
## 鼎相关的句子 (76句)

**1. 古代的鼎,是权力和地位的象征。**

The ancient tripod was a symbol of power and status.

**2. 青铜鼎,是中华文明的瑰宝。**

Bronze tripods are a treasure of Chinese civilization.

**3. 鼎盛时期,是指事物发展到顶峰的时期。**

The heyday refers to the period when something reaches its peak.

**4. 三足鼎立,象征着力量的平衡。**

The three-legged tripod symbolizes a balance of power.

**5. 鼎力相助,表示给予最大的帮助。**

To give one's full support means to provide the greatest assistance.

**6. 鼎足而立,比喻三方势力的鼎立局面。**

To stand on three feet is a metaphor for the situation of three forces standing on an equal footing.

**7. 鼎新革故,意为推陈出新,革除旧弊。**

To innovate and reform means to break with the old and bring in the new, eliminating outdated practices.

**8. 铁血丹心,鼎定乾坤,是指为国家和人民做出巨大贡献的人。**

Those who have iron will and loyalty, and who have stabilized the world, are those who have made great contributions to their country and people.

**9. 历史的巨轮,滚滚向前,时代的巨鼎,不可阻挡。**

The wheel of history rolls forward, and the mighty tripod of the times is unstoppable.

**10. 一代天骄,成吉思汗,鼎立天下,威震四方。**

Genghis Khan, a great emperor of his time, established his dominance over the world and commanded respect throughout the land.

**11. 盛世兴衰,鼎盛之时,总会走向衰落。**

Every prosperous era faces decline. Even at its zenith, it will eventually fall.

**12. 鼎盛不衰,是指事物始终保持繁荣昌盛。**

To remain prosperous and flourishing means that something continues to thrive without decline.

**13. 鼎足三分,指的是三国鼎立的局面。**

The three-legged tripod refers to the situation of the three kingdoms standing on an equal footing.

**14. 鼎盛之音,是指最辉煌、最兴盛的声音。**

The sound of prosperity is the most glorious and flourishing sound.

**15. 鼎盛时期,人才辈出,社会繁荣。**

During the heyday, talented people emerge one after another, and society thrives.

**16. 鼎盛时期,商贸发达,国力强盛。**

In its heyday, trade flourished, and national strength was strong.

**17. 鼎盛之年,是指人生最辉煌的阶段。**

The prime of life refers to the most glorious stage of a person's life.

**18. 鼎立之势,是指三种势力鼎足而立。**

The stance of standing on three feet refers to the situation of three forces standing on an equal footing.

**19. 鼎足之争,是指三方势力争夺天下。**

The competition for the tripod refers to the situation of three forces vying for control of the world.

**20. 鼎足之国,是指三国鼎立的国家。**

The three-legged tripod country refers to the country with three kingdoms standing on an equal footing.

**21. 鼎盛时期,文化繁荣,艺术昌盛。**

During the heyday, culture flourished, and art thrived.

**22. 鼎盛时期,科技进步,社会发展。**

In its heyday, science and technology advanced, and society developed.

**23. 鼎盛之日,是指最美好的日子。**

The best day is the most beautiful day.

**24. 鼎盛时期,百家争鸣,思想活跃。**

During the heyday, a hundred schools of thought contended, and ideas flourished.

**25. 鼎盛时期,人才济济,群英荟萃。**

In its heyday, talented people were abundant, and heroes gathered together.

**26. 鼎盛时期,经济繁荣,人民富裕。**

During the heyday, the economy flourished, and the people were prosperous.

**27. 鼎盛时期,社会稳定,治安良好。**

In its heyday, society was stable, and security was good.

**28. 鼎盛时期,政局稳定,国家昌盛。**

During the heyday, the political situation was stable, and the country flourished.

**29. 鼎盛时期,人才辈出,思想活跃。**

In its heyday, talented people emerged one after another, and ideas flourished.

**30. 鼎盛时期,科技进步,社会发展。**

During the heyday, science and technology advanced, and society developed.

**31. 鼎盛之年,是指人生最美好的年华。**

The prime of life refers to the most beautiful years of a person's life.

**32. 鼎盛之光,是指最辉煌的光芒。**

The light of prosperity is the most glorious light.

**33. 鼎盛之声,是指最响亮的声音。**

The sound of prosperity is the loudest sound.

