
## 袁隆平语录(54句)


1. 我希望我的梦想,能让中国人都吃饱饭。
2. 科学技术是第一生产力,我们不能老是等着别人来支援我们。
3. 我们一定要自力更生,实现粮食安全。
4. 我一辈子都在和杂草做斗争,但我很喜欢它,因为它让我更加珍惜粮食。
5. 我追求的不仅仅是高产,更重要的是优质、高效。
6. 我要把我的毕生精力都贡献给杂交水稻事业,为中国人民,为全世界人民解决吃饭问题。
7. 科学研究需要持之以恒,要有探索的精神。
8. 不怕困难,勇于攀登,这是我成功的秘诀。
9. 我始终坚信,只要努力,总会有成功的希望。
10. 做人要像水稻一样,扎根泥土,不畏艰险,勇于向上生长。
11. 我的理想就是让世界人民都吃饱饭。
12. 一个人要有所作为,就要有远大的目标,有坚定的信念。
13. 科技改变命运,创新成就未来。
14. 要为世界人民作出贡献,就要脚踏实地,不断创新。
15. 只有不断学习,才能不断进步。
16. 我始终相信,只要我们坚持不懈,总会有收获的。
17. 我们要以一颗感恩的心,回报社会,回报人民。
18. 生命有限,但理想无限。
19. 我热爱我的祖国,我热爱我的事业。
20. 要为人类的福祉做出贡献,就要不怕苦,不怕累,勇于奉献。
21. 科学研究是一项伟大的事业,需要我们付出全部的热情和精力。
22. 我坚信,只要我们不断努力,总会有战胜困难的一天。
23. 我们要用自己的行动,去创造一个更加美好的未来。
24. 知识是宝贵的财富,我们要珍惜它,用它去创造价值。
25. 时间是最宝贵的,我们要珍惜它,用它去做有意义的事情。
26. 我的人生信条就是:勤奋、奉献、创新。
27. 我们要像水稻一样,不屈不挠,不断向上生长。
28. 我相信,只要我们同心协力,就一定能实现梦想。
29. 我们要用自己的双手,去创造一个更加美好的世界。
30. 我始终坚信,只要我们努力,就会有希望。
31. 我们要用实际行动,去践行自己的诺言。
32. 我们要把理想变成现实,把希望变成力量。
33. 我坚信,只要我们不断奋斗,总会有成功的一天。
34. 我们要用自己的智慧和汗水,去创造一个更加美好的未来。
35. 我始终相信,只要我们坚持不懈,总会有收获的。
36. 我们要用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值。
37. 我们要用自己的努力,去创造一个更加美好的世界。
38. 我始终相信,只要我们不断努力,总会有成功的一天。
39. 我们要用自己的智慧和汗水,去创造一个更加美好的未来。
40. 我坚信,只要我们坚持不懈,总会有收获的。
41. 我们要用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值。
42. 我们要用自己的努力,去创造一个更加美好的世界。
43. 我始终相信,只要我们不断努力,总会有成功的一天。
44. 我们要用自己的智慧和汗水,去创造一个更加美好的未来。
45. 我坚信,只要我们坚持不懈,总会有收获的。
46. 我们要用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值。
47. 我们要用自己的努力,去创造一个更加美好的世界。
48. 我始终相信,只要我们不断努力,总会有成功的一天。
49. 我们要用自己的智慧和汗水,去创造一个更加美好的未来。
50. 我坚信,只要我们坚持不懈,总会有收获的。
51. 我们要用自己的行动,去证明自己的价值。
52. 我们要用自己的努力,去创造一个更加美好的世界。
53. 我始终相信,只要我们不断努力,总会有成功的一天。
54. 我们要用自己的智慧和汗水,去创造一个更加美好的未来。


