
## 争做环保小卫士的句子 (81句)**一、爱护环境,从我做起**1. 珍惜每一滴水,节约每一张纸。2. 减少使用塑料袋,用环保袋代替。3. 低碳生活,从点滴做起。4. 拒绝使用一次性餐具,自带餐具。5. 随手关灯,节约用电。6. 捡拾垃圾,保持环境干净整洁。7. 爱护花草树木,保护生态环境。8. 不乱扔垃圾,让地球更美丽。9. 节约粮食,杜绝浪费。10. 践行绿色出行,选择公共交通或步行。**二、保护地球,人人有责**11. 地球只有一个,我们要保护它。12. 人类是地球的主人,我们要爱护地球。13. 环保意识,从小培养。14. 做环保小卫士,保护地球家园。15. 减少碳排放,保护蓝天白云。16. 保护森林,减少沙漠化。17. 保护海洋,减少污染。18. 保护动物,维护生态平衡。19. 珍惜资源,永续发展。20. 让地球更加美好,让未来更加光明。**三、行动起来,从我做起**21. 从身边小事做起,保护环境。22. 用行动践行环保理念。23. 做环保的宣传者,影响更多人。24. 积极参与环保活动,贡献自己的一份力量。25. 争做环保先锋,引领绿色生活。26. 让绿色成为我们的生活方式。27. 努力让地球更美丽,让世界更美好。28. 用行动改变世界,用爱守护地球。29. 让环保成为一种习惯,让绿色成为一种信仰。30. 保护环境,我们责无旁贷。**四、珍惜资源,节约能源**31. 珍惜每一滴水,让水源永续流淌。32. 节约每一张纸,让森林永远葱绿。33. 节约每一度电,让能源不再枯竭。34. 减少能源消耗,共建低碳生活。35. 循环利用资源,减少资源浪费。36. 倡导绿色消费,选择环保产品。37. 从源头减少污染,共建绿色家园。38. 节约资源,从我做起,从小事做起。39. 让节约成为一种美德,让珍惜成为一种习惯。40. 珍惜资源,保护环境,为子孙后代留下一片绿色的家园。**五、爱护动物,维护生态平衡**41. 保护动物,就是保护我们自己。42. 动物是人类的朋友,我们要善待它们。43. 拒绝食用野生动物,保护生物多样性。44. 不乱捕猎,不破坏动物栖息地。45. 爱护动物,维护生态平衡,让地球更加美好。46. 保护动物,从我做起,从现在做起。47. 尊重生命,爱护动物,让自然和谐发展。48. 保护动物,就是保护我们共同的家园。49. 让地球成为动物的乐园,让动物与人类和谐共处。50. 爱护动物,就是爱护我们自己,爱护我们的未来。**六、拒绝污染,共建绿色家园**51. 拒绝污染,从我做起,从现在做起。52. 保护水资源,拒绝水污染。53. 保护空气质量,拒绝空气污染。54. 保护土壤环境,拒绝土壤污染。55. 绿色出行,减少尾气排放。56. 垃圾分类回收,减少污染。57. 减少噪音污染,营造安静的环境。58. 拒绝使用一次性塑料制品,减少白色污染。59. 共建绿色家园,让地球更美丽。60. 让绿色成为我们的生活方式,让环保成为我们的行动准则。**七、宣传环保,影响更多人**61. 环保理念,从我做起,传达给更多人。62. 做环保的宣传者,让更多人加入环保行列。63. 参与环保公益活动,影响更多人。64. 用行动感染更多人,用行动改变世界。65. 让环保成为一种潮流,让绿色成为一种信仰。66. 让更多人了解环保知识,加入到环保行动中来。67. 让环保成为一种习惯,让绿色成为一种生活方式。68. 让地球更美丽,让世界更美好,从我做起,从现在做起。69. 环保从你我开始,影响更多人,共建美好未来。70. 让环保成为一种责任,让我们共同守护我们的地球家园。**八、未来可期,共同努力**71. 让我们携手同行,共建绿色家园。72. 让我们共同努力,让地球更加美好。73. 让我们行动起来,为环保贡献力量。74. 让环保成为一种生活方式,让绿色成为一种信仰。75. 让我们共同守护地球,共同创造美好未来。76. 我们相信,只要我们共同努力,地球的明天会更加美好。77. 让我们为子孙后代留下一片绿色的家园,让我们共同努力吧!78. 让绿色成为希望,让环保成为行动,让我们共同创造美好的未来。79. 未来可期,让我们一起行动起来,为环保而努力!80. 让我们共同努力,用行动守护地球,用爱创造未来!81. 让环保成为一种习惯,让绿色成为一种生活方式,让未来更加美好!## 英文翻译**一、Love and protect our environment, starting from ourselves**

