
## 不改变就会被淘汰,88句,中英文对照:

1. 适应变化是生存的唯一途径,不改变就会被淘汰。

1. Adaptation to change is the only way to survive, and those who don't will be eliminated.

2. 世界在不断变化,只有不断学习和进步才能不被时代所抛弃。

2. The world is constantly changing, and only by constantly learning and improving can we avoid being left behind by the times.

3. 固步自封只会停滞不前,唯有不断创新才能迎接挑战。

3. Standing still will only lead to stagnation. Only by continuous innovation can we meet challenges.

4. 时代的车轮滚滚向前,不进则退。

4. The wheels of time keep turning, and those who don't move forward will fall behind.

5. 在竞争激烈的社会,只有不断提升自己才能立于不败之地。

5. In a fiercely competitive society, only by constantly improving oneself can one stand undefeated.

6. 改变是痛苦的,但不变是毁灭的。

6. Change is painful, but remaining unchanged is destruction.

7. 保守和墨守成规只会让你被时代所淘汰。

7. Conservatism and adherence to old ways will only lead to you being eliminated by the times.

8. 只有拥抱变化,才能开创更加美好的未来。

8. Only by embracing change can we create a brighter future.

9. 停滞不前只会让你失去竞争力,最终被市场所抛弃。

9. Standing still will only make you lose your competitiveness and eventually be abandoned by the market.

10. 时代在呼唤创新,唯有不断突破才能赢得未来。

10. The times are calling for innovation. Only by breaking through constantly can we win the future.

11. 不断学习,不断成长,才能适应时代的发展。

11. Constant learning and growth are essential to adapt to the development of the times.

12. 只有不断进步,才能在竞争中脱颖而出。

12. Only by continuous improvement can we stand out in the competition.

13. 改变是唯一的出路,也是唯一的希望。

13. Change is the only way out, and the only hope.

14. 不变就会落伍,改变才能进步。

14. Staying unchanged will lead to backwardness, while change brings progress.

15. 要想不被淘汰,就要不断学习新知识,掌握新技能。

15. To avoid being eliminated, one must constantly learn new knowledge and master new skills.

16. 适应变化是成长的关键,也是成功的秘诀。

16. Adapting to change is the key to growth and the secret to success.

17. 时代在变化,人也要随之改变。

17. As times change, people must also change accordingly.

18. 只有不断学习,才能与时代同行。

18. Only by constantly learning can we keep pace with the times.

19. 固守旧观念只会让你被社会所淘汰。

19. Holding onto old ideas will only lead to you being eliminated by society.

20. 拥抱变化,才能迎接新的挑战。

20. Embracing change allows us to meet new challenges.

21. 改变是不可避免的,也是必要的。

21. Change is inevitable and necessary.

22. 只有不断学习,才能保持竞争力。

22. Only by constant learning can we maintain competitiveness.

23. 时代在发展,我们也要与时俱进。

23. As the times develop, we must also keep up with the times.

24. 固步自封只会让自己陷入被动,最终被市场所抛弃。

24. Standing still will only put you in a passive position and eventually be abandoned by the market.

25. 创新是企业发展的动力,也是企业生存的根本。

25. Innovation is the driving force of enterprise development and the foundation of enterprise survival.

26. 只有不断创新,才能赢得市场,赢得未来。

26. Only by constant innovation can we win the market and win the future.

27. 改变是成长的代价,也是进步的动力。

27. Change is the price of growth and the driving force of progress.

28. 只有不断改变,才能适应新的环境。

28. Only by continuous change can we adapt to new environments.

29. 时代的车轮不会停下来,我们要做的就是不断向前。

29. The wheels of time will not stop, and what we need to do is keep moving forward.

30. 改变是痛苦的,但不变是更加痛苦的。

30. Change is painful, but remaining unchanged is even more painful.

31. 只有不断学习,才能不被时代所淘汰。

31. Only by constant learning can we avoid being eliminated by the times.

32. 保守和墨守成规只会让我们失去竞争力。

32. Conservatism and adherence to old ways will only make us lose our competitiveness.

33. 改变是进步的标志,也是成功的阶梯。

33. Change is a sign of progress and a step towards success.

34. 要想不被时代所淘汰,就要敢于接受挑战,敢于创新。

34. To avoid being eliminated by the times, we must dare to accept challenges and dare to innovate.

35. 固步自封只会让我们失去机会,最终走向失败。

35. Standing still will only make us miss opportunities and ultimately lead to failure.

