
## 不打架的句子 (79句)1. 微笑是最好的武器,它能化解矛盾,赢得友谊。

A smile is the best weapon. It can resolve conflicts and win friendship.

2. 和平是最好的选择,暴力永远无法解决问题。

Peace is the best choice, violence can never solve problems.

3. 忍耐是金,宽容是玉,用爱化解仇恨,用理说服对方。

Patience is gold, tolerance is jade. Use love to dissolve hatred, use reason to persuade the other party.

4. 尊重他人,就是尊重自己。

Respecting others is respecting yourself.

5. 冷静思考,理智处理,不要让怒火冲昏头脑。

Think calmly, handle things rationally, don't let anger cloud your judgment.

6. 沟通是理解的桥梁,用对话代替争吵。

Communication is the bridge to understanding, use dialogue instead of arguing.

7. 我们都是平等的个体,每个人都有自己的想法和感受。

We are all equal individuals, everyone has their own thoughts and feelings.

8. 学会换位思考,站在对方的角度考虑问题。

Learn to put yourself in the other person's shoes and think from their perspective.

9. 忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空。

Be patient for a while, it will be calm and peaceful. Take a step back, and the world will be vast and boundless.

10. 冤家宜解不宜结,化干戈为玉帛。

Enemies should be reconciled, not tied together. Turn swords into jade.

11. 真正的强者,不是打架最厉害,而是控制住自己的情绪。

A true strong person is not the one who fights the best, but the one who controls their emotions.

12. 暴力解决不了问题,只会让矛盾升级。

Violence can't solve problems, it will only escalate conflicts.

13. 善良是一种美德,它能让世界变得更美好。

Kindness is a virtue, it can make the world a better place.

14. 理解和宽容,是化解矛盾的良药。

Understanding and tolerance are the cure for resolving conflicts.

15. 忍让不是懦弱,而是智慧,是化解矛盾的良策。

Tolerance is not weakness, but wisdom. It is a good strategy to resolve conflicts.

16. 争吵解决不了任何问题,只会加深隔阂。

Arguments can't solve any problems, they will only deepen the gap.

17. 说话要留三分余地,做事要留一线希望。

Leave three points of leeway when speaking, and leave a glimmer of hope when doing things.

18. 真正的朋友,是互相理解和包容,而不是互相攻击。

True friends are those who understand and tolerate each other, not those who attack each other.

19. 我们应该以理服人,而不是以武力相逼。

We should use reason to persuade people, not force them with violence.

20. 冲突是不可避免的,但解决问题的方式有很多,暴力不是唯一的选择。

Conflicts are inevitable, but there are many ways to solve problems, violence is not the only option.

21. 我们应该学会用爱和理解,来化解矛盾,而不是用暴力来解决问题。

We should learn to use love and understanding to resolve conflicts, not violence.

22. 沟通是解决问题的关键,要学会倾听对方的意见,并寻找共同点。

Communication is the key to solving problems. We should learn to listen to the other person's opinions and find common ground.

23. 忍耐是克服困难的最好方法,它可以让我们冷静思考,找到解决问题的最佳方案。

Patience is the best way to overcome difficulties. It allows us to think calmly and find the best solutions.

24. 和平是每个人都渴望的,让我们一起努力,创造一个没有暴力,充满爱的世界。

Peace is what everyone desires. Let us work together to create a world without violence, a world full of love.

25. 暴力只会带来伤害和痛苦,让我们选择和平,选择爱,选择理解。

Violence only brings harm and pain. Let us choose peace, choose love, choose understanding.

26. 我们每个人都有责任,维护和平,反对暴力,让世界变得更美好。

We all have a responsibility to maintain peace, oppose violence, and make the world a better place.

27. 不要轻易动怒,冷静思考,才能找到解决问题的最佳方案。

Don't get angry easily, think calmly, and you can find the best solution to the problem.

28. 我们应该学会尊重别人的感受,即使我们不同意对方的观点。

We should learn to respect other people's feelings, even if we disagree with their opinions.

29. 冲突不可怕,可怕的是我们失去了理智,选择了暴力。

Conflicts are not scary, what's scary is that we lose our reason and choose violence.

