
## 睡的昏天暗地的句子 (69句)

**1. 他睡得像死猪一样,任凭闹钟响个不停。**

He slept like a log, completely oblivious to the incessant ringing of the alarm clock.

**2. 这孩子累坏了,一沾枕头就呼呼大睡。**

The child was so exhausted that he fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

**3. 昨晚我睡得天昏地暗,完全不知道发生了什么。**

I slept like the dead last night, completely unaware of what was going on.

**4. 他工作了一整天,晚上累得筋疲力尽,倒头就睡。**

After working all day, he was utterly exhausted at night and fell fast asleep.

**5. 她睡得像一只小猫一样,安静而祥和。**

She slept like a kitten, peacefully and serenely.

**6. 他睡得比死猪还沉,连地震都吵不醒他。**

He slept heavier than a log, even an earthquake couldn't wake him up.

**7. 他们都累得不行了,一回到家就倒头大睡。**

They were all utterly exhausted and fell fast asleep upon arriving home.

**8. 我昨晚睡得很沉,直到早上才被一阵敲门声吵醒。**

I slept soundly last night and didn't wake up until the morning when I was startled by a knock on the door.

**9. 她一上床就昏昏欲睡,很快就进入了梦乡。**

She felt drowsy as soon as she got into bed and soon drifted off to sleep.

**10. 他们被疲惫击垮了,在沙发上睡着了。**

They were overwhelmed by exhaustion and fell asleep on the couch.

**11. 他睡得像个婴儿一样,毫无忧虑。**

He slept like a baby, completely carefree.

**12. 她睡得那么沉,连闹钟都吵不醒她。**

She slept so soundly that even the alarm clock couldn't wake her up.

**13. 我睡得昏昏沉沉,好像梦里还在工作。**

I slept in a daze, as if I was still working in my dream.

**14. 他睡得像个石头一样,一点动静都没有。**

He slept like a rock, completely still.

**15. 他们睡得像死人一样,什么都听不见。**

They slept like the dead, oblivious to everything around them.

**16. 他睡得香甜,脸上带着微笑。**

He slept soundly, a smile on his face.

**17. 她睡得那么香,好像全世界都与她无关。**

She slept so peacefully that it seemed the whole world was irrelevant to her.

**18. 他们睡得像猪一样,鼾声如雷。**

They slept like pigs, snoring loudly.

**19. 我睡得很沉,直到早上才被阳光晒醒。**

I slept soundly until the morning when I was awakened by the sunlight.

**20. 他睡得像个木头人一样,一动不动。**

He slept like a wooden doll, completely motionless.

**21. 她睡得很香,连梦境都充满了喜悦。**

She slept soundly, her dreams filled with joy.

**22. 他们睡得很沉,好像进入了一个无梦的世界。**

They slept soundly, as if entering a world without dreams.

**23. 我睡得昏昏沉沉,好像被困在梦魇里。**

I slept in a daze, as if trapped in a nightmare.

**24. 他睡得像个天使一样,安静而祥和。**

He slept like an angel, peacefully and serenely.

**25. 她睡得很沉,好像忘记了所有烦恼。**

She slept soundly, as if forgetting all her worries.

**26. 他们睡得像个孩子一样,毫无顾忌。**

They slept like children, without a care in the world.

**27. 我睡得很沉,好像置身于一片宁静之中。**

I slept soundly, as if in a state of perfect tranquility.

**28. 他睡得很沉,好像时间都停止了流动。**

He slept soundly, as if time had stopped flowing.

**29. 她睡得很沉,好像进入了另一个世界。**

She slept soundly, as if entering another world.

**30. 他们睡得很沉,好像被某种魔力控制了。**

They slept soundly, as if under some kind of magic spell.

**31. 我睡得很沉,好像被梦境吞噬了。**

I slept soundly, as if swallowed by my dreams.

**32. 他睡得很沉,好像忘记了所有现实。**

He slept soundly, as if forgetting all reality.