36. 时代在变,我们也要变,才能立于不败之地。

36. As times change, we must also change in order to stand undefeated.

37. 改变是不可避免的,我们必须适应它,拥抱它。

37. Change is inevitable, and we must adapt to it and embrace it.

38. 只有不断学习,才能掌握新的知识和技能,才能适应时代的发展。

38. Only by constant learning can we master new knowledge and skills, and adapt to the development of the times.

39. 改变是痛苦的,但它也是成长的必经之路。

39. Change is painful, but it is also an inevitable part of growth.

40. 只有不断突破,才能创造更大的价值,才能赢得更大的成功。

40. Only by constantly breaking through can we create greater value and achieve greater success.

41. 要想不被淘汰,就要不断提升自己的能力,让自己变得更加强大。

41. To avoid being eliminated, we must constantly improve our abilities and make ourselves stronger.

42. 改变是唯一不变的,只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断变化的世界。

42. Change is the only constant, and only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly changing world.

43. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争优势,最终被市场所淘汰。

43. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitive advantage and eventually be eliminated by the market.

44. 拥抱变化,才能创造更加美好的未来,才能让生活更加精彩。

44. Embracing change allows us to create a brighter future and make life more fulfilling.

45. 时代在呼唤变革,我们必须响应时代的号召,不断创新,不断进步。

45. The times are calling for reform, and we must respond to the call of the times, constantly innovating and making progress.

46. 只有不断学习,不断成长,才能与时代同行,才能不被时代所淘汰。

46. Only by constant learning and growth can we keep pace with the times and avoid being eliminated by the times.

47. 改变是痛苦的,但它也是成长的代价,是进步的动力。

47. Change is painful, but it is also the price of growth and the driving force of progress.

48. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个瞬息万变的世界,才能立于不败之地。

48. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this rapidly changing world and stand undefeated.

49. 固步自封只会让我们失去机会,最终被时代所抛弃。

49. Standing still will only make us miss opportunities and eventually be abandoned by the times.

50. 时代在呼唤变革,只有不断创新,才能迎接新的挑战,才能赢得未来的胜利。

50. The times are calling for reform, and only by continuous innovation can we meet new challenges and win victory in the future.

51. 改变是进步的必要条件,是成功的关键因素。

51. Change is a necessary condition for progress and a key factor in success.

52. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断发展的世界,才能取得更大的成功。

52. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly developing world and achieve greater success.

53. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争力,最终被市场所淘汰。

53. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitiveness and eventually be eliminated by the market.

54. 拥抱变化,才能创造更加美好的未来,才能让生活更加精彩。

54. Embracing change allows us to create a brighter future and make life more fulfilling.

55. 时代在呼唤变革,只有不断创新,才能迎接新的挑战,才能赢得未来的胜利。

55. The times are calling for reform, and only by continuous innovation can we meet new challenges and win victory in the future.

56. 改变是进步的必要条件,是成功的关键因素。

56. Change is a necessary condition for progress and a key factor in success.

57. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断发展的世界,才能取得更大的成功。

57. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly developing world and achieve greater success.

58. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争力,最终被市场所淘汰。

58. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitiveness and eventually be eliminated by the market.

59. 拥抱变化,才能创造更加美好的未来,才能让生活更加精彩。

59. Embracing change allows us to create a brighter future and make life more fulfilling.

60. 时代在呼唤变革,只有不断创新,才能迎接新的挑战,才能赢得未来的胜利。

60. The times are calling for reform, and only by continuous innovation can we meet new challenges and win victory in the future.

