
## 安娜卡列尼娜句子 (68句)

**1.** 所有的幸福家庭都彼此相似,每个不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

**2.** 生命的意义是什么?

What is the meaning of life?

**3.** 爱情是上帝赐予的礼物。

Love is a gift from God.

**4.** 人类的灵魂是不朽的。

The human soul is immortal.

**5.** 我们必须接受生活中的苦难。

We must accept the suffering in life.

**6.** 幸福并非总是来自物质上的富裕。

Happiness does not always come from material wealth.

**7.** 真正的爱是无私的。

True love is selfless.

**8.** 人类最大的敌人是自己。

Man's greatest enemy is himself.

**9.** 责任和义务是人生的重担。

Responsibility and duty are the burdens of life.

**10.** 命运是不可抗拒的力量。

Fate is an irresistible force.

**11.** 人生的意义在于寻求真理。

The meaning of life is to seek truth.

**12.** 死亡是人生的终点,但也是新的开始。

Death is the end of life, but also a new beginning.

**13.** 我们必须为自己的行为负责。

We must be responsible for our actions.

**14.** 善良和仁慈是人类最宝贵的品质。

Kindness and compassion are the most valuable qualities of humanity.

**15.** 希望是人类赖以生存的动力。

Hope is the driving force of human survival.

**16.** 痛苦是不可避免的,但我们可以选择如何面对它。

Pain is inevitable, but we can choose how we face it.

**17.** 我们的选择决定了我们的命运。

Our choices determine our destiny.

**18.** 真爱是超越一切的。

True love transcends all.

**19.** 幸福是短暂的,而痛苦是永恒的。

Happiness is fleeting, while suffering is eternal.

**20.** 人类是矛盾的生物。

Humans are contradictory creatures.

**21.** 罪恶是人类的本性。

Sin is inherent in human nature.

**22.** 婚姻是神圣的契约。

Marriage is a sacred covenant.

**23.** 家庭是社会的基础。

Family is the foundation of society.

**24.** 爱情和婚姻是两回事。

Love and marriage are two different things.

**25.** 嫉妒是爱情的毒药。

Jealousy is the poison of love.

**26.** 欲望会使人堕落。

Desire can lead to corruption.

**27.** 孤独是人类最可怕的处境。

Loneliness is the most dreadful state of humanity.

**28.** 人生的意义在于追求幸福。

The meaning of life is to pursue happiness.

**29.** 命运是不可改变的。

Fate is unchangeable.

**30.** 死亡是生命的终结。

Death is the end of life.

**31.** 我们必须面对现实。

We must face reality.

**32.** 希望是人类最后的堡垒。

Hope is humanity's last bastion.

**33.** 人类是自由的,但也是有限的。

Humans are free, but also limited.

**34.** 痛苦是不可避免的,但我们可以从中成长。

Pain is inevitable, but we can grow from it.

**35.** 人生是短暂而宝贵的。

Life is short and precious.

**36.** 我们必须珍惜我们所拥有的。

We must cherish what we have.

**37.** 爱情是超越一切的。

Love is above all.

**38.** 婚姻是神圣的。

Marriage is sacred.

**39.** 责任是人生的重担。

Responsibility is the burden of life.

**40.** 命运是不可抗拒的。

Fate is irresistible.

**41.** 我们必须为自己的行为负责。

We must be accountable for our actions.

**42.** 幸福是短暂的。

Happiness is fleeting.

**43.** 痛苦是永恒的。

Suffering is eternal.

**44.** 人生是充满矛盾的。

Life is full of contradictions.

**45.** 罪恶是人类的本性。

Sin is in human nature.

**46.** 嫉妒是爱情的毒药。

Jealousy is the poison of love.

**47.** 欲望是人类的弱点。

Desire is a human weakness.

**48.** 孤独是人类最大的痛苦。

Loneliness is the greatest human suffering.

**49.** 人生的意义在于追求幸福。

The meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness.

**50.** 命运是不可改变的。

Fate is unchangeable.

**51.** 死亡是生命的终结。

Death is the end of life.

**52.** 我们必须面对现实。

We must face reality.

**53.** 希望是人类最后的堡垒。

Hope is humanity's last bastion.

**54.** 我们必须珍惜我们所拥有的。

We must cherish what we have.

**55.** 爱情是超越一切的。

Love is above all.

**56.** 婚姻是神圣的。

Marriage is sacred.

**57.** 责任是人生的重担。

Responsibility is the burden of life.

**58.** 命运是不可抗拒的。

Fate is irresistible.

**59.** 我们必须为自己的行为负责。

We must be accountable for our actions.

**60.** 幸福是短暂的。

Happiness is fleeting.

**61.** 痛苦是永恒的。

Suffering is eternal.

**62.** 人生是充满矛盾的。

Life is full of contradictions.

**63.** 罪恶是人类的本性。

Sin is in human nature.

**64.** 嫉妒是爱情的毒药。

Jealousy is the poison of love.

**65.** 欲望是人类的弱点。

Desire is a human weakness.

**66.** 孤独是人类最大的痛苦。

Loneliness is the greatest human suffering.

**67.** 人生的意义在于追求幸福。

The meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness.

**68.** 命运是不可改变的。

Fate is unchangeable.

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