
## 骈偶对仗句子,87句


1. **春风拂柳绿如烟,夏雨滋荷香满池。** Spring breeze caresses willows, green as smoke, summer rain nourishes lotuses, fragrance fills the pond.
2. **秋叶飘零染山红,冬雪飘洒映白昼。** Autumn leaves fall, dyeing the mountains red, winter snow falls, reflecting the white day.
3. **山峦叠翠映朝霞,流水潺潺绕山间。** Mountains stand tall, reflecting the morning glow, flowing water gently meanders through the hills.
4. **白云悠悠过碧空,晚霞灿烂映天边。** White clouds drift leisurely through the azure sky, sunset glows brightly on the horizon.
5. **明月高悬照夜空,繁星点点缀夜幕。** The bright moon hangs high in the night sky, twinkling stars adorn the night curtain.
6. **海阔天空任鸟飞,山高水长任鱼跃。** The vast sea and sky allow birds to soar, the high mountains and long rivers let fish leap.
7. **松柏傲然迎风雪,花草娇艳沐春光。** Pines and cypresses stand proudly against wind and snow, flowers and grasses bloom brightly under the spring sun.
8. **峰回路转幽径深,柳暗花明又一村。** Winding paths lead through the mountains, with hidden beauty and another village beyond the willow branches.
9. **云淡风轻月色明,夜静人眠心自安。** The sky is clear, the wind gentle, the moonlight bright, the night is quiet, people sleep peacefully, their hearts at ease.
10. **夕阳西下染山河,落霞飞渡映长空。** The setting sun paints the mountains and rivers, the flying sunset clouds illuminate the vast sky.


11. **古城遗迹诉沧桑,庙宇钟声传古韵。** Ancient ruins whisper of the past, temple bells carry the echoes of ancient times.
12. **英雄事迹流千古,忠义之情贯日月。** Heroic deeds are remembered throughout the ages, loyalty and righteousness shine through the sun and moon.
13. **文脉传承薪火相传,国粹精华代代相传。** Literary heritage is passed down from generation to generation, the essence of national culture is inherited throughout the ages.
14. **史书留痕昭后世,典籍藏智启未来。** History books leave traces to enlighten future generations, classics hold wisdom to open up the future.
15. **盛世繁华展气象,民心安定享太平。** Prosperity and grandeur showcase the times, peace of mind and stability bring happiness to the people.
16. **仁义礼智信为本,忠孝廉耻为基石。** Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the foundation, loyalty, filial piety, integrity, and shame are the cornerstone.
17. **唐诗宋词韵味悠长,琴棋书画意境深远。** Tang poetry and Song lyrics have long-lasting charm, music, chess, calligraphy, and painting hold profound meaning.
18. **雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。** The road to the mighty pass is truly like iron, but now we take a stride and start anew.
19. **一寸山河一寸金,寸寸皆是英雄血。** Every inch of land is worth a pound of gold, every inch is soaked in the blood of heroes.
20. **天下兴亡匹夫有责,国难当头奋勇当先。** The rise and fall of the world is everyone's responsibility, in the face of national peril, we must be the first to stand up.


21. **人生如梦须珍惜,岁月无情易逝去。** Life is like a dream, cherish it, time is relentless and easily passes by.
22. **莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切。** Don't let your youth slip away in vain, only to be filled with regret.
23. **静心养性修身养德,淡泊名利乐天知命。** Cultivate a quiet mind, improve your character, and live a simple life, free from worldly desires.
24. **知足常乐心常喜,宽容待人福自来。** Be content with what you have, your heart will always be happy, be tolerant towards others, and blessings will come naturally.
25. **心存善念行善事,积德行善得福报。** Keep good intentions and do good deeds, accumulate virtue and do good deeds to receive blessings.
26. **真诚待人情义深,真心付出终不悔。** Treat people with sincerity and your friendship will be deep, genuine efforts will never lead to regret.
27. **爱是永恒的主题,情是生命的旋律。** Love is the eternal theme, affection is the melody of life.
28. **良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。** Kind words warm you in winter, harsh words wound you in summer.
29. **勤奋耕耘硕果累累,天道酬勤自有回报。** Diligent work leads to abundant fruits, the heavens reward diligence with its own rewards.
30. **失败乃成功之母,跌倒爬起再出发。** Failure is the mother of success, fall down, get up, and set off again.