**33. 她睡得很沉,好像进入了无忧无虑的境界。**

She slept soundly, as if entering a realm of carefree bliss.

**34. 他们睡得很沉,好像进入了一个永恒的睡眠。**

They slept soundly, as if entering an eternal sleep.

**35. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的力量吸引。**

I slept soundly, as if drawn by a mysterious force.

**36. 他睡得很沉,好像被一种无形的枷锁束缚。**

He slept soundly, as if bound by an invisible chain.

**37. 她睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境迷住了。**

She slept soundly, as if entranced by a dream.

**38. 他们睡得很沉,好像被一种奇异的能量包围。**

They slept soundly, as if surrounded by a strange energy.

**39. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种未知的力量牵引。**

I slept soundly, as if being pulled by an unknown force.

**40. 他睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境困住了。**

He slept soundly, as if trapped in a dream.

**41. 她睡得很沉,好像被一种难以抗拒的诱惑吸引。**

She slept soundly, as if drawn by an irresistible temptation.

**42. 他们睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的命运安排。**

They slept soundly, as if destined by a mysterious fate.

**43. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种不可思议的力量控制。**

I slept soundly, as if under the control of an incredible force.

**44. 他睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境迷失了。**

He slept soundly, as if lost in a dream.

**45. 她睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的能量吸走了。**

She slept soundly, as if sucked away by a mysterious energy.

**46. 他们睡得很沉,好像被一种奇异的现象包围。**

They slept soundly, as if surrounded by a strange phenomenon.

**47. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种未知的能量吸引。**

I slept soundly, as if drawn by an unknown energy.

**48. 他睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境困住了。**

He slept soundly, as if trapped in a dream.

**49. 她睡得很沉,好像被一种难以抗拒的诱惑吸引。**

She slept soundly, as if drawn by an irresistible temptation.

**50. 他们睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的命运安排。**

They slept soundly, as if destined by a mysterious fate.

**51. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种不可思议的力量控制。**

I slept soundly, as if under the control of an incredible force.

**52. 他睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境迷失了。**

He slept soundly, as if lost in a dream.

**53. 她睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的能量吸走了。**

She slept soundly, as if sucked away by a mysterious energy.

**54. 他们睡得很沉,好像被一种奇异的现象包围。**

They slept soundly, as if surrounded by a strange phenomenon.

**55. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种未知的能量吸引。**

I slept soundly, as if drawn by an unknown energy.

**56. 他睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境困住了。**

He slept soundly, as if trapped in a dream.

**57. 她睡得很沉,好像被一种难以抗拒的诱惑吸引。**

She slept soundly, as if drawn by an irresistible temptation.

**58. 他们睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的命运安排。**

They slept soundly, as if destined by a mysterious fate.

**59. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种不可思议的力量控制。**

I slept soundly, as if under the control of an incredible force.

**60. 他睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境迷失了。**

He slept soundly, as if lost in a dream.

**61. 她睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的能量吸走了。**

She slept soundly, as if sucked away by a mysterious energy.

**62. 他们睡得很沉,好像被一种奇异的现象包围。**

They slept soundly, as if surrounded by a strange phenomenon.

**63. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种未知的能量吸引。**

I slept soundly, as if drawn by an unknown energy.

**64. 他睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境困住了。**

He slept soundly, as if trapped in a dream.

**65. 她睡得很沉,好像被一种难以抗拒的诱惑吸引。**

She slept soundly, as if drawn by an irresistible temptation.

**66. 他们睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的命运安排。**

They slept soundly, as if destined by a mysterious fate.

**67. 我睡得很沉,好像被一种不可思议的力量控制。**

I slept soundly, as if under the control of an incredible force.

**68. 他睡得很沉,好像被一个梦境迷失了。**

He slept soundly, as if lost in a dream.

**69. 她睡得很沉,好像被一种神秘的能量吸走了。**

She slept soundly, as if sucked away by a mysterious energy.

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