
## 83 个连续动作的句子,并翻译成英文

**1.** 他打开门,走了出去,锁上了门。

He opened the door, walked out, and locked it.

**2.** 她拿起手机,拨打了号码,等待着接通。

She picked up her phone, dialed the number, and waited for it to connect.

**3.** 他走到书架前,取下一本书,翻开了第一页。

He walked to the bookshelf, took down a book, and opened it to the first page.

**4.** 她洗了手,擦干了手,准备开始做饭。

She washed her hands, dried them, and prepared to start cooking.

**5.** 他穿好外套,戴上帽子,走出家门。

He put on his coat, donned his hat, and stepped out of the house.

**6.** 她打开了电脑,登录了网站,开始浏览新闻。

She turned on her computer, logged into the website, and started browsing the news.

**7.** 他整理了房间,把所有东西都放回原位,然后关上了门。

He tidied the room, put everything back in its place, and closed the door.

**8.** 她把衣服放进洗衣机,设定了洗涤程序,按下启动键。

She put the clothes in the washing machine, set the washing program, and pressed the start button.

**9.** 他拿起了咖啡杯,喝了一口,然后放下杯子。

He picked up his coffee cup, took a sip, and put it down.

**10.** 她打开窗户,让新鲜空气进来,然后关上了窗户。

She opened the window, let in the fresh air, and then closed it.

**11.** 他把书包放在桌子上,打开了笔记本电脑,开始工作。

He put his backpack on the table, opened his laptop, and began working.

**12.** 她拿起手机,发了条短信,然后放下手机。

She picked up her phone, sent a text message, and then put it down.

**13.** 他走到冰箱前,打开冰箱,拿出一瓶牛奶。

He walked to the refrigerator, opened it, and took out a bottle of milk.

**14.** 她拿起遥控器,打开了电视,开始看电影。

She picked up the remote, turned on the TV, and started watching a movie.

**15.** 他走到阳台,呼吸着新鲜空气,欣赏着美丽的景色。

He walked out to the balcony, breathed in the fresh air, and admired the beautiful view.

**16.** 她打开了音乐播放器,放了一首喜欢的歌曲,开始跟着节奏跳舞。

She turned on her music player, put on a favorite song, and started dancing to the rhythm.

**17.** 他走到厨房,洗了水果,准备吃早餐。

He went to the kitchen, washed the fruit, and prepared to have breakfast.

**18.** 她打开衣柜,挑了一件衣服,穿在了身上。

She opened her wardrobe, picked out a piece of clothing, and put it on.

**19.** 他拿起手机,看了看时间,发现已经很晚了。

He picked up his phone, looked at the time, and realized it was getting late.

**20.** 她打开窗户,看到了雨后的彩虹,露出了微笑。

She opened the window, saw the rainbow after the rain, and smiled.

**21.** 他打开水龙头,洗了把脸,然后关上了水龙头。

He turned on the faucet, washed his face, and then turned it off.

**22.** 她拿起书,翻开了书页,开始阅读。

She picked up the book, opened the pages, and began reading.

**23.** 他走到电脑前,打开了电脑,开始工作。

He walked to the computer, turned it on, and began working.

**24.** 她拿起笔,在纸上写下了一些字,然后放下了笔。

She picked up the pen, wrote some words on the paper, and then put it down.

**25.** 他打开抽屉,拿出了一个文件,开始查看。

He opened the drawer, took out a file, and began examining it.

**26.** 她打开了电视,调到了新闻频道,开始看新闻。

She turned on the TV, switched to the news channel, and started watching the news.

**27.** 他走到冰箱前,打开冰箱,拿出一瓶饮料。

He walked to the refrigerator, opened it, and took out a bottle of drink.

**28.** 她拿起手机,拍了一张照片,然后保存了照片。

She picked up her phone, took a photo, and then saved it.

**29.** 他打开灯,照亮了房间,然后关上了灯。

He turned on the light, illuminating the room, and then turned it off.

**30.** 她拿起手机,拨打了电话,然后挂断了电话。

She picked up her phone, made a call, and then hung up.

**31.** 他走到窗边,拉开了窗帘,让阳光照进房间。

He walked to the window, drew the curtains, and let the sunlight into the room.

**32.** 她打开了音乐播放器,放了一首轻柔的音乐,开始放松身心。

She turned on her music player, put on some soft music, and began to relax.

**33.** 他走到厨房,泡了一杯茶,然后端着茶杯坐了下来。

He went to the kitchen, brewed a cup of tea, and then sat down with the teacup in hand.

**34.** 她打开了笔记本电脑,开始处理工作邮件,然后关上了电脑。

She opened her laptop, started dealing with work emails, and then closed it.

**35.** 他拿起了手机,查看了邮件,然后放下手机。

He picked up his phone, checked his emails, and then put it down.

**36.** 她拿起遥控器,调到了动画频道,开始看动画片。

She picked up the remote, switched to the cartoon channel, and started watching cartoons.

**37.** 他打开书包,拿出了一本书,开始阅读。

He opened his backpack, took out a book, and began reading.

**38.** 她打开了窗户,让风吹进来,然后关上了窗户。

She opened the window, let the wind blow in, and then closed it.

**39.** 他走到衣柜前,挑了一件衣服,穿在了身上。

He walked to the wardrobe, picked out a piece of clothing, and put it on.

**40.** 她拿起手机,发了条微信,然后放下手机。

She picked up her phone, sent a WeChat message, and then put it down.

**41.** 他走到厨房,打开冰箱,拿出一瓶水。

He went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took out a bottle of water.

**42.** 她打开电脑,登录了邮箱,开始查看邮件。

She turned on her computer, logged into her email, and began checking her emails.

**43.** 他打开门,走了出去,准备去散步。

He opened the door, walked out, and prepared to go for a walk.

**44.** 她拿起手机,拍了张自拍,然后上传到社交媒体。

She picked up her phone, took a selfie, and then uploaded it to social media.

**45.** 他走到沙发前,躺了下来,开始休息。

He walked to the sofa, lay down, and began to rest.

**46.** 她打开了音乐播放器,放了一首舒缓的音乐,开始放松身心。

She turned on her music player, put on some soothing music, and began to relax.

**47.** 他走到厨房,洗了水果,准备吃点心。

He went to the kitchen, washed the fruit, and prepared to have some snacks.

**48.** 她打开电视,调到了电影频道,开始看电影。

She turned on the TV, switched to the movie channel, and started watching a movie.

**49.** 他拿起手机,拨打了电话,然后与朋友聊了几句。

He picked up his phone, made a call, and then chatted with his friend for a while.

**50.** 她打开了窗户,让阳光照进房间,然后关上了窗户。

She opened the window, let the sunlight into the room, and then closed it.

**51.** 他走到书架前,取下一本书,开始阅读。

He walked to the bookshelf, took down a book, and began reading.

**52.** 她拿起笔,在纸上画了一幅画,然后放下了笔。

She picked up the pen, drew a picture on the paper, and then put it down.

**53.** 他打开电脑,开始工作,然后关上了电脑。

He turned on his computer, began working, and then closed it.

**54.** 她拿起手机,发了条信息,然后放下手机。

She picked up her phone, sent a message, and then put it down.

**55.** 他走到冰箱前,打开冰箱,拿出一瓶饮料。

He walked to the refrigerator, opened it, and took out a bottle of drink.

**56.** 她打开了音乐播放器,放了一首喜欢的歌曲,开始哼唱。

She turned on her music player, put on a favorite song, and began to hum along.

**57.** 他走到阳台,呼吸着新鲜空气,思考着人生。

He walked out to the balcony, breathed in the fresh air, and pondered life.

**58.** 她打开衣柜,挑了一件衣服,穿在了身上。

She opened her wardrobe, picked out a piece of clothing, and put it on.

**59.** 他拿起手机,看了看时间,发现已经不早了。

He picked up his phone, looked at the time, and realized it was getting late.

**60.** 她打开了窗户,看到了夜空中闪烁的星星,露出了微笑。

She opened the window, saw the twinkling stars in the night sky, and smiled.

**61.** 他打开水龙头,洗了把脸,然后关上了水龙头。

He turned on the faucet, washed his face, and then turned it off.

**62.** 她拿起书,翻开了书页,开始阅读。

She picked up the book, opened the pages, and began reading.

**63.** 他走到电脑前,打开了电脑,开始工作。

He walked to the computer, turned it on, and began working.

**64.** 她拿起笔,在纸上写下了一些笔记,然后放下了笔。

She picked up the pen, wrote down some notes on the paper, and then put it down.

**65.** 他打开了电视,调到了体育频道,开始看比赛。

He turned on the TV, switched to the sports channel, and began watching the game.

**66.** 她拿起手机,拨打了电话,然后约了朋友见面。

She picked up her phone, made a call, and then made plans to meet her friend.

**67.** 他走到厨房,洗了碗,然后把碗放进碗柜里。

He went to the kitchen, washed the dishes, and then put them in the cupboard.

**68.** 她打开电脑,登录了社交媒体,开始浏览朋友的动态。

She turned on her computer, logged into social media, and began browsing her friends' updates.

**69.** 他拿起手机,拍了张照片,然后发给了朋友。

He picked up his phone, took a photo, and then sent it to his friend.

**70.** 她打开灯,照亮了房间,然后关上了灯。

She turned on the light, illuminated the room, and then turned it off.

**71.** 他拿起手机,拨打了电话,然后与家人通了电话。

He picked up his phone, made a call, and then talked to his family.

**72.** 她打开窗户,让新鲜空气进来,然后关上了窗户。

She opened the window, let the fresh air in, and then closed it.

**73.** 他走到书桌前,拿起了笔,开始写字。

He walked to the desk, picked up the pen, and began writing.

**74.** 她拿起手机,发了条短信,然后放下手机。

She picked up her phone, sent a text message, and then put it down.

**75.** 他打开冰箱,拿出一瓶饮料,然后喝了一口。

He opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of drink, and then took a sip.

**76.** 她打开电脑,登录了游戏网站,开始玩游戏。

She turned on her computer, logged into the gaming website, and began playing games.

**77.** 他走到阳台,呼吸着新鲜空气,欣赏着夜色。

He walked out to the balcony, breathed in the fresh air, and admired the night view.

**78.** 她打开衣柜,挑了一件衣服,穿在了身上。

She opened her wardrobe, picked out a piece of clothing, and put it on.

**79.** 他拿起手机,看了看时间,发现已经很晚了。

He picked up his phone, looked at the time, and realized it was getting late.

**80.** 她打开了窗户,看到了夜空中闪烁的星星,露出了微笑。

She opened the window, saw the twinkling stars in the night sky, and smiled.

**81.** 他打开水龙头,洗了把脸,然后关上了水龙头。

He turned on the faucet, washed his face, and then turned it off.

**82.** 她拿起书,翻开了书页,开始阅读。

She picked up the book, opened the pages, and began reading.

**83.** 他走到电脑前,打开了电脑,开始工作。

He walked to the computer, turned it on, and began working.

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