
## 说来也怪句子 - 79句

**1. 说来也怪,这件衣服我明明买过,却怎么也找不到了。**

Strangely enough, I can't find this piece of clothing I'm sure I bought.

**2. 说来也怪,明明昨天还晴空万里,今天却下起了大雨。**

It's strange, the sky was clear yesterday, but it's raining heavily today.

**3. 说来也怪,这台机器明明很新,却总是出故障。**

Strangely enough, this machine is brand new, but it keeps malfunctioning.

**4. 说来也怪,明明已经很晚了,我却一点困意都没有。**

It's strange, it's already very late, but I'm not sleepy at all.

**5. 说来也怪,明明是件小事,却让我一直耿耿于怀。**

It's strange, it's just a small thing, but it's been bothering me.

**6. 说来也怪,明明已经很努力了,成绩却一直没有起色。**

It's strange, I've been trying hard, but my grades haven't improved.

**7. 说来也怪,明明是第一次见面,却感觉很熟悉。**

Strangely enough, it's our first meeting, but I feel familiar with you.

**8. 说来也怪,明明是件很平常的事,却让我感到很兴奋。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it makes me feel excited.

**9. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很平静。**

It's strange, it's a very painful thing, but I feel calm.

**10. 说来也怪,明明是件很美好的事,却让我感到很悲伤。**

It's strange, it's such a beautiful thing, but it makes me feel sad.

**11. 说来也怪,明明是件很简单的道理,却让我百思不得其解。**

It's strange, it's a simple truth, but I can't figure it out.

**12. 说来也怪,明明是件很熟悉的事,却让我感到很陌生。**

It's strange, it's something I'm familiar with, but it feels unfamiliar.

**13. 说来也怪,明明是件很开心的事,却让我感到很空虚。**

It's strange, it's a happy thing, but it makes me feel empty.

**14. 说来也怪,明明是件很悲伤的事,却让我感到很释然。**

It's strange, it's a sad thing, but it makes me feel relieved.

**15. 说来也怪,明明是件很危险的事,却让我感到很兴奋。**

It's strange, it's a dangerous thing, but it makes me feel excited.

**16. 说来也怪,明明是件很平常的事,却让我感到很感动。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it moves me.

**17. 说来也怪,明明是件很无聊的事,却让我感到很充实。**

It's strange, it's a boring thing, but it makes me feel full.

**18. 说来也怪,明明是件很困难的事,却让我感到很轻松。**

It's strange, it's a difficult thing, but it makes me feel relaxed.

**19. 说来也怪,明明是件很失败的事,却让我感到很满足。**

It's strange, it's a failure, but it makes me feel satisfied.

**20. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很快乐。**

It's strange, it's a painful thing, but it makes me feel happy.

**21. 说来也怪,明明是件很美好的事,却让我感到很不安。**

It's strange, it's such a beautiful thing, but it makes me feel uneasy.

**22. 说来也怪,明明是件很可怕的事,却让我感到很安全。**

It's strange, it's a terrifying thing, but it makes me feel safe.

**23. 说来也怪,明明是件很孤独的事,却让我感到很温暖。**

It's strange, it's a lonely thing, but it makes me feel warm.

**24. 说来也怪,明明是件很陌生的事,却让我感到很熟悉。**

It's strange, it's something I'm unfamiliar with, but it feels familiar.

**25. 说来也怪,明明是件很普通的事,却让我感到很特别。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it makes me feel special.

**26. 说来也怪,明明是件很简单的道理,却让我感到很深奥。**

It's strange, it's a simple truth, but it feels profound to me.

**27. 说来也怪,明明是件很小的细节,却让我感到很感动。**

It's strange, it's just a small detail, but it moves me.

**28. 说来也怪,明明是件很无助的事,却让我感到很强大。**

It's strange, it's a helpless thing, but it makes me feel strong.

**29. 说来也怪,明明是件很糟糕的事,却让我感到很幸运。**

It's strange, it's a terrible thing, but it makes me feel lucky.

**30. 说来也怪,明明是件很悲伤的事,却让我感到很希望。**

It's strange, it's a sad thing, but it makes me feel hopeful.

**31. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很成长。**

It's strange, it's a painful thing, but it makes me feel like I'm growing.

**32. 说来也怪,明明是件很平凡的事,却让我感到很精彩。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it makes me feel amazing.

**33. 说来也怪,明明是件很无聊的事,却让我感到很有趣。**

It's strange, it's a boring thing, but it makes me feel interesting.

**34. 说来也怪,明明是件很困难的事,却让我感到很挑战。**

It's strange, it's a difficult thing, but it makes me feel challenged.

**35. 说来也怪,明明是件很失败的事,却让我感到很经验。**

It's strange, it's a failure, but it makes me feel experienced.

**36. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很坚强。**

It's strange, it's a painful thing, but it makes me feel strong.

**37. 说来也怪,明明是件很美好的事,却让我感到很珍惜。**

It's strange, it's such a beautiful thing, but it makes me feel cherished.

**38. 说来也怪,明明是件很可怕的事,却让我感到很勇敢。**

It's strange, it's a terrifying thing, but it makes me feel brave.

**39. 说来也怪,明明是件很孤独的事,却让我感到很独立。**

It's strange, it's a lonely thing, but it makes me feel independent.

**40. 说来也怪,明明是件很陌生的事,却让我感到很好奇。**

It's strange, it's something I'm unfamiliar with, but it makes me curious.

