
## 腊七腊八句子,99句


1. 腊七腊八,冻死活八。

On the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, it's so cold that even the living will freeze to death.

2. 腊七腌菜,腊八喝粥。

Pickling vegetables on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, and drinking porridge on the eighth.

3. 腊七吃饺子,暖心又暖胃。

Eat dumplings on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, warming both the heart and stomach.

4. 腊七腊八,新年将至。

The seventh and eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, the New Year is approaching.

5. 腊七吃腊肉,香气扑鼻。

Eating cured meat on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, the aroma fills the air.

6. 腊七天寒地冻,注意保暖。

It's freezing cold on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, remember to keep warm.

7. 腊七腌制腊肠,香气四溢。

Marinating sausages on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, the fragrance spreads everywhere.

8. 腊七腊八,准备年货。

The seventh and eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, preparing New Year's goods.

9. 腊七做年糕,寓意步步高升。

Making New Year's cakes on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, symbolizing promotion and success.

10. 腊七喝热茶,温暖身心。

Drinking hot tea on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, warming the body and mind.

11. 腊七扫除尘埃,迎接新年。

Cleaning the dust on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, welcoming the New Year.

12. 腊七准备年夜饭,丰盛美味。

Preparing the New Year's Eve dinner on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, a rich and delicious meal.

13. 腊七贴春联,喜气洋洋。

Sticking Spring Festival couplets on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, full of joy and prosperity.

14. 腊七装饰房屋,喜庆热闹。

Decorating the house on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, festive and lively.

15. 腊七准备红包,祝福新年。

Preparing red envelopes on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, blessing for the New Year.

16. 腊七制作年画,寓意吉祥。

Creating New Year's paintings on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, symbolizing good luck.

17. 腊七买年货,喜气洋洋。

Buying New Year's goods on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, full of joy and prosperity.

18. 腊七准备新年礼物,表达心意。

Preparing New Year's gifts on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, expressing feelings.

19. 腊七感受年味,喜悦满怀。

Feeling the festive atmosphere on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, full of joy.

20. 腊七迎接新年,充满希望。

Welcoming the New Year on the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, full of hope.


21. 腊八腊八,冻死活八。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, it's so cold that even the living will freeze to death.

22. 腊八粥,暖胃又暖心。

Labah porridge, warms the stomach and the heart.

23. 腊八节,喝腊八粥,祈求平安。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, drink Labah porridge, pray for peace.

24. 腊八粥,寓意丰收。

Labah porridge, symbolizes a bountiful harvest.

25. 腊八粥,香甜可口。

Labah porridge, fragrant and delicious.

26. 腊八节,送腊八粥,祝福朋友。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, send Labah porridge, blessing friends.

27. 腊八粥,营养丰富。

Labah porridge, rich in nutrition.

28. 腊八粥,种类繁多。

Labah porridge, comes in many varieties.

29. 腊八节,家人团聚,共饮腊八粥。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, family reunites, sharing Labah porridge.

30. 腊八节,热闹非凡。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, a bustling day.

31. 腊八节,感受年味。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, feel the festive atmosphere.

32. 腊八节,祈求来年好运。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, pray for good fortune in the coming year.

33. 腊八节,准备年货。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, preparing New Year's goods.

34. 腊八节,贴春联,迎接新年。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, stick Spring Festival couplets, welcoming the New Year.

35. 腊八节,装饰房屋,喜庆热闹。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, decorate the house, festive and lively.

36. 腊八节,准备年夜饭,丰盛美味。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, preparing the New Year's Eve dinner, a rich and delicious meal.

37. 腊八节,准备红包,祝福新年。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, preparing red envelopes, blessing for the New Year.

38. 腊八节,制作年画,寓意吉祥。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, creating New Year's paintings, symbolizing good luck.

39. 腊八节,买年货,喜气洋洋。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, buying New Year's goods, full of joy and prosperity.

40. 腊八节,准备新年礼物,表达心意。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, preparing New Year's gifts, expressing feelings.

41. 腊八节,感受年味,喜悦满怀。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, feeling the festive atmosphere, full of joy.

42. 腊八节,迎接新年,充满希望。

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, welcoming the New Year, full of hope.

43. 腊八粥,暖暖的,甜甜的。

Labah porridge, warm and sweet.

44. 腊八粥,香气扑鼻,让人食欲大开。

Labah porridge, fragrant and delicious, making people hungry.

45. 腊八粥,寓意团圆。

Labah porridge, symbolizes reunion.

46. 腊八粥,是冬日里的温暖。

Labah porridge, is warmth in winter.

