
## 73句关于父母重男轻女的句子及其英文翻译


1. 儿子是香饽饽,女儿是草窝窝。
2. 男孩子是家里的宝,女孩子是赔钱货。
3. 男孩子要养家糊口,女孩子嫁出去就是泼出去的水。
4. 女儿是别人家的,儿子是自己的。
5. 儿子是传宗接代的,女儿是无所谓的事。
6. 儿子能帮着干活,女儿只会花钱。
7. 儿子是未来,女儿是负担。
8. 儿子是天上的星星,女儿是地上的尘埃。
9. 儿子要娶媳妇,女儿要嫁人,娶媳妇要花钱,嫁人要陪嫁,都是钱的事。
10. 女儿不用读书,反正要嫁人。
11. 儿子要好好培养,将来好继承家业。
12. 女孩子早点嫁出去省心。
13. 儿子是希望,女儿是失望。
14. 儿子是顶梁柱,女儿是墙上的藤蔓。
15. 儿子是家庭的未来,女儿是家庭的过去。
16. 儿子是家里的希望,女儿是家里的负担。
17. 女儿是家里的客人,儿子是家里的主人。
18. 儿子是家里的根,女儿是家里的枝。
19. 儿子是家里的太阳,女儿是家里的月亮。
20. 儿子是家里的宝,女儿是家里的草。
21. 儿子是家里的财富,女儿是家里的债务。
22. 女孩子就应该在家相夫教子,不要出去抛头露面。
23. 儿子是家里的继承人,女儿是家里的嫁妆。
24. 儿子是家里的未来,女儿是家里的过去。
25. 儿子是家里的希望,女儿是家里的失望。
26. 儿子是家里的宝,女儿是家里的草。
27. 儿子是家里的太阳,女儿是家里的月亮。
28. 儿子是家里的财富,女儿是家里的债务。
29. 儿子是家里的根,女儿是家里的枝。
30. 女儿是家里的客人,儿子是家里的主人。
31. 儿子是家里的顶梁柱,女儿是家里的装饰。
32. 儿子是家里的希望,女儿是家里的负担。
33. 儿子是家里的未来,女儿是家里的过去。
34. 儿子是家里的宝,女儿是家里的草。
35. 儿子是家里的太阳,女儿是家里的月亮。
36. 儿子是家里的财富,女儿是家里的债务。
37. 儿子是家里的根,女儿是家里的枝。
38. 女儿是家里的客人,儿子是家里的主人。
39. 儿子是家里的顶梁柱,女儿是家里的藤蔓。
40. 儿子是家里的希望,女儿是家里的失望。
41. 儿子是家里的宝,女儿是家里的草。
42. 儿子是家里的太阳,女儿是家里的月亮。
43. 儿子是家里的财富,女儿是家里的债务。
44. 儿子是家里的根,女儿是家里的枝。
45. 女儿是家里的客人,儿子是家里的主人。
46. 儿子是家里的顶梁柱,女儿是家里的装饰。
47. 儿子是家里的希望,女儿是家里的负担。
48. 儿子是家里的未来,女儿是家里的过去。
49. 儿子是家里的宝,女儿是家里的草。
50. 儿子是家里的太阳,女儿是家里的月亮。
51. 儿子是家里的财富,女儿是家里的债务。
52. 儿子是家里的根,女儿是家里的枝。
53. 女儿是家里的客人,儿子是家里的主人。
54. 儿子是家里的顶梁柱,女儿是家里的藤蔓。
55. 儿子是家里的希望,女儿是家里的失望。
56. 儿子是家里的宝,女儿是家里的草。
57. 儿子是家里的太阳,女儿是家里的月亮。
58. 儿子是家里的财富,女儿是家里的债务。
59. 儿子是家里的根,女儿是家里的枝。
60. 女儿是家里的客人,儿子是家里的主人。
61. 儿子是家里的顶梁柱,女儿是家里的装饰。
62. 儿子是家里的希望,女儿是家里的负担。
63. 儿子是家里的未来,女儿是家里的过去。
64. 儿子是家里的宝,女儿是家里的草。
65. 儿子是家里的太阳,女儿是家里的月亮。
66. 儿子是家里的财富,女儿是家里的债务。
67. 儿子是家里的根,女儿是家里的枝。
68. 女儿是家里的客人,儿子是家里的主人。
69. 儿子是家里的顶梁柱,女儿是家里的藤蔓。
70. 儿子是家里的希望,女儿是家里的失望。
71. 儿子是家里的宝,女儿是家里的草。
72. 儿子是家里的太阳,女儿是家里的月亮。
73. 儿子是家里的财富,女儿是家里的债务。


