
## 骊姬之乱重点句子及英文翻译

**1. 骊姬者,褒姒之妹也。**

Li Ji was the younger sister of Bao Si.

**2. 褒姒入宫,生子伯服,为太子。**

Bao Si entered the palace and gave birth to a son, Bo Fu, who became the Crown Prince.

**3. 骊姬入宫,宠冠后宫。**

Li Ji entered the palace and became the most favored concubine.

**4. 骊姬生子奚齐,晋献公宠之,欲立为太子。**

Li Ji gave birth to a son, Xi Qi, and Duke Xian of Jin favored him, wanting to make him the Crown Prince.

**5. 晋献公宠爱骊姬,废太子申生,立奚齐为太子。**

Duke Xian of Jin favored Li Ji and deposed Crown Prince Shen Sheng, making Xi Qi the new Crown Prince.

**6. 申生闻之,忧惧而死。**

Shen Sheng, upon hearing this, died of worry and fear.

**7. 晋献公又杀重耳、夷吾,欲尽除诸公子。**

Duke Xian of Jin then killed Chong Er and Yi Wu, wanting to eliminate all the princes.

**8. 晋献公病重,骊姬专政,杀害重耳之母,欲置重耳于死地。**

Duke Xian of Jin fell seriously ill, and Li Ji seized power, killing Chong Er's mother and attempting to kill Chong Er.

**9. 重耳逃亡,流亡十九年,历经艰辛。**

Chong Er fled and wandered for nineteen years, enduring hardship.

**10. 晋献公死,奚齐继位,骊姬专政,国政混乱。**

Duke Xian of Jin died, Xi Qi succeeded him, Li Ji seized power, and the country fell into chaos.

**11. 晋国百姓怨声载道,纷纷支持重耳。**

The people of Jin resented Li Ji's rule and supported Chong Er.

**12. 晋惠公(奚齐)暴虐无道,终被重耳所杀。**

Duke Hui of Jin (Xi Qi) ruled cruelly and unjustly and was eventually killed by Chong Er.

**13. 重耳继位,成为晋文公,励精图治,使晋国复兴。**

Chong Er succeeded to the throne as Duke Wen of Jin, worked diligently for the country, and restored Jin to its former glory.

**14. 骊姬之乱,是晋国历史上的一场政治斗争,也是一场宫廷斗争。**

The Li Ji Rebellion was a political struggle in Jin's history, as well as a palace intrigue.

**15. 骊姬之乱,最终导致晋国大乱,并为晋文公的崛起奠定了基础。**

The Li Ji Rebellion ultimately led to chaos in Jin and laid the foundation for Duke Wen of Jin's rise to power.

**16. 骊姬之乱,也反映了当时社会政治制度的弊端。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also reflected the shortcomings of the social and political system of the time.

**17. 骊姬,本姓姬,是周穆王的后裔。**

Li Ji, whose surname was originally Ji, was a descendant of King Mu of Zhou.

**18. 骊姬,以美貌而得宠。**

Li Ji was favored for her beauty.

**19. 骊姬,善于迷惑人,心机深沉。**

Li Ji was skilled at deceiving people and had a deep, scheming mind.

**20. 骊姬,为了权势,不择手段。**

For the sake of power, Li Ji stopped at nothing.

**21. 骊姬,最终为自己的行为付出了代价。**

In the end, Li Ji paid the price for her actions.

**22. 晋献公,是晋国历史上的一位昏君。**

Duke Xian of Jin was a foolish ruler in Jin's history.

**23. 晋献公,宠爱骊姬,荒废朝政。**

Duke Xian of Jin favored Li Ji and neglected the affairs of state.

**24. 晋献公,最终为自己的错误付出了代价。**

In the end, Duke Xian of Jin paid the price for his mistakes.

**25. 申生,是晋献公的长子。**

Shen Sheng was the eldest son of Duke Xian of Jin.

**26. 申生,为人正直,仁爱宽厚。**

Shen Sheng was upright, kind, and benevolent.

**27. 申生,被骊姬陷害,含冤而死。**

Shen Sheng was framed by Li Ji and died unjustly.

**28. 申生,是晋国历史上的一位贤明太子。**

Shen Sheng was a wise and virtuous Crown Prince in Jin's history.

**29. 重耳,是晋献公的次子。**

Chong Er was the second son of Duke Xian of Jin.

**30. 重耳,为人贤明,深受百姓爱戴。**

Chong Er was wise and loved by the people.

