
## 腊月笔记 89 句

**1. 腊月了,空气中弥漫着年味,让人忍不住想要欢呼雀跃。**

December is here, the air is filled with the scent of the New Year, making one want to cheer and jump for joy.

**2. 家家户户开始忙碌起来,准备迎接新年的到来。**

Every household is bustling with activity, preparing for the arrival of the New Year.

**3. 大街上红灯笼高高挂起,喜庆的氛围越来越浓厚。**

Red lanterns are hung high in the streets, the festive atmosphere is getting thicker and thicker.

**4. 商场里琳琅满目的年货,让人眼花缭乱,不知从何下手。**

The New Year's goods in the shopping mall are dazzling, making people confused and overwhelmed.

**5. 年味,不仅仅是红红火火的装饰,更是家人团聚的温暖。**

The taste of the New Year is not just the red and fiery decorations, but also the warmth of family reunion.

**6. 忙碌了一年,终于可以停下脚步,好好享受这难得的放松时光。**

After a year of hard work, we can finally stop and enjoy this rare time of relaxation.

**7. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是许下新年愿望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, and also a time to make New Year wishes.

**8. 年夜饭的香味,飘满了整个房间,让人垂涎欲滴。**

The aroma of the New Year's Eve dinner fills the entire room, making people salivate.

**9. 鞭炮声声,辞旧迎新,寓意着来年吉祥如意。**

The sound of firecrackers, bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, signifies good luck and happiness in the coming year.

**10. 辞旧迎新,新年新气象,愿来年一切顺利。**

Bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, a new year, a new look, I wish everything goes well in the coming year.

**11. 腊月里,家家户户都洋溢着喜悦,充满了希望。**

In December, every household is filled with joy and hope.

**12. 年味,是一种温暖的感受,一种幸福的期盼。**

The taste of the New Year is a warm feeling, a happy expectation.

**13. 腊月,是团聚的季节,也是思念的季节。**

December is a season of reunion, and also a season of missing.

**14. 年夜饭的香味,不仅是食物的味道,更是家的味道。**

The aroma of the New Year's Eve dinner is not only the taste of food, but also the taste of home.

**15. 腊月里,我们每个人都希望能够拥有一个美好圆满的年。**

In December, everyone hopes to have a happy and fulfilling year.

**16. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是幸福与温暖的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, happiness and warmth.

**17. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的日子,也是新起点的新开始。**

December is a day to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a new starting point, a new beginning.

**18. 腊月里,我们每个人都希望能够和家人团聚,一起迎接新年的到来。**

In December, everyone hopes to be reunited with their family and welcome the New Year together.

**19. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**20. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份希望。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**21. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**22. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**23. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**24. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**25. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

**26. 腊月,是充满温暖和幸福的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of warmth and happiness, a hope in people's hearts.

**27. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**28. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**29. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**30. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**31. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**32. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**33. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

**34. 腊月,是充满温暖和幸福的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of warmth and happiness, a hope in people's hearts.

**35. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**36. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**37. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**38. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**39. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**40. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**41. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

**42. 腊月,是充满温暖和幸福的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of warmth and happiness, a hope in people's hearts.

**43. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**44. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**45. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**46. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**47. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**48. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**49. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

**50. 腊月,是充满温暖和幸福的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of warmth and happiness, a hope in people's hearts.

**51. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**52. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**53. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**54. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**55. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**56. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**57. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

**58. 腊月,是充满温暖和幸福的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of warmth and happiness, a hope in people's hearts.

**59. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**60. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**61. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**62. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**63. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**64. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**65. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

**66. 腊月,是充满温暖和幸福的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of warmth and happiness, a hope in people's hearts.

**67. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**68. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**69. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**70. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**71. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**72. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**73. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

**74. 腊月,是充满温暖和幸福的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of warmth and happiness, a hope in people's hearts.

**75. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**76. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**77. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**78. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**79. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**80. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**81. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

**82. 腊月,是充满温暖和幸福的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of warmth and happiness, a hope in people's hearts.

**83. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是收获与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to reap and look forward.

**84. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一抹暖色,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**85. 腊月,是忙碌与期待的交织,也是欢声笑语的融合。**

December is a blend of busyness and anticipation, laughter and joy.

**86. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是反思与展望的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time for reflection and looking forward.

**87. 腊月,是寒冷的冬天里的一丝暖意,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a touch of warmth in the cold winter, a hope in people's hearts.

**88. 腊月,是充满喜悦和希望的月份,是人们心中的一份期盼。**

December is a month full of joy and hope, a hope in people's hearts.

**89. 腊月,是辞旧迎新的时刻,也是展望未来的时候。**

December is a time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, a time to look forward to the future.

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