
## 85句歌词及其英文翻译

1. 风轻轻吹过我的脸,带走思念,留下温暖。 / The wind gently blows across my face, carrying away my longing, leaving behind warmth.

2. 雨滴落在窗台上,敲打着我的心,回忆涌上心头。 / Raindrops fall on the windowsill, beating against my heart, memories flooding back.

3. 月光洒落在街道上,照亮前行的路,也照亮我的梦想。 / Moonlight spills across the street, illuminating the path ahead, and my dreams.

4. 在夜深人静的时候,我常常想起你,想起那些美好的时光。 / When the night is quiet and everyone is asleep, I often think of you, of those beautiful times.

5. 你的笑容像阳光一样温暖,照亮我的世界,驱散阴霾。 / Your smile is as warm as sunlight, illuminating my world, dispelling the gloom.

6. 你的声音像风铃一样清脆,在我的耳边回荡,让我心醉。 / Your voice is as clear as a wind chime, echoing in my ears, making me drunk with love.

7. 我们一起走过风风雨雨,经历过欢笑和泪水,彼此陪伴,相互扶持。 / We have walked through storms and sunshine together, experienced laughter and tears, accompanying each other, supporting each other.

8. 思念就像藤蔓,缠绕着我的心,挥之不去。 / Longing is like a vine, wrapping around my heart, unable to be shaken off.

9. 希望像一盏明灯,照亮我前行的道路,指引我走向梦想。 / Hope is like a beacon, illuminating my path forward, guiding me towards my dreams.

10. 生命像一场旅行,我们不断行走,不断探索,不断遇见新的风景。 / Life is like a journey, we keep walking, keep exploring, keep encountering new scenery.

11. 爱像一首诗,充满了浪漫和美好,让人心生向往。 / Love is like a poem, full of romance and beauty, making people yearn for it.

12. 友谊像一杯清茶,苦涩中带着甘甜,温暖人心。 / Friendship is like a cup of tea, bitter with sweetness, warming the heart.

13. 时间像流水一样匆匆流逝,留下了些许回忆,也留下了许多遗憾。 / Time flows like water, leaving behind a few memories and many regrets.

14. 命运像一张网,将我们紧紧地联系在一起,却又无法摆脱。 / Destiny is like a net, binding us together tightly, yet impossible to escape.

15. 梦想像一颗种子,埋藏在心中,等待着发芽,等待着开花结果。 / Dreams are like seeds, buried in the heart, waiting to sprout, waiting to blossom and bear fruit.

16. 天空像一块画布,被云朵点缀,被阳光照耀,美丽而梦幻。 / The sky is like a canvas, dotted with clouds, bathed in sunlight, beautiful and dreamy.

17. 大海像一位慈祥的母亲,包容着世间万物,也包容着我的悲伤。 / The sea is like a kind mother, embracing all things in the world, including my sadness.

18. 高山像一位坚定的战士,屹立在天地之间,守护着一方土地。 / The mountain is like a steadfast warrior, standing tall between heaven and earth, guarding a piece of land.

19. 花儿像一位美丽的少女,娇艳欲滴,散发着迷人的香气。 / Flowers are like beautiful maidens, blooming with vibrant colors, emitting captivating fragrances.

20. 鸟儿像一位自由的歌手,在天空自由地飞翔,歌唱着生命的赞歌。 / Birds are like free singers, soaring freely in the sky, singing the anthem of life.

21. 生命像一首歌,充满了旋律和节奏,也充满了高低起伏。 / Life is like a song, full of melody and rhythm, and full of ups and downs.

22. 爱像一杯烈酒,让人陶醉,也让人心碎。 / Love is like a strong drink, intoxicating people, but also breaking their hearts.

23. 幸福像一只蝴蝶,翩翩起舞,却又转瞬即逝。 / Happiness is like a butterfly, dancing gracefully, but fleeting.

24. 悲伤像一场暴风雨,肆虐着我的内心,却也洗刷着我的灵魂。 / Sorrow is like a storm, raging through my heart, but also cleansing my soul.

25. 思念像一根细线,将我和你紧紧地连接在一起,无论天涯海角。 / Longing is like a thread, connecting you and me tightly together, no matter how far apart.

26. 希望像一盏明灯,照亮我前行的道路,指引我走向光明。 / Hope is like a beacon, illuminating my path forward, guiding me towards the light.

27. 梦想像一颗种子,埋藏在心中,等待着发芽,等待着开花结果。 / Dreams are like seeds, buried in the heart, waiting to sprout, waiting to blossom and bear fruit.

28. 生命像一场游戏,我们不断地挑战自我,不断地突破极限。 / Life is like a game, we constantly challenge ourselves, constantly pushing our limits.