**31. 重耳,在流亡期间,历经磨难,最终成为晋文公。**

While in exile, Chong Er endured hardship and eventually became Duke Wen of Jin.

**32. 重耳,是晋国历史上的一位杰出的君主。**

Chong Er was an outstanding ruler in Jin's history.

**33. 夷吾,是晋献公的三子。**

Yi Wu was the third son of Duke Xian of Jin.

**34. 夷吾,为人狡猾,野心勃勃。**

Yi Wu was cunning and ambitious.

**35. 夷吾,在晋献公死后,曾一度继位。**

After Duke Xian of Jin's death, Yi Wu briefly took the throne.

**36. 夷吾,最终被重耳所杀。**

Yi Wu was eventually killed by Chong Er.

**37. 奚齐,是骊姬所生。**

Xi Qi was born to Li Ji.

**38. 奚齐,为人残暴,无道。**

Xi Qi was cruel and unjust.

**39. 奚齐,只做了几个月国君,便被重耳所杀。**

Xi Qi only ruled for a few months before being killed by Chong Er.

**40. 晋国,是春秋时期的一大强国。**

Jin was a major power during the Spring and Autumn Period.

**41. 晋国,在骊姬之乱后,国力衰弱。**

After the Li Ji Rebellion, Jin's national power declined.

**42. 晋国,在晋文公的统治下,逐渐复兴。**

Under the rule of Duke Wen of Jin, Jin gradually recovered.

**43. 晋国,最终成为春秋五霸之一。**

Jin eventually became one of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

**44. 骊姬之乱,是晋国历史上的一个重要转折点。**

The Li Ji Rebellion was a significant turning point in Jin's history.

**45. 骊姬之乱,也反映了春秋时期政治斗争的激烈。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also reflected the intensity of the political struggles of the Spring and Autumn Period.

**46. 骊姬之乱,给后人以深刻的警示。**

The Li Ji Rebellion serves as a profound warning to future generations.

**47. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,权力是把双刃剑。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also tells us that power is a double-edged sword.

**48. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要以德治国,不可沉迷于个人私欲。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must govern with virtue and not indulge in personal desires.

**49. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要警惕宫廷斗争的阴险。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us to be wary of the treachery of palace intrigue.

**50. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要团结一致,才能战胜困难。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must stand together to overcome difficulties.

**51. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要以史为鉴,才能更好地前行。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must learn from history to move forward better.

**52. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要坚守正义,才能赢得胜利。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must uphold justice to win victory.

**53. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要保持清醒的头脑,才能不被诱惑所蒙蔽。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must maintain a clear mind to avoid being blinded by temptation.

**54. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要勇敢面对挑战,才能取得成功。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must bravely face challenges to achieve success.

**55. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要坚持不懈,才能最终实现目标。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must persevere to ultimately achieve our goals.

**56. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要珍惜机会,才能创造辉煌。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must cherish opportunities to create greatness.

**57. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要勇于担当,才能赢得信任。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be willing to take responsibility to earn trust.

**58. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要善于学习,才能不断进步。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be eager to learn to constantly improve.

**59. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要乐于奉献,才能赢得尊重。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be willing to give to earn respect.

**60. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要爱护家庭,才能拥有幸福。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must cherish our families to have happiness.

**61. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要珍爱生命,才能活出精彩。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must cherish life to live it to the fullest.

**62. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要追求梦想,才能实现价值。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must pursue our dreams to achieve our worth.

**63. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要懂得感恩,才能收获快乐。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be grateful to reap happiness.

**64. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要真诚待人,才能赢得友谊。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be sincere to others to win friendship.

**65. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要乐于助人,才能传递温暖。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be willing to help others to spread warmth.

**66. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要宽容待人,才能化解矛盾。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be forgiving to resolve conflicts.

**67. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要尊重他人,才能建立和谐。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must respect others to create harmony.

**68. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要积极进取,才能创造未来。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be proactive to create the future.

**69. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要坚韧不拔,才能战胜挫折。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be tenacious to overcome setbacks.

**70. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要充满希望,才能迎接挑战。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be filled with hope to face challenges.

**71. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要善于思考,才能找到答案。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must think critically to find answers.

**72. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要勇于创新,才能创造奇迹。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must be willing to innovate to create wonders.

**73. 骊姬之乱,也告诉我们,要不断学习,才能与时俱进。**

The Li Ji Rebellion also teaches us that we must constantly learn to keep up with the times.

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