
## 宋代水井句子 (75句)

**1. 古井无波,清澈如镜。** (Ancient well, still and clear like a mirror.)

Ancient well, still and clear like a mirror.

**2. 井口生凉,夏日消暑。** (Cool air from the well, summer heat dispels.)

Cool air from the well, summer heat dispels.

**3. 井水清冽,甘甜爽口。** (Clear and fresh well water, sweet and refreshing.)

Clear and fresh well water, sweet and refreshing.

**4. 井旁绿柳,依依垂柳。** (Green willows by the well, drooping gracefully.)

Green willows by the well, drooping gracefully.

**5. 井底幽深,不见天日。** (Deep well, no sunlight can reach.)

Deep well, no sunlight can reach.

**6. 井栏古朴,历经沧桑。** (Ancient well curb, weathered by time.)

Ancient well curb, weathered by time.

**7. 井台石板,青苔斑驳。** (Stone slab of the well platform, mottled with moss.)

Stone slab of the well platform, mottled with moss.

**8. 井水深不可测,神秘莫测。** (Well water, deep and unfathomable, mysterious.)

Well water, deep and unfathomable, mysterious.

**9. 井口望月,别有一番风味。** (Looking at the moon from the well, a unique charm.)

Looking at the moon from the well, a unique charm.

**10. 井边石凳,供人歇息。** (Stone benches by the well, for resting.)

Stone benches by the well, for resting.

**11. 井水汩汩,流淌不止。** (Well water gurgling, flowing endlessly.)

Well water gurgling, flowing endlessly.

**12. 井中月色,如梦如幻。** (Moonlight reflected in the well, dreamlike and illusory.)

Moonlight reflected in the well, dreamlike and illusory.

**13. 井水清澈,映照蓝天。** (Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky.)

Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky.

**14. 井旁老树,见证历史。** (Old trees by the well, witnesses of history.)

Old trees by the well, witnesses of history.

**15. 井水清凉,滋养万物。** (Cool well water, nourishes all things.)

Cool well water, nourishes all things.

**16. 井台古色古香,别具一格。** (Well platform, antique and elegant, unique.)

Well platform, antique and elegant, unique.

**17. 井水甘甜,令人回味无穷。** (Sweet well water, leaves an endless aftertaste.)

Sweet well water, leaves an endless aftertaste.

**18. 井口石栏,雕刻精美。** (Stone railing around the well, exquisitely carved.)

Stone railing around the well, exquisitely carved.

**19. 井水清澈,如水晶般透明。** (Clear well water, transparent like crystal.)

Clear well water, transparent like crystal.

**20. 井旁花草,争奇斗艳。** (Flowers and plants by the well, vying for beauty.)

Flowers and plants by the well, vying for beauty.

**21. 井台寂静,只有鸟鸣声声。** (Silent well platform, only the chirping of birds.)

Silent well platform, only the chirping of birds.

**22. 井水清冽,沁人心脾。** (Fresh and clear well water, refreshing and invigorating.)

Fresh and clear well water, refreshing and invigorating.

**23. 井中倒影,美丽迷人。** (Reflections in the well, beautiful and alluring.)

Reflections in the well, beautiful and alluring.

**24. 井口望远,心旷神怡。** (Looking far from the well, refreshing and relaxing.)

Looking far from the well, refreshing and relaxing.

**25. 井水清澈,如同仙境。** (Clear well water, like a fairyland.)

Clear well water, like a fairyland.

**26. 井边石阶,步步生莲。** (Stone steps by the well, every step like a lotus blooming.)

Stone steps by the well, every step like a lotus blooming.

**27. 井水清凉,解暑降温。** (Cool well water, relieves heat and cools down.)

Cool well water, relieves heat and cools down.

**28. 井旁老屋,古朴典雅。** (Old house by the well, simple and elegant.)

Old house by the well, simple and elegant.

**29. 井水清澈,照亮夜空。** (Clear well water, illuminating the night sky.)

Clear well water, illuminating the night sky.

**30. 井台石刻,记录历史。** (Stone carvings on the well platform, recording history.)

Stone carvings on the well platform, recording history.

**31. 井水清冽,滋养生命。** (Fresh and clear well water, nourishes life.)

Fresh and clear well water, nourishes life.

**32. 井口望月,思绪万千。** (Looking at the moon from the well, thoughts abound.)

Looking at the moon from the well, thoughts abound.

**33. 井旁古树,枝繁叶茂。** (Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving.)

Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving.

**34. 井水清澈,如诗如画。** (Clear well water, like poetry and painting.)

Clear well water, like poetry and painting.

**35. 井中倒影,如梦似幻。** (Reflections in the well, dreamlike and illusory.)

Reflections in the well, dreamlike and illusory.

**36. 井台古朴,散发着历史的厚重感。** (Ancient well platform, exuding a sense of history.)

Ancient well platform, exuding a sense of history.

**37. 井水清冽,令人神清气爽。** (Fresh and clear well water, refreshing and invigorating.)

Fresh and clear well water, refreshing and invigorating.

**38. 井旁绿荫,遮蔽骄阳。** (Green shade by the well, shielding from the scorching sun.)

Green shade by the well, shielding from the scorching sun.

**39. 井水清澈,映照着蓝天白云。** (Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.)

Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

**40. 井台寂静,只有风声轻轻吹过。** (Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind.)

Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind.

**41. 井水清澈,如同一面镜子。** (Clear well water, like a mirror.)

Clear well water, like a mirror.