30. 和平是人类的共同追求,让我们共同努力,让和平之花在世界各地盛开。

Peace is the common pursuit of humanity. Let us work together to let the flowers of peace bloom all over the world.

31. 我们应该学会用爱和善良,来对待这个世界,而不是用暴力来征服它。

We should learn to treat the world with love and kindness, not with violence to conquer it.

32. 暴力只会带来更多的暴力,让我们选择用和平的方式,来解决矛盾和分歧。

Violence will only lead to more violence. Let us choose peaceful ways to resolve conflicts and differences.

33. 和平是幸福的源泉,让我们一起努力,创造一个没有战争,没有暴力的世界。

Peace is the source of happiness. Let us work together to create a world without war or violence.

34. 我们应该学会用理智和冷静,来处理问题,而不是用情绪来控制自己。

We should learn to handle problems with reason and calmness, not with emotions to control ourselves.

35. 沟通是化解矛盾的最佳途径,让我们学会倾听,学会理解,学会包容。

Communication is the best way to resolve conflicts. Let us learn to listen, learn to understand, learn to be tolerant.

36. 和平是宝贵的,我们要珍惜它,维护它,让它永远伴随着我们。

Peace is precious. We should cherish it, maintain it, and let it always be with us.

37. 我们应该学会用爱和同情心,来对待他人,而不是用暴力来伤害他们。

We should learn to treat others with love and compassion, not with violence to hurt them.

38. 和平是人类的共同梦想,让我们一起努力,让它成为现实。

Peace is the common dream of humanity. Let us work together to make it a reality.

39. 暴力永远不是解决问题的答案,让我们选择和平,选择理解,选择宽容。

Violence is never the answer to solving problems. Let us choose peace, choose understanding, choose tolerance.

40. 我们应该学会用智慧和理性,来解决问题,而不是用暴力来发泄情绪。

We should learn to solve problems with wisdom and reason, not with violence to vent our emotions.

41. 和平是最好的礼物,让我们把它送给每一个人,让世界充满爱和希望。

Peace is the best gift. Let us give it to everyone and let the world be full of love and hope.

42. 我们应该学会用爱和包容,来对待世界,而不是用暴力来改变它。

We should learn to treat the world with love and tolerance, not with violence to change it.

43. 和平是生命的旋律,让我们用它来演奏出最美好的乐章。

Peace is the melody of life. Let us use it to play the most beautiful music.

44. 我们应该学会用理智和冷静,来面对挑战,而不是用暴力来逃避现实。

We should learn to face challenges with reason and calmness, not with violence to escape reality.

45. 和平是人类的共同愿望,让我们一起努力,让它成为我们共同的未来。

Peace is the common wish of humanity. Let us work together to make it our shared future.

46. 暴力只会带来伤害和痛苦,让我们选择和平,选择理解,选择友谊。

Violence only brings harm and pain. Let us choose peace, choose understanding, choose friendship.

47. 我们应该学会用爱和尊重,来对待每一个生命,而不是用暴力来剥夺他们的生命。

We should learn to treat every life with love and respect, not with violence to deprive them of their lives.

48. 和平是幸福的保障,让我们一起努力,让它永远伴随着我们。

Peace is the guarantee of happiness. Let us work together to make it always be with us.

49. 我们应该学会用沟通和协商,来解决问题,而不是用暴力来制造冲突。

We should learn to solve problems with communication and negotiation, not with violence to create conflict.

50. 和平是人类共同的追求,让我们一起努力,让它成为我们共同的梦想。

Peace is the common pursuit of humanity. Let us work together to make it our shared dream.

51. 我们应该学会用爱和包容,来对待世界,而不是用暴力来征服它。

We should learn to treat the world with love and tolerance, not with violence to conquer it.

52. 暴力只会带来更多的暴力,让我们选择用和平的方式,来解决矛盾和分歧。

Violence will only lead to more violence. Let us choose peaceful ways to resolve conflicts and differences.

53. 和平是幸福的源泉,让我们一起努力,创造一个没有战争,没有暴力的世界。

Peace is the source of happiness. Let us work together to create a world without war or violence.

54. 我们应该学会用理智和冷静,来处理问题,而不是用情绪来控制自己。

We should learn to handle problems with reason and calmness, not with emotions to control ourselves.