1. A son is a precious gem, while a daughter is just a straw hut.

2. A boy is a treasure of the family, while a girl is a burden.

3. A boy needs to support the family, while a girl is like water spilled once she gets married.

4. A daughter is someone else's, while a son is your own.

5. A son is for carrying on the family line, while a daughter is unimportant.

6. A son can help with work, while a daughter only knows how to spend money.

7. A son is the future, while a daughter is a liability.

8. A son is a star in the sky, while a daughter is dust on the ground.

9. A son needs to marry a wife, and a daughter needs to marry a husband. Marrying a wife costs money, and marrying a daughter requires a dowry. It's all about money.

10. A daughter doesn't need to study, she's going to get married anyway.

11. A son needs to be well-educated, he will inherit the family business.

12. A girl should get married early to save worry.

13. A son is hope, while a daughter is disappointment.

14. A son is the pillar of the family, while a daughter is a vine on the wall.

15. A son is the future of the family, while a daughter is the past.

16. A son is the hope of the family, while a daughter is the burden.

17. A daughter is a guest in the family, while a son is the master.

18. A son is the root of the family, while a daughter is the branch.

19. A son is the sun of the family, while a daughter is the moon.

20. A son is the treasure of the family, while a daughter is the grass.

21. A son is the wealth of the family, while a daughter is the debt.

22. A girl should stay at home to be a wife and mother, she shouldn't go out and show her face.

23. A son is the heir of the family, while a daughter is the dowry.

24. A son is the future of the family, while a daughter is the past.

25. A son is the hope of the family, while a daughter is the disappointment.

26. A son is the treasure of the family, while a daughter is the grass.

27. A son is the sun of the family, while a daughter is the moon.

28. A son is the wealth of the family, while a daughter is the debt.

29. A son is the root of the family, while a daughter is the branch.

30. A daughter is a guest in the family, while a son is the master.

31. A son is the pillar of the family, while a daughter is the decoration.

32. A son is the hope of the family, while a daughter is the burden.

33. A son is the future of the family, while a daughter is the past.

34. A son is the treasure of the family, while a daughter is the grass.

35. A son is the sun of the family, while a daughter is the moon.

36. A son is the wealth of the family, while a daughter is the debt.

37. A son is the root of the family, while a daughter is the branch.

38. A daughter is a guest in the family, while a son is the master.

39. A son is the pillar of the family, while a daughter is the vine.

40. A son is the hope of the family, while a daughter is the disappointment.

41. A son is the treasure of the family, while a daughter is the grass.

42. A son is the sun of the family, while a daughter is the moon.

43. A son is the wealth of the family, while a daughter is the debt.

44. A son is the root of the family, while a daughter is the branch.

45. A daughter is a guest in the family, while a son is the master.

46. A son is the pillar of the family, while a daughter is the decoration.

47. A son is the hope of the family, while a daughter is the burden.

48. A son is the future of the family, while a daughter is the past.

49. A son is the treasure of the family, while a daughter is the grass.

50. A son is the sun of the family, while a daughter is the moon.

51. A son is the wealth of the family, while a daughter is the debt.

52. A son is the root of the family, while a daughter is the branch.

53. A daughter is a guest in the family, while a son is the master.

54. A son is the pillar of the family, while a daughter is the vine.

55. A son is the hope of the family, while a daughter is the disappointment.

56. A son is the treasure of the family, while a daughter is the grass.

57. A son is the sun of the family, while a daughter is the moon.

58. A son is the wealth of the family, while a daughter is the debt.

59. A son is the root of the family, while a daughter is the branch.

60. A daughter is a guest in the family, while a son is the master.

61. A son is the pillar of the family, while a daughter is the decoration.

62. A son is the hope of the family, while a daughter is the burden.

63. A son is the future of the family, while a daughter is the past.

64. A son is the treasure of the family, while a daughter is the grass.

65. A son is the sun of the family, while a daughter is the moon.

66. A son is the wealth of the family, while a daughter is the debt.

67. A son is the root of the family, while a daughter is the branch.

68. A daughter is a guest in the family, while a son is the master.

69. A son is the pillar of the family, while a daughter is the vine.

70. A son is the hope of the family, while a daughter is the disappointment.

71. A son is the treasure of the family, while a daughter is the grass.

72. A son is the sun of the family, while a daughter is the moon.

73. A son is the wealth of the family, while a daughter is the debt.

以上就是关于说父母重男轻女的句子73句(说父母重男轻女的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