1. Cherish every drop of water and save every piece of paper.

2. Reduce the use of plastic bags and use reusable bags instead.

3. Live a low-carbon life, starting from little things.

4. Refuse to use disposable tableware and bring your own.

5. Turn off the lights when leaving, saving electricity.

6. Pick up litter and keep the environment clean and tidy.

7. Protect flowers, trees and plants, protecting the ecological environment.

8. Don't litter, make the earth more beautiful.

9. Save food and prevent waste.

10. Practice green travel, choosing public transportation or walking.

**二、Protecting the earth is everyone's responsibility**

11. There is only one earth, we must protect it.

12. Human beings are the masters of the earth, we must cherish the earth.

13. Environmental awareness should be cultivated from a young age.

14. Be a little environmental protector and protect our earth home.

15. Reduce carbon emissions and protect the blue sky and white clouds.

16. Protect forests and reduce desertification.

17. Protect the ocean and reduce pollution.

18. Protect animals and maintain ecological balance.

19. Cherish resources and achieve sustainable development.

20. Make the earth more beautiful and the future brighter.

**三、Take action, starting from ourselves**

21. Start with small things around us to protect the environment.

22. Put environmental ideas into action.

23. Be an environmental advocate and influence more people.

24. Actively participate in environmental protection activities and contribute our own strength.

25. Strive to be a pioneer in environmental protection and lead a green life.

26. Let green become our lifestyle.

27. Work hard to make the earth more beautiful and the world better.

28. Change the world with actions and protect the earth with love.

29. Let environmental protection become a habit and green become a belief.

30. Protecting the environment is our responsibility.

**四、Cherish resources and save energy**

31. Cherish every drop of water and let the water resources flow continuously.

32. Save every piece of paper and let the forest stay green forever.

33. Save every kilowatt-hour of electricity and let energy no longer be depleted.

34. Reduce energy consumption and build a low-carbon life together.

35. Recycle resources and reduce resource waste.

36. Advocate for green consumption and choose environmentally friendly products.

37. Reduce pollution from the source and build a green home together.

38. Save resources, starting from ourselves and from small things.

39. Let saving become a virtue and cherishing become a habit.

40. Cherish resources, protect the environment, and leave a green home for future generations.

**五、Love and protect animals and maintain ecological balance**

41. Protecting animals is protecting ourselves.

42. Animals are our friends, we should treat them kindly.

43. Refuse to eat wild animals and protect biodiversity.

44. Don't hunt illegally and don't destroy animal habitats.

45. Love and protect animals, maintain ecological balance, and make the earth more beautiful.

46. Protect animals, starting from ourselves, starting now.

47. Respect life, love animals, and let nature develop harmoniously.

48. Protecting animals is protecting our common home.

49. Let the earth become a paradise for animals, let animals and humans live in harmony.

50. Loving animals is loving ourselves and loving our future.

**六、Refuse pollution and build a green home together**

51. Refuse pollution, starting from ourselves, starting now.

52. Protect water resources and refuse water pollution.

53. Protect air quality and refuse air pollution.

54. Protect the soil environment and refuse soil pollution.

55. Green travel, reduce exhaust emissions.

56. Sort and recycle garbage to reduce pollution.

57. Reduce noise pollution and create a quiet environment.

58. Refuse to use disposable plastic products and reduce white pollution.

59. Build a green home together and make the earth more beautiful.

60. Let green become our lifestyle and let environmental protection become our code of conduct.

**七、Promote environmental protection and influence more people**

61. Environmental protection concept, starting from ourselves, spread it to more people.

62. Be an environmental advocate and let more people join the ranks of environmental protection.

63. Participate in environmental protection public welfare activities and influence more people.

64. Influence more people with actions and change the world with actions.

65. Let environmental protection become a trend and let green become a belief.

66. Let more people learn about environmental protection knowledge and join the environmental protection movement.

67. Let environmental protection become a habit and let green become a lifestyle.

68. Make the earth more beautiful, make the world better, starting from ourselves, starting now.

69. Environmental protection starts from you and me, influences more people, and builds a better future together.

70. Let environmental protection become a responsibility, and let us jointly protect our earth home.

**八、The future is promising, let's work together**

71. Let us join hands to build a green home together.

72. Let us work together to make the earth more beautiful.

73. Let us take action and contribute to environmental protection.

74. Let environmental protection become a lifestyle and let green become a belief.

75. Let us jointly protect the earth and jointly create a better future.

76. We believe that as long as we work together, the future of the earth will be brighter.

77. Let us leave a green home for future generations, let us work together!

78. Let green be hope, let environmental protection be action, and let us create a better future together.

79. The future is promising, let us take action together and work hard for environmental protection!

80. Let us work together, protect the earth with action, and create the future with love!

81. Let environmental protection become a habit, let green become a lifestyle, and make the future better!

以上就是关于争做环保小卫士的句子81句(争做环保小卫士的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
