
## 不入郡王府句子 (100句)1. 郡王府门前,车水马龙,却与我无关。

In front of the county prince's mansion, carriages and horses are bustling, but they have nothing to do with me.

2. 我站在郡王府门口,仰望高耸的朱漆大门,心中充满了无奈。

Standing at the gate of the county prince's mansion, I looked up at the towering vermilion gate, filled with helplessness.

3. 即使身处郡王府,我也感受不到一丝温暖。

Even in the county prince's mansion, I can't feel a trace of warmth.

4. 我宁愿在贫寒的家中,也不愿踏入郡王府的富贵门槛。

I would rather stay in my poor home than step into the luxurious threshold of the county prince's mansion.

5. 郡王府的奢华,掩盖不了我的孤寂。

The luxury of the county prince's mansion cannot hide my loneliness.

6. 我渴望自由,却困于郡王府的高墙之中。

I yearn for freedom, but I am trapped within the high walls of the county prince's mansion.

7. 郡王府的繁华,与我无关。

The prosperity of the county prince's mansion has nothing to do with me.

8. 我宁愿做一只自由飞翔的鸟,也不愿成为郡王府的金丝雀。

I would rather be a bird flying freely than a canary in the county prince's mansion.

9. 我深知,我与郡王府的主人,是两个世界的人。

I know deep down that the master of the county prince's mansion and I are people from two different worlds.

10. 郡王府的富贵,对我来说,是虚无缥缈的梦。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion is a fleeting dream to me.

11. 我在郡王府的边缘徘徊,却始终无法融入其中。

I linger on the edge of the county prince's mansion, but I can never truly fit in.

12. 郡王府的喜怒哀乐,与我无关。

The joys and sorrows of the county prince's mansion have nothing to do with me.

13. 我在郡王府的角落里,默默地守护着自己的秘密。

I silently guard my secrets in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

14. 郡王府的灯火辉煌,却照不亮我心中的阴霾。

The bright lights of the county prince's mansion cannot illuminate the gloom in my heart.

15. 我与郡王府的命运,早已注定。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion have already been decided.

16. 我在郡王府的阴影中,寻找着属于自己的光明。

I search for my own light in the shadows of the county prince's mansion.

17. 我深知,我与郡王府的距离,永远无法跨越。

I know deep down that the distance between me and the county prince's mansion can never be bridged.

18. 我在郡王府的围墙外,凝视着那繁华的景象,心中充满了感慨。

Outside the walls of the county prince's mansion, I gaze at the bustling scene, filled with emotion.

19. 我与郡王府的主人,只是一场短暂的相遇,注定要分离。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are just a brief encounter, destined to be separated.

20. 我在郡王府的边缘,寻找着属于自己的归宿。

I search for my own place on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

21. 郡王府的门,对我来说,永远是紧闭的。

The door of the county prince's mansion is forever closed to me.

22. 我在郡王府的梦境中,追寻着那逝去的时光。

In my dreams of the county prince's mansion, I chase after the past.

23. 我与郡王府的主人,只是萍水相逢,注定要擦肩而过。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are just strangers who happen to meet, destined to pass each other by.

24. 我在郡王府的角落里,默默地观察着周围的一切。

I silently observe everything around me from a corner of the county prince's mansion.

25. 郡王府的繁华,终究是镜花水月。

The prosperity of the county prince's mansion is ultimately an illusion.

26. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的秘密,不愿让任何人知道。

I silently guard my secrets on the edge of the county prince's mansion, unwilling to let anyone know.

27. 我与郡王府的主人,是两个截然不同的世界,永远无法理解彼此。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are two completely different worlds, and we will never understand each other.

28. 我在郡王府的梦境中,追寻着那逝去的爱情。

In my dreams of the county prince's mansion, I chase after that lost love.

29. 郡王府的门,永远不会为我打开。

The door of the county prince's mansion will never open for me.

30. 我与郡王府的命运,注定要分道扬镳。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion are destined to part ways.

31. 我在郡王府的边缘,感受着那份难以言喻的孤独。

I feel an indescribable loneliness on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

32. 郡王府的主人,永远不会理解我的心。

The master of the county prince's mansion will never understand my heart.

33. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的快乐。

I search for my own happiness in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

34. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到快乐。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot bring me happiness.

35. 我与郡王府的主人,注定要错过彼此。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are destined to miss each other.

36. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的梦想。

I silently guard my dreams on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

37. 郡王府的繁华,无法掩盖我的悲伤。

The prosperity of the county prince's mansion cannot hide my sadness.

38. 我与郡王府的主人,只是一场短暂的邂逅,注定要分离。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are just a brief encounter, destined to be separated.

39. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的力量。

I search for my own strength in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

40. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到满足。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot satisfy me.

41. 我与郡王府的命运,如同两条平行线,永远不会交汇。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion are like two parallel lines that will never intersect.

42. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的爱人。

I silently guard my loved one on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

43. 郡王府的主人,永远无法理解我的爱。

The master of the county prince's mansion will never understand my love.

44. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的希望。

I search for my own hope in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

45. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到幸福。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot bring me happiness.

46. 我与郡王府的主人,只是萍水相逢,注定要分别。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are just strangers who happen to meet, destined to part.

47. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的秘密,不愿让任何人知道。

I silently guard my secrets on the edge of the county prince's mansion, unwilling to let anyone know.

48. 我与郡王府的主人,是两个不同的世界,永远无法相容。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are two different worlds, and we will never be compatible.

49. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的自由。

I search for my own freedom in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

50. 郡王府的繁华,无法让我感到安心。

The prosperity of the county prince's mansion cannot make me feel secure.

51. 我与郡王府的命运,注定要背道而驰。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion are destined to go in opposite directions.

52. 我在郡王府的边缘,感受着那份难以言喻的悲伤。

I feel an indescribable sadness on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

53. 郡王府的主人,永远无法理解我的痛苦。

The master of the county prince's mansion will never understand my pain.

54. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的安慰。

I search for my own comfort in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

55. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到慰藉。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot console me.

56. 我与郡王府的主人,注定要擦肩而过。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are destined to pass each other by.

57. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的梦想,不愿让任何人知道。

I silently guard my dreams on the edge of the county prince's mansion, unwilling to let anyone know.

58. 我与郡王府的主人,是两个不同的世界,永远无法理解彼此。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are two different worlds, and we will never understand each other.

59. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的幸福。

I search for my own happiness in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

60. 郡王府的繁华,无法掩盖我的孤独。

The prosperity of the county prince's mansion cannot hide my loneliness.

61. 我与郡王府的命运,如同两条河流,永远无法交汇。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion are like two rivers that will never meet.

62. 我在郡王府的边缘,感受着那份难以言喻的孤独。

I feel an indescribable loneliness on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

63. 郡王府的主人,永远无法理解我的心声。

The master of the county prince's mansion will never understand my heart's voice.

64. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的方向。

I search for my own direction in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

65. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到迷茫。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot make me feel lost.

66. 我与郡王府的命运,注定要背道而驰。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion are destined to go in opposite directions.

67. 我在郡王府的边缘,感受着那份难以言喻的痛苦。

I feel an indescribable pain on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

68. 郡王府的主人,永远无法理解我的痛苦。

The master of the county prince's mansion will never understand my pain.

69. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的希望。

I search for my own hope in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

70. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到满足。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot satisfy me.

71. 我与郡王府的命运,如同两条平行线,永远不会交汇。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion are like two parallel lines that will never intersect.

72. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的爱人。

I silently guard my loved one on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

73. 郡王府的主人,永远无法理解我的爱。

The master of the county prince's mansion will never understand my love.

74. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的梦想。

I search for my own dreams in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

75. 郡王府的繁华,无法掩盖我的悲伤。

The prosperity of the county prince's mansion cannot hide my sadness.

76. 我与郡王府的主人,只是一场短暂的邂逅,注定要分离。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are just a brief encounter, destined to be separated.

77. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的力量。

I search for my own strength in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

78. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到快乐。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot bring me happiness.

79. 我与郡王府的主人,注定要错过彼此。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are destined to miss each other.

80. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的梦想。

I silently guard my dreams on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

81. 郡王府的繁华,无法掩盖我的悲伤。

The prosperity of the county prince's mansion cannot hide my sadness.

82. 我与郡王府的主人,只是一场短暂的邂逅,注定要分离。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are just a brief encounter, destined to be separated.

83. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的力量。

I search for my own strength in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

84. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到满足。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot satisfy me.

85. 我与郡王府的命运,如同两条平行线,永远不会交汇。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion are like two parallel lines that will never intersect.

86. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的爱人。

I silently guard my loved one on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

87. 郡王府的主人,永远无法理解我的爱。

The master of the county prince's mansion will never understand my love.

88. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的希望。

I search for my own hope in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

89. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到幸福。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot bring me happiness.

90. 我与郡王府的主人,只是萍水相逢,注定要分别。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are just strangers who happen to meet, destined to part.

91. 我在郡王府的边缘,默默地守护着自己的秘密,不愿让任何人知道。

I silently guard my secrets on the edge of the county prince's mansion, unwilling to let anyone know.

92. 我与郡王府的主人,是两个不同的世界,永远无法相容。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are two different worlds, and we will never be compatible.

93. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的自由。

I search for my own freedom in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

94. 郡王府的繁华,无法让我感到安心。

The prosperity of the county prince's mansion cannot make me feel secure.

95. 我与郡王府的命运,注定要背道而驰。

My fate and the fate of the county prince's mansion are destined to go in opposite directions.

96. 我在郡王府的边缘,感受着那份难以言喻的悲伤。

I feel an indescribable sadness on the edge of the county prince's mansion.

97. 郡王府的主人,永远无法理解我的痛苦。

The master of the county prince's mansion will never understand my pain.

98. 我在郡王府的角落里,寻找着属于自己的安慰。

I search for my own comfort in a corner of the county prince's mansion.

99. 郡王府的富贵,无法让我感到慰藉。

The wealth of the county prince's mansion cannot console me.

100. 我与郡王府的主人,注定要擦肩而过。

The master of the county prince's mansion and I are destined to pass each other by.

以上就是关于不入郡王府句子100句(不入郡王府句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
