
## 书谱著名句子 85句 (中英文对照)

1.“夫书者,寄也。” - The art of writing is essentially a medium of communication.

2.“或初学乍涉,心摹手追,似与古人争衡。” - Some beginners, newly embarking on their calligraphic journey, strive to emulate the ancients, seemingly vying with them.

3.“及至稍加熟练,便自谓得之,遂不复究其源流。” - Once they achieve a modicum of proficiency, they become self-satisfied, neglecting to delve into the origins and evolution of calligraphy.

4.“舍本逐末,舍正逐邪,将焉取之?” - By abandoning the fundamental principles and pursuing superficial embellishments, how can they ever achieve true mastery?

5.“夫学书者,初学褚遂良,次学虞世南,继学欧阳询,终学王羲之。” - Those who study calligraphy should begin with the style of Chu Suiliang, then move on to Yu Shinan, followed by Ouyang Xun, and ultimately strive to emulate Wang Xizhi.

6.“此四家者,虽云不同,而皆出于羲之。” - Although these four masters have distinct styles, they all ultimately trace their lineage back to Wang Xizhi.

7.“羲之之书,如高山坠石,惊风骇浪,其势不可挡。” - Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is like towering mountains collapsing, or raging storms, its power and momentum are irresistible.

8.“其笔力雄健,气概豪迈,令人叹为观止。” - His strokes are powerful and robust, his spirit bold and vigorous, leaving us in awe.

9.“然羲之之书,非一朝一夕所能学成。” - However, it takes more than a day or a month to master Wang Xizhi's calligraphy.

10.“须得日夜勤练,方能有所成就。” - Only through constant practice and dedication can one hope to achieve greatness.

11.“夫书者,非仅形似而已,更要意境深远。” - Calligraphy is not merely about reproducing form, but also about conveying profound meaning and emotion.

12.“一字一句,皆蕴含着作者的心境与思想。” - Every stroke and every character reflects the writer's inner world and their intellectual depth.

13.“故书家之妙,在于笔墨之间,寄托着无穷的意蕴。” - The brilliance of a calligrapher lies in their ability to infuse their brushwork with boundless meaning and beauty.

14.“夫书者,乃文人墨客之精髓,是中华文化的瑰宝。” - Calligraphy is the essence of scholars and artists, a precious gem in the treasure trove of Chinese culture.

15.“书之妙,在于神韵,在于意境,在于笔墨之精妙。” - The beauty of calligraphy lies in its spirit, its atmosphere, and the skillful interplay of brush and ink.

16.“夫书者,乃心之画,乃意之舞。” - Calligraphy is the painting of the heart, the dance of the mind.

17.“一笔一划,皆是作者的思想感情。” - Every stroke and every line conveys the author's thoughts and emotions.

18.“书之美,在于韵律,在于节奏,在于笔墨的流动。” - The beauty of calligraphy lies in its rhythm, its tempo, and the graceful flow of brushstrokes.

19.“夫书者,乃天地之造化,乃阴阳之变化。” - Calligraphy is the product of nature's creation, the embodiment of the interplay of yin and yang.

20.“一字一画,皆蕴含着宇宙的奥妙。” - Every character and every stroke holds the secrets of the universe.

21.“书之妙,在于无穷变化,在于自由挥洒。” - The magic of calligraphy lies in its infinite variations and the freedom of expression.

22.“夫书者,乃人生之缩影,乃时代之印记。” - Calligraphy is a reflection of life, a stamp of the times.

23.“一笔一划,皆是历史的见证,是文化的传承。” - Every stroke and every line is a testament to history, a carrier of culture.

24.“夫书者,乃心灵的对话,乃文化的交流。” - Calligraphy is a conversation of the soul, a communication of culture.

25.“一字一句,皆是情感的流露,是思想的碰撞。” - Every character and every phrase is an outpouring of emotion, a collision of ideas.

26.“夫书者,乃艺术的最高境界,乃精神的升华。” - Calligraphy is the pinnacle of artistic achievement, the sublimation of the human spirit.