**42. 井旁石桌,供人休憩。** (Stone table by the well, for resting.)

Stone table by the well, for resting.

**43. 井口望远,心胸开阔。** (Looking far from the well, broadening the mind.)

Looking far from the well, broadening the mind.

**44. 井水清冽,令人心旷神怡。** (Fresh and clear well water, refreshing and relaxing.)

Fresh and clear well water, refreshing and relaxing.

**45. 井旁老井,见证岁月的流逝。** (Old well by the side, witnessing the passage of time.)

Old well by the side, witnessing the passage of time.

**46. 井台古色古香,充满历史的韵味。** (Ancient well platform, full of historical charm.)

Ancient well platform, full of historical charm.

**47. 井水清澈,如同天上的星星。** (Clear well water, like stars in the sky.)

Clear well water, like stars in the sky.

**48. 井旁绿树,枝繁叶茂,遮蔽骄阳。** (Green trees by the well, lush and thriving, shielding from the scorching sun.)

Green trees by the well, lush and thriving, shielding from the scorching sun.

**49. 井水清澈,令人心生敬畏。** (Clear well water, inspiring awe.)

Clear well water, inspiring awe.

**50. 井口石栏,雕刻精美,古朴典雅。** (Stone railing around the well, exquisitely carved, simple and elegant.)

Stone railing around the well, exquisitely carved, simple and elegant.

**51. 井水清冽,甘甜爽口,解暑降温。** (Fresh and clear well water, sweet and refreshing, relieves heat and cools down.)

Fresh and clear well water, sweet and refreshing, relieves heat and cools down.

**52. 井旁老井,记录着历史的变迁。** (Old well by the side, recording the changes of history.)

Old well by the side, recording the changes of history.

**53. 井台寂静,只有鸟鸣声声,传递着生命的活力。** (Silent well platform, only the chirping of birds, conveying the vitality of life.)

Silent well platform, only the chirping of birds, conveying the vitality of life.

**54. 井水清澈,映照着蓝天白云,如同仙境一般。** (Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a fairyland.)

Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a fairyland.

**55. 井旁古树,枝繁叶茂,见证了岁月的变迁。** (Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, witnessed the changes of time.)

Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, witnessed the changes of time.

**56. 井水清澈,如同水晶般透明,令人心生喜悦。** (Clear well water, transparent like crystal, bringing joy to the heart.)

Clear well water, transparent like crystal, bringing joy to the heart.

**57. 井旁老井,记录着人们的生活点滴。** (Old well by the side, recording the daily lives of people.)

Old well by the side, recording the daily lives of people.

**58. 井台寂静,只有风声轻轻吹过,传递着一种宁静的氛围。** (Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind, conveying a serene atmosphere.)

Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind, conveying a serene atmosphere.

**59. 井水清澈,映照着蓝天白云,如同一个美丽的画卷。** (Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a beautiful painting.)

Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a beautiful painting.

**60. 井旁古树,枝繁叶茂,为人们遮挡炎炎烈日。** (Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, shielding people from the scorching sun.)

Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, shielding people from the scorching sun.

**61. 井水清澈,如同一个秘密,蕴藏着无限的奥秘。** (Clear well water, like a secret, containing infinite mysteries.)

Clear well water, like a secret, containing infinite mysteries.

**62. 井旁老井,记录着人们的生活故事。** (Old well by the side, recording the life stories of people.)

Old well by the side, recording the life stories of people.

**63. 井台寂静,只有风声轻轻吹过,如同一个静谧的角落。** (Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind, like a peaceful corner.)

Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind, like a peaceful corner.

**64. 井水清澈,映照着蓝天白云,如同一个梦境。** (Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a dream.)

Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a dream.

**65. 井旁古树,枝繁叶茂,为人们带来一丝清凉。** (Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, bringing a touch of coolness to people.)

Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, bringing a touch of coolness to people.

**66. 井水清澈,如同一个宝藏,蕴藏着无限的希望。** (Clear well water, like a treasure, containing infinite hope.)

Clear well water, like a treasure, containing infinite hope.

**67. 井旁老井,记录着人们的喜怒哀乐。** (Old well by the side, recording the joys and sorrows of people.)

Old well by the side, recording the joys and sorrows of people.

**68. 井台寂静,只有风声轻轻吹过,如同一个安静的角落。** (Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind, like a quiet corner.)

Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind, like a quiet corner.

**69. 井水清澈,映照着蓝天白云,如同一个美丽的风景画。** (Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a beautiful landscape painting.)

Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a beautiful landscape painting.

**70. 井旁古树,枝繁叶茂,为人们提供一片阴凉。** (Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, providing shade for people.)

Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, providing shade for people.

**71. 井水清澈,如同一个神秘的宝藏,等待着人们去探索。** (Clear well water, like a mysterious treasure, waiting for people to explore.)

Clear well water, like a mysterious treasure, waiting for people to explore.

**72. 井旁老井,记录着人们的日常生活。** (Old well by the side, recording the daily lives of people.)

Old well by the side, recording the daily lives of people.

**73. 井台寂静,只有风声轻轻吹过,如同一个隐秘的角落。** (Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind, like a hidden corner.)

Silent well platform, only the gentle sound of the wind, like a hidden corner.

**74. 井水清澈,映照着蓝天白云,如同一个美丽的梦境。** (Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a beautiful dream.)

Clear well water, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, like a beautiful dream.

**75. 井旁古树,枝繁叶茂,为人们带来一份宁静。** (Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, bringing peace to people.)

Ancient trees by the well, lush and thriving, bringing peace to people.

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