31. **情深意重难舍离,相思相爱两依依。** Deep affection and strong feelings are hard to part, longing for each other, they depend on each other.
32. **心心相印情意浓,海誓山盟永相守。** Hearts are connected, feelings are strong, vows are made before mountains and seas, forever together.
33. **两情相悦情意浓,一生相伴共白头。** Two hearts meet, love is deep, together for a lifetime, grow old together.
34. **知己知彼情谊深,患难与共共患难。** Knowing oneself and knowing others leads to deep friendship, sharing hardships and overcoming difficulties together.
35. **高山流水知音遇,红颜知己共此生。** Finding a soulmate like a high mountain and flowing water, a red-faced confidante for life.
36. **相知相爱共携手,风雨同舟共渡难。** Knowing and loving each other, we walk hand in hand, sailing through storms and difficulties together.
37. **情深似海谊如山,真心相待情谊长。** Affection is as deep as the sea, friendship is as high as a mountain, treat each other sincerely, friendship lasts forever.
38. **相逢一笑泯恩仇,往事如烟皆云散。** Meeting and smiling, forgetting grievances, past events fade like smoke.
39. **朋友相伴人生路,知己相知心相印。** Friends accompany you on the journey of life, confidantes understand each other, their hearts are connected.
40. **情动真心情难舍,心心相印永相依。** True feelings are hard to let go, hearts are connected, forever dependent on each other.


41. **天行健,君子以自强不息。** The heavens are in constant motion, the gentleman should strive relentlessly.
42. **地势坤,君子以厚德载物。** The earth is solid and stable, the gentleman should cultivate virtue to carry all things.
43. **路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。** The road ahead is long and winding, I will seek knowledge both high and low.
44. **天生我才必有用,千金散尽还复来。** Heaven has given me talent, it must have a use, though I spend a thousand gold, it will surely return.
45. **海纳百川,有容乃大。** The sea embraces all rivers, those who are tolerant are great.
46. **壁立千仞,无欲则刚。** Standing tall like a thousand-foot wall, those without desires are strong.
47. **不积跬步,无以至千里。** Without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles.
48. **不积小流,无以成江海。** Without accumulating small streams, one cannot form a river or ocean.
49. **锲而不舍,金石可镂。** Persistence can carve through gold and stone.
50. **精诚所至,金石为开。** Sincere efforts can move even the most hardened hearts.


51. **雄心壮志敢为先,百折不挠志不移。** With great ambition and determination, we dare to be first, never giving up, our will unyielding.
52. **逆境磨砺意志坚,困难面前不低头。** Adversity strengthens the will, we don't bow down in the face of difficulties.
53. **自强不息攀高峰,勇攀高峰创辉煌。** Strive relentlessly, climb to the peak, boldly reach the top and create glory.
54. **梦想照亮前进路,信念指引方向行。** Dreams illuminate the path forward, faith guides our steps.
55. **不畏艰险勇攀登,锲而不舍终成功。** Fearless of difficulties, we climb bravely, with unwavering persistence, we will ultimately succeed.
56. **精益求精创佳绩,追求卓越永不止。** Striving for perfection, achieving outstanding results, pursuing excellence, never stopping.
57. **乘风破浪展宏图,扬帆起航铸辉煌。** Riding the waves, charting a grand plan, setting sail, forging glory.
58. **天道酬勤自有报,付出汗水终有果。** The heavens reward diligence, with its own rewards, the fruits of our sweat will eventually come.
59. **坚持梦想永不悔,终有一日梦成真。** Persist in your dreams, never regretting, one day they will come true.
60. **努力拼搏创未来,实现梦想谱新篇。** Strive hard, create a future, realize dreams and write a new chapter.


61. **学无止境,艺无止境。** Learning and skills have no limits.
62. **博学多才,精益求精。** Be knowledgeable and skilled, strive for perfection.
63. **博览群书,见多识广。** Read widely, gain knowledge and experience.
64. **腹有诗书气自华,胸怀坦荡心自安。** With knowledge and literature in your belly, your spirit will naturally be elegant, with a broad mind, your heart will naturally be peaceful.
65. **天下事,难者易之,易者难之。** Difficult things can be made easy, easy things can be made difficult.
66. **人心齐,泰山移。** When people's hearts are united, even Mount Tai can be moved.
67. **精诚所至,金石为开。** Sincere efforts can move even the most hardened hearts.
68. **欲速则不达。** If you want to be fast, you will not succeed.
69. **水滴石穿,绳锯木断。** Constant dripping wears away a stone, a rope can saw through wood.
70. **功成不必在我,功成必定有我。** Success does not necessarily belong to me, but I must contribute to it.