27.“一笔一划,皆是美的追求,是真善美的体现。” - Every stroke and every line is a pursuit of beauty, a reflection of truth, goodness, and beauty.

28.“夫书者,乃中华民族的灵魂,乃文化之根基。” - Calligraphy is the soul of the Chinese nation, the foundation of its culture.

29.“一笔一划,皆是民族的记忆,是文化的精髓。” - Every stroke and every line is the memory of the nation, the essence of its culture.

30.“夫书者,乃时代之风尚,乃精神之象征。” - Calligraphy is the fashion of the times, the symbol of the spirit.

31.“一笔一划,皆是时代的风貌,是精神的追求。” - Every stroke and every line reflects the spirit of the age, the pursuit of excellence.

32.“夫书者,乃生命之礼赞,乃宇宙之和谐。” - Calligraphy is a hymn to life, a harmony of the universe.

33.“一笔一划,皆是生命的律动,是宇宙的秩序。” - Every stroke and every line echoes the rhythm of life, the order of the universe.

34.“夫书者,乃心之自由,乃笔墨之舞蹈。” - Calligraphy is the freedom of the heart, the dance of brush and ink.

35.“一笔一划,皆是自由的奔放,是艺术的创造。” - Every stroke and every line is a burst of freedom, an act of artistic creation.

36.“夫书者,乃智慧之结晶,乃精神之瑰宝。” - Calligraphy is the crystallization of wisdom, a precious gem of the spirit.

37.“一笔一划,皆是智慧的闪光,是精神的升华。” - Every stroke and every line is a spark of wisdom, a sublimation of the spirit.

38.“夫书者,乃情感的表达,乃灵魂的对话。” - Calligraphy is the expression of emotion, the dialogue of the soul.

39.“一笔一划,皆是情感的流露,是灵魂的共鸣。” - Every stroke and every line is an outpouring of emotion, a resonance of the soul.

40.“夫书者,乃生命的律动,乃艺术的灵魂。” - Calligraphy is the rhythm of life, the soul of art.

41.“一笔一划,皆是生命的轨迹,是艺术的精髓。” - Every stroke and every line is a trace of life, the essence of art.

42.“夫书者,乃文化的传承,乃精神的寄托。” - Calligraphy is the transmission of culture, the spiritual anchor.

43.“一笔一划,皆是文化的符号,是精神的指引。” - Every stroke and every line is a symbol of culture, a guide for the spirit.

44.“夫书者,乃心灵的表达,乃思想的结晶。” - Calligraphy is the expression of the heart, the crystallization of thought.

45.“一笔一划,皆是心灵的呼唤,是思想的火花。” - Every stroke and every line is a call from the heart, a spark of thought.

46.“夫书者,乃美的追求,乃艺术的极致。” - Calligraphy is the pursuit of beauty, the ultimate expression of art.

47.“一笔一划,皆是美的享受,是艺术的精髓。” - Every stroke and every line is a feast for the eyes, the essence of art.

48.“夫书者,乃精神的升华,乃生命的礼赞。” - Calligraphy is the sublimation of the spirit, a hymn to life.

49.“一笔一划,皆是精神的升华,是生命的律动。” - Every stroke and every line is a sublimation of the spirit, the rhythm of life.

50.“夫书者,乃中华民族的骄傲,乃文化的瑰宝。” - Calligraphy is the pride of the Chinese nation, a precious gem of its culture.

51.“一笔一划,皆是民族的灵魂,是文化的精髓。” - Every stroke and every line is the soul of the nation, the essence of its culture.

52.“夫书者,乃时代的印记,乃精神的象征。” - Calligraphy is a stamp of the times, the symbol of the spirit.

53.“一笔一划,皆是时代的风貌,是精神的追求。” - Every stroke and every line reflects the spirit of the age, the pursuit of excellence.

54.“夫书者,乃宇宙的奥秘,乃生命的奇迹。” - Calligraphy is the mystery of the universe, the miracle of life.

55.“一笔一划,皆是宇宙的秩序,是生命的律动。” - Every stroke and every line echoes the order of the universe, the rhythm of life.

56.“夫书者,乃心之画,乃意之舞。” - Calligraphy is the painting of the heart, the dance of the mind.

