
## 守法尽责句子 (58句)

**1. 遵守法律,维护社会秩序,是每个公民应尽的义务。**

It is the duty of every citizen to abide by the law and maintain social order.

**2. 法律是公正的,也是公平的,每个人都应该尊重法律,依法办事。**

The law is just and fair, and everyone should respect the law and act according to it.

**3. 遵守法律,是对自己和他人的一种尊重,也是对社会的一种责任。**

Abiding by the law is a respect for oneself and others, as well as a responsibility to society.

**4. 守法是每个公民应尽的责任,也是构建和谐社会的基石。**

Law-abiding is a responsibility that every citizen should fulfill, and it is also the cornerstone of building a harmonious society.

**5. 只有人人守法,社会才能安定和谐,国家才能繁荣昌盛。**

Only when everyone abides by the law can society be stable and harmonious, and the country can prosper.

**6. 法律面前人人平等,无论是谁,都要遵守法律,不能搞特殊。**

Everyone is equal before the law, and no one, regardless of who they are, can be above the law.

**7. 做一个守法公民,是每个人的责任,也是每个人的荣幸。**

It is everyone's responsibility, as well as honor, to be a law-abiding citizen.

**8. 遵守法律,不仅是道德要求,也是法律的规定。**

Abiding by the law is not only a moral requirement, but also a legal regulation.

**9. 维护法律尊严,维护社会公平正义,是每个公民的责任。**

It is every citizen's responsibility to uphold the dignity of the law and maintain social justice and fairness.

**10. 不知法,不是借口,守法,是公民的基本素养。**

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse, and law-abiding is a basic quality of citizens.

**11. 法律是社会公正的底线,也是每个公民的保护伞。**

The law is the bottom line of social justice, and it is also a protective umbrella for every citizen.

**12. 守法是每个人的事,也是每个人的责任,不能只靠别人守法。**

Law-abiding is everyone's business, and it is everyone's responsibility, and we cannot rely solely on others to abide by the law.

**13. 遵守法律,不仅要做到不违法,更要做到依法办事。**

Abiding by the law is not only about not breaking the law, but also about acting according to the law.

**14. 维护法律尊严,维护社会秩序,需要每个人的共同努力。**

Maintaining the dignity of the law and maintaining social order requires the joint efforts of everyone.

**15. 守法意识是公民素质的重要体现,也是国家法治建设的基础。**

Law-abiding awareness is an important manifestation of citizens' quality, and it is also the foundation for the rule of law in the country.

**16. 遵守法律,维护社会公正,是每个公民的责任,也是每个公民的义务。**

It is the responsibility and duty of every citizen to abide by the law and uphold social justice.

**17. 守法不仅是表面的行为,更是一种内在的信念。**

Law-abiding is not only a surface behavior, but also an inner belief.

**18. 法律的尊严,需要每个人共同维护,法律的公正,需要每个人共同守护。**

The dignity of the law needs to be maintained by everyone, and the fairness of the law needs to be guarded by everyone.

**19. 不知法,是犯罪的温床,守法,是社会安定的基石。**

Ignorance of the law is a breeding ground for crime, and law-abiding is the cornerstone of social stability.

**20. 遵守法律,不仅是个人修养,也是社会文明的体现。**

Abiding by the law is not only personal cultivation, but also a reflection of social civilization.

**21. 维护法律权威,维护社会正义,需要每个人的积极参与。**

Maintaining legal authority and social justice requires the active participation of everyone.

**22. 遵守法律,维护社会和谐,是我们每个人的责任和义务。**

It is our responsibility and duty to abide by the law and maintain social harmony.

**23. 法律是社会文明进步的标志,也是社会公平正义的保障。**

The law is a sign of social civilization and progress, and it is also a guarantee of social fairness and justice.

**24. 守法是公民的基本责任,也是社会文明进步的基石。**

Law-abiding is the basic responsibility of citizens and also the cornerstone of social civilization and progress.

**25. 维护法律的尊严,维护社会的秩序,是每个公民应尽的义务。**

It is the duty of every citizen to uphold the dignity of the law and maintain social order.

**26. 遵守法律,是每个公民的责任,也是构建和谐社会的必要条件。**

Abiding by the law is the responsibility of every citizen and also a necessary condition for building a harmonious society.

**27. 法律是社会公正的保障,也是每个公民的保护伞。**

The law is a guarantee of social justice and also a protective umbrella for every citizen.

**28. 守法意识是公民素质的重要体现,也是国家法治建设的根基。**

Law-abiding awareness is an important manifestation of citizens' quality and also the foundation for the rule of law in the country.

**29. 维护法律权威,维护社会正义,需要每个人的共同参与。**

Maintaining legal authority and social justice requires the joint efforts of everyone.

