
## 走火对白句子,56句

**1. “我不想活在别人的恐惧里。”**

“I don't want to live in fear of others.”

**2. “你以为你有多了解他?你以为你了解任何人吗?”**

“How well do you think you know him? Do you think you know anyone?”

**3. “这世上总有比死亡更可怕的事。”**

“There are things in this world worse than death.”

**4. “我们都只是在寻找一个归宿。”**

“We're all just looking for a place to belong.”

**5. “你以为你能逃脱吗?没人能逃脱。”**

“Do you think you can escape? No one can escape.”

**6. “你以为你选择放弃,就真的可以放弃吗?”**

“Do you think you can just give up and it's over?”

**7. “你以为你有多强大?你以为你就能战胜一切?”**

“Do you think you're that powerful? Do you think you can overcome everything?”

**8. “你以为你做的一切都是对的吗?你以为你没有错吗?”**

“Do you think everything you've done is right? Do you think you haven't done anything wrong?”

**9. “你以为你只是在保护自己,你以为你没有伤害任何人?”**

“Do you think you're just protecting yourself? Do you think you haven't hurt anyone?”

**10. “你以为你只是在追寻真相,你以为你没有迷失方向?”**

“Do you think you're just seeking the truth? Do you think you haven't lost your way?”

**11. “有些事,你注定无法改变。”**

“Some things, you're destined not to change.”

**12. “有些事,你必须学会接受。”**

“Some things, you must learn to accept.”

**13. “有些事,你必须勇敢面对。”**

“Some things, you must face with courage.”

**14. “有些事,你必须选择放弃。”**

“Some things, you must choose to give up.”

**15. “你以为你能逃脱命运的安排吗?”**

“Do you think you can escape the arrangements of fate?”

**16. “你以为你能战胜一切吗?你以为你能改变一切吗?”**

“Do you think you can overcome everything? Do you think you can change everything?”

**17. “你以为你能掌控一切吗?你以为你无所不能吗?”**

“Do you think you can control everything? Do you think you can do anything?”

**18. “你以为你只是在追求幸福,你以为你没有迷失自我?”**

“Do you think you're just pursuing happiness? Do you think you haven't lost yourself?”

**19. “你以为你只是在为了别人,你以为你没有牺牲自己?”**

“Do you think you're just doing this for others? Do you think you haven't sacrificed yourself?”

**20. “你以为你只是在追寻正义,你以为你没有偏离轨道?”**

“Do you think you're just pursuing justice? Do you think you haven't strayed from the path?”

**21. “你以为你能回到过去吗?你以为你能改变过去吗?”**

“Do you think you can go back to the past? Do you think you can change the past?”

**22. “你以为你能预知未来吗?你以为你能控制未来吗?”**

“Do you think you can predict the future? Do you think you can control the future?”

**23. “你以为你只是在追逐梦想,你以为你没有迷失方向?”**

“Do you think you're just chasing your dreams? Do you think you haven't lost your way?”

**24. “你以为你只是在为了自己,你以为你没有伤害别人?”**

“Do you think you're just doing this for yourself? Do you think you haven't hurt others?”

**25. “你以为你只是在为了自由,你以为你没有失去自由?”**

“Do you think you're just fighting for freedom? Do you think you haven't lost your freedom?”

**26. “你以为你能逃避责任吗?你以为你能逃避真相吗?”**

“Do you think you can escape responsibility? Do you think you can escape the truth?”

**27. “你以为你能战胜恐惧吗?你以为你能战胜死亡吗?”**

“Do you think you can overcome fear? Do you think you can overcome death?”

**28. “你以为你只是在追寻爱,你以为你没有迷失爱?”**

“Do you think you're just pursuing love? Do you think you haven't lost love?”

**29. “你以为你能改变一切吗?你以为你能救赎一切吗?”**

“Do you think you can change everything? Do you think you can redeem everything?”

**30. “你以为你能拥有永恒吗?你以为你能永生不灭吗?”**

“Do you think you can possess eternity? Do you think you can live forever?”

**31. “有些事,你必须学会放弃。”**

“Some things, you must learn to let go.”

**32. “有些事,你必须学会接受。”**

“Some things, you must learn to accept.”

**33. “有些事,你必须学会面对。”**

“Some things, you must learn to face.”

**34. “有些事,你必须学会改变。”**

“Some things, you must learn to change.”

**35. “有些事,你必须学会珍惜。”**

“Some things, you must learn to cherish.”

**36. “有些事,你必须学会宽恕。”**

“Some things, you must learn to forgive.”

**37. “有些事,你必须学会放下。”**

“Some things, you must learn to let go.”

**38. “有些事,你必须学会勇敢。”**

“Some things, you must learn to be brave.”

**39. “有些事,你必须学会坚持。”**

“Some things, you must learn to persevere.”

**40. “有些事,你必须学会相信。”**

“Some things, you must learn to believe.”

**41. “有些事,你必须学会爱。”**

“Some things, you must learn to love.”

**42. “有些事,你必须学会活在当下。”**

“Some things, you must learn to live in the moment.”

**43. “有些事,你必须学会活出自己。”**

“Some things, you must learn to live your own life.”

**44. “有些事,你必须学会为梦想而战。”**

“Some things, you must learn to fight for your dreams.”

**45. “有些事,你必须学会为爱而战。”**

“Some things, you must learn to fight for love.”

**46. “有些事,你必须学会为自由而战。”**

“Some things, you must learn to fight for freedom.”

**47. “有些事,你必须学会为正义而战。”**

“Some things, you must learn to fight for justice.”

**48. “有些事,你必须学会为未来而战。”**

“Some things, you must learn to fight for the future.”

**49. “有些事,你必须学会为希望而战。”**

“Some things, you must learn to fight for hope.”

**50. “有些事,你必须学会为生命而战。”**

“Some things, you must learn to fight for life.”

**51. “有些事,你必须学会为真理而战。”**

“Some things, you must learn to fight for truth.”

**52. “有些事,你必须学会为爱而死。”**

“Some things, you must learn to die for love.”

**53. “有些事,你必须学会为自由而死。”**

“Some things, you must learn to die for freedom.”

**54. “有些事,你必须学会为正义而死。”**

“Some things, you must learn to die for justice.”

**55. “有些事,你必须学会为未来而死。”**

“Some things, you must learn to die for the future.”

**56. “有些事,你必须学会为希望而死。”**

“Some things, you must learn to die for hope.”

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