
## 盘点串亲戚句子,79句

1. 今年春节,咱们一家子要好好聚一聚!

2. 听说你家最近添了新成员,赶快去看看!

3. 好久不见,咱们一起聊聊天吧!

4. 这孩子都长这么大了,时间过得真快啊!

5. 我给你带了点家乡特产,尝尝吧!

6. 今年过年,你在家过年吗?

7. 你们家的年夜饭准备得怎么样了?

8. 快过年了,今年要多准备点好吃的!

9. 今年春节,你打算去哪里玩?

10. 听说你工作很忙,注意身体啊!

11. 你的孩子真可爱!

12. 你家装修得真漂亮!

13. 你最近过得怎么样?

14. 我家孩子最近又学会了新技能,真棒!

15. 你家孩子成绩怎么样?

16. 我家孩子今年上小学了,你家孩子呢?

17. 咱们好久没见面了,今年一定要多联系!

18. 我最近在学习新的技能,你呢?

19. 你家最近有什么喜事吗?

20. 听说你最近工作很顺利,恭喜恭喜!

21. 我给你买了点礼物,希望你喜欢!

22. 你家的孩子今年考上大学了吗?

23. 你家孩子现在上几年级了?

24. 你家的孩子今年准备考哪所大学?

25. 今年过年,咱们一起包饺子吧!

26. 你今年过年打算回哪个家?

27. 你家的年夜饭准备了哪些菜?

28. 今年过年,你打算去哪里旅游?

29. 你今年过年打算去拜访哪些亲戚?

30. 你家的孩子今年春节有什么计划?

31. 我今年春节要回老家看看父母,你呢?

32. 你们家过年都吃些什么?

33. 你家孩子今年春节要穿新衣服吗?

34. 你们家春节有什么特别的习俗吗?

35. 你家春节打算放多少鞭炮?

36. 你们家春节打算去哪里走亲戚?

37. 你今年过年打算买什么礼物送给亲戚?

38. 听说你最近搬新家了,恭喜恭喜!

39. 你们家的新房装修得真漂亮!

40. 你们家搬新家后住得习惯吗?

41. 你家新房子在哪里?

42. 你家的新房子多少钱一平米?

43. 你家的新房子一共多少平方米?

44. 你们家新房子装修花了多少钱?

45. 你们家新房子装修花了多长时间?

46. 你们家新房子装修的风格是什么?

47. 你家新房子有什么特别的设计吗?

48. 听说你最近生孩子了,恭喜恭喜!

49. 你家的孩子是男孩还是女孩?

50. 你家的孩子叫什么名字?

51. 你家的孩子长得真可爱!

52. 你家孩子现在多大了?

53. 你家孩子现在会说话了吗?

54. 你家孩子现在会走路了吗?

55. 你家孩子现在吃什么?

56. 你家孩子现在睡得怎么样?

57. 你家孩子现在长得怎么样?

58. 你家孩子现在会叫爸爸妈妈了吗?

59. 你家孩子现在有什么爱好?

60. 你家孩子现在喜欢玩什么玩具?

61. 你家孩子现在喜欢看什么动画片?

62. 你家孩子现在喜欢听什么音乐?

63. 你家孩子现在喜欢吃什么水果?

64. 你家孩子现在喜欢穿什么衣服?

65. 你家孩子现在喜欢玩什么游戏?

66. 你家孩子现在喜欢和谁玩?

67. 你家孩子现在喜欢看什么书?

68. 你家孩子现在喜欢听什么故事?

69. 你家孩子现在喜欢做哪些事情?

70. 你家孩子现在有什么烦恼?

71. 你家孩子现在有什么梦想?

72. 你家孩子现在有什么计划?

73. 你家孩子现在有什么愿望?

74. 你家孩子现在有什么想法?

75. 你家孩子现在有什么感受?

76. 你家孩子现在有什么变化?

77. 你家孩子现在有什么进步?

78. 你家孩子现在有什么困难?

79. 你家孩子现在有什么需要帮助的地方吗?

## 英文翻译:

1. We are going to have a big family reunion this Spring Festival!

2. I heard your family has a new member recently. Let's go see them!

3. Long time no see, let's catch up!

4. The child has grown up so much, time flies!

5. I brought you some local specialties, try them!

6. Will you be staying home for the Spring Festival this year?

7. How are you preparing for your New Year's Eve dinner?

8. It's almost the Spring Festival, we need to prepare more delicious food this year!

9. Where are you planning to go for the Spring Festival this year?

10. I heard you are very busy with work, take care of yourself!

11. Your child is so cute!

12. Your house is beautifully decorated!

13. How have you been?

14. My child learned a new skill recently, it's amazing!

15. How is your child doing in school?

16. My child is starting elementary school this year, what about your child?

17. We haven't seen each other in a long time, we must keep in touch this year!

18. I've been learning new skills recently, what about you?

19. Is there any good news in your family lately?

20. I heard your work is going well, congratulations!

21. I bought you a little gift, I hope you like it!

22. Did your child get into college this year?

23. What grade is your child in now?

24. Which university does your child plan to apply to this year?

25. Let's make dumplings together this Spring Festival!

26. Which family are you going back to for the Spring Festival this year?

27. What dishes are you preparing for your New Year's Eve dinner?

28. Where are you planning to travel for the Spring Festival this year?

29. Which relatives do you plan to visit during the Spring Festival?

30. What are your child's plans for the Spring Festival?

31. I am going back to my hometown to see my parents this Spring Festival, what about you?

32. What do you eat during the Spring Festival?

33. Will your child wear new clothes for the Spring Festival this year?

34. Does your family have any special customs for the Spring Festival?

35. How many firecrackers are you planning to set off during the Spring Festival?

36. Where are you going to visit relatives during the Spring Festival?

37. What gifts are you planning to buy for your relatives this Spring Festival?

38. I heard you moved into a new house recently, congratulations!

39. Your new house is beautifully decorated!

40. Are you getting used to living in your new house?

41. Where is your new house located?

42. How much is your new house per square meter?

43. How many square meters is your new house?

44. How much did it cost to renovate your new house?

45. How long did it take to renovate your new house?

46. What is the style of your new house's decoration?

47. Does your new house have any special designs?

48. I heard you had a baby recently, congratulations!

49. Is your child a boy or a girl?

50. What is your child's name?

51. Your child is so cute!

52. How old is your child now?

53. Can your child talk yet?

54. Can your child walk yet?

55. What does your child eat now?

56. How does your child sleep?

57. How is your child growing?

58. Can your child say"爸爸" (dad) and"妈妈" (mom) yet?

59. What are your child's hobbies?

60. What toys does your child like to play with?

61. What cartoons does your child like to watch?

62. What music does your child like to listen to?

63. What fruit does your child like to eat?

64. What clothes does your child like to wear?

65. What games does your child like to play?

66. Who does your child like to play with?

67. What books does your child like to read?

68. What stories does your child like to listen to?

69. What things does your child like to do?

70. What troubles does your child have now?

71. What dreams does your child have now?

72. What plans does your child have now?

73. What wishes does your child have now?

74. What thoughts does your child have now?

75. How does your child feel now?

76. What changes has your child undergone?

77. What progress has your child made?

78. What difficulties does your child face now?

79. Is there anything your child needs help with?

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