
## 80 督促早期句子 (英文翻译)

**P1.** 早点起床,开始新的一天! / Get up early and start your day!
**P2.** 别再赖床了,时间在流逝。 / Don't lie in bed any longer, time is slipping away.
**P3.** 快点起床,你还有很多事要做。 / Get up quickly, you have a lot to do.
**P4.** 早起早睡,健康生活。 / Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
**P5.** 把握时间,早点开始! / Seize the time, start early!
**P6.** 今天要做的很多事,别浪费时间。 / You have a lot to do today, don't waste time.
**P7.** 早起才能赶上阳光。 / Early to rise catches the sun.
**P8.** 早起的人更有效率。 / Early risers are more efficient.
**P9.** 把握清晨的宝贵时间。 / Make the most of the precious morning time.
**P10.** 晨起锻炼,一天精神。 / Morning exercise invigorates your day.

**P11.** 不要拖延,马上行动! / Don't procrastinate, take action now!
**P12.** 现在就开始,不要再等待。 / Start now, don't wait any longer.
**P13.** 时间宝贵,不要浪费。 / Time is precious, don't waste it.
**P14.** 抓住机会,立刻行动! / Grab the opportunity, act now!
**P15.** 行动胜于雄辩。 / Actions speak louder than words.
**P16.** 别再犹豫了,快做决定! / Don't hesitate anymore, make a decision!
**P17.** 不要等到最后才开始。 / Don't wait until the last minute to start.
**P18.** 现在开始,你离目标更近一步。 / Start now, you are one step closer to your goal.
**P19.** 不要让机会从你手中溜走。 / Don't let opportunities slip through your fingers.
**P20.** 行动,才能改变现状。 / Action is the key to change.

**P21.** 努力学习,充实自己! / Study hard and enrich yourself!
**P22.** 学习新知识,开拓眼界。 / Learn new knowledge and broaden your horizons.
**P23.** 知识改变命运。 / Knowledge is power.
**P24.** 努力学习,成就未来。 / Study hard, achieve your future.
**P25.** 不要停止学习,终身学习。 / Never stop learning, lifelong learning.
**P26.** 不断学习,才能进步。 / Continuous learning leads to progress.
**P27.** 学习是通往成功的道路。 / Learning is the path to success.
**P28.** 不要害怕挑战,勇于学习。 / Don't be afraid of challenges, be brave to learn.
**P29.** 学习是为了更好地生活。 / Learning is for a better life.
**P30.** 把学习变成一种习惯。 / Make learning a habit.

**P31.** 努力工作,收获成功! / Work hard and reap success!
**P32.** 勤奋工作,成就梦想。 / Work hard and achieve your dreams.
**P33.** 工作是人生的责任。 / Work is a responsibility in life.
**P34.** 积极工作,提升效率。 / Work positively and improve efficiency.
**P35.** 努力工作,创造价值。 / Work hard and create value.
**P36.** 不要怕辛苦,努力付出。 / Don't be afraid of hardship, work hard.
**P37.** 工作态度决定一切。 / Work attitude determines everything.
**P38.** 努力工作,收获回报。 / Work hard, get rewards.
**P39.** 珍惜工作,热爱工作。 / Cherish your work, love your work.
**P40.** 工作是通往幸福的桥梁。 / Work is a bridge to happiness.

**P41.** 勇敢追梦,永不放弃! / Chase your dreams bravely, never give up!
**P42.** 梦想是人生的灯塔。 / Dreams are the lighthouse of life.
**P43.** 为了梦想,努力奋斗。 / Work hard for your dreams.
**P44.** 不要放弃梦想,坚持到底。 / Don't give up on your dreams, persevere to the end.
**P45.** 梦想照亮未来。 / Dreams illuminate the future.
**P46.** 相信自己,你也可以实现梦想。 / Believe in yourself, you can also achieve your dreams.
**P47.** 为梦想而战,永不言败。 / Fight for your dreams, never surrender.
**P48.** 梦想需要行动来支撑。 / Dreams need action to support them.
**P49.** 追逐梦想,永不后悔。 / Pursue your dreams, never regret.
**P50.** 梦想的力量是无穷的。 / The power of dreams is infinite.

**P51.** 保持积极,乐观向上! / Stay positive and optimistic!
**P52.** 积极的心态,带来好运。 / Positive attitude brings good luck.
**P53.** 乐观面对困难,挑战自我。 / Face difficulties optimistically and challenge yourself.
**P54.** 积极思考,创造奇迹。 / Think positively, create miracles.
**P55.** 保持乐观,相信美好。 / Stay optimistic, believe in the good.
**P56.** 积极的人生,充满希望。 / A positive life is full of hope.
**P57.** 积极面对生活,精彩无限。 / Embrace life positively, endless possibilities.
**P58.** 积极的态度,带来成功。 / A positive attitude leads to success.
**P59.** 积极向上,永不言弃。 / Be positive, never give up.
**P60.** 保持乐观,迎接挑战。 / Stay optimistic, embrace challenges.

**P61.** 勇敢尝试,挑战自我! / Be brave to try, challenge yourself!
**P62.** 不要害怕失败,勇敢尝试。 / Don't be afraid of failure, be brave to try.
**P63.** 尝试新事物,开拓视野。 / Try new things, broaden your horizons.
**P64.** 勇敢迈出第一步,你就会成功。 / Take the first step bravely, you will succeed.
**P65.** 挑战自我,突破极限。 / Challenge yourself, break your limits.
**P66.** 不要害怕冒险,勇敢尝试。 / Don't be afraid to take risks, be brave to try.
**P67.** 尝试,才能找到你想要的生活。 / Try, you can find the life you want.
**P68.** 勇敢尝试,你将收获更多。 / Be brave to try, you will gain more.
**P69.** 尝试,是成功的开始。 / Trying is the beginning of success.
**P70.** 不要害怕尝试,因为你永远不知道自己有多强大。 / Don't be afraid to try, because you never know how strong you are.

**P71.** 坚持不懈,永不放弃! / Persevere, never give up!
**P72.** 坚持梦想,终将实现。 / Persist in your dreams, they will eventually come true.
**P73.** 坚持努力,成就梦想。 / Persist in your efforts, achieve your dreams.
**P74.** 坚持到底,就是胜利。 / Perseverance is victory.
**P75.** 不要轻易放弃,坚持下去。 / Don't give up easily, persevere.
**P76.** 坚持是成功的关键。 / Perseverance is the key to success.
**P77.** 坚持下去,你就能看到希望。 / Persist, you will see hope.
**P78.** 坚持不懈,你将所向披靡。 / Be persistent, you will be invincible.
**P79.** 坚持是最好的品质。 / Perseverance is the best quality.
**P80.** 坚持下去,你将创造奇迹。 / Persist, you will create miracles.

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