55. 沟通是化解矛盾的最佳途径,让我们学会倾听,学会理解,学会包容。

Communication is the best way to resolve conflicts. Let us learn to listen, learn to understand, learn to be tolerant.

56. 和平是宝贵的,我们要珍惜它,维护它,让它永远伴随着我们。

Peace is precious. We should cherish it, maintain it, and let it always be with us.

57. 我们应该学会用爱和同情心,来对待他人,而不是用暴力来伤害他们。

We should learn to treat others with love and compassion, not with violence to hurt them.

58. 和平是人类的共同梦想,让我们一起努力,让它成为现实。

Peace is the common dream of humanity. Let us work together to make it a reality.

59. 暴力永远不是解决问题的答案,让我们选择和平,选择理解,选择宽容。

Violence is never the answer to solving problems. Let us choose peace, choose understanding, choose tolerance.

60. 我们应该学会用智慧和理性,来解决问题,而不是用暴力来发泄情绪。

We should learn to solve problems with wisdom and reason, not with violence to vent our emotions.

61. 和平是最好的礼物,让我们把它送给每一个人,让世界充满爱和希望。

Peace is the best gift. Let us give it to everyone and let the world be full of love and hope.

62. 我们应该学会用爱和包容,来对待世界,而不是用暴力来改变它。

We should learn to treat the world with love and tolerance, not with violence to change it.

63. 和平是生命的旋律,让我们用它来演奏出最美好的乐章。

Peace is the melody of life. Let us use it to play the most beautiful music.

64. 我们应该学会用理智和冷静,来面对挑战,而不是用暴力来逃避现实。

We should learn to face challenges with reason and calmness, not with violence to escape reality.

65. 和平是人类的共同愿望,让我们一起努力,让它成为我们共同的未来。

Peace is the common wish of humanity. Let us work together to make it our shared future.

66. 暴力只会带来伤害和痛苦,让我们选择和平,选择理解,选择友谊。

Violence only brings harm and pain. Let us choose peace, choose understanding, choose friendship.

67. 我们应该学会用爱和尊重,来对待每一个生命,而不是用暴力来剥夺他们的生命。

We should learn to treat every life with love and respect, not with violence to deprive them of their lives.

68. 和平是幸福的保障,让我们一起努力,让它永远伴随着我们。

Peace is the guarantee of happiness. Let us work together to make it always be with us.

69. 我们应该学会用沟通和协商,来解决问题,而不是用暴力来制造冲突。

We should learn to solve problems with communication and negotiation, not with violence to create conflict.

70. 和平是人类共同的追求,让我们一起努力,让它成为我们共同的梦想。

Peace is the common pursuit of humanity. Let us work together to make it our shared dream.

71. 拳头解决不了问题,只会让事情变得更糟。

Fists can't solve problems, they will only make things worse.

72. 我们应该学会用理智和冷静,来化解矛盾,而不是用暴力来升级冲突。

We should learn to resolve conflicts with reason and calmness, not with violence to escalate conflicts.

73. 忍耐和包容是化解矛盾的良药,让我们学会用爱和理解,来对待世界。

Patience and tolerance are the cure for resolving conflicts. Let us learn to treat the world with love and understanding.

74. 和平是人类共同的追求,让我们一起努力,让它成为我们共同的未来。

Peace is the common pursuit of humanity. Let us work together to make it our shared future.

75. 我们应该学会用沟通和协商,来解决问题,而不是用暴力来制造冲突。

We should learn to solve problems with communication and negotiation, not with violence to create conflict.

76. 和平是人类共同的追求,让我们一起努力,让它成为我们共同的梦想。

Peace is the common pursuit of humanity. Let us work together to make it our shared dream.

77. 我们应该学会用爱和包容,来对待世界,而不是用暴力来征服它。

We should learn to treat the world with love and tolerance, not with violence to conquer it.

78. 暴力只会带来更多的暴力,让我们选择用和平的方式,来解决矛盾和分歧。

Violence will only lead to more violence. Let us choose peaceful ways to resolve conflicts and differences.

79. 和平是幸福的源泉,让我们一起努力,创造一个没有战争,没有暴力的世界。

Peace is the source of happiness. Let us work together to create a world without war or violence.

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