
## 不付出就想得到回报的句子,75句

1. 天上不会掉馅饼,想要收获,必须付出汗水。

2. 没有耕耘,何来收获?

3. 想要摘到果实,就要先种下种子。

4. 想要得到回报,就要付出努力。

5. 一事无成,是因为没有付出。

6. 不劳而获,只会让你一无所获。

7. 想要走捷径,最终只会走弯路。

8. 没有付出,就没有回报,这是亘古不变的真理。

9. 想要获得成功,必须脚踏实地,一步一个脚印。

10. 想要拥有财富,就要勤奋工作,努力奋斗。

11. 想要获得幸福,就要付出真心,真诚待人。

12. 想要拥有自由,就要承担责任,勇于担当。

13. 不付出,你永远得不到你想要的东西。

14. 想要得到尊重,就要先学会尊重他人。

15. 想要获得帮助,就要先学会帮助别人。

16. 想要拥有朋友,就要先真诚待人。

17. 想要获得爱情,就要先付出真心。

18. 想要得到认可,就要先努力证明自己。

19. 想要获得成功,就要先克服困难,战胜挫折。

20. 想要获得幸福,就要先学会珍惜,感恩生活。

21. 想要得到什么,就要先付出什么。

22. 不付出就想得到回报,如同痴人说梦。

23. 想要得到回报,就要先付出行动。

24. 想要获得成功,就要先付出时间和精力。

25. 想要拥有财富,就要先付出汗水和智慧。

26. 想要获得幸福,就要先付出真心和爱意。

27. 想要得到尊重,就要先学会尊重他人。

28. 想要获得帮助,就要先学会帮助别人。

29. 想要拥有朋友,就要先真诚待人。

30. 想要获得爱情,就要先付出真心。

31. 想要得到认可,就要先努力证明自己。

32. 想要获得成功,就要先克服困难,战胜挫折。

33. 想要获得幸福,就要先学会珍惜,感恩生活。

34. 想要得到什么,就要先付出什么。

35. 不付出就想得到回报,如同水中捞月。

36. 想要得到回报,就要先付出行动。

37. 想要获得成功,就要先付出时间和精力。

38. 想要拥有财富,就要先付出汗水和智慧。

39. 想要获得幸福,就要先付出真心和爱意。

40. 想要得到尊重,就要先学会尊重他人。

41. 想要获得帮助,就要先学会帮助别人。

42. 想要拥有朋友,就要先真诚待人。

43. 想要获得爱情,就要先付出真心。

44. 想要得到认可,就要先努力证明自己。

45. 想要获得成功,就要先克服困难,战胜挫折。

46. 想要获得幸福,就要先学会珍惜,感恩生活。

47. 想要得到什么,就要先付出什么。

48. 不付出就想得到回报,如同空中楼阁。

49. 想要得到回报,就要先付出行动。

50. 想要获得成功,就要先付出时间和精力。

51. 想要拥有财富,就要先付出汗水和智慧。

52. 想要获得幸福,就要先付出真心和爱意。

53. 想要得到尊重,就要先学会尊重他人。

54. 想要获得帮助,就要先学会帮助别人。

55. 想要拥有朋友,就要先真诚待人。

56. 想要获得爱情,就要先付出真心。

57. 想要得到认可,就要先努力证明自己。

58. 想要获得成功,就要先克服困难,战胜挫折。

59. 想要获得幸福,就要先学会珍惜,感恩生活。

60. 想要得到什么,就要先付出什么。

61. 不付出就想得到回报,如同镜花水月。

62. 想要得到回报,就要先付出行动。

63. 想要获得成功,就要先付出时间和精力。

64. 想要拥有财富,就要先付出汗水和智慧。

65. 想要获得幸福,就要先付出真心和爱意。

66. 想要得到尊重,就要先学会尊重他人。

67. 想要获得帮助,就要先学会帮助别人。

68. 想要拥有朋友,就要先真诚待人。

69. 想要获得爱情,就要先付出真心。

70. 想要得到认可,就要先努力证明自己。

71. 想要获得成功,就要先克服困难,战胜挫折。

72. 想要获得幸福,就要先学会珍惜,感恩生活。

73. 想要得到什么,就要先付出什么。

74. 不付出就想得到回报,如同缘木求鱼。

75. 想要得到回报,就要先付出行动,努力奋斗。

## 英文翻译

1. There's no such thing as a free lunch. You have to sweat to reap the rewards.

2. No pain, no gain.

3. You have to plant seeds to get fruits.

4. You need to put in the effort to get a return.

5. You achieve nothing because you haven't put in the effort.

6. Getting something for nothing will only lead to nothing.

7. Taking shortcuts will only lead you astray.

8. No effort, no reward, this is the eternal truth.

9. To succeed, you have to be down-to-earth and take one step at a time.

10. To gain wealth, you have to work diligently and strive for it.

11. To gain happiness, you have to put in your heart and be sincere to others.

12. To gain freedom, you have to take responsibility and be brave.

13. You'll never get what you want without putting in the effort.

14. To be respected, you have to learn to respect others.

15. To be helped, you have to learn to help others.

16. To have friends, you have to be sincere.

17. To get love, you have to put in your heart.

18. To be recognized, you have to work hard to prove yourself.

19. To succeed, you have to overcome difficulties and overcome setbacks.

20. To be happy, you have to learn to cherish and be grateful for life.

21. You get what you give.

22. Expecting something for nothing is like dreaming.

23. You have to take action to get a return.