71. **良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。** Bitter medicine is beneficial for illness, harsh advice is beneficial for action.
72. **天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。** The heavens have unpredictable changes, people have unexpected fortune and misfortune.
73. **人生苦短,及时行乐。** Life is short, enjoy it while you can.
74. **珍惜当下,活在当下。** Cherish the present, live in the moment.
75. **笑口常开,福寿绵长。** A smiling face brings good fortune and longevity.
76. **福祸相依,荣辱与共。** Fortune and misfortune go hand in hand, honor and shame share a common destiny.
77. **一饮一啄,皆有定数。** Every sip and every peck are predetermined.
78. **心存感激,知足常乐。** Be grateful, be content with what you have.
79. **举头望明月,低头思故乡。** Looking up at the bright moon, thinking of my hometown.
80. **海内存知己,天涯若比邻。** Friends are like family, even if they are far away.


81. **落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。** Fallen petals are not heartless things, they turn into spring mud to nourish the flowers even more. (龚自珍)
82. **山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。** Mountains and waters seem to block the way, but then willow branches hide a village where flowers bloom. (陆游)
83. **无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。** Endless fallen leaves rustle down, the boundless Yangtze River rolls on forever. (杜甫)
84. **月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。** The moon sets, crows cry, frost fills the sky, maple leaves and fishing lights keep me company as I sleep in sorrow. (张继)
85. **但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。** May you and I live long, enjoying the bright moon together from afar. (苏轼)
86. **人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。** Since ancient times, who has not died, let us leave behind our loyal hearts to shine in history. (文天祥)
87. **海内存知己,天涯若比邻。** If you have a friend in the world, even if you are far apart, it's like being neighbors. (王勃)

**Spring breeze caresses willows, green as smoke, summer rain nourishes lotuses, fragrance fills the pond.**

**Autumn leaves fall, dyeing the mountains red, winter snow falls, reflecting the white day.**

**Mountains stand tall, reflecting the morning glow, flowing water gently meanders through the hills.**

**White clouds drift leisurely through the azure sky, sunset glows brightly on the horizon.**

**The bright moon hangs high in the night sky, twinkling stars adorn the night curtain.**

**The vast sea and sky allow birds to soar, the high mountains and long rivers let fish leap.**

**Pines and cypresses stand proudly against wind and snow, flowers and grasses bloom brightly under the spring sun.**

**Winding paths lead through the mountains, with hidden beauty and another village beyond the willow branches.**

**The sky is clear, the wind gentle, the moonlight bright, the night is quiet, people sleep peacefully, their hearts at ease.**

**The setting sun paints the mountains and rivers, the flying sunset clouds illuminate the vast sky.**

**Ancient ruins whisper of the past, temple bells carry the echoes of ancient times.**

**Heroic deeds are remembered throughout the ages, loyalty and righteousness shine through the sun and moon.**

**Literary heritage is passed down from generation to generation, the essence of national culture is inherited throughout the ages.**

**History books leave traces to enlighten future generations, classics hold wisdom to open up the future.**

**Prosperity and grandeur showcase the times, peace of mind and stability bring happiness to the people.**

**Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the foundation, loyalty, filial piety, integrity, and shame are the cornerstone.**

**Tang poetry and Song lyrics have long-lasting charm, music, chess, calligraphy, and painting hold profound meaning.**

**The road to the mighty pass is truly like iron, but now we take a stride and start anew.**

**Every inch of land is worth a pound of gold, every inch is soaked in the blood of heroes.**

**The rise and fall of the world is everyone's responsibility, in the face of national peril, we must be the first to stand up.**

**Life is like a dream, cherish it, time is relentless and easily passes by.**

**Don't let your youth slip away in vain, only to be filled with regret.**

**Cultivate a quiet mind, improve your character, and live a simple life, free from worldly desires.**

**Be content with what you have, your heart will always be happy, be tolerant towards others, and blessings will come naturally.**

