
## 一切早已物是人非的句子(53句)**1. 岁月如梭,物是人非,往事如烟。**

Time flies, things change, and the past is like smoke.

**2. 回首往事,物是人非,感慨万千。**

Looking back on the past, things have changed, and I have countless emotions.

**3. 昔日的繁华,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former prosperity has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**4. 昔日的情谊,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former friendship has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**5. 昔日的笑声,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former laughter has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**6. 昔日的朋友,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former friends have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**7. 昔日的恋人,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former lovers have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**8. 昔日的家园,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former home has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**9. 昔日的梦想,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former dreams have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**10. 昔日的青春,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former youth has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**11. 光阴似箭,日月如梭,物是人非。**

Time flies like an arrow, and the days pass by like a shuttle. Things have changed.

**12. 时光荏苒,物是人非,往事不堪回首。**

Time flies, things change, and the past is unbearable to look back on.

**13. 世事无常,物是人非,唯有不变的是变化。**

The world is impermanent, things change, and the only constant is change.

**14. 故人已去,物是人非,徒留无限伤感。**

The old friends have gone, things have changed, and only infinite sadness remains.

**15. 昔日场景,历历在目,如今物是人非。**

The scenes of the past are still vivid in my mind, but now things have changed.

**16. 回到故地,物是人非,感慨万千。**

Returning to my old place, things have changed, and I have countless emotions.

**17. 一切都变了,物是人非,只有记忆还在。**

Everything has changed, things have changed, and only the memories remain.

**18. 昔日情景,恍如隔世,物是人非。**

The scenes of the past are as if they were in another world, and things have changed.

**19. 回首往事,感慨万千,物是人非。**

Looking back on the past, I have countless emotions, and things have changed.

**20. 昔日的梦想,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former dreams have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**21. 昔日的誓言,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former vows have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**22. 昔日的容颜,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former appearance has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**23. 昔日的爱情,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former love has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**24. 昔日的承诺,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former promises have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**25. 昔日的欢笑,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former laughter has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**26. 昔日的辉煌,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former glory has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**27. 昔日的悲欢离合,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former joys and sorrows have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**28. 昔日的风风雨雨,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former storms have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**29. 昔日的梦想,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former dreams have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**30. 昔日的希望,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former hopes have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**31. 昔日的恐惧,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former fears have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**32. 昔日的悲伤,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former sorrows have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**33. 昔日的喜悦,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former joys have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**34. 昔日的愤怒,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former anger has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**35. 昔日的温柔,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former gentleness has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**36. 昔日的坚强,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former strength has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**37. 昔日的脆弱,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former fragility has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**38. 昔日的善良,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former kindness has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**39. 昔日的邪恶,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former evil has now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**40. 昔日的爱恨情仇,如今已成过眼云烟,物是人非。**

The former love, hate, and vengeance have now become a fleeting dream, and things have changed.

**41. 昔日的梦想,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former dreams have now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**42. 昔日的希望,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former hopes have now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**43. 昔日的爱情,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former love has now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**44. 昔日的友情,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former friendship has now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**45. 昔日的承诺,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former promises have now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**46. 昔日的誓言,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former vows have now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**47. 昔日的梦想,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former dreams have now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**48. 昔日的辉煌,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former glory has now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**49. 昔日的繁华,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former prosperity has now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**50. 昔日的荣耀,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former honor has now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**51. 昔日的幸福,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former happiness has now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**52. 昔日的快乐,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former joy has now become a bubble, and things have changed.

**53. 昔日的悲伤,如今已成泡影,物是人非。**

The former sorrow has now become a bubble, and things have changed.

以上就是关于一切早已物是人非句子53句(一切早已物是人非句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
