
## 从此不谈感情类似句子 (85句)

1. 从此不再提及,往事如烟。

2. 断了线的风筝,再也飞不回来。

3. 尘埃落定,各自安好。

4. 缘分已尽,各自珍重。

5. 我选择遗忘,你选择放手。

6. 故事到此结束,不必再续。

7. 过去的,就让它过去吧。

8. 沉默是金,不言是最美。

9. 我已不再期待,也不再奢望。

10. 你的世界,我再也不想进去了。

11. 我决定,从今以后,不再提起你。

12. 过去的一切,都化作云烟。

13. 我选择放下,选择释然。

14. 你已不再是我的牵挂,我也不再是你的负担。

15. 我们,就这样,各自天涯。

16. 爱情已成过往,回忆已成云烟。

17. 曾经的甜蜜,如今已化作苦涩。

18. 我已学会释怀,不再执着于过去。

19. 你是我生命中的一道风景,但我选择转身离去。

20. 我选择忘记,忘记你带给我的所有。

21. 我的心,已不再为你停留。

22. 所有的爱与恨,都已化作尘埃。

23. 我决定,从今以后,不再爱你。

24. 你的离开,带走了我的所有热情。

25. 我选择孤独,选择一个人走下去。

26. 你是我的过去,我已不再回头。

27. 我已不再期盼,不再幻想。

28. 你的名字,已成为我心中的一道伤疤。

29. 我们之间,已不再有任何关系。

30. 我选择坚强,选择独自面对一切。

31. 你是我生命中的过客,我早已挥手告别。

32. 我已不再相信爱情,不再期待幸福。

33. 你的离开,让我明白,爱情并非永恒。

34. 我选择沉默,选择将一切埋藏心底。

35. 我已不再需要你,也不再依赖你。

36. 你的爱,已成为我生命中的一个错误。

37. 我决定,从今以后,不再让你牵挂。

38. 我们之间,已只剩下回忆。

39. 我已学会坚强,学会独立。

40. 你的出现,是我生命中的一场梦,梦醒了,一切都结束了。

41. 从此,我的世界,不再有你。

42. 我选择闭上眼睛,不再去看你。

43. 我选择离开,离开你的世界。

44. 你的承诺,已成为我心中的一个谎言。

45. 我已不再期待,不再等待。

46. 我选择忘记,忘记你带给我的伤害。

47. 你已不再是我的唯一,我也已不再是你的唯一。

48. 我选择坚强,选择勇敢面对未来。

49. 我已不再留恋过去,不再憧憬未来。

50. 你的离开,是我生命中的一场灾难。

51. 我选择独自一人,独自承受一切。

52. 我已不再相信承诺,不再相信誓言。

53. 你的名字,已成为我心中的一道伤痕。

54. 我选择忘记,忘记你带给我的所有美好。

55. 你已不再是我心中的唯一,我也已不再是你的唯一。

56. 我选择坚强,选择独自面对人生的挑战。

57. 我已不再留恋,不再思念。

58. 你的离开,让我明白,爱情并非万能。

59. 我选择沉默,选择将一切埋藏在心底。

60. 我已不再需要,不再依赖。

61. 你的爱,已成为我生命中的一段过往。

62. 我决定,从今以后,不再让你牵挂。

63. 我们之间,已只剩下回忆和遗憾。

64. 我已学会坚强,学会独立面对生活。

65. 你的出现,是我生命中的一场意外,但现在,一切都结束了。

66. 从此,我的世界,不再有你的存在。

67. 我选择闭上眼睛,不再去看你的脸。

68. 我选择离开,离开你所营造的世界。

69. 你的承诺,已成为我心中的一块石头,压得我喘不过气。

70. 我已不再期待,不再等待你的出现。

71. 我选择忘记,忘记你带给我的所有伤害和痛苦。

72. 你已不再是我的唯一,我也已不再是你的唯一,我们都将走向各自的未来。

73. 我选择坚强,选择勇敢面对未来,迎接新的挑战。

74. 我已不再留恋过去,不再憧憬未来,只想活在当下。

75. 你的离开,是我生命中的一场考验,但我已战胜它,重新振作。

76. 我选择独自一人,独自承受一切,因为我已不再需要任何人。

77. 我已不再相信承诺,不再相信誓言,因为我已看透爱情的虚幻。

78. 你的名字,已成为我心中的一道伤痕,但它已渐渐淡化。

79. 我选择忘记,忘记你带给我的所有美好,因为回忆会让我更加痛苦。

80. 你已不再是我心中的唯一,我也已不再是你的唯一,我们只是生命中的过客。

81. 我选择坚强,选择独自面对人生的挑战,因为我已不再需要依赖任何人。

82. 我已不再留恋,不再思念,因为我已经学会放手。

83. 你的离开,让我明白,爱情并非万能,但我依然相信真爱。

84. 我选择沉默,选择将一切埋藏在心底,因为我不想再提起你。

85. 我已不再需要,不再依赖,因为我已经学会独立自主。

## 英文翻译:

1. From now on, no more mention, the past is like smoke.

2. The kite with broken string can never fly back.

3. The dust settles, each of us finds peace.

4. The fate is over, we cherish each other.

5. I choose to forget, you choose to let go.

6. The story ends here, no need to continue.

7. Let the past be the past.

8. Silence is golden, no words are the most beautiful.

9. I no longer expect, nor do I hope.

10. I don't want to enter your world anymore.

11. I decide, from now on, I will never mention you.

12. Everything in the past has turned into smoke.

13. I choose to let go, to find release.

14. You are no longer my worry, and I am no longer your burden.

15. We, just like that, each at the ends of the earth.

16. Love has become the past, memories have become smoke.

17. The sweetness of the past has now turned into bitterness.

18. I have learned to let go, no longer clinging to the past.

19. You were a landscape in my life, but I choose to turn around and leave.

20. I choose to forget, forget everything you brought me.

21. My heart no longer stays for you.

22. All the love and hate have turned into dust.

23. I decide, from now on, I will no longer love you.

24. Your departure took away all my passion.

25. I choose loneliness, to walk alone.

26. You are my past, I no longer look back.

27. I no longer expect, I no longer fantasize.

28. Your name has become a scar in my heart.

29. There is no longer any relationship between us.

30. I choose to be strong, to face everything alone.

31. You were a passerby in my life, I have already waved goodbye.

32. I no longer believe in love, I no longer expect happiness.

33. Your leaving made me realize that love is not eternal.