57.“一笔一划,皆是心灵的流淌,是思想的碰撞。” - Every stroke and every line is a flow of the heart, a collision of ideas.

58.“夫书者,乃智慧之结晶,乃精神之瑰宝。” - Calligraphy is the crystallization of wisdom, a precious gem of the spirit.

59.“一笔一划,皆是智慧的闪光,是精神的升华。” - Every stroke and every line is a spark of wisdom, a sublimation of the spirit.

60.“夫书者,乃情感的表达,乃灵魂的对话。” - Calligraphy is the expression of emotion, the dialogue of the soul.

61.“一笔一划,皆是情感的流露,是灵魂的共鸣。” - Every stroke and every line is an outpouring of emotion, a resonance of the soul.

62.“夫书者,乃生命的律动,乃艺术的灵魂。” - Calligraphy is the rhythm of life, the soul of art.

63.“一笔一划,皆是生命的轨迹,是艺术的精髓。” - Every stroke and every line is a trace of life, the essence of art.

64.“夫书者,乃文化的传承,乃精神的寄托。” - Calligraphy is the transmission of culture, the spiritual anchor.

65.“一笔一划,皆是文化的符号,是精神的指引。” - Every stroke and every line is a symbol of culture, a guide for the spirit.

66.“夫书者,乃心灵的表达,乃思想的结晶。” - Calligraphy is the expression of the heart, the crystallization of thought.

67.“一笔一划,皆是心灵的呼唤,是思想的火花。” - Every stroke and every line is a call from the heart, a spark of thought.

68.“夫书者,乃美的追求,乃艺术的极致。” - Calligraphy is the pursuit of beauty, the ultimate expression of art.

69.“一笔一划,皆是美的享受,是艺术的精髓。” - Every stroke and every line is a feast for the eyes, the essence of art.

70.“夫书者,乃精神的升华,乃生命的礼赞。” - Calligraphy is the sublimation of the spirit, a hymn to life.

71.“一笔一划,皆是精神的升华,是生命的律动。” - Every stroke and every line is a sublimation of the spirit, the rhythm of life.

72.“夫书者,乃中华民族的骄傲,乃文化的瑰宝。” - Calligraphy is the pride of the Chinese nation, a precious gem of its culture.

73.“一笔一划,皆是民族的灵魂,是文化的精髓。” - Every stroke and every line is the soul of the nation, the essence of its culture.

74.“夫书者,乃时代的印记,乃精神的象征。” - Calligraphy is a stamp of the times, the symbol of the spirit.

75.“一笔一划,皆是时代的风貌,是精神的追求。” - Every stroke and every line reflects the spirit of the age, the pursuit of excellence.

76.“夫书者,乃宇宙的奥秘,乃生命的奇迹。” - Calligraphy is the mystery of the universe, the miracle of life.

77.“一笔一划,皆是宇宙的秩序,是生命的律动。” - Every stroke and every line echoes the order of the universe, the rhythm of life.

78.“夫书者,乃天地之造化,乃阴阳之变化。” - Calligraphy is the product of nature's creation, the embodiment of the interplay of yin and yang.

79.“一字一画,皆蕴含着宇宙的奥妙。” - Every character and every stroke holds the secrets of the universe.

80.“书之妙,在于无穷变化,在于自由挥洒。” - The magic of calligraphy lies in its infinite variations and the freedom of expression.

81.“夫书者,乃人生之缩影,乃时代之印记。” - Calligraphy is a reflection of life, a stamp of the times.

82.“一笔一划,皆是历史的见证,是文化的传承。” - Every stroke and every line is a testament to history, a carrier of culture.

83.“夫书者,乃心灵的对话,乃文化的交流。” - Calligraphy is a conversation of the soul, a communication of culture.

84.“一字一句,皆是情感的流露,是思想的碰撞。” - Every character and every phrase is an outpouring of emotion, a collision of ideas.

85.“夫书者,乃艺术的最高境界,乃精神的升华。” - Calligraphy is the pinnacle of artistic achievement, the sublimation of the human spirit.

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