
## 说下就下的句子 (92句)

**1. 今天就收拾房间,不要再拖延了。**

Let's tidy up the room today, no more procrastination.

**2. 现在就去跑步,锻炼身体。**

Go for a run now, get some exercise.

**3. 马上开始写作业,别等到最后一刻才慌。**

Start your homework right now, don't wait until the last minute.

**4. 立刻给朋友打电话,约他们出来玩。**

Call your friends right now and make plans to hang out.

**5. 现在就去学习新的技能,提升自己。**

Start learning a new skill now and improve yourself.

**6. 就现在开始读书,充实自己。**

Start reading now and enrich yourself.

**7. 立即行动,不要犹豫不决。**

Act now, don't hesitate.

**8. 马上开始做饭,让家人享用美味。**

Start cooking right now and treat your family to a delicious meal.

**9. 现在就去散步,呼吸新鲜空气。**

Go for a walk now and breathe in the fresh air.

**10. 就现在开始整理衣柜,扔掉不必要的物品。**

Start cleaning out your closet now and get rid of unnecessary items.

**11. 立刻写下你的想法,不要让它们消失。**

Write down your thoughts right now, don't let them disappear.

**12. 马上开始学习一门新的语言,打开新世界的大门。**

Start learning a new language right now and open up a new world.

**13. 现在就尝试新事物,挑战自我。**

Try something new now and challenge yourself.

**14. 就现在开始练习乐器,培养你的兴趣爱好。**

Start practicing your instrument now and cultivate your hobbies.

**15. 立刻开始旅行,感受不同的文化和风景。**

Start traveling now and experience different cultures and landscapes.

**16. 现在就表达你的爱意,不要等到失去才后悔。**

Express your love now, don't wait until it's too late.

**17. 就现在开始改变自己,成为更好的自己。**

Start changing yourself now and become a better version of yourself.

**18. 马上开始追求你的梦想,不要让时间白白流逝。**

Start pursuing your dreams now, don't let time slip away.

**19. 现在就和朋友家人相聚,珍惜彼此的时光。**

Gather with friends and family now and cherish each other's time.

**20. 就现在开始帮助他人,让世界变得更美好。**

Start helping others now and make the world a better place.

**21. 立刻开始为你的目标努力,不要放弃希望。**

Start working towards your goals now, don't give up hope.

**22. 现在就学会宽容,包容他人。**

Learn to be tolerant and inclusive now.

**23. 就现在开始感恩,珍惜你所拥有的一切。**

Start being grateful now and cherish what you have.

**24. 马上开始关注你的健康,保持积极的生活方式。**

Start taking care of your health now and maintain a positive lifestyle.

**25. 现在就学习理财,规划你的未来。**

Learn how to manage your finances now and plan for your future.

**26. 就现在开始培养良好的习惯,提升你的生活质量。**

Start cultivating good habits now and improve your quality of life.

**27. 马上开始享受生活,感受快乐和幸福。**

Start enjoying life now and experience joy and happiness.

**28. 现在就克服你的恐惧,勇敢面对挑战。**

Conquer your fears now and bravely face challenges.

**29. 就现在开始学习新的技能,提升你的竞争力。**

Start learning new skills now and enhance your competitiveness.

**30. 马上开始寻找新的机会,抓住成功的机遇。**

Start looking for new opportunities now and seize the chance to succeed.

**31. 现在就制定计划,朝着目标努力。**

Make a plan now and work towards your goals.

**32. 就现在开始记录你的生活,留下美好的回忆。**

Start recording your life now and create beautiful memories.

**33. 马上开始关心他人,建立良好的人际关系。**

Start caring about others now and build strong relationships.

**34. 现在就培养乐观的心态,积极面对生活。**

Cultivate an optimistic attitude now and approach life positively.

**35. 就现在开始追求你的激情,找到人生的意义。**

Start pursuing your passion now and find the meaning of life.

**36. 马上开始尝试新的美食,开拓你的味蕾。**

Try new food now and expand your palate.

**37. 现在就感受音乐的力量,放松身心。**

Experience the power of music now and relax your mind and body.

**38. 就现在开始欣赏艺术,提升你的审美水平。**

Start appreciating art now and improve your aesthetic taste.

**39. 马上开始享受大自然,感受生命的活力。**

Enjoy nature now and feel the vitality of life.

**40. 现在就帮助他人解决问题,分享你的智慧。**

Help others solve their problems now and share your wisdom.

**41. 就现在开始学习新的知识,拓展你的视野。**

Start learning new knowledge now and broaden your horizons.

**42. 马上开始寻找志同道合的朋友,分享你的快乐。**

Start finding like-minded friends now and share your joy.

**43. 现在就表达你的感谢,让别人感受到你的真心。**

Express your gratitude now and let others feel your sincerity.

**44. 就现在开始为你的未来努力,创造更好的明天。**

Start working for your future now and create a better tomorrow.

**45. 马上开始珍惜当下,活在当下。**

Cherish the present moment now and live in the now.

**46. 现在就尝试新的运动,保持健康的身体。**

Try new sports now and maintain a healthy body.

**47. 就现在开始培养良好的睡眠习惯,获得充足的休息。**

Start cultivating good sleeping habits now and get enough rest.

