
## 安分守常句子,77句,并翻译成英文

**1. 安分守己,踏实做事。**

Be content with your lot and work diligently.

**2. 勿要好高骛远,脚踏实地才是真。**

Don't aim too high, be down-to-earth and realistic.

**3. 平平淡淡才是真,过好平凡生活。**

Simplicity is the key to true happiness, embrace the ordinary.

**4. 知足常乐,不慕荣华富贵。**

Be content with what you have, don't covet fame and fortune.

**5. 脚踏实地,一步一个脚印。**

Be practical and make steady progress, step by step.

**6. 不求名利,只求心安。**

Seek not fame or fortune, but peace of mind.

**7. 做人要低调,做事要踏实。**

Be humble and work diligently.

**8. 宁静致远,淡泊明志。**

Tranquility leads to far-reaching goals, detachment illuminates ambition.

**9. 安守本分,做好自己。**

Stick to your duties and do your best.

**10. 不争不抢,随遇而安。**

Don't compete or strive, just go with the flow.

**11. 人生苦短,珍惜当下。**

Life is short, cherish the present moment.

**12. 知足者常乐,贪婪者常忧。**

Those who are content are always happy, those who are greedy are always worried.

**13. 不要妄自菲薄,也不要自命不凡。**

Don't underestimate yourself, but also don't be arrogant.

**14. 凡事量力而行,不可好高骛远。**

Do everything within your means, don't be overly ambitious.

**15. 勤勤恳恳,脚踏实地。**

Be diligent and down-to-earth.

**16. 做事要脚踏实地,不可好高骛远。**

Be practical in your work, don't aim too high.

**17. 不要追求虚荣,踏实做人。**

Don't chase vanity, be genuine.

**18. 平凡的生活,也是一种幸福。**

Ordinary life can also be a kind of happiness.

**19. 安分守己,才是最好的选择。**

Being content and responsible is the best choice.

**20. 不要妄图改变现状,接受现实。**

Don't try to change the status quo, accept reality.

**21. 珍惜拥有,不攀比,不抱怨。**

Cherish what you have, don't compare or complain.

**22. 安守本分,做好自己的事。**

Stick to your duties and do your own thing.

**23. 不骄不躁,平平淡淡才是真。**

Don't be arrogant or impatient, simplicity is the key.

**24. 不求轰轰烈烈,只求平平淡淡。**

Don't seek grand achievements, just strive for a simple life.

**25. 安分守己,不争不抢。**

Be content and responsible, don't compete or strive.

**26. 做人要脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。**

Be practical, don't aim too high.

**27. 踏实做事,不做空中楼阁。**

Be down-to-earth and build a solid foundation, not castles in the air.

**28. 不慕虚荣,淡泊名利。**

Don't crave vanity, be indifferent to fame and fortune.

**29. 做人要诚实守信,踏实做事。**

Be honest and trustworthy, work diligently.

**30. 安守本分,做好自己的工作。**

Stick to your duties and do your job well.

**31. 知足常乐,不贪图享乐。**

Be content with what you have, don't be greedy for pleasure.

**32. 安分守己,不惹是生非。**

Be content and responsible, don't cause trouble.

**33. 脚踏实地,一步一个脚印地前进。**

Be practical and make steady progress, step by step.

**34. 不骄不躁,踏实做人。**

Don't be arrogant or impatient, be genuine.

**35. 凡事量力而行,不强求。**

Do everything within your means, don't force things.

**36. 不攀比,不嫉妒,不抱怨。**

Don't compare, don't be envious, don't complain.

**37. 踏实做事,不计回报。**

Work diligently, don't expect rewards.

**38. 勤勤恳恳,脚踏实地。**

Be diligent and down-to-earth.

**39. 安分守己,不慕名利。**

Be content and responsible, don't crave fame or fortune.

**40. 做人要低调,做事要踏实。**

Be humble and work diligently.

**41. 安守本分,做好自己的事。**

Stick to your duties and do your own thing.

**42. 不争不抢,随遇而安。**

Don't compete or strive, just go with the flow.

**43. 知足者常乐,不贪者常安。**

Those who are content are always happy, those who are not greedy are always at peace.

**44. 踏实做事,不求回报。**

Work diligently, don't expect rewards.

**45. 宁静致远,淡泊名利。**

Tranquility leads to far-reaching goals, detachment illuminates ambition.

**46. 安分守己,不惹是生非。**

Be content and responsible, don't cause trouble.

**47. 不要好高骛远,脚踏实地才是真。**

Don't aim too high, be down-to-earth and realistic.

**48. 不求轰轰烈烈,只求平平淡淡。**

Don't seek grand achievements, just strive for a simple life.

**49. 知足常乐,不攀比,不嫉妒。**

Be content with what you have, don't compare or be envious.

**50. 安分守己,踏实做事。**

Be content with your lot and work diligently.

**51. 做人要诚实守信,踏实做事。**

Be honest and trustworthy, work diligently.

**52. 踏实做事,不虚荣,不攀比。**

Work diligently, don't be vain or compare.

**53. 不骄不躁,脚踏实地。**

Don't be arrogant or impatient, be down-to-earth.

**54. 凡事量力而行,不强求。**

Do everything within your means, don't force things.

**55. 安守本分,做好自己的工作。**

Stick to your duties and do your job well.

**56. 不要妄自菲薄,也不要自命不凡。**

Don't underestimate yourself, but also don't be arrogant.

**57. 安分守己,不惹麻烦。**

Be content and responsible, don't cause trouble.

**58. 踏实做事,一步一个脚印。**

Be practical and make steady progress, step by step.

**59. 不慕名利,只求心安。**

Seek not fame or fortune, but peace of mind.

**60. 勤勤恳恳,脚踏实地,做好自己的事。**

Be diligent and down-to-earth, do your own thing.

**61. 安分守己,不争名夺利。**

Be content and responsible, don't strive for fame or fortune.

**62. 不攀比,不抱怨,不嫉妒。**

Don't compare, don't complain, don't be envious.

**63. 踏实做事,不计较得失。**

Work diligently, don't worry about gains or losses.

**64. 安分守己,不为名利所累。**

Be content and responsible, don't be burdened by fame or fortune.

**65. 不追求轰轰烈烈,只求平平淡淡。**

Don't seek grand achievements, just strive for a simple life.

**66. 踏实做事,不求名利,不求回报。**

Work diligently, don't crave fame or fortune, don't expect rewards.

**67. 安分守己,不惹是生非,不给别人添麻烦。**

Be content and responsible, don't cause trouble, don't bother others.

**68. 知足常乐,不贪图享乐,不追求虚荣。**

Be content with what you have, don't be greedy for pleasure, don't chase vanity.

**69. 踏实做事,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印地前进。**

Work diligently, be down-to-earth, make steady progress, step by step.

**70. 不骄不躁,安分守己,不为名利所累。**

Don't be arrogant or impatient, be content and responsible, don't be burdened by fame or fortune.

**71. 安分守己,踏实做事,做好自己。**

Be content with your lot, work diligently, and do your best.

**72. 不要好高骛远,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印地前进。**

Don't aim too high, be down-to-earth, make steady progress, step by step.

**73. 不追求轰轰烈烈,只求平平淡淡,安稳生活。**

Don't seek grand achievements, just strive for a simple and stable life.

**74. 踏实做事,不计较得失,不为名利所累。**

Work diligently, don't worry about gains or losses, don't be burdened by fame or fortune.

**75. 安分守己,不惹是生非,不给别人添麻烦,这是做人的基本原则。**

Be content and responsible, don't cause trouble, don't bother others, this is the basic principle of being a good person.

**76. 知足常乐,不攀比,不嫉妒,不抱怨,这才是真正的幸福。**

Be content with what you have, don't compare or be envious, don't complain, this is true happiness.

**77. 踏实做事,脚踏实地,一步一个脚印地前进,最终你会获得成功。**

Work diligently, be down-to-earth, make steady progress, step by step, and you will eventually succeed.

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