47. 腊八粥,是家人的味道。

Labah porridge, is the taste of family.

48. 腊八粥,是冬日里的暖阳。

Labah porridge, is the warm sun in winter.

49. 腊八粥,是节日里的祝福。

Labah porridge, is a blessing during the festival.

50. 腊八粥,是传统文化的传承。

Labah porridge, is the inheritance of traditional culture.

51. 腊八节,是冬日里的节日。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a festival in winter.

52. 腊八节,是传统习俗。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a traditional custom.

53. 腊八节,是文化传承。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is cultural inheritance.

54. 腊八节,是民间节日。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a folk festival.

55. 腊八节,是欢庆的节日。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a celebratory festival.

56. 腊八节,是团圆的节日。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a festival of reunion.

57. 腊八节,是祝福的节日。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a festival of blessings.

58. 腊八节,是温暖的节日。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a warm festival.

59. 腊八节,是美好的节日。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a beautiful festival.

60. 腊八节,是传统节日。

The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a traditional festival.

61. 腊八粥,是冬日里的美味。

Labah porridge, is a delicacy in winter.

62. 腊八粥,是冬日里的享受。

Labah porridge, is an enjoyment in winter.

63. 腊八粥,是冬日里的幸福。

Labah porridge, is happiness in winter.

64. 腊八粥,是冬日里的慰藉。

Labah porridge, is solace in winter.

65. 腊八粥,是冬日里的温暖。

Labah porridge, is warmth in winter.

66. 腊八粥,是冬日里的美食。

Labah porridge, is a delicious food in winter.

67. 腊八粥,是冬日里的享受。

Labah porridge, is an enjoyment in winter.

68. 腊八粥,是冬日里的幸福。

Labah porridge, is happiness in winter.

69. 腊八粥,是冬日里的慰藉。

Labah porridge, is solace in winter.

70. 腊八粥,是冬日里的暖阳。

Labah porridge, is the warm sun in winter.

71. 腊八粥,是冬日里的希望。

Labah porridge, is hope in winter.

72. 腊八粥,是冬日里的祝福。

Labah porridge, is a blessing in winter.

73. 腊八粥,是冬日里的文化。

Labah porridge, is the culture in winter.

74. 腊八粥,是冬日里的传统。

Labah porridge, is the tradition in winter.

75. 腊八粥,是冬日里的记忆。

Labah porridge, is the memory in winter.

76. 腊八粥,是冬日里的味道。

Labah porridge, is the taste in winter.

77. 腊八粥,是冬日里的温暖。

Labah porridge, is warmth in winter.

78. 腊八粥,是冬日里的幸福。

Labah porridge, is happiness in winter.

79. 腊八粥,是冬日里的希望。

Labah porridge, is hope in winter.

80. 腊八粥,是冬日里的祝福。

Labah porridge, is a blessing in winter.

81. 腊八粥,是冬日里的文化。

Labah porridge, is the culture in winter.

82. 腊八粥,是冬日里的传统。

Labah porridge, is the tradition in winter.

83. 腊八粥,是冬日里的记忆。

Labah porridge, is the memory in winter.

84. 腊八粥,是冬日里的味道。

Labah porridge, is the taste in winter.

85. 腊八粥,是冬日里的美好。

Labah porridge, is the beauty in winter.

86. 腊八粥,是冬日里的温暖。

Labah porridge, is warmth in winter.

87. 腊八粥,是冬日里的幸福。

Labah porridge, is happiness in winter.

88. 腊八粥,是冬日里的希望。

Labah porridge, is hope in winter.

89. 腊八粥,是冬日里的祝福。

Labah porridge, is a blessing in winter.

90. 腊八粥,是冬日里的文化。

Labah porridge, is the culture in winter.

91. 腊八粥,是冬日里的传统。

Labah porridge, is the tradition in winter.

92. 腊八粥,是冬日里的记忆。

Labah porridge, is the memory in winter.

93. 腊八粥,是冬日里的味道。

Labah porridge, is the taste in winter.

94. 腊八粥,是冬日里的美好。

Labah porridge, is the beauty in winter.

95. 腊八粥,是冬日里的温暖。

Labah porridge, is warmth in winter.

96. 腊八粥,是冬日里的幸福。

Labah porridge, is happiness in winter.

97. 腊八粥,是冬日里的希望。

Labah porridge, is hope in winter.

98. 腊八粥,是冬日里的祝福。

Labah porridge, is a blessing in winter.

99. 腊八粥,是冬日里的文化。

Labah porridge, is the culture in winter.

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