**Keep good intentions and do good deeds, accumulate virtue and do good deeds to receive blessings.**

**Treat people with sincerity and your friendship will be deep, genuine efforts will never lead to regret.**

**Love is the eternal theme, affection is the melody of life.**

**Kind words warm you in winter, harsh words wound you in summer.**

**Diligent work leads to abundant fruits, the heavens reward diligence with its own rewards.**

**Failure is the mother of success, fall down, get up, and set off again.**

**Deep affection and strong feelings are hard to part, longing for each other, they depend on each other.**

**Hearts are connected, feelings are strong, vows are made before mountains and seas, forever together.**

**Two hearts meet, love is deep, together for a lifetime, grow old together.**

**Knowing oneself and knowing others leads to deep friendship, sharing hardships and overcoming difficulties together.**

**Finding a soulmate like a high mountain and flowing water, a red-faced confidante for life.**

**Knowing and loving each other, we walk hand in hand, sailing through storms and difficulties together.**

**Affection is as deep as the sea, friendship is as high as a mountain, treat each other sincerely, friendship lasts forever.**

**Meeting and smiling, forgetting grievances, past events fade like smoke.**

**Friends accompany you on the journey of life, confidantes understand each other, their hearts are connected.**

**True feelings are hard to let go, hearts are connected, forever dependent on each other.**

**The heavens are in constant motion, the gentleman should strive relentlessly.**

**The earth is solid and stable, the gentleman should cultivate virtue to carry all things.**

**The road ahead is long and winding, I will seek knowledge both high and low.**

**Heaven has given me talent, it must have a use, though I spend a thousand gold, it will surely return.**

**The sea embraces all rivers, those who are tolerant are great.**

**Standing tall like a thousand-foot wall, those without desires are strong.**

**Without accumulating small steps, one cannot reach a thousand miles.**

**Without accumulating small streams, one cannot form a river or ocean.**

**Persistence can carve through gold and stone.**

**Sincere efforts can move even the most hardened hearts.**

**With great ambition and determination, we dare to be first, never giving up, our will unyielding.**

**Adversity strengthens the will, we don't bow down in the face of difficulties.**

**Strive relentlessly, climb to the peak, boldly reach the top and create glory.**

**Dreams illuminate the path forward, faith guides our steps.**

**Fearless of difficulties, we climb bravely, with unwavering persistence, we will ultimately succeed.**

**Striving for perfection, achieving outstanding results, pursuing excellence, never stopping.**

**Riding the waves, charting a grand plan, setting sail, forging glory.**

**The heavens reward diligence, with its own rewards, the fruits of our sweat will eventually come.**

**Persist in your dreams, never regretting, one day they will come true.**

**Strive hard, create a future, realize dreams and write a new chapter.**

**Learning and skills have no limits.**

**Be knowledgeable and skilled, strive for perfection.**

**Read widely, gain knowledge and experience.**

**With knowledge and literature in your belly, your spirit will naturally be elegant, with a broad mind, your heart will naturally be peaceful.**

**Difficult things can be made easy, easy things can be made difficult.**

**When people's hearts are united, even Mount Tai can be moved.**

**Sincere efforts can move even the most hardened hearts.**

**If you want to be fast, you will not succeed.**

**Constant dripping wears away a stone, a rope can saw through wood.**

**Success does not necessarily belong to me, but I must contribute to it.**

**Bitter medicine is beneficial for illness, harsh advice is beneficial for action.**

**The heavens have unpredictable changes, people have unexpected fortune and misfortune.**

**Life is short, enjoy it while you can.**

**Cherish the present, live in the moment.**

**A smiling face brings good fortune and longevity.**

**Fortune and misfortune go hand in hand, honor and shame share a common destiny.**

**Every sip and every peck are predetermined.**

**Be grateful, be content with what you have.**

**Looking up at the bright moon, thinking of my hometown.**

**Friends are like family, even if they are far away.**

**Fallen petals are not heartless things, they turn into spring mud to nourish the flowers even more.** (龚自珍)

**Mountains and waters seem to block the way, but then willow branches hide a village where flowers bloom.** (陆游)

**Endless fallen leaves rustle down, the boundless Yangtze River rolls on forever.** (杜甫)

**The moon sets, crows cry, frost fills the sky, maple leaves and fishing lights keep me company as I sleep in sorrow.** (张继)

**May you and I live long, enjoying the bright moon together from afar.** (苏轼)

**Since ancient times, who has not died, let us leave behind our loyal hearts to shine in history.** (文天祥)

**If you have a friend in the world, even if you are far apart, it's like being neighbors.** (王勃)

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