61. 改变是进步的必要条件,是成功的关键因素。

61. Change is a necessary condition for progress and a key factor in success.

62. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断发展的世界,才能取得更大的成功。

62. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly developing world and achieve greater success.

63. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争力,最终被市场所淘汰。

63. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitiveness and eventually be eliminated by the market.

64. 拥抱变化,才能创造更加美好的未来,才能让生活更加精彩。

64. Embracing change allows us to create a brighter future and make life more fulfilling.

65. 时代在呼唤变革,只有不断创新,才能迎接新的挑战,才能赢得未来的胜利。

65. The times are calling for reform, and only by continuous innovation can we meet new challenges and win victory in the future.

66. 改变是进步的必要条件,是成功的关键因素。

66. Change is a necessary condition for progress and a key factor in success.

67. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断发展的世界,才能取得更大的成功。

67. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly developing world and achieve greater success.

68. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争力,最终被市场所淘汰。

68. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitiveness and eventually be eliminated by the market.

69. 拥抱变化,才能创造更加美好的未来,才能让生活更加精彩。

69. Embracing change allows us to create a brighter future and make life more fulfilling.

70. 时代在呼唤变革,只有不断创新,才能迎接新的挑战,才能赢得未来的胜利。

70. The times are calling for reform, and only by continuous innovation can we meet new challenges and win victory in the future.

71. 改变是进步的必要条件,是成功的关键因素。

71. Change is a necessary condition for progress and a key factor in success.

72. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断发展的世界,才能取得更大的成功。

72. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly developing world and achieve greater success.

73. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争力,最终被市场所淘汰。

73. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitiveness and eventually be eliminated by the market.

74. 拥抱变化,才能创造更加美好的未来,才能让生活更加精彩。

74. Embracing change allows us to create a brighter future and make life more fulfilling.

75. 时代在呼唤变革,只有不断创新,才能迎接新的挑战,才能赢得未来的胜利。

75. The times are calling for reform, and only by continuous innovation can we meet new challenges and win victory in the future.

76. 改变是进步的必要条件,是成功的关键因素。

76. Change is a necessary condition for progress and a key factor in success.

77. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断发展的世界,才能取得更大的成功。

77. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly developing world and achieve greater success.

78. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争力,最终被市场所淘汰。

78. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitiveness and eventually be eliminated by the market.

79. 拥抱变化,才能创造更加美好的未来,才能让生活更加精彩。

79. Embracing change allows us to create a brighter future and make life more fulfilling.

80. 时代在呼唤变革,只有不断创新,才能迎接新的挑战,才能赢得未来的胜利。

80. The times are calling for reform, and only by continuous innovation can we meet new challenges and win victory in the future.

81. 改变是进步的必要条件,是成功的关键因素。

81. Change is a necessary condition for progress and a key factor in success.

82. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断发展的世界,才能取得更大的成功。

82. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly developing world and achieve greater success.

83. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争力,最终被市场所淘汰。

83. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitiveness and eventually be eliminated by the market.

84. 拥抱变化,才能创造更加美好的未来,才能让生活更加精彩。

84. Embracing change allows us to create a brighter future and make life more fulfilling.

85. 时代在呼唤变革,只有不断创新,才能迎接新的挑战,才能赢得未来的胜利。

85. The times are calling for reform, and only by continuous innovation can we meet new challenges and win victory in the future.

86. 改变是进步的必要条件,是成功的关键因素。

86. Change is a necessary condition for progress and a key factor in success.

87. 只有不断改变,才能适应这个不断发展的世界,才能取得更大的成功。

87. Only by continuous change can we adapt to this constantly developing world and achieve greater success.

88. 固守旧观念只会让我们失去竞争力,最终被市场所淘汰。

88. Holding onto old ideas will only make us lose our competitiveness and eventually be eliminated by the market.

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