻松地穿进手套,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

73. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

74. 我以前可以轻松地穿进帽子,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

75. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

76. 我以前可以轻松地穿进围巾,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

77. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的改变。

78. 我以前可以轻松地穿进包包,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

79. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

80. 我以前可以轻松地穿进手机壳,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

81. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

82. 我以前可以轻松地穿进眼镜盒,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

83. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

84. 我以前可以轻松地穿进手表盒,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

85. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的改变。

86. 我以前可以轻松地穿进首饰盒,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

87. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

88. 我以前可以轻松地穿进化妆包,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

89. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

90. 我以前可以轻松地穿进钱包,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

91. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的考验。

92. 我以前可以轻松地穿进钥匙扣,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

93. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的改变。

94. 我以前可以轻松地穿进手机充电器,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

95. 我曾经以为胖了就胖了,没什么大不了,现在我终于明白,这是个漫长的过程。

96. 我以前可以轻松地穿进耳机,现在只能眼睁睁地看着它越来越紧。

97. 我曾经以为自己可以像以前一样瘦,现在我终于知道,这是个巨大的挑战。

## 英文翻译

1. The former paper man has now become a meat bun.

2. From a bamboo pole that falls with a touch, he has become a fat man as stable as Mount Tai.

3. A year ago, I could wear size S clothes, now even size L is tight.

4. My clothes are getting tighter, my weight is getting heavier, I feel like I'm sealed in meat.

5. I once thought I would stay thin forever, but I never expected to keep getting fatter and fatter.

6. I used to be called too skinny, now I finally got rid of the title of"thin".

7. The former petite girl has now become a woman with broad shoulders and a thick waist.

8. My life is like being pushed by an invisible hand, further and further, eating more and more fat.

9. I once thought that all fat people were foodies, now I finally understand their pain.

10. I am now struggling with my weight every day, but it is getting stronger and stronger.

11. I used to be able to tie a rope on my pants, now I can only barely hold them with a belt.

12. I once thought I could control my appetite, now I finally know that it is my master.

13. My belly is getting bigger, it's about to burst my clothes.

14. I used to be able to easily slip into jeans, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

15. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it is a long battle.

16. I used to look good in clothes, now I look like a meatball in anything.

17. I once thought losing weight was easy, now I know it's a long war.

18. I used to be able to easily run five kilometers, now I can't breathe after walking a few steps.

19. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally know it's a long journey.

20. I used to be able to easily climb stairs, now I can only walk slowly, step by step.

21. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's an impossible task.

22. I used to be able to easily slip into skirts, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

23. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

24. I used to be able to easily slip into T-shirts, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

25. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

26. I used to be able to easily slip into jackets, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

27. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long ordeal.

28. I used to be able to easily slip into shirts, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

29. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

30. I used to be able to easily slip into shorts, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

31. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

32. I used to be able to easily slip into sportswear, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

33. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

34. I used to be able to easily slip into swimsuits, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

35. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

36. I used to be able to easily slip into dresses, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

37. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

38. I used to be able to easily slip into high heels, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

39. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

40. I used to be able to easily slip into flats, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

41. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

42. I used to be able to easily slip into sandals, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

43. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

44. I used to be able to easily slip into slippers, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

45. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

46. I used to be able to easily slip into hats, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

47. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

48. I used to be able to easily slip into glasses, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

49. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

50. I used to be able to easily slip into watches, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

51. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

52. I used to be able to easily slip into necklaces, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

53. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

54. I used to be able to easily slip into earrings, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

55. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

56. I used to be able to easily slip into rings, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

57. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

58. I used to be able to easily slip into bracelets, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

59. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

60. I used to be able to easily slip into anklets, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

61. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

62. I used to be able to easily slip into stockings, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

63. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

64. I used to be able to easily slip into underwear, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

65. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

66. I used to be able to easily slip into belts, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

67. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

68. I used to be able to easily slip into shoes, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

69. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

70. I used to be able to easily slip into socks, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

71. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

72. I used to be able to easily slip into gloves, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

73. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

74. I used to be able to easily slip into hats, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

75. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

76. I used to be able to easily slip into scarves, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

77. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

78. I used to be able to easily slip into bags, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

79. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

80. I used to be able to easily slip into phone cases, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

81. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

82. I used to be able to easily slip into glasses cases, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

83. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

84. I used to be able to easily slip into watch boxes, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

85. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

86. I used to be able to easily slip into jewelry boxes, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

87. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

88. I used to be able to easily slip into makeup bags, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

89. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

90. I used to be able to easily slip into wallets, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

91. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long test.

92. I used to be able to easily slip into keychains, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

93. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge change.

94. I used to be able to easily slip into phone chargers, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

95. I once thought it was no big deal if I got fat, now I finally understand that it's a long process.

96. I used to be able to easily slip into headphones, now I can only watch it get tighter and tighter.

97. I once thought I could be thin like I used to, now I finally know that it's a huge challenge.

以上就是关于从瘦子变成胖子的句子97句(从瘦子变成胖子的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