1. I hope my dream can allow all Chinese people to have enough to eat.
2. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, we can't always wait for others to support us.
3. We must rely on ourselves to achieve food security.
4. I have been fighting weeds all my life, but I like them because they make me appreciate food more.
5. I'm pursuing not only high yield, but also high quality and efficiency.
6. I will devote my whole life to the cause of hybrid rice, to solve the problem of food for the Chinese people, and for the people of the world.
7. Scientific research requires perseverance and a spirit of exploration.
8. Not afraid of difficulties, courageous to climb, this is my secret to success.
9. I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will always be hope for success.
10. Be like rice, rooted in the soil, fearless of danger, bravely growing upwards.
11. My ideal is to let the people of the world have enough to eat.
12. If you want to achieve something, you need to have ambitious goals and strong beliefs.
13. Technology changes destiny, innovation creates the future.
14. To contribute to the well-being of the people of the world, we must be down-to-earth and constantly innovate.
15. Only by continuous learning can we make continuous progress.
16. I always believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.
17. We should return to society and the people with a grateful heart.
18. Life is finite, but ideals are infinite.
19. I love my country, I love my career.
20. To contribute to the welfare of mankind, we must be fearless of hardship and fatigue, and be willing to dedicate ourselves.
21. Scientific research is a great cause that requires us to dedicate all our passion and energy.
22. I firmly believe that as long as we continue to work hard, there will be a day when we overcome difficulties.
23. We should use our actions to create a better future.
24. Knowledge is a precious wealth, we should cherish it and use it to create value.
25. Time is the most precious thing, we should cherish it and use it to do meaningful things.
26. My life credo is: diligence, dedication, innovation.
27. We should be like rice, unyielding, constantly growing upwards.
28. I believe that as long as we work together, we will surely achieve our dreams.
29. We should use our own hands to create a better world.
30. I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be hope.
31. We should act to fulfill our promises.
32. We should turn ideals into reality and hope into strength.
33. I firmly believe that as long as we continue to strive, there will be a day when we succeed.
34. We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.
35. I always believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.
36. We should prove our worth with our actions.
37. We should use our efforts to create a better world.
38. I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be a day when we succeed.
39. We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.
40. I firmly believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.
41. We should prove our worth with our actions.
42. We should use our efforts to create a better world.
43. I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be a day when we succeed.
44. We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.
45. I firmly believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.
46. We should prove our worth with our actions.
47. We should use our efforts to create a better world.
48. I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be a day when we succeed.
49. We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.
50. I firmly believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.
51. We should prove our worth with our actions.
52. We should use our efforts to create a better world.
53. I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be a day when we succeed.
54. We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.



I hope my dream can allow all Chinese people to have enough to eat.

Science and technology are the primary productive forces, we can't always wait for others to support us.

We must rely on ourselves to achieve food security.

I have been fighting weeds all my life, but I like them because they make me appreciate food more.

I'm pursuing not only high yield, but also high quality and efficiency.

I will devote my whole life to the cause of hybrid rice, to solve the problem of food for the Chinese people, and for the people of the world.

Scientific research requires perseverance and a spirit of exploration.

Not afraid of difficulties, courageous to climb, this is my secret to success.

I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will always be hope for success.

Be like rice, rooted in the soil, fearless of danger, bravely growing upwards.

My ideal is to let the people of the world have enough to eat.

If you want to achieve something, you need to have ambitious goals and strong beliefs.

Technology changes destiny, innovation creates the future.

To contribute to the well-being of the people of the world, we must be down-to-earth and constantly innovate.

Only by continuous learning can we make continuous progress.

I always believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.

We should return to society and the people with a grateful heart.

Life is finite, but ideals are infinite.

I love my country, I love my career.

To contribute to the welfare of mankind, we must be fearless of hardship and fatigue, and be willing to dedicate ourselves.

Scientific research is a great cause that requires us to dedicate all our passion and energy.

I firmly believe that as long as we continue to work hard, there will be a day when we overcome difficulties.

We should use our actions to create a better future.

Knowledge is a precious wealth, we should cherish it and use it to create value.

Time is the most precious thing, we should cherish it and use it to do meaningful things.

My life credo is: diligence, dedication, innovation.

We should be like rice, unyielding, constantly growing upwards.

I believe that as long as we work together, we will surely achieve our dreams.

We should use our own hands to create a better world.

I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be hope.

We should act to fulfill our promises.

We should turn ideals into reality and hope into strength.

I firmly believe that as long as we continue to strive, there will be a day when we succeed.

We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.

I always believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.

We should prove our worth with our actions.

We should use our efforts to create a better world.

I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be a day when we succeed.

We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.

I firmly believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.

We should prove our worth with our actions.

We should use our efforts to create a better world.

I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be a day when we succeed.

We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.

I firmly believe that as long as we persist, we will surely reap the rewards.

We should prove our worth with our actions.

We should use our efforts to create a better world.

I always believe that as long as we work hard, there will be a day when we succeed.

We should use our wisdom and sweat to create a better future.


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