**48. 马上开始学习新的技能,增加你的价值。**

Start learning new skills now and increase your value.

**49. 现在就寻找新的挑战,突破自己的极限。**

Find new challenges now and push your limits.

**50. 就现在开始培养积极的思维,吸引幸福和成功。**

Start cultivating a positive mindset now and attract happiness and success.

**51. 马上开始改变你的生活,追求你的梦想。**

Start changing your life now and pursue your dreams.

**52. 现在就放下你的焦虑,享受宁静的时光。**

Let go of your anxieties now and enjoy peaceful moments.

**53. 就现在开始学习新的知识,提升你的智慧。**

Start learning new knowledge now and enhance your wisdom.

**54. 马上开始培养你的创造力,激发你的灵感。**

Start cultivating your creativity now and spark your inspiration.

**55. 现在就寻找新的爱好,丰富你的生活。**

Find new hobbies now and enrich your life.

**56. 就现在开始练习冥想,平静你的内心。**

Start practicing meditation now and calm your mind.

**57. 马上开始提升你的沟通技巧,建立良好的人际关系。**

Start improving your communication skills now and build strong relationships.

**58. 现在就关注你的情绪,保持积极的心态。**

Pay attention to your emotions now and maintain a positive attitude.

**59. 就现在开始学习新的语言,打开世界的大门。**

Start learning a new language now and open up the world.

**60. 马上开始学习新的技能,为你的未来做好准备。**

Start learning new skills now and prepare for your future.

**61. 现在就尝试新的烹饪方法,体验美食的乐趣。**

Try new cooking methods now and experience the joy of food.

**62. 就现在开始培养你的自信,相信自己的能力。**

Start cultivating your confidence now and believe in your abilities.

**63. 马上开始阅读经典书籍,学习人生的智慧。**

Start reading classic books now and learn the wisdom of life.

**64. 现在就尝试新的运动,挑战自己的极限。**

Try new sports now and challenge your limits.

**65. 就现在开始学习新的知识,拓展你的思维。**

Start learning new knowledge now and expand your thinking.

**66. 马上开始练习写作,表达你的想法。**

Start practicing writing now and express your thoughts.

**67. 现在就尝试新的音乐风格,感受不同的节奏。**

Try new music genres now and feel different rhythms.

**68. 就现在开始学习新的技能,提升你的专业水平。**

Start learning new skills now and enhance your professional skills.

**69. 马上开始学习新的知识,不断充实自己。**

Start learning new knowledge now and constantly enrich yourself.

**70. 现在就尝试新的事物,不断挑战自我。**

Try new things now and constantly challenge yourself.

**71. 就现在开始培养良好的生活习惯,拥有健康的身体。**

Start cultivating good lifestyle habits now and have a healthy body.

**72. 马上开始学习新的知识,不断提升你的能力。**

Start learning new knowledge now and constantly improve your abilities.

**73. 现在就尝试新的方法,找到解决问题的方法。**

Try new methods now and find solutions to problems.

**74. 就现在开始享受生活,感受幸福和快乐。**

Start enjoying life now and experience happiness and joy.

**75. 马上开始追求你的梦想,创造精彩的人生。**

Start pursuing your dreams now and create a wonderful life.

**76. 现在就尝试新的技能,开拓你的视野。**

Try new skills now and broaden your horizons.

**77. 就现在开始培养良好的心态,迎接挑战。**

Start cultivating a good mindset now and meet challenges.

**78. 马上开始学习新的知识,提升你的竞争力。**

Start learning new knowledge now and enhance your competitiveness.

**79. 现在就尝试新的运动,保持健康的身体。**

Try new sports now and maintain a healthy body.

**80. 就现在开始学习新的技能,增加你的价值。**

Start learning new skills now and increase your value.

**81. 马上开始培养你的创造力,激发你的灵感。**

Start cultivating your creativity now and spark your inspiration.

**82. 现在就尝试新的美食,体验不同的味道。**

Try new food now and experience different flavors.

**83. 就现在开始学习新的知识,拓展你的思维。**

Start learning new knowledge now and expand your thinking.

**84. 马上开始练习写作,表达你的想法。**

Start practicing writing now and express your thoughts.

**85. 现在就尝试新的音乐风格,感受不同的节奏。**

Try new music genres now and feel different rhythms.

**86. 就现在开始学习新的技能,提升你的专业水平。**

Start learning new skills now and enhance your professional skills.

**87. 马上开始学习新的知识,不断充实自己。**

Start learning new knowledge now and constantly enrich yourself.

**88. 现在就尝试新的事物,不断挑战自我。**

Try new things now and constantly challenge yourself.

**89. 就现在开始培养良好的生活习惯,拥有健康的身体。**

Start cultivating good lifestyle habits now and have a healthy body.

**90. 马上开始学习新的知识,不断提升你的能力。**

Start learning new knowledge now and constantly improve your abilities.

**91. 现在就尝试新的方法,找到解决问题的方法。**

Try new methods now and find solutions to problems.

**92. 就现在开始享受生活,感受幸福和快乐。**

Start enjoying life now and experience happiness and joy.

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