34. I choose silence, to bury everything in my heart.

35. I no longer need you, nor do I rely on you.

36. Your love has become a mistake in my life.

37. I decide, from now on, I will no longer let you worry.

38. All that remains between us is memories.

39. I have learned to be strong, to be independent.

40. Your appearance was a dream in my life, the dream woke up, everything ended.

41. From now on, my world will no longer have you.

42. I choose to close my eyes and no longer look at you.

43. I choose to leave, to leave your world.

44. Your promise has become a lie in my heart.

45. I no longer expect, I no longer wait.

46. I choose to forget, forget the harm you brought me.

47. You are no longer my only, and I am no longer your only.

48. I choose to be strong, to bravely face the future.

49. I no longer dwell on the past, I no longer yearn for the future.

50. Your departure was a disaster in my life.

51. I choose to be alone, to bear everything alone.

52. I no longer believe in promises, I no longer believe in vows.

53. Your name has become a scar in my heart.

54. I choose to forget, forget all the good you brought me.

55. You are no longer the only one in my heart, and I am no longer your only one.

56. I choose to be strong, to face the challenges of life alone.

57. I no longer linger, I no longer miss.

58. Your leaving made me realize that love is not omnipotent, but I still believe in true love.

59. I choose silence, to bury everything in my heart, because I don't want to mention you again.

60. I no longer need, I no longer rely, because I have learned to be independent.

61. Your love has become a part of my past.

62. I decide, from now on, I will no longer let you worry.

63. All that remains between us is memories and regrets.

64. I have learned to be strong, to face life independently.

65. Your appearance was an accident in my life, but now, it's all over.

66. From now on, my world will no longer have your presence.

67. I choose to close my eyes and no longer look at your face.

68. I choose to leave, to leave the world you created.

69. Your promise has become a stone in my heart, weighing me down.

70. I no longer expect, I no longer wait for your appearance.

71. I choose to forget, forget all the harm and pain you brought me.

72. You are no longer my only, and I am no longer your only, we are all going to our own futures.

73. I choose to be strong, to bravely face the future, to accept new challenges.

74. I no longer dwell on the past, I no longer yearn for the future, I just want to live in the present.

75. Your departure was a test in my life, but I have overcome it and regained my strength.

76. I choose to be alone, to bear everything alone, because I no longer need anyone.

77. I no longer believe in promises, I no longer believe in vows, because I have seen through the illusion of love.

78. Your name has become a scar in my heart, but it has gradually faded.

79. I choose to forget, forget all the good you brought me, because memories will make me more painful.

80. You are no longer the only one in my heart, and I am no longer your only one, we are just passers-by in life.

81. I choose to be strong, to face the challenges of life alone, because I no longer need to rely on anyone.

82. I no longer linger, I no longer miss, because I have learned to let go.

83. Your leaving made me realize that love is not omnipotent, but I still believe in true love.

84. I choose silence, to bury everything in my heart, because I don't want to mention you again.

85. I no longer need, I no longer rely, because I have learned to be independent.

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