
## 说话要经过大脑的句子 (54句)

1. **说话前,先想一想,说出来的话会带来怎样的后果。**

Think before you speak, consider the consequences of your words.

2. **话不在多,而在精,一句精辟的话胜过千言万语。**

Words are not measured by quantity but by quality, one concise statement can speak volumes.

3. **说话要真诚,不要说谎,不要欺骗,不要虚伪。**

Speak truthfully, avoid lies, deceit, and hypocrisy.

4. **说话要尊重他人,不要贬低别人,不要嘲笑别人,不要伤害别人。**

Show respect for others, refrain from belittling, mocking, or hurting them.

5. **说话要适度,不要过分夸大,不要过分谦虚,不要过分吹嘘。**

Speak in moderation, avoid exaggeration, excessive humility, and boasting.

6. **说话要得体,不要说粗俗的话,不要说脏话,不要说低俗的笑话。**

Speak with decorum, avoid vulgar language, swear words, and indecent jokes.

7. **说话要简洁,不要啰嗦,不要重复,不要拖泥带水。**

Speak concisely, avoid rambling, repetition, and excessive verbosity.

8. **说话要清晰,不要含糊不清,不要吞吞吐吐,不要模棱两可。**

Speak clearly, avoid ambiguity, stammering, and vagueness.

9. **说话要自信,不要胆怯,不要畏缩,不要犹豫。**

Speak with confidence, avoid timidity, shrinking back, and hesitation.

10. **说话要勇敢,不要怕得罪人,不要怕别人不高兴,不要怕别人不喜欢。**

Speak bravely, don't be afraid to offend, to upset people, or to be disliked.

11. **说话要理智,不要冲动,不要情绪化,不要感情用事。**

Speak rationally, avoid impulsiveness, emotional reactions, and acting on emotions.

12. **说话要客观,不要主观臆断,不要以偏概全,不要断章取义。**

Speak objectively, avoid subjective interpretations, generalizations, and misinterpretations.

13. **说话要灵活,不要一成不变,不要墨守成规,不要固执己见。**

Speak flexibly, avoid rigidity, adherence to strict rules, and stubbornness.

14. **说话要幽默,不要死板,不要严肃,不要一本正经。**

Speak with humor, avoid stiffness, seriousness, and a solemn demeanor.

15. **说话要风趣,不要枯燥,不要乏味,不要平淡无奇。**

Speak with wit, avoid dryness, dullness, and banality.

16. **说话要生动,不要呆板,不要单调,不要缺乏感染力。**

Speak vividly, avoid dullness, monotony, and a lack of engaging qualities.

17. **说话要真诚,不要虚情假意,不要口是心非,不要言不由衷。**

Speak authentically, avoid insincerity, hypocrisy, and insincere words.

18. **说话要积极,不要消极悲观,不要抱怨,不要否定。**

Speak positively, avoid negativity, pessimism, complaining, and denial.

19. **说话要乐观,不要悲观失望,不要灰心丧气,不要自暴自弃。**

Speak optimistically, avoid pessimism, discouragement, and self-deprecation.

20. **说话要友善,不要刻薄,不要尖酸刻薄,不要恶意中伤。**

Speak kindly, avoid harshness, sarcasm, and malicious attacks.

21. **说话要宽容,不要斤斤计较,不要睚眦必报,不要心胸狭窄。**

Speak with forgiveness, avoid being petty, holding grudges, and narrow-mindedness.

22. **说话要谦虚,不要自吹自擂,不要自命不凡,不要妄自尊大。**

Speak humbly, avoid boasting, self-importance, and arrogance.

23. **说话要谨慎,不要信口开河,不要妄加评论,不要胡说八道。**

Speak cautiously, avoid speaking without thinking, making rash judgments, and talking nonsense.

24. **说话要适可而止,不要喋喋不休,不要滔滔不绝,不要长篇大论。**

Speak in moderation, avoid incessant talking, endless rambling, and lengthy speeches.

25. **说话要恰如其分,不要过犹不及,不要言过其实,不要言不及义。**

Speak appropriately, avoid excess, exaggeration, and irrelevancy.

26. **说话要注重语气,不要语气生硬,不要语气冷漠,不要语气刻薄。**

Pay attention to your tone of voice, avoid harshness, coldness, and sharpness.

27. **说话要注重语调,不要语调单调,不要语调乏味,不要语调平淡。**

Pay attention to your intonation, avoid monotony, dullness, and flatness.

28. **说话要注重表情,不要表情僵硬,不要表情呆板,不要表情木讷。**

Pay attention to your facial expressions, avoid stiffness, dullness, and impassiveness.

29. **说话要注重眼神,不要眼神躲闪,不要眼神飘忽,不要眼神呆滞。**

Pay attention to your eye contact, avoid dodging, wandering eyes, and blank stares.