29. 命运像一张牌,我们无法预知,但我们可以选择如何去玩。 / Destiny is like a card, we can't predict, but we can choose how to play.

30. 爱情像一场冒险,充满了未知和挑战,但也充满了惊喜和浪漫。 / Love is like an adventure, full of the unknown and challenges, but also full of surprises and romance.

31. 友谊像一杯清酒,越久越醇香,越久越珍贵。 / Friendship is like a cup of sake, the older it gets, the more mellow and precious it becomes.

32. 时间像一条河流,不断地向前流淌,却无法倒流。 / Time is like a river, constantly flowing forward, but unable to flow back.

33. 回忆像一幅画,记录着过去的点点滴滴,也记录着我们的成长。 / Memories are like a painting, recording the bits and pieces of the past, and recording our growth.

34. 未来像一片迷雾,充满了未知和挑战,也充满了希望和梦想。 / The future is like a mist, full of the unknown and challenges, but also full of hope and dreams.

35. 人生像一场旅程,我们不断地行走,不断地探索,不断地遇见新的风景。 / Life is like a journey, we keep walking, keep exploring, keep encountering new scenery.

36. 爱情像一朵鲜花,美丽而芬芳,却也容易凋谢。 / Love is like a flower, beautiful and fragrant, but also prone to wilting.

37. 友谊像一棵大树,根深蒂固,枝繁叶茂,为我们遮风挡雨。 / Friendship is like a big tree, deeply rooted, with lush branches and leaves, sheltering us from the wind and rain.

38. 时间像一把尺子,衡量着我们的成长,也衡量着我们的失去。 / Time is like a ruler, measuring our growth and our losses.

39. 梦想像一颗星星,指引着我们前进,照亮我们前行的道路。 / Dreams are like stars, guiding us forward, illuminating our path.

40. 生命像一场舞会,我们不断地跳跃,不断地旋转,不断地感受生命的精彩。 / Life is like a dance, we keep jumping, keep spinning, keep feeling the excitement of life.

41. 爱情像一首歌曲,旋律优美动听,却也容易让人心碎。 / Love is like a song, with beautiful and moving melodies, but also easy to break one's heart.

42. 友谊像一本相册,记录着我们共同走过的岁月,也记录着我们彼此的珍贵。 / Friendship is like a photo album, recording the years we have walked together, and recording our preciousness to each other.

43. 时间像一只无形的箭头,不断地向前射去,无法回头。 / Time is like an invisible arrow, constantly shooting forward, unable to turn back.

44. 思念像一只无形的鸟,在心中盘旋,却无法飞出。 / Longing is like an invisible bird, circling in the heart, unable to fly out.

45. 希望像一颗种子,埋藏在心中,等待着发芽,等待着开花结果。 / Hope is like a seed, buried in the heart, waiting to sprout, waiting to blossom and bear fruit.

46. 生命像一条河流,不断地向前流淌,却无法倒流。 / Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward, but unable to flow back.

47. 爱情像一场梦,美丽而虚幻,却也让人难以忘怀。 / Love is like a dream, beautiful and illusory, but also unforgettable.

48. 友谊像一座桥梁,连接着彼此的心,让我们彼此靠近。 / Friendship is like a bridge, connecting our hearts, bringing us closer to each other.

49. 时间像一只无情的杀手,带走了青春,也带走了美好。 / Time is like a ruthless killer, taking away youth and beauty.

50. 梦想像一座灯塔,指引着我们前行,照亮我们前行的道路。 / Dreams are like a lighthouse, guiding us forward, illuminating our path.

51. 生命像一场旅行,我们不断地行走,不断地探索,不断地遇见新的风景。 / Life is like a journey, we keep walking, keep exploring, keep encountering new scenery.

52. 爱情像一杯烈酒,让人陶醉,也让人心碎。 / Love is like a strong drink, intoxicating people, but also breaking their hearts.

53. 友谊像一块磁铁,将我们紧紧地吸引在一起,彼此相依。 / Friendship is like a magnet, attracting us tightly together, depending on each other.

54. 时间像一只无形的手,不断地雕刻着我们的容颜,也雕刻着我们的故事。 / Time is like an invisible hand, constantly carving our faces and our stories.

55. 梦想像一架飞机,载着我们飞向远方,飞向梦想的彼岸。 / Dreams are like an airplane, carrying us to distant lands, to the other side of our dreams.

56. 生命像一首诗,充满了韵律和节奏,也充满了喜怒哀乐。 / Life is like a poem, full of rhythm and beat, and full of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness.

57. 爱情像一场游戏,充满了刺激和挑战,也充满了乐趣和浪漫。 / Love is like a game, full of excitement and challenge, but also full of fun and romance.

58. 友谊像一朵鲜花,美丽而芬芳,却也需要用心呵护。 / Friendship is like a flower, beautiful and fragrant, but also needs to be carefully nurtured.

59. 时间像一只无情的机器,不断地运转着,却无法停止。 / Time is like a relentless machine, constantly running, but unable to stop.

60. 梦想像一颗流星,划过夜空,留下短暂的光芒,却也照亮了我们的心。 / Dreams are like a meteor, streaking across the night sky, leaving behind a brief glow, but also illuminating our hearts.

61. 生命像一场马拉松,我们不断地奔跑,不断地坚持,不断地追逐梦想。 / Life is like a marathon, we keep running, keep persisting, keep chasing our dreams.

62. 爱情像一座城堡,需要两个人共同守护,才能经久不衰。 / Love is like a castle, it needs two people to guard it together, to last forever.

63. 友谊像一杯咖啡,苦涩中带着香醇,温暖人心。 / Friendship is like a cup of coffee, bitter with a rich aroma, warming the heart.

64. 时间像一只无形的画笔,不断地描绘着我们的生活,也描绘着我们的命运。 / Time is like an invisible brush, constantly painting our lives and our destinies.

65. 梦想像一个指南针,指引着我们前进,让我们不会迷失方向。 / Dreams are like a compass, guiding us forward, preventing us from getting lost.

66. 生命像一场盛大的宴会,充满了各种滋味,也充满了各种体验。 / Life is like a grand banquet, full of different flavors and experiences.

67. 爱情像一场舞蹈,需要两个人互相配合,才能翩翩起舞。 / Love is like a dance, it needs two people to cooperate with each other, to dance gracefully.

68. 友谊像一本书,记录着我们共同的经历,也记录着我们彼此的成长。 / Friendship is like a book, recording our shared experiences and our growth together.

69. 时间像一只无情的魔术师,不断地改变着我们,也改变着世界。 / Time is like a ruthless magician, constantly changing us and the world.

70. 梦想像一个海市蜃楼,美丽而虚幻,却也让人心驰神往。 / Dreams are like a mirage, beautiful and illusory, but also captivating.

71. 生命像一场戏,我们不断地扮演着不同的角色,不断地体验着不同的生活。 / Life is like a play, we keep playing different roles, keep experiencing different lives.

72. 爱情像一场冒险,充满了未知和挑战,但也充满了惊喜和浪漫。 / Love is like an adventure, full of the unknown and challenges, but also full of surprises and romance.

73. 友谊像一朵云彩,自由自在地飘荡,却也需要彼此的呵护。 / Friendship is like a cloud, floating freely, but also needing each other's care.

74. 时间像一只无形的雕刻师,不断地雕刻着我们的容颜,也雕刻着我们的内心。 / Time is like an invisible sculptor, constantly carving our faces and our hearts.

75. 梦想像一个指路灯,照亮我们前进的道路,让我们不会迷失方向。 / Dreams are like a street lamp, illuminating our path forward, preventing us from getting lost.

76. 生命像一本书,充满了故事,也充满了智慧。 / Life is like a book, full of stories and wisdom.

77. 爱情像一朵玫瑰,美丽而芬芳,却也带有刺。 / Love is like a rose, beautiful and fragrant, but also thorny.

78. 友谊像一杯清茶,苦涩中带着甘甜,让人回味无穷。 / Friendship is like a cup of tea, bitter with sweetness, making people linger on the taste.

79. 时间像一只无形的沙漏,不断地流逝着,却无法倒流。 / Time is like an invisible hourglass, constantly flowing, but unable to flow back.

80. 梦想像一颗种子,埋藏在心中,等待着发芽,等待着开花结果。 / Dreams are like seeds, buried in the heart, waiting to sprout, waiting to blossom and bear fruit.

81. 生命像一场梦,充满了幻想和奇迹,却也让人难以捉摸。 / Life is like a dream, full of fantasy and miracles, but also elusive.

82. 爱情像一场游戏,充满了欢乐和挑战,但也充满了风险和考验。 / Love is like a game, full of joy and challenge, but also full of risk and test.

83. 友谊像一座花园,充满了芬芳和美丽,却也需要彼此的呵护。 / Friendship is like a garden, full of fragrance and beauty, but also needs each other's care.

84. 时间像一只无情的画家,不断地描绘着我们的容颜,也描绘着我们的命运。 / Time is like a ruthless painter, constantly painting our faces and our destinies.

85. 梦想像一个指南针,指引着我们前进,让我们不会迷失方向。 / Dreams are like a compass, guiding us forward, preventing us from getting lost.

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