24. You have to spend time and energy to succeed.

25. You have to sweat and use your wisdom to gain wealth.

26. You have to put in your heart and love to gain happiness.

27. To be respected, you have to learn to respect others.

28. To be helped, you have to learn to help others.

29. To have friends, you have to be sincere.

30. To get love, you have to put in your heart.

31. To be recognized, you have to work hard to prove yourself.

32. To succeed, you have to overcome difficulties and overcome setbacks.

33. To be happy, you have to learn to cherish and be grateful for life.

34. You get what you give.

35. Expecting something for nothing is like trying to catch the moon's reflection in water.

36. You have to take action to get a return.

37. You have to spend time and energy to succeed.

38. You have to sweat and use your wisdom to gain wealth.

39. You have to put in your heart and love to gain happiness.

40. To be respected, you have to learn to respect others.

41. To be helped, you have to learn to help others.

42. To have friends, you have to be sincere.

43. To get love, you have to put in your heart.

44. To be recognized, you have to work hard to prove yourself.

45. To succeed, you have to overcome difficulties and overcome setbacks.

46. To be happy, you have to learn to cherish and be grateful for life.

47. You get what you give.

48. Expecting something for nothing is like building a castle in the air.

49. You have to take action to get a return.

50. You have to spend time and energy to succeed.

51. You have to sweat and use your wisdom to gain wealth.

52. You have to put in your heart and love to gain happiness.

53. To be respected, you have to learn to respect others.

54. To be helped, you have to learn to help others.

55. To have friends, you have to be sincere.

56. To get love, you have to put in your heart.

57. To be recognized, you have to work hard to prove yourself.

58. To succeed, you have to overcome difficulties and overcome setbacks.

59. To be happy, you have to learn to cherish and be grateful for life.

60. You get what you give.

61. Expecting something for nothing is like a mirage.

62. You have to take action to get a return.

63. You have to spend time and energy to succeed.

64. You have to sweat and use your wisdom to gain wealth.

65. You have to put in your heart and love to gain happiness.

66. To be respected, you have to learn to respect others.

67. To be helped, you have to learn to help others.

68. To have friends, you have to be sincere.

69. To get love, you have to put in your heart.

70. To be recognized, you have to work hard to prove yourself.

71. To succeed, you have to overcome difficulties and overcome setbacks.

72. To be happy, you have to learn to cherish and be grateful for life.

73. You get what you give.

74. Expecting something for nothing is like trying to catch fish in a tree.

75. To get a return, you have to take action and strive for it.

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