30. **说话要注重肢体语言,不要手舞足蹈,不要坐立不安,不要东张西望。**

Pay attention to your body language, avoid excessive gestures, restlessness, and looking around.

31. **说话要注重场合,不要在正式场合说玩笑话,不要在私人场合说公事。**

Be mindful of the context, avoid making jokes in formal settings and discussing work matters in private settings.

32. **说话要注重对象,不要对长辈说粗话,不要对晚辈说教。**

Be mindful of the audience, avoid using vulgar language with elders and lecturing younger people.

33. **说话要注重时间,不要在不合适的时间说话,不要在不合适的场合说话。**

Be mindful of the timing, avoid speaking at inappropriate times and in inappropriate places.

34. **说话要注重目的,不要为了说而说,不要为了显摆而说,不要为了攻击而说。**

Be mindful of your purpose, avoid speaking for the sake of talking, showing off, or attacking.

35. **说话要讲求技巧,不要直来直去,不要锋芒毕露,不要咄咄逼人。**

Use skillful communication, avoid being blunt, overly assertive, and aggressive.

36. **说话要学会倾听,不要只顾自己说,不要打断别人,不要不耐烦。**

Develop listening skills, avoid dominating the conversation, interrupting others, and being impatient.

37. **说话要学会换位思考,不要只从自己的角度看问题,不要只考虑自己的感受。**

Practice empathy, avoid focusing solely on your own perspective and consider others' feelings.

38. **说话要学会控制情绪,不要发脾气,不要情绪激动,不要言辞激烈。**

Learn to manage your emotions, avoid anger, emotional outbursts, and heated language.

39. **说话要学会反省,不要总是责怪别人,不要总是推卸责任,不要总是自以为是。**

Develop self-reflection, avoid blaming others, shirking responsibility, and being self-righteous.

40. **说话要学会包容,不要斤斤计较,不要事事较真,不要固执己见。**

Practice tolerance, avoid being petty, overly critical, and inflexible.

41. **说话要学会理解,不要妄下结论,不要主观臆断,不要断章取义。**

Develop understanding, avoid jumping to conclusions, making subjective interpretations, and misinterpretations.

42. **说话要学会包容,不要总是批评别人,不要总是指责别人,不要总是挑剔别人。**

Practice acceptance, avoid constant criticism, accusations, and fault-finding.

43. **说话要学会赞美,不要总是贬低别人,不要总是讽刺别人,不要总是挖苦别人。**

Learn to compliment, avoid constantly belittling, ridiculing, and mocking others.

44. **说话要学会鼓励,不要总是打击别人,不要总是泼冷水,不要总是消极悲观。**

Learn to encourage, avoid constantly discouraging, discouraging, and being pessimistic.

45. **说话要学会真诚,不要总是说假话,不要总是说空话,不要总是说大话。**

Learn to be sincere, avoid constant lying, empty talk, and bragging.

46. **说话要学会负责,不要总是推卸责任,不要总是逃避问题,不要总是找借口。**

Learn to be responsible, avoid constantly shirking responsibility, avoiding problems, and making excuses.

47. **说话要学会尊重,不要总是指手画脚,不要总是颐指气使,不要总是盛气凌人。**

Learn to be respectful, avoid constantly dictating, giving orders, and being arrogant.

48. **说话要学会感恩,不要总是抱怨,不要总是索取,不要总是得寸进尺。**

Learn to be grateful, avoid constant complaining, demanding, and being insatiable.

49. **说话要学会思考,不要总是说一些没有营养的话,不要总是说一些没有意义的话,不要总是说一些没有价值的话。**

Learn to think before you speak, avoid constantly uttering empty words, meaningless statements, and worthless remarks.

50. **说话要学会克制,不要总是说一些伤人的话,不要总是说一些过激的话,不要总是说一些不负责任的话。**

Learn to control your words, avoid constantly uttering hurtful, extreme, and irresponsible statements.

51. **说话要学会反省,不要总是把错误归咎于别人,不要总是把责任推卸给别人,不要总是自以为是。**

Learn to introspect, avoid constantly blaming others, shifting responsibility, and thinking you're always right.

52. **说话要学会换位思考,不要总是以自我为中心,不要总是考虑自己的利益,不要总是把自己放在第一位。**

Learn to put yourself in others' shoes, avoid being self-centered, considering only your own interests, and putting yourself first.

53. **说话要学会真诚,不要总是虚情假意,不要总是说谎,不要总是欺骗别人。**

Learn to be genuine, avoid constant insincerity, lying, and deceiving others.

54. **说话要学会宽容,不要总是斤斤计较,不要总是记仇,不要总是怀恨在心。**

Learn to be forgiving, avoid constant pettiness, holding grudges, and harboring resentment.

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