**41. 说来也怪,明明是件很普通的事,却让我感到很幸福。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it makes me feel happy.

**42. 说来也怪,明明是件很简单的道理,却让我感到很智慧。**

It's strange, it's a simple truth, but it makes me feel wise.

**43. 说来也怪,明明是件很小的细节,却让我感到很完整。**

It's strange, it's just a small detail, but it makes me feel complete.

**44. 说来也怪,明明是件很无助的事,却让我感到很乐观。**

It's strange, it's a helpless thing, but it makes me feel optimistic.

**45. 说来也怪,明明是件很糟糕的事,却让我感到很成长。**

It's strange, it's a terrible thing, but it makes me feel like I'm growing.

**46. 说来也怪,明明是件很悲伤的事,却让我感到很温柔。**

It's strange, it's a sad thing, but it makes me feel gentle.

**47. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很希望。**

It's strange, it's a painful thing, but it makes me feel hopeful.

**48. 说来也怪,明明是件很平凡的事,却让我感到很美丽。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it makes me feel beautiful.

**49. 说来也怪,明明是件很无聊的事,却让我感到很放松。**

It's strange, it's a boring thing, but it makes me feel relaxed.

**50. 说来也怪,明明是件很困难的事,却让我感到很有成就感。**

It's strange, it's a difficult thing, but it makes me feel a sense of accomplishment.

**51. 说来也怪,明明是件很失败的事,却让我感到很自信。**

It's strange, it's a failure, but it makes me feel confident.

**52. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很珍惜。**

It's strange, it's a painful thing, but it makes me feel cherished.

**53. 说来也怪,明明是件很美好的事,却让我感到很担忧。**

It's strange, it's such a beautiful thing, but it makes me feel worried.

**54. 说来也怪,明明是件很可怕的事,却让我感到很镇定。**

It's strange, it's a terrifying thing, but it makes me feel calm.

**55. 说来也怪,明明是件很孤独的事,却让我感到很自由。**

It's strange, it's a lonely thing, but it makes me feel free.

**56. 说来也怪,明明是件很陌生的事,却让我感到很亲切。**

It's strange, it's something I'm unfamiliar with, but it feels familiar.

**57. 说来也怪,明明是件很普通的事,却让我感到很美好。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it makes me feel beautiful.

**58. 说来也怪,明明是件很简单的道理,却让我感到很复杂。**

It's strange, it's a simple truth, but it feels complex to me.

**59. 说来也怪,明明是件很小的细节,却让我感到很深刻。**

It's strange, it's just a small detail, but it makes me feel deeply.

**60. 说来也怪,明明是件很无助的事,却让我感到很坚强。**

It's strange, it's a helpless thing, but it makes me feel strong.

**61. 说来也怪,明明是件很糟糕的事,却让我感到很感激。**

It's strange, it's a terrible thing, but it makes me feel grateful.

**62. 说来也怪,明明是件很悲伤的事,却让我感到很勇敢。**

It's strange, it's a sad thing, but it makes me feel brave.

**63. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很充实。**

It's strange, it's a painful thing, but it makes me feel full.

**64. 说来也怪,明明是件很平凡的事,却让我感到很特别。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it makes me feel special.

**65. 说来也怪,明明是件很无聊的事,却让我感到很平静。**

It's strange, it's a boring thing, but it makes me feel calm.

**66. 说来也怪,明明是件很困难的事,却让我感到很有趣。**

It's strange, it's a difficult thing, but it makes me feel interesting.

**67. 说来也怪,明明是件很失败的事,却让我感到很有价值。**

It's strange, it's a failure, but it makes me feel valuable.

**68. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很成长。**

It's strange, it's a painful thing, but it makes me feel like I'm growing.

**69. 说来也怪,明明是件很美好的事,却让我感到很不安。**

It's strange, it's such a beautiful thing, but it makes me feel uneasy.

**70. 说来也怪,明明是件很可怕的事,却让我感到很安全。**

It's strange, it's a terrifying thing, but it makes me feel safe.

**71. 说来也怪,明明是件很孤独的事,却让我感到很温暖。**

It's strange, it's a lonely thing, but it makes me feel warm.

**72. 说来也怪,明明是件很陌生的事,却让我感到很熟悉。**

It's strange, it's something I'm unfamiliar with, but it feels familiar.

**73. 说来也怪,明明是件很普通的事,却让我感到很特别。**

It's strange, it's just an ordinary thing, but it makes me feel special.

**74. 说来也怪,明明是件很简单的道理,却让我感到很深奥。**

It's strange, it's a simple truth, but it feels profound to me.

**75. 说来也怪,明明是件很小的细节,却让我感到很感动。**

It's strange, it's just a small detail, but it moves me.

**76. 说来也怪,明明是件很无助的事,却让我感到很强大。**

It's strange, it's a helpless thing, but it makes me feel strong.

**77. 说来也怪,明明是件很糟糕的事,却让我感到很幸运。**

It's strange, it's a terrible thing, but it makes me feel lucky.

**78. 说来也怪,明明是件很悲伤的事,却让我感到很希望。**

It's strange, it's a sad thing, but it makes me feel hopeful.

**79. 说来也怪,明明是件很痛苦的事,却让我感到很成长。**

It's strange, it's a painful thing, but it makes me feel like I'm growing.

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