
## 80句事务语体句子及英文翻译**1.** 您好,请问您需要什么帮助吗?

Hello, how can I help you?

**2.** 请问您贵姓?

What is your name, please?

**3.** 请您出示您的身份证件。

Please show me your ID.

**4.** 请您填写一下这份表格。

Please fill out this form.

**5.** 您需要什么型号的手机?

What model phone do you need?

**6.** 这款手机的价格是……

The price of this phone is…

**7.** 您需要支付多少钱?

How much do you need to pay?

**8.** 请您稍等一下,我帮您查询一下。

Please wait a moment, I will check for you.

**9.** 您的订单已成功提交。

Your order has been successfully submitted.

**10.** 您的快递单号是……

Your express delivery number is…

**11.** 请您确认您的收货地址。

Please confirm your delivery address.

**12.** 请您拨打客服电话进行咨询。

Please call our customer service hotline for consultation.

**13.** 您的账户余额不足。

Your account balance is insufficient.

**14.** 您需要进行实名认证。

You need to complete real-name verification.

**15.** 请您提供您的银行卡号。

Please provide your bank card number.

**16.** 请您输入您的支付密码。

Please enter your payment password.

**17.** 您已成功支付。

You have successfully paid.

**18.** 您需要将文件上传到系统。

You need to upload the file to the system.

**19.** 请您下载附件。

Please download the attachment.

**20.** 请您填写申请表。

Please fill out the application form.

**21.** 请您提供相关证明材料。

Please provide relevant supporting documents.

**22.** 请您仔细阅读协议内容。

Please read the agreement carefully.

**23.** 请您签字确认。

Please sign and confirm.

**24.** 请您留意邮件通知。

Please pay attention to email notifications.

**25.** 请您确保网络连接稳定。

Please ensure a stable network connection.

**26.** 请您耐心等待系统处理。

Please wait patiently for the system to process.

**27.** 请您尽快回复。

Please reply as soon as possible.

**28.** 您需要联系我们的技术部门进行处理。

You need to contact our technical department for handling.

**29.** 请您将您的问题描述清楚。

Please describe your problem clearly.

**30.** 请您提供更详细的信息。

Please provide more detailed information.

**31.** 您需要提供您的联系方式。

You need to provide your contact information.

**32.** 请您核对一下信息。

Please verify the information.

**33.** 请您确认您的操作。

Please confirm your action.

**34.** 请您注意安全。

Please be aware of safety.

**35.** 请您不要泄露您的个人信息。

Please do not disclose your personal information.

**36.** 请您妥善保管您的证件。

Please keep your documents safe.

**37.** 请您及时更新您的联系方式。

Please update your contact information in time.

**38.** 请您注意您的账户安全。

Please pay attention to the security of your account.

**39.** 请您定期查看账户余额。

Please check your account balance regularly.

**40.** 请您注意您的消费记录。

Please pay attention to your spending records.

**41.** 请您仔细阅读合同条款。

Please read the contract terms carefully.

**42.** 请您了解相关政策规定。

Please familiarize yourself with relevant policies and regulations.

**43.** 请您遵守相关法律法规。

Please comply with relevant laws and regulations.

**44.** 请您维护公共秩序。

Please maintain public order.

**45.** 请您文明用语。

Please use polite language.

**46.** 请您爱护公共设施。

Please take care of public facilities.

**47.** 请您保持良好的卫生习惯。

Please maintain good hygiene habits.

**48.** 请您注意安全驾驶。

Please drive safely.

**49.** 请您遵守交通规则。

Please obey traffic rules.

**50.** 请您注意消防安全。

Please pay attention to fire safety.

**51.** 请您节约用水用电。

Please conserve water and electricity.

**52.** 请您爱护环境。

Please protect the environment.

**53.** 请您珍惜粮食。

Please cherish food.

**54.** 请您保持良好的职业道德。

Please maintain good professional ethics.

**55.** 请您尊重他人。

Please respect others.

**56.** 请您真诚待人。

Please be sincere to others.

**57.** 请您保持积极乐观的心态。

Please maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

**58.** 请您不要轻易相信陌生人。

Please don't easily trust strangers.

**59.** 请您注意防范电信诈骗。

Please be wary of telecommunications fraud.

**60.** 请您加强安全防范意识。

Please enhance your safety awareness.

**61.** 请您注意身体健康。

Please pay attention to your physical health.

**62.** 请您加强锻炼。

Please exercise regularly.

**63.** 请您合理饮食。

Please eat a balanced diet.

**64.** 请您保证充足的睡眠。

Please ensure adequate sleep.

**65.** 请您保持心情舒畅。

Please stay in a good mood.

**66.** 请您注意休息。

Please get some rest.

**67.** 请您放松心情。

Please relax.

**68.** 请您不要紧张。

Please don't be nervous.

**69.** 请您保持冷静。

Please stay calm.

**70.** 请您不要着急。

Please don't worry.

**71.** 请您耐心等待。

Please wait patiently.

**72.** 请您不要放弃。

Please don't give up.

**73.** 请您坚持到底。

Please persevere.

**74.** 请您加油!

Come on!

**75.** 请您努力!

Keep trying!

**76.** 请您祝您好运!

Good luck!

**77.** 请您一切顺利!

May all go well!

**78.** 请您再见!


**79.** 请您保重!

Take care!

**80.** 请您多保重!

Take good care of yourself!

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