**34. 鼎盛之美,是指最美的景色。**

The beauty of prosperity is the most beautiful scenery.

**35. 鼎盛之气,是指最旺盛的气势。**

The aura of prosperity is the most powerful aura.

**36. 鼎盛之业,是指最兴盛的事业。**

The prosperous industry is the most flourishing industry.

**37. 鼎盛之势,是指最强大的力量。**

The strength of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**38. 鼎盛之风,是指最流行的风气。**

The wind of prosperity is the most popular trend.

**39. 鼎盛之运,是指最兴旺的运气。**

The fortune of prosperity is the most prosperous luck.

**40. 鼎盛之时,是指最辉煌的时刻。**

The zenith is the most glorious moment.

**41. 鼎盛之景,是指最美的景象。**

The sight of prosperity is the most beautiful sight.

**42. 鼎盛之音,是指最动听的声音。**

The sound of prosperity is the most beautiful sound.

**43. 鼎盛之光,是指最明亮的光芒。**

The light of prosperity is the brightest light.

**44. 鼎盛之气,是指最强大的力量。**

The aura of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**45. 鼎盛之业,是指最兴旺的事业。**

The prosperous industry is the most flourishing industry.

**46. 鼎盛之势,是指最强大的力量。**

The strength of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**47. 鼎盛之风,是指最流行的风气。**

The wind of prosperity is the most popular trend.

**48. 鼎盛之运,是指最兴旺的运气。**

The fortune of prosperity is the most prosperous luck.

**49. 鼎盛时期,是指最辉煌的时期。**

The heyday is the most glorious period.

**50. 鼎盛之景,是指最美的景象。**

The sight of prosperity is the most beautiful sight.

**51. 鼎盛之音,是指最动听的声音。**

The sound of prosperity is the most beautiful sound.

**52. 鼎盛之光,是指最明亮的光芒。**

The light of prosperity is the brightest light.

**53. 鼎盛之气,是指最强大的力量。**

The aura of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**54. 鼎盛之业,是指最兴旺的事业。**

The prosperous industry is the most flourishing industry.

**55. 鼎盛之势,是指最强大的力量。**

The strength of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**56. 鼎盛之风,是指最流行的风气。**

The wind of prosperity is the most popular trend.

**57. 鼎盛之运,是指最兴旺的运气。**

The fortune of prosperity is the most prosperous luck.

**58. 鼎盛时期,是指最辉煌的时期。**

The heyday is the most glorious period.

**59. 鼎盛之景,是指最美的景象。**

The sight of prosperity is the most beautiful sight.

**60. 鼎盛之音,是指最动听的声音。**

The sound of prosperity is the most beautiful sound.

**61. 鼎盛之光,是指最明亮的光芒。**

The light of prosperity is the brightest light.

**62. 鼎盛之气,是指最强大的力量。**

The aura of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**63. 鼎盛之业,是指最兴旺的事业。**

The prosperous industry is the most flourishing industry.

**64. 鼎盛之势,是指最强大的力量。**

The strength of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**65. 鼎盛之风,是指最流行的风气。**

The wind of prosperity is the most popular trend.

**66. 鼎盛之运,是指最兴旺的运气。**

The fortune of prosperity is the most prosperous luck.

**67. 鼎盛时期,是指最辉煌的时期。**

The heyday is the most glorious period.

**68. 鼎盛之景,是指最美的景象。**

The sight of prosperity is the most beautiful sight.

**69. 鼎盛之音,是指最动听的声音。**

The sound of prosperity is the most beautiful sound.

**70. 鼎盛之光,是指最明亮的光芒。**

The light of prosperity is the brightest light.

**71. 鼎盛之气,是指最强大的力量。**

The aura of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**72. 鼎盛之业,是指最兴旺的事业。**

The prosperous industry is the most flourishing industry.

**73. 鼎盛之势,是指最强大的力量。**

The strength of prosperity is the most powerful force.

**74. 鼎盛之风,是指最流行的风气。**

The wind of prosperity is the most popular trend.

**75. 鼎盛之运,是指最兴旺的运气。**

The fortune of prosperity is the most prosperous luck.

**76. 鼎盛时期,是指最辉煌的时期,也是一个令人难忘的时代。**

The heyday is the most glorious period, and it is also an unforgettable era.

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