
## 守一座空城,忧伤的句子 (67句)

**1. 空城寂寞,守着回忆,泪眼朦胧。**

Empty city, lonely, guarding memories, eyes blurred with tears.

**2. 城墙斑驳,岁月无情,我却依然守候。**

The city walls are mottled, time is merciless, but I still stand guard.

**3. 繁华落尽,只剩我一人,在空城里踽踽独行。**

All the prosperity has faded away, leaving only me, walking alone in the empty city.

**4. 空城如梦,梦里是你,梦醒后,却只有我。**

The empty city is like a dream, in the dream is you, but after waking up, only I remain.

**5. 一座城,一座心,空城落寞,心也荒凉。**

One city, one heart, the empty city is desolate, and the heart is also barren.

**6. 孤灯夜影,寒窗冷月,守着空城,守着思念。**

Lonely lamplight and shadows, cold window and cold moon, guarding the empty city, guarding the longing.

**7. 城门紧闭,锁住的是往事,留下的,是无尽的空虚。**

The city gates are closed, locking away the past, leaving behind endless emptiness.

**8. 空城如镜,映照着我的孤寂,也映照着你的离去。**

The empty city is like a mirror, reflecting my loneliness, and also reflecting your departure.

**9. 岁月如梭,城墙依旧,而我却已不再是那个少年。**

Time flies, the city walls remain, but I am no longer the boy I once was.

**10. 空城如画,画里有我,却无你。**

The empty city is like a painting, in the painting there is me, but not you.

**11. 城外繁华,城内空寂,我守着城,守着回忆。**

Outside the city, there is prosperity, inside the city, there is emptiness, I guard the city, I guard the memories.

**12. 空城如诗,诗里写着我的忧伤,也写着你的名字。**

The empty city is like a poem, in the poem are written my sadness, and also your name.

**13. 曾经的繁华,如今已成过眼云烟,留下的只有空城和回忆。**

The former prosperity has now become a fleeting dream, leaving only the empty city and memories.

**14. 空城静默,我却无法静心,思念如潮水般涌来。**

The empty city is silent, but I cannot be at peace, longing surges like a tide.

**15. 城墙上的青苔,诉说着岁月的沧桑,也诉说着我的心酸。**

The moss on the city walls tells the story of time's vicissitudes, and also my heartache.

**16. 空城里,只有风在吹,吹过我的心,吹过你的影子。**

In the empty city, only the wind is blowing, blowing through my heart, blowing through your shadow.

**17. 我守着空城,守着你离开的背影,守着那份永远无法忘怀的爱。**

I guard the empty city, I guard your departing figure, I guard that love I can never forget.

**18. 城里的灯火阑珊,映照着我的孤独,也映照着我的思念。**

The dim lights in the city illuminate my loneliness, and also my longing.

**19. 空城如歌,歌里唱着我的心碎,也唱着你的温柔。**

The empty city is like a song, in the song are sung my heartache, and also your gentleness.

**20. 我在空城里等你,等着一场永远不会再来的相遇。**

I wait for you in the empty city, waiting for a meeting that will never come again.

**21. 城墙上的爬山虎,见证了我的孤独,也见证了我的思念。**

The ivy on the city walls witnessed my loneliness, and also my longing.

**22. 空城如画,画里有我,却没有你,却始终无法抹去你留下的痕迹。**

The empty city is like a painting, in the painting there is me, but not you, yet I cannot erase the traces you left behind.

**23. 城里的人来人往,却始终找不到我的归宿。**

People come and go in the city, but I can never find my place.

**24. 空城如梦,梦里有你,却无法触碰,只能独自在梦里徘徊。**

The empty city is like a dream, in the dream is you, but I cannot touch you, I can only wander alone in the dream.

**25. 城里的钟声,敲响了我的孤独,也敲响了我的思念。**

The bell in the city strikes my loneliness, and also my longing.

**26. 空城如歌,歌里唱着我的心酸,也唱着你的过往。**

The empty city is like a song, in the song are sung my heartache, and also your past.

**27. 我在空城里寻找你,却只找到了自己的影子。**

I search for you in the empty city, but only find my own shadow.

**28. 城里的风,吹走了我的思念,也吹走了我的眼泪。**

The wind in the city carries away my longing, and also my tears.

**29. 空城如画,画里有我,却没有你,却始终无法抹去你留下的记忆。**

The empty city is like a painting, in the painting there is me, but not you, yet I cannot erase the memories you left behind.

**30. 城里的人们,过着各自的生活,却没有人知道我的忧伤。**

The people in the city live their own lives, but no one knows my sorrow.

**31. 空城如歌,歌里唱着我的悲伤,也唱着我们的曾经。**

The empty city is like a song, in the song are sung my sadness, and also our past.

**32. 我在空城里等你,等着一场永远不会再来的重逢。**

I wait for you in the empty city, waiting for a reunion that will never come again.

**33. 城里的月光,洒落在我的身上,却照不进我的心房。**

The moonlight in the city falls on me, but it cannot illuminate my heart.

**34. 空城如诗,诗里写着我的思念,也写着你的容颜。**

The empty city is like a poem, in the poem are written my longing, and also your face.

**35. 我在空城里寻找你,却只找到了你的背影。**

I search for you in the empty city, but only find your back.

**36. 城里的雨,打湿了我的眼眸,也打湿了我的思念。**

The rain in the city wets my eyes, and also my longing.

**37. 空城如画,画里有我,却没有你,却始终无法抹去你留下的爱。**

The empty city is like a painting, in the painting there is me, but not you, yet I cannot erase the love you left behind.

**38. 城里的风,吹走了我的梦,也吹走了我的希望。**

The wind in the city carries away my dreams, and also my hope.

**39. 空城如梦,梦里有你,却无法触碰,只能独自在梦里思念。**

The empty city is like a dream, in the dream is you, but I cannot touch you, I can only long for you in the dream.

**40. 城里的灯火,映照着我的孤独,也映照着我的等待。**

The lights in the city illuminate my loneliness, and also my waiting.

**41. 空城如歌,歌里唱着我的心碎,也唱着我们的未来。**

The empty city is like a song, in the song are sung my heartache, and also our future.

**42. 我在空城里等你,等着一场永远不会再来的承诺。**

I wait for you in the empty city, waiting for a promise that will never come again.

**43. 城里的钟声,敲响了我的回忆,也敲响了我的心痛。**

The bell in the city strikes my memories, and also my heartache.

**44. 空城如画,画里有我,却没有你,却始终无法抹去你留下的气息。**

The empty city is like a painting, in the painting there is me, but not you, yet I cannot erase the scent you left behind.

**45. 城里的人们,过着各自的生活,却没有人能理解我的心酸。**

The people in the city live their own lives, but no one can understand my heartache.

**46. 空城如歌,歌里唱着我的悲伤,也唱着我们的过去。**

The empty city is like a song, in the song are sung my sadness, and also our past.

**47. 我在空城里等你,等着一场永远不会再来的相遇。**

I wait for you in the empty city, waiting for a meeting that will never come again.

**48. 城里的月光,洒落在我的身上,却照不进我的灵魂。**

The moonlight in the city falls on me, but it cannot illuminate my soul.

**49. 空城如诗,诗里写着我的思念,也写着你的温柔。**

The empty city is like a poem, in the poem are written my longing, and also your gentleness.

**50. 我在空城里寻找你,却只找到了你的名字。**

I search for you in the empty city, but only find your name.

**51. 城里的雨,打湿了我的眼眸,也打湿了我的回忆。**

The rain in the city wets my eyes, and also my memories.

**52. 空城如画,画里有我,却没有你,却始终无法抹去你留下的温暖。**

The empty city is like a painting, in the painting there is me, but not you, yet I cannot erase the warmth you left behind.

**53. 城里的风,吹走了我的梦,也吹走了我的爱。**

The wind in the city carries away my dreams, and also my love.

**54. 空城如梦,梦里有你,却无法触碰,只能独自在梦里沉沦。**

The empty city is like a dream, in the dream is you, but I cannot touch you, I can only sink alone in the dream.

**55. 城里的灯火,映照着我的孤独,也映照着我的心碎。**

The lights in the city illuminate my loneliness, and also my heartache.

**56. 空城如歌,歌里唱着我的悲伤,也唱着我们的未来。**

The empty city is like a song, in the song are sung my sadness, and also our future.

**57. 我在空城里等你,等着一场永远不会再来的承诺。**

I wait for you in the empty city, waiting for a promise that will never come again.

**58. 城里的钟声,敲响了我的回忆,也敲响了我的心痛。**

The bell in the city strikes my memories, and also my heartache.

**59. 空城如画,画里有我,却没有你,却始终无法抹去你留下的痕迹。**

The empty city is like a painting, in the painting there is me, but not you, yet I cannot erase the traces you left behind.

**60. 城里的人们,过着各自的生活,却没有人能理解我的心酸。**

The people in the city live their own lives, but no one can understand my heartache.

**61. 空城如歌,歌里唱着我的悲伤,也唱着我们的过去。**

The empty city is like a song, in the song are sung my sadness, and also our past.

**62. 我在空城里等你,等着一场永远不会再来的相遇。**

I wait for you in the empty city, waiting for a meeting that will never come again.

**63. 城里的月光,洒落在我的身上,却照不进我的灵魂。**

The moonlight in the city falls on me, but it cannot illuminate my soul.

**64. 空城如诗,诗里写着我的思念,也写着你的温柔。**

The empty city is like a poem, in the poem are written my longing, and also your gentleness.

**65. 我在空城里寻找你,却只找到了你的名字。**

I search for you in the empty city, but only find your name.

**66. 城里的雨,打湿了我的眼眸,也打湿了我的回忆。**

The rain in the city wets my eyes, and also my memories.

**67. 空城如画,画里有我,却没有你,却始终无法抹去你留下的温暖。**

The empty city is like a painting, in the painting there is me, but not you, yet I cannot erase the warmth you left behind.

以上就是关于守一座空城忧伤的句子67句(守一座空城忧伤的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