**30. 遵守法律,维护社会和谐,是我们每个人的责任和义务。**

It is our responsibility and duty to abide by the law and maintain social harmony.

**31. 法律是社会文明进步的标志,也是社会公平正义的保障。**

The law is a sign of social civilization and progress, and it is also a guarantee of social fairness and justice.

**32. 守法是公民的基本责任,也是社会文明进步的基石。**

Law-abiding is the basic responsibility of citizens and also the cornerstone of social civilization and progress.

**33. 维护法律的尊严,维护社会的秩序,是每个公民应尽的义务。**

It is the duty of every citizen to uphold the dignity of the law and maintain social order.

**34. 遵守法律,是每个公民的责任,也是构建和谐社会的必要条件。**

Abiding by the law is the responsibility of every citizen and also a necessary condition for building a harmonious society.

**35. 法律是社会公正的保障,也是每个公民的保护伞。**

The law is a guarantee of social justice and also a protective umbrella for every citizen.

**36. 守法意识是公民素质的重要体现,也是国家法治建设的根基。**

Law-abiding awareness is an important manifestation of citizens' quality and also the foundation for the rule of law in the country.

**37. 维护法律权威,维护社会正义,需要每个人的共同参与。**

Maintaining legal authority and social justice requires the joint efforts of everyone.

**38. 遵守法律,维护社会和谐,是我们每个人的责任和义务。**

It is our responsibility and duty to abide by the law and maintain social harmony.

**39. 法律是社会文明进步的标志,也是社会公平正义的保障。**

The law is a sign of social civilization and progress, and it is also a guarantee of social fairness and justice.

**40. 守法是公民的基本责任,也是社会文明进步的基石。**

Law-abiding is the basic responsibility of citizens and also the cornerstone of social civilization and progress.

**41. 维护法律的尊严,维护社会的秩序,是每个公民应尽的义务。**

It is the duty of every citizen to uphold the dignity of the law and maintain social order.

**42. 遵守法律,是每个公民的责任,也是构建和谐社会的必要条件。**

Abiding by the law is the responsibility of every citizen and also a necessary condition for building a harmonious society.

**43. 法律是社会公正的保障,也是每个公民的保护伞。**

The law is a guarantee of social justice and also a protective umbrella for every citizen.

**44. 守法意识是公民素质的重要体现,也是国家法治建设的根基。**

Law-abiding awareness is an important manifestation of citizens' quality and also the foundation for the rule of law in the country.

**45. 维护法律权威,维护社会正义,需要每个人的共同参与。**

Maintaining legal authority and social justice requires the joint efforts of everyone.

**46. 遵守法律,维护社会和谐,是我们每个人的责任和义务。**

It is our responsibility and duty to abide by the law and maintain social harmony.

**47. 法律是社会文明进步的标志,也是社会公平正义的保障。**

The law is a sign of social civilization and progress, and it is also a guarantee of social fairness and justice.

**48. 守法是公民的基本责任,也是社会文明进步的基石。**

Law-abiding is the basic responsibility of citizens and also the cornerstone of social civilization and progress.

**49. 维护法律的尊严,维护社会的秩序,是每个公民应尽的义务。**

It is the duty of every citizen to uphold the dignity of the law and maintain social order.

**50. 遵守法律,是每个公民的责任,也是构建和谐社会的必要条件。**

Abiding by the law is the responsibility of every citizen and also a necessary condition for building a harmonious society.

**51. 法律是社会公正的保障,也是每个公民的保护伞。**

The law is a guarantee of social justice and also a protective umbrella for every citizen.

**52. 守法意识是公民素质的重要体现,也是国家法治建设的根基。**

Law-abiding awareness is an important manifestation of citizens' quality and also the foundation for the rule of law in the country.

**53. 维护法律权威,维护社会正义,需要每个人的共同参与。**

Maintaining legal authority and social justice requires the joint efforts of everyone.

**54. 遵守法律,维护社会和谐,是我们每个人的责任和义务。**

It is our responsibility and duty to abide by the law and maintain social harmony.

**55. 法律是社会文明进步的标志,也是社会公平正义的保障。**

The law is a sign of social civilization and progress, and it is also a guarantee of social fairness and justice.

**56. 守法是公民的基本责任,也是社会文明进步的基石。**

Law-abiding is the basic responsibility of citizens and also the cornerstone of social civilization and progress.

**57. 维护法律的尊严,维护社会的秩序,是每个公民应尽的义务。**

It is the duty of every citizen to uphold the dignity of the law and maintain social order.

**58. 遵守法律,是每个公民的责任,也是构建和谐社会的必要条件。**

Abiding by the law is the responsibility of every citizen and also a necessary condition